Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
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Elaine, because she's basically blackmailing the soup nazi
Elaine get recipe
The Jew show writers for having the gall to give a Palestinian restaurant owner the name Nazi.
George for being balled
Everybody involved, as is typically the case for Seinfeld. Elaine is guilty of deviously overreacting and the soup Nazi is guilty for being a soup Nazi.
The only innocent one in this episode was Numan. He just liked the soup. JAMBALAYA!!!
Elaine for being the worst character and JLD for no being able to act.
>JLD for no being able to act.
She's tied with Cloris Leachman for mosg acting Emmys of all time and will no doubt beat that record for the last season of VEEP.
What do you see that everyone in the industry is blind to?
FACT: elaine is fucking fine.
FACT: the soup nazi's an incel
every retard who quotes "NO SOUP FOR YOU" whenever i mention that i like seinfeld
>elaine is fucking fine.
It truly is the most normie-bait episode for some reason.
>What do you see that everyone in the industry is blind to?
Certainly not Veep lol. Maybe she took some acting classes after Seinfeld cause I haven't seen her in anything else seen, but her acting in the show is just appalling and cringeworthy.
Elaine for not being my gf
>elaine is fucking fine
Bloody oath
most of my depression stems from the fact that i'll never get a Gillian Anderson or Julia Louis-Dreyfus 90s gf
VEEP's fucking kino and closer to real American politics than any dramatized Sorkin or house of cards drivel
American politics is literally veep except no one is actually that witty or funny, but they are that stupid vain and incompetent
Jerry for being an unfunny hack "comedian"
Elaine for being a gurl power boring cunt
Kramer for being le epic SPORK so random xD
George is alright
>man who owns his own business and sells a product is in the wrong for deciding how to sell his own product
You're on his property. You abide by his rules
>You can't be a jerk if it's on your property
Lolbertarians are literal subhumans.
> Judaic ””””””””””””””””””comedy””””””””””””””””””
Of course he can be a jerk. Are you gonna pass a law saying you can do whatever the fuck you want on someome else's property?
He's a busy man with a huge demand for his product. He doesnt have to put up with some ass hole kvetching about getting extra bread
elaine for being a woman
of course you'd think this
you are george
Those are gross feet and I'm not even a footfag
Literally nobody at any point brought in the law. Are you such a child that you only understand right and wrong in terms of "legal or illegal"?
Elaine got his cabinet or whatever for free since Kramer was bros with SN. Bitch finds his recipes that he mistakenly left in there and blackmails him. Ruins that godly soup for everyone else. SN literally did nothing wrong.
She couldn't stand the fact that she couldn't just be a dumb bitch and do whatever she wanted when in the Soup Nazi's establishment and so she ruined his business for it
god what a trash anime
Thanks I read it in his voice.
Say it's "wrong" if you want, but to even bring in a political ideology suggests you want a civic recourse. Whether you like it or not, he CAN be an ass hole regarding guests whom he graciously invites into his property
And as a man who runs a successful bussiness, he doesnt need some obnoxious loser holding up his line
He also kicked a guy out for being latino and saying one word of Spanish, that'd get a lawsuits immediately.
Is he Palestinian?
>Whether you like it or not, he CAN be an ass hole regarding guests
Lol not a single person itt is debating that except you.
Nobody else here is so autistic that they didnt intuit that OP was asking "who was displaying poor social behavior in this situation?" You are the only person who decided to unnecessarily bring in the faxt that he's *allowed* to be an asshole if he wants. Everyone else understands that's a given and not relevant to the discussion.
I suppose I wasnt clear. He is the authority of his property. If he perceives that you are a disruption, it is okay and justified for him to ask you to leave. Especially when taken into account that he has a busy bussiness and cant take time to tolerate disruptions.
Well then that's a better point.
All anime is trash
Sure but customers are also free to harm your business through criticism and bad word of mouth if they feel they were treated poorly. The whole incident is just an exaggerated take on that proprietor-customer dynamic.
In reality just having his recipes wouldn't put the soup nazi out of business. What was Elaine going to do, open her own soup joint right next door?
>take the pen
Sell them to a Jew Nazi.
The seething liberal.
she was. He was a Nazi and she dodged the oven
The Soup Nazi literally unironically did nothing wrong.
I love soup and I hate clueless idiots at takeaway restaurants so I would go to his establishment all the time.
Why is this pinned?
the soup nazi was careless
he left the recipes in an old armoire in his basement
why didnt he put them in a small safe somewhere?
Yeah of course, but the soup nazi, despite his reputation, still has a huge customer base which means his product is really good. Elaine had to steal his recipies because he was in a position to over come shit talking and gossip.
why are WOMEN so EVIL bros
It's not even a top 10 episode
Soup Nazi- pride, arrogance, and lack of patience are a dangerous combo
It was genuinely Elaine's most spiteful and selfish moment, worse than throwing George's wig out the window.
She's an evil kike bitch who ruined a mans livelihood because his methods didn't cater to her ego. Gas and burn the wretched whore!!!FACT!!!
fuck that was such a good episode
Why did you take his pen?