Doctor Sleep

First trailer for The Shining sequel directed by Mike Flanagan and starring Ewan McGregor.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Mike Flanagan
They should have got Kubrick back not this hack


Yes, i didn't like it as much as the rest of Kubrick's work. Nicholson's performance is not very good in my opinion.

hes ded




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>Mike Flanagan
>Gerald's Game
Huh, maybe it won't suck.

Occulus was good, the rest was crap

It's too bad the trailer got so much backlash because it would've been hilarious to see Sonic beat the shit out of this movie

Don't forget
>The Haunting of Hill House

>>Gerald's Game
nigga plz

that shit was dope

>ruin my marriage and my relationship with my children
>all for some homewrecking puta
how dumb is he lads? now he's forced to act in any sequel he can and beg for a Obi-Wan movie

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it was shit, the book was actually really good

that's sarcasm, right because those were fucking shit

wish they would have gotten danny lloyd back


cringed so hard that the redrum part i closed the tab

I hope this isn't a real sequel.


Why did King hate the original film anyway?

he's the best horror director working right now.
And it's not Ouija but its way superior sequel.
you may not like him but in a few years he'll be seen as the new Carpenter and you'll feel like an idiot.

Looks terrible

no original imagery at all

Looks like shit

Because Kubrick changed stuff without telling him. Minor stuff, mind you.

Because it was better than his book. The only thing the book did better was when Jack was hammering his face in while chasing Danny towards the end. After each hammer swing, it was a different face.

>best horror director
That's not Robert Eggers.

I agree with you, user, but Kube is still overrated.

>he'll be seen as the new Carpenter and you'll feel like an idiot.

is the era of afrocunny finally upon us?

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I thought abra stone was white? How is her mother going to be Danny's half sister?


Stephen King fucking sucks. Kubrick knew how to do it right and filter out the retarded King stuff. Flanagan is a King fanboy and will do a literal adaptation and it will be retarded. Gerald's Game was a great movie until the end, Flanagan should have realized this and rewrite the ending but he's too big of a King fanboy.

the fuck he is

>Minor stuff
Like the entire ending

looks souless af, whos this qt tho

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It was for the better.

looks pretty shit and the intro with redrum was cringe

>black kid

This tbqh phamalam

>black female kid who can’t act

I remember the vastly superior 90's miniseries version. The Kubrick movie is shit.

Racemixing is still so rare that it makes zero sense for it to be forced into most films now. Jesus Christ I wish Hollywood would just drop off the edge of California.

Because it was garbage. His 90's version was much better.

because he ruined his art

checked, tho I wish all of California went under the ocean, not just hollywood


hips game strong

Emily Alyn Lind

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the fucks that edit

fap fap fap


jesus can you get any more cheesy than that? it's literally IN A WORLD level of retarded

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hahahahaha gonna skip this one lads

has he ever done any character work? like playing something other than himself? can he even do impressions?

Oh, because impressions are some sort of high art?


Looks like dog shit

>Mike Flanagan
No thanks.

>The Shining sequel
Literally who asked for this?

Nobody and yet here we are.

King was butthurt because in the book Jack was his self insert so Kubrick ending it without Jack redeeming himself was like a slap in the face to King for being a drug addicted loser who thinks because he got over it he should get praise despite the fact that getting addicted to drugs in the first place is fucking pathetic and should be grounds for execution.

no retard but impressions are the first step towards actual character acting. if you knew the first thing about acting method you would understand this


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>using footage and music from Kubrick's film
I didn't expect this. I figured this film would be more stand alone and disassociated from Kubrick's to appease King.

Was Doctor Sleep a good book?


Stephen King can't write for shit, we all know the shining was good because of Kubrick and his insane attention to detail and NASA conspiracies

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>Ewan McGregor
>black girl
>generic horror garbage interlaced with nostalgia shots from the original
it's going to suck isn't it?

no it was terrible like everything King has written in the last 20 years

Even the trailer sucks

Name a better opening in the history of film. You literally can't

further proof that film as a medium has been on a slow and painful downward spiral for over 40 years. Guarantee not a single shot in this soulless garbage would be fit to be part of Kubrick's masterpiece

Wait a minute, does he marry with a black woman and has a black daughter?

So are we going to get a flurry of threads with zoomers watching the shining and spewing their garbage opinions everywhere before this comes out like we did with blade runner?

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>Mike Flanagan

Also, is the book good? I've only read The Shining.

No it's hot garbage and read like an edgy teen vampire novel

Of course it is

>hey guys remember the door scene and danny writing redrum on the wall and the theme music at the start
>how about we repackage that all into another soft reboot soulless 21st century cash grab that's inferior to the original film in every way?

I know it’s a meme but Flanagan is soulless. He’s a dependable safe director

it's a fun read, ignore this faggot and just pay attention to Goodreads reviews

That makes sense. King is one of those self-loathing rednecks too. And i don't use that term generally.

>hole in door
>blood scene
>flashy jumpcuts
>single piano note
>post coke-King lol
>post alchohol-King LOL
I've read it and it wasn't that bad but it should keep being a book. The Shining is actually my favorite movie too, this is something that actually triggers me.

me on the left

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I remember there was a part about 9/11 being a source of great psychic energy
take that as you will

ewan is absolutely wonderful, but god damn he's in a lot of shitty movies


He is a television tier director. Your take is embarrassing.

>literally following anything this hack has ever done

He definelty hated Kubrick. The shining is probably his most normie film and the biggest waste of Kubricks time trying to make something King shat out. King probably hated the fact Kubrick was based and redpilled for a kike

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>le based Reddit horror writer

This retard is always promoted on r/books by leftists. Really makes you think that he promotes his politics in his books. Notice the sjw casting in the trailer with the black kid and father. Really makes you think.

King also met Obama, so probably a pedo

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>the new carpenter
hahahaha how do people like you exist. He makes forgettable run of the mill horror movies no one will ever watch more than once. Why are you comparing him to Carpenter who at the very least had his own distinctive trademark style? That other faggot is generic as hell

shouldve gotten Rob ager to do some rewrites hopefully shelley duvall is involved somehow

Based agerkino

The Dark Knight Rises

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>no kubrick to salvage stephen king's godawful fucking story
yikes brah

Top bait, very nice
Now go to bed, Stephen

>black girl
almost all of Stephen King's books had a "racism is bad" plotline

>Gerald's Game
Not a single good film.

go to bed rob ager

>"I always called it The Shinning™"

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this what the fuck, scatman just called it "shining"

Fuck Rebecca Ferguson is Cate Blanchett-tier, what a noble beauty.

> preview starts
> silence
> single note plays on a piano

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It was the shine

Its gonna suck dog balls

Doctor Sleep was legitimately one of the worst things stephen king has ever written.

The villains are flaccid and forgettable, the main character is boring, and there's a literal mary sue and deus ex machina at the end.

I love King, but most of his work after he quit cocaine is pretty awful.

Some of the best king adaptations come from the worst books though, and vice versa. So that doesn't mean you couldn't have a good Doktor Sleep movie.
It just means that this one won't be.

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The blue/green Instagram filter on this movie is garbage

Flanagan used to do kino but now he makes unbased soulless garbage

OK this one was actually creepy

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Well then, if the director is smart he'll pull another Kubrick on King's material. Use just the good stuff and gouge out the rest of the shit. Then we get to read another few decades of King absolutely losing his shit anytime it's bought up.

It's also cribbed from Kubrick's version.

this is the only thing I remember

Ouiji 2 was meh but leagues better than the first. Oculus is underrated as shit. Gerald's game was fun. Haunting of Hill House was great, but Absentia is fucking perfect. Dude's track record is solid as fuck, plus with the film getting King to approve on being a direct sequel to Kubrick's alongside the novel, guarantee itll be better than the mediocre novel.

Can't wait for the scene where danny has a flashback of jack VIGOUROUSLY MOLESTING him

Thats not Aaron Moorhead/Justin Benson or Ari Aster. He's good tho dont get me wrong.

He still vastly improved the ending of Gerald's Game from the book. If he had to keep the shitty twist I'm glad he cut it down to the last 5 minutes

Will the haunted firehose make an appearance?

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Stephen King. Thats it. Itll still be gud tho

pls no

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>could've done a proper The Stand adaptation instead we get this

>why did king hate the film
Because jack is a self insert about king and his come problem and in the book jack overcomes the hotel and saves his family. The film is better though.

having seen the dark tower, no I don't think that's something they could have done.





Kubrick > King

literally every good King book was shit in movie form

Every shit King book has been kino

How does it end in the book?

Penis film. Suck my penis movie

Almost exactly the same except the reveal is dragged out in excruciating detail, and the movie makes the cheap shock actually resonate with Jessie's character arc as she confronts him in the courtroom. In the book it's literally a man door hand hook car door cheap scare that retroactively ruined the meaning behind everything

For some reason despite knowing how Rebeca normally looks I was expecting The Hat to look sexier

will the movie feature her lesbian scene?

imagine being so easily manipulated

I thought it will be the sequel to the book version of The Shining because Stephen King has a sore ass about the movie but that music at the end?

>using scenes from a classic to prop up your shitty movie
Is there a more clear sign of desperation?

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>making it an actual sequel to kubrick's film
flop incoming

I was rereading some parts of the book today and remembered how much I liked Crow. So I looked up the actor and and somehow I knew... even though I don't remember this actor's name or what I've seen him in before... I knew it would be him.

I wonder if they'll keep in the fact that he's 'Daddy' in the group and he makes comments to Abra when he's got her drugged and kidnapped that he could be nice to her, he could be a real nice Daddy to good little girls who mind their Ps and Qs and don't try to escape.

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didnt mean to (You) but oh well

you do realize this doesn't work when soi bauman loves flanagan?

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I think it's because they're kind of nutritionally deprived at this point in the story. They look shittier when they're not well fed. Or maybe I'm just being hopeful that that's the reason. Could be that they're playing into the whole bit about them living like gypsies in their shitty RVs, so Rose wouldn't exactly be glamming it up.

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The beginning with young Danny and then alcoholic Danny with the ghosts and the heroin lady was creepy and intense. Then it turned into endless AA meetings and mediocrity.

They brought up a bunch of--at the time--recent tragedies too. I hope they cut that out, it was dumb as hell.


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what a boring book, literally describe snow for 3/4's of the book and then a underwhelming climax with forgettable antsgonists.



From an interview

>“I actually have quite a bit of admiration for the mini-series,” Flanagan says, referring to the 1997 mini-series directed by Mick Garris, and adapted by King himself. “Because of not only where they chose to shoot it – at the Stanley, which is really meaningful just as far as the genesis of the novel – but for how they treated Jack.”

>“So what you’ll see eventually, and I can’t talk too much per spoilers again, but what you’ll see is an honest attempt here to try to pull all that together,” Flanagan continued. “There are lots of easter eggs within the film, specific not only to Kubrick but to King as well, outside of the Shining and Doctor Sleep novels. So I’m hoping this will be exciting for people as nerdy as me, and we did go out of our way to try to make sure it would be.”

What about the topiary animals?

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as much as I like Ewan McGregor, it seems like this movie is seriously nostalgia baiting. Like imagine this trailer, but with all the clips of young Danny at the Overlook hotel removed. Would you still be excited?

We've got Danny at a park talking to a black girl, and we've got scenes in the woods that look like they're from the Twilight movies. And what's the deal with the music? It's like music from the Star Wars trailer, but a cheap knockoff. I really don't have high hopes for this.

>"I always called it the shining"

it's a quote from the book

He has no aesthetics.


Here's a quote from the book

he already fucked up hill house. not gonna watch him fuck up the shining

Goodness, you sound upset.


They couldn't, since Dick Halloran is an important character

He was in Fargo

Shit book. Pass.

>Sunrise found Jack squatting before the grass animals, groaning. Every topiary was greener than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the sun came up they were shitting green water.

Goddammit Yea Forums what have you done to me when the first thing I thought when I saw her in the trailer was this?

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oh yeah

It sounds like they're bringing in elements and homages from various Shining adaptations. I have a feeling that if they keep the opening to the book--where Danny is young and Dick teaches him how to trap the Overlook ghosts inside him--that Dick will be a ghost himself.

Kubrick / King revisited

>Yea Forums shits itself

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Those were all complete shit. I can't remember ever being madder at the ending of a movie than Gerald's Game (yes, I know it was in the book - Kubrick already showed us that if you want to make King's work passable you need to change shit around). Imagine getting lowly upstart of a horror director to make a sequel to, and remake parts of, a film by maybe the greatest director in the history of American cinema.

Fuck Warner Bros and fuck this film.

What does if feel like to be this close to a woman?

Sadly yes. The Shining is one of only a handful of horror films (along with the likes of John Carpenter's The Thing) that can be considered actually a good film. Not just "good, for a horror film".