How the fuck do his powers work exactly...

How the fuck do his powers work exactly? He can blast a hole through steel walls but when he actually hits a person it just sort of momentarily stuns them.

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thats what the glasses are for. he can modulate its intensity

His eyes are a portal to a dimension made entirely of that red energy. As it's concussive force rather than heat or lasers, it's affectionately referred to by fans as "the punch dimension", and he emits raw punch force.

Depending on the medium, either the visor determines the intensity or if he is more skilled then he can alter the intensity by making micro-movements with his eye muscles like changing the iris on a camera.

wow how convenient

what about his brother? same punch power but with his hands?

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No, it's not "convenient" that's their literal purpose.
It's so he doesn't kill everyone and everything around him when he uses his powers.

Lmao, you fucking moron.

His eye is basically an STD he got from "The Rogue One" named Ionna Safari. She steals the powers from different men she lays with on a journey across lands and his was passed to him from the ones known as Basketball American Rage Doctors.

Why can't we get this Cyclops in the movies wtf.

The moviemakers don't understand his powers at all anymore. The impact of Scott's beams are supposed to be concussive, not incendiary. They mostly seemed to understand this in the first film, he knocked people back and knocked down walls, but now he's melting trees and his blasts leave traces that look like magma. I'm so glad this franchise is done.



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I like how he was strong enough to blast a space shuttle in the movie but later when he zaps that bald chick she sorta just says ouch or something

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Is a PG-13 ray. Can cause explosions and shit but can't injury/undress people.

No, his brother absorbs background radiation and uses it ti superheat the air so it shoots as plasma.

Punches from the punch dimension

No, Havok absorbs cosmic radiation and shoots plasma, and Vulcan has general bullshit powers.

The movie was bad but watching cyclops fight magneto one on one was rad as fuck

Cyclops only goes Full Punisher after he fucks everything up too many times for people to let it go anymore. Movies don't have enough room for him being a douchenozzle to properly justify it.

That's why Phoenix works, because she's evil and homicidal just cuz

It'll never happen, we'll never get rightclops

This. He's the perfect successor of Captain America

All magneto could do was defend himself and throw car doors at him because realistically cyclops is like the deadliest one.

Most mutants have implied secondary powers like enhanced resistance and accelerated healing.

Couldn't enough kinetic energy generate heat though?

>implied secondary powers
Thought it was just that comics have implied bad writing.


Holy shit, Scott

The bad writing implies resistance to damage.

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maybe you're both right

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Cyclops was always my fave X-Man.

But that's because I loved this guy first...

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Punch beams from the punch dimension.

You don't want Ultimate anything in the movies. The movies already did Ultimate Marvel better than the comics.

there is something with cyclops body too that the bro's powers don't work on each other. Cyclops can absorb some energy too

can't magneto just take his visor?

It's probably plastic

so far in all the movies no in the first movie he has toad steal Scott's visor at the train station

It would be extremely painful

he moved it when there were at the statue of liberty too

Why did they never get him a visor with like a Wii remote or something. So he didn't have to raise his hand to press a button on his face every time he wanted to punch ray someone.

he does, it's in his gloves in the comics but its just visually having his hand go up to his eyes looks cool

In the comics he regularly one mans entire teams of sentinels. He is the leader for a reason not because he follows whatever Xaiver says. The movies could have used a cardboard cutout of the animated Cyclops for all the character development and personality they wrote for him.

There's a button in his glove kinda like spidermans but thats only mentioned in the comics

ok that got me

I went to Spain on holiday afew years ago and for a change decided to stay in a holiday home instead of a hotel. It was pretty good. Pool, Jacuzzi, nice garden.

Anyway they had a Blu-ray player and it must have been pretty new since the only 2 films they had on Blu-ray where Krull and Master and Commander.

There is no way the guy renting that place doesn't browse Yea Forums.

This has been my blog post, I hope you enjoyed it.

Why doesn't Scott always kill the antagonists in the movies?

Did you think they were just a fashion statement you fucking retard?

>remove the one thing that's holding Cyclops back from just fucking killing him on the spot
Solid plan.

This isn't true, it was written in a dumb companion book by jobber writers who were mostly winging it, and it sounds funny so it became a meme.

The real, and more boring, source of Cyclops's powers is the sun. He is a solar battery, similar to superman, and he can release this energy from his eyes as concussive force. It doesnt burn.

>absorbs power from sun
>doesn't burn things

Trees absorb power from the sun and they don't burn things.

You forgot to mention the best part: Flyclops.

He owns a jetpack

Because you don't have decades of character development to build a movie on. And no, Xmen movies don't count because Scott doesn't really change except for the actor. First he's the uncool boyfriend character who dies in the second movie. Then he's a kid for the rest of the movies. And even if they make a new movie with adult Cyclops who's like this, it won't mean anything since audiences have no other real reference for him. Part of the reason why it works is seeing him go from the go-getter hero leader guy to the cynical "Magneto was right" guy.