Can't wait to be terrified.

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Looks like Joakino is back on the menu, boys!

gonna piss my pants so hard

how can one man be so based and such an incelkino factory

Hell yes buddy. I might piss and cum at the same time. :)

>Hedge would be proud

Why do zoomers act like Heath Ledgers Joker was good?
It was pathetically memecore and only praised because Ledger was a druggie that OD'd before the film came out

>Her, The Master, You Were Never Really Here, Two Lovers, Joker
Joaquin is doing so much for our downtrodden community.

stupid fuckin nicknames his named was Heath

Certified #Litty

>why do zoomies????
Stopped reading there. Stop envying young people so much. Do something with your life.



Scariest. Joker. Ever.

they trashed his role upon announcement, then they all got tattoos of his joker depiction and wore shirts with him on and shit. It is like any faggot that dies young they all get the same treatment by roasties (it is definitely women and feminine men too). Now they can't stop sucking his ghost cock.

Why are men so much more emotionally reactive in this decade? Why has it become acceptable for men to become so emotionally reactive? Is it hormones in food or is this a generational thing?


The internet was a mistake.

Dawn of Soi

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men are the more emotional gender, it was simply taboo to show it outwards (except for art). now in certain setting like on social media it became more acceptable

>Do something with your life.
Said the idiot getting triggered on an anonymous board.

I'm not the one who wrote "muh zoomers!!!1"
Get a hold of yourself mong.

I don’t believe this is true at all, aside from possibly anger.

Maybe it’s because I’m a literal hillbilly, but if you acted this way visibly about a film where I’m from you might as well just move

>le shitty tom waits impression
zoomers were a mistake

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i hate the way these people talk. its like everything theyve seen is "the fucking best. thing. ever." these manchildren are so over-excitable

>Hedge would be proud

I blame people who grew up with faggot shit like this


No it fucking isn't, not under any goddamn circumstance, not even if you're leaving forever. If anything, you should be at your hardest then, not break down like a fucking woman. This scene disgusted me so much and killed the goodwill I had for the franchise after based stuff like the Rohirrim Charge

Bro why are you so tense? Lemme give you a little kiss on the cheeks bro. Come here.

Passion isn't emotion. Men are more passionate because they have the ability to care about things (women don't care about anything). Women are the emotional gender because they're constantly hysterical and are incapable of reason. They're retarded children, essentially.

Don’t respond to my post with your onions bait, you cockmonging little faggot.

those are hobbits, not men

So you were raised with the same ideals as me but can't hold up to them properly? If you were my son, I'd have killed you

Those are men who went through some of the hardest fucking times imaginable. I saw my uncle break down in random hysterical crying fits after getting home from being a green beret in Vietnam. Crying over losing comrades is not the same as feminization, it’s the one time a man should have some excuse to be overtly emotional, especially after experiencing war. Fuck yourself.

So you would kiss your uncle on the head and he'd be okay with it? Fuck off with your lying

>when you get called nihilistic but you're actually the most realistic person in the room

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Bro, they are fucking Hobbits. On Middle Earth. Kissing the forehead of another was a common Medieval practice of commendation even on this goddamn planet. You are just shoehorning in basic LotR bait or you’re actually retarded, probably both.

Have we already forgotten the press that said the same thing about Leto?

Oh no lads, looks like the rumors are true and he'll say *that*... it is too scary, I'm gonna pee myself

>you are going to cry
>and pee your pants
>It's the scariest fucking thing on the planet
>Hedge would be proud
American """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""men""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Zoomers were too young to remember Heath's performance.

>when they call you scary because you're the only one who can see the nightmare

My dad had me working in the fields when I was 6 and I know for a fact that I'm descended from pure Briton stock. Don't you fucking lecture me about how Medieval men would be """""okay"""" with being faggots. They would have been stoned to death or set on fire.

Let me guess, you're some faggot from Netflix who thinks niggers were commonplace in Europe? Kill yourself

Dios mio

No, but you certainly are the guy that got triggered by it.

God I hope my gf pisses herself

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>My dad exploited me through child labor
Alright, you might just be European after all.

Society rise up

I would fuck your dad up the ass and make you watch faggot.

>faggots support blackwashing

what a surprise

It’s going to be trash tho

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If he was a gardener his name would be Leaf Hedger

I prefer to call it Americanisation

Explain why it's going to be trash.

I have one nagging complaint about one line of dialog.
>i thought my life was a tragedy, then i realized it was a comedy

... should be
>i thought my life was a tragedy, then i realized it was a joke

Why am I not in charge of Hollywood?

but what would my mother's emotional response to this movie be?

Everyone who read the script hoped that Todd Phillips will change some parts, but he didn’t. So prepare yourself to the disappointing pretentious movie where he treat mental health and abuse like shit, lol

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Seriously hope he bangs some thot that he brings home from a bar.

>Reddit spacing
Kys fag faggot

>no, he's not an incel

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>a film about some loser who can't cope and fucking fails at everything, then takes it out on everyone else
Probably the same disappointed response she has to you.

I dislike the phrase "lawd", but is it a way for religious people to say "lord" without taking the lord's name in vain?
Seems like cheating.

No, it's just niggerspeak appropriated by lefty virtue signallers.

Wtf, I hate this movie now

Lack of good father figures.

Everyone expects the crowd to laugh at the clown. But, when the clown laughs at the crowd, that's the chaos element.

>wearing pants

>Hedge would be proud

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Are they just going to ignore everything that happened in BvS, JL and SS?


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>a man who isn’t as privileged as the Waynes, gets trodden on by the scum of the world over and over again and then has one bad day
Its about time someone reminded the world that society only functions when the good are rewarded and the evil are punished. Justice finds its level. EDGYBOI


patrician fetish

He is raped by one of those flamboyant drag queens that they send to schools now. That's why he wears his make-up.

Guys. I am literally shaking right now.

Then he gets revenge against the trannies in a recreation of that gay bar shooting incident.


Did the Rock direct this?

Tl;dr on the script?

How does that make it trash?

Pretty sure it's a reference to ye olde stageplays being broken up into the two categories of comedy and tragedy a la shakespeare

Todd Phillips.

How do you feel about "gosh darn"

# L I T T Y

literally have sex

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Gang weed