Name at least one movie without a female in it, I dare you.
Name at least one movie without a female in it, I dare you
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I think The Thing
Sunsent limited
the thing is the representation of women
Shawshank redemption, almost.
here faggot, now name one without males
Do extras count? If not, Das Boot, A Bridge too far, any war movie
Gettysburg (1993) comes close.
Patton has a gaggle of women in it, when he was giving the "Americans and British will rule the post-war world" speech.
12 angry men
>any war movie
what about scared french townswomen and sexy nurses
rise of the phoenix?
no women except the computer's voice
Green Elephant
master and commander
Lawrence of Arabia.
First blood
>cheating bitch
flgiht of the phoenix i mean
she's cute
hunt for red october?
there are, what, two scenes outside of the jury room? gotta be a woman there somewere
That Ghostbusters remake just had a few monsters catching ghosts.
i know the alien isn't technicalya a woman but it does lay an egg or whatever
Panic Room
reservoir dogs, based tarankino
There are no females in that movie. Only characters created by computer animated imagery
Sure. But they are "brothers" according to the cover.
Silent Running (1972), no female characters or voices in the movie , except Joan Baez on the soundtrack.
this was joels inspiration for mst3k
Lawrence of Arabia has no speaking women and only a few moments when they're visible.
The Thing (1982) has no women at all.
Only two movies from my top 50 that would qualify.
>Sunsent limited
Patrician taste
Are you retarded?
They rescue a woman.
Dark Star
Windows was a honorary woman in fairness
Twelve Angry Men
The animated hobbit
I was gonna say the hobbit films but then I remembered they added the horny she-elf.
Plus that weird capeshit scene with galadriel. other than that almost no women.
12 Angry Men.
All is lost
All Is Lost with Robert Redford.
looks like all three females from the movie appear in the opening credits.
I thought there was one in the shipyard scene but im having trouble finding the clip
Lord of the Flies
A bridge too far
2001 A Space Odyssey? Might be wrong been years since I've seen it.
has a stewardess, plus a buncha black women in the beginning
Das Boot ?
It has a few females characters on the space station. There's the couple of doctors in the curved corridor, the flight attendant and Kubrick's daughter comes to mind straight away.
Moon has the guy's wife in it
A Bridge too far has the Dutch woman who houses all the wounded soldiers, the old lady who dies after she tries to run when her house near the bridge gets occupied, and the bicylcling kid's mom dies, too. At least three women with speaking roles, and then there's the crowds full of women when the Brits are entering the town. Most war movies have some women in them.
Woman shoots the mole, and there's the waitress at the beginning.
OP's biopic
>it's actually shaped like that
No fucking way
IMPOSSIBLE MODE: Name one (1) film without a male in it.
master and commander
>that lake
I gotta think the guy that originally drew this was a geography buff in the first place
the descent
Glengarry Glenn Ross
Resavoir dogs? No?
Lumber jack-off... There were no women on the vhs jacket, so i just assume.
i havent seen it in a while, are there women?
>Tfw you so chad that both men and women are fixated on your eye(s).
The MC's husband is in it
Yeah, when they go near the shore in Brazil iirc, and people come offering shit
no doubt
>At least three women with speaking roles
I see the problem there.
Correct but it doesn't count because it is literally squabbling over a single woman in way that only serves to entertain women.
Sahara (1943)
withnail and I comes close
The great escape
Valhalla Rising
>Lawrence of Arabia.
Has one, veiled, but one IIRC
Is that how a vagina looks to gay people?
And daughter
The ship is considered to be a female
literally just so that the gay guys on the ship has something to blame their complete lack of interest in women on
This is how female brain copes.
>heh, im married to the sea guys ;)
not very subtle
The Bear 1988
The Wall staring John Cena
the predator was female
there are women at the start
A Grand Day Out
The Wrong Trousers
Saving Private Ryan I think
Nevermind. I just remembered the scene where that lady gives her baby to the soldiers
yeah the french
there are nurses on the ship that sinks
Every gay porn ever.
#bomb 20 and the alien where female, try again user,
well played , close but no cigar.
mr pink
lesbian porn
Bad Taste
The Pilgrimage, it’s one of my favourites. If the Norman knights had raped the beautiful twink Irish monk it would be a literal 10/10 film.
A lot of the ww2 pacific war films had no women in them.
Sex in the city
Any Channel Awesome movie.
rambo first blood
lord of flies
At least read the other posts first
Coooooope roasty
Name a movie without a male in it, incels.
lesbian porn only, otherwise no one would give a shit
killing them softly comes close
any scene involving natalie mars
Lion king