ITT: Actors and Actresses who died a painful death

ITT: Actors and Actresses who died a painful death

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His friend who drove the car into a tree was driving so fast that both died instantly. You're extremely retarded

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that chick who did the stunts for the Resident Evil

Didn't someone who arrived on scene right after the crash hear screaming?

Holy shit.

she didn't die

Kek, based

>lost an arm
Worse than death

fuck I thought she did after all well good for her I guess then the chick from Deadpool 2

>Rodas died of multiple trauma while Walker died from the combined effects of trauma and burns. Both of their bodies were burned beyond recognition.

Jack Cassidy. Passed out with a lit cigarette in his mouth, burned to death.

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>On the afternoon of May 26, 1969, Hunter suffered an intracranial hemorrhage while on a three-stair set of steps at his home in Van Nuys, California. He fell, knocked over a planter, and struck his head on a banister, fracturing his skull.

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It’s pretty ironic that blackwashing domino essentially got her killed
>make Asian character black
>big poofy Afro
>not many black women stunt actors
>have to show off big poofy Afro to earn good boy points for being diverse
>don’t let stunt woman wear helmet, gotta show off that hair

Australia is fucking scary

This is actually kind of fucked up

He literally kills himself in Condor

Less than 5 people die from sharks every year

>stunt woman dies doing the stunt she agreed to

do you think he woke up during the agony?

We should have more of these threads. It's very comfy hearing about people dying.

It would be nice to hear more about the stuntpeople that die too. That shit is hilarious and probably best if Hollywood doesn't sweep it under the rug.

do NOT post her (you know who I'm talking about, just don't)

I miss him so much.

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i would gladly accept a painful death if the gods blessed me with a Poots gf

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Jennifer Jason Leigh's father Vic Morrow on Twilight Zone movie and the two Gook children with him.

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Deserved it for being a pedo


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She made a living off shots of her pussy only to die by getting shot in the pussy. What a world

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>intracranial hemorrhage
thought this said interracial hemorrhage

t. shark

It's the owner's fault, not the shark's.

>tfw really liked that last show he made called The Beast
>tfw cancer took him before we could get more kino from it
Feels bad man

Eric Holder had Paul Walker assassinated to cover up the gun smuggling operation known as Fast and Furious.

>see the news of him dying in a car crash
>having a chuckle thinking Yea Forums did it again
>he actually died in a car crash

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He was found in the doorway of his home, so he was probably trying to escape

How did he died?

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Same. This site has ruined me

Holy shit, I just looked it up. Part of her face was ripped off and her arm was degloved, in addition to a grisly spinal injury. All that for a shitty movie.


pretty painless senpai

>her arm was degloved
d-does that mean what I think it means?

he was soooo cute in Red Dawn

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This average mexican girl died today after fighting against cancer for several years. She was an actress and always considered her gorgeous.

RIP in peace Edith you will be missed ;_;

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Dermis camed off

how did she kill herself

Imagine your arm is a glove from the elbow down.
Now imagine driving a motorcycle into a camera at high speed.
Then part of the camera catches on the "glove" and pulls it off.

salome WAS kino bro i feel your pain

>only to die by getting shot in the pussy
What? How'd she die exactly?

G...guys. death is like going to sleep right? Even if it's painful you still drift peacefully into oblivion yeah?

imagine the smell

She was shot in the pussy with a penis and got the aids

antibiotic resistant gonorrhea

>Takuya Nagaya, 23, from Japan, started to slither on the floor and claimed he had become a snake. Takuya died after his father spent the next two days head-butting and biting him "to drive [out] the snake that had possessed him."

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I'll let you know in a minute. Brb gonna kill myself real quick

wtf it sounds like something junji ito would write

Remember to do it painfully

Gruesome, but quick
Either decapitated, completely crushed to a pulp, or chopped to mush

OD on speedball

WTF she really is dead!! Just ckecked and she died last night! I remember she was really hot in Salome and Corazon Salvaje, her tits were kino, she was my chidhood crush too and one of my first faps.

>Avery was murdered by his cell mate. The inmate struck him over the head and then choked Avery to death. But here’s the kicker. After 11 inmate counts, meaning that the guards were checking that they had everyone in their cells, Avery still wasn’t missed.

>Avery’s cellmate waited until he was sure that he could get away with creating his little satanic ritual. He laid Avery’s body in the middle of a pentagram drawn in Avery’s blood and was finally noticed after awhile.

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>Chinese peasants do the work they agreed to

google it lmao

don't forget bunny too

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>daddy look, I'm a snake daddy hisss hisss

Fucked up shit right there.

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>Denver Lee St. Clair was asphyxiated by an "atomic wedgie" administered by his stepson during a fight. After St. Clair had been knocked unconscious, the elastic band from his torn underwear was pulled over his head and stretched around his neck, strangling him.

>A 43-year-old Irish mother of four died of an allergic reaction after having sex with a German Shepherd dog.

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So we all agree she was ass fucked to death right?

Taylor Mitchell, a 19-year-old Canadian folk singer, was killed by a pair of coyotes while hiking in Cape Breton Highlands National Park, in the only known fatal coyote attack on an adult.

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>two days he head butted and was biting him

that's some cartoon shit

>Nick Peterson was an Australian teen who was attacked by two Great White Sharks while surfing in 2004. The two sharks bit him on different sides of his body, ripping him in half in front of his friends.

Thats some shitty luck , what are the chances of being attack by two great whites

must've been a manlet

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>Jimmy Ferrozzo, a bouncer at the Condor Club in San Francisco, died while engaging in sexual intercourse with his girlfriend Theresa Hill on a grand piano that was lowered from the ceiling by a hydraulic motor. Ferrozzo accidentally activated the lifting mechanism which pinned him against the ceiling leading to his suffocation.[165] Hill survived the accident.[165]

It was a girl.

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SIDF fuck off

>Bernd Brandes, a German engineer from Berlin, was willingly slaughtered so that he could be butchered and eaten by cannibal Armin Meiwes. Brandes had responded to an internet advertisement which Meiwes had placed for this purpose.
>In prison, Meiwes became a vegetarian.

>live in home with driveway on a steep incline
>leave you jeep in neutral on the top while retrieving your mail at the bottom of the hill
What the fuck was he thinking? Was it just a slipup by putting it into neutral when he thought it was in park? Shit still baffles me.

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>Heval Yıldırım, 13, of Turkey was killed when a sacrificial goat bought for Eid al-Adha jumped off the roof over a protective fence and fell onto him. Yıldırım's father placed the goat on the roof of the building where he lived because he could not find another suitable place to keep it.

New York City Police Department apparently believed Shelly had taken her own life. An autopsy found she had died as a result of neck compression.[16] Ostroy insisted that his wife was happy in her personal and professional life, and in any case would never have committed suicide leaving her two and a half year old daughter motherless. His protests over the following days caused a more careful re-examination of the bathroom, which revealed there was a sneaker print in gypsum dust on the toilet beside where her body had been found. The suspect print was matched to a set of other shoe prints in the building, where construction work had been done the day of Shelly's death.

On November 6, 2006, the press reported the arrest of a 19-year-old construction worker, Diego Pillco, who according to police had confessed on tape to attacking Shelly, and then staging the fake suicide by hanging her.[18][19][20][21] Pillco's original version of what happened was that when Shelly asked if the noise could be kept down, he threw a hammer at her and, afraid she would make a complaint that might result in his deportation, followed her back to her apartment, where the petite 40-year-old hit him, and was killed by a fall during a struggle. Subsequently, Pillco gave a completely different account in which he said while on a break he had noticed Shelly returning to her apartment and followed her. After assaulting her and rendering her unconscious, he killed her by staging the fake suicide. The second version was consistent with the lack of dust on Shelly's shoes (which she was not wearing when found) and seemed to be a confession to murder, but prosecutors reportedly thought if charged with murder Pillco might return to his original account and a jury trial could find him guilty of a lesser charge.[22] The medical examiner determined that Shelly was still alive when hanged.[23] Pillco pleaded guilty to first-degree manslaughter and was sentenced to 25 years in prison without parole.[24]

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I recall there was some sort of scandal regarding a defect in the exact model of jeep he owned, and there had been other incidents similar to it with the same jeep.


That reminds me
>he asked the hooker he was getting high with not to leave after he realised he was too fucked up and his absolutely punished body was finally giving out
>she bailed and they found him like this
Rip fat fuck

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>But here’s the kicker
so the guy got murdered after 11, big whoop.

russian secret service killed him, they like to kill in amusing way, remember what they did to litvinenko

He killed himself.

Gotta go fast!

it was unironically the russians

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Fuck it, I'm open. Present you evidence.

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He probably died feeling real good


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Fuck you man for bringing this up again. Nobody was at fault, people have been cleared in court. No need to keep discussing this and point fingers because it's done. If people keep bringing this up all it does is cause pain for those involved. My dad had nothing to do with this.

If you turn him in you get reward money.

>Two months prior to his death, a recall of 1.1 million vehicles was announced for the 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee, as well as several other recent models of Chrysler, Dodge, and Jeep vehicles. As Craig explained, the recall isn’t due to a malfunction, but rather, the confusing design of the vehicles’ shifter: “Basically, putting it into park or drive, [you can’t] feel from a mechanical perspective… exactly what gear it’s in. [In the case of Anton Yelchin, he] opened up the door and apparently it was not in park, and it rolled down the driveway and crushed him.”

>Craig elaborated on what makes the shifter so confusing: “[The affected cars use] a monostable electronic ’e-shift’ gearshift assembly, in which the driver depresses a button on the shifter, moves it forward or backward into gear, and then the shifter itself swings back to a center position. Apparently, the problem with it is that as the operator, you don’t know if it’s in park or whether or not it’s in drive… and the user becomes confused, and then it can roll and then crush them. And that appears to be what occurred in [the Yelchin] case.”

On March 31, 1993, Lee was filming a scene in The Crow where his character is shot and killed by thugs. In the scene, Lee's character walks into his apartment and discovers his fiancée being beaten and raped. Actor Michael Massee's character fires a Smith & Wesson Model 629 .44 Magnum revolver at Lee as he walks into the room.

Instead of purchasing commercial dummy cartridges, the film's prop crew created their own by pulling the bullets from live rounds, dumping the powder charge and then reinserting the bullets. However, they unknowingly or unintentionally left the live primer in place at the rear of the cartridge. At some point during filming, the revolver was apparently discharged with one of these improperly deactivated cartridges in the chamber, setting off the primer with enough force to drive the bullet partway into the barrel, where it became stuck (a condition known as a squib load). The prop crew either failed to notice this or failed to recognize the significance of this issue.

In the fatal scene, which called for the revolver to be fired at Lee from a distance of 3.6–4.5 meters (12–15 feet), the dummy cartridges were exchanged with blank rounds, which feature a live powder charge and primer, but no bullet, thus allowing the gun to be fired without the risk of an actual projectile. However, since the bullet from the dummy round was already trapped in the barrel, this caused the .44 Magnum bullet to be fired out of the barrel with virtually the same force as if the gun had been loaded with a live round, and it struck Lee in the abdomen, mortally wounding him. He was rushed to the New Hanover Regional Medical Center in Wilmington, North Carolina, where he underwent six hours of surgery. Attempts to save him were unsuccessful, and Lee was pronounced dead on March 31, 1993 at 1:03 pm. EST. He was 28 years old. The shooting was ruled an accident due to negligence.

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that's pretty high

Hanged herself.

dead forever,
dead dead dead
took drugs and now he's
dead dead dead
when's his next movie?
dead dead dead
oh right he's dead,
dead dead dead

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You're thinking of Heather O'Rourke.


I only watched the crow like 4 years ago, putting it off because I have already seen pictures of it and it seemed so stupid the costume, the face paint the clothes etc but damn what a great movie, its aesthetics are really special and the city truly comes as a character.

iirc that Jeep model had issues with it's transmission. Wouldn't have happened if he drove a manual car.

Jobs Dunn

based bomber goat going out on it's own terms

Her movie was terrible, but rip I guess.

That's some insanely bad luck

Why didn't you save her, Yea Forums?

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or he died just when the post-masturbatory anxiety had started creeping up on him

honestly had no idea chris farley was dead


what even is the point of shooting the dummy cartridge, isn't that shit used for insert shots?

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Yes, yes, well done Slytherin... HOWEVER, six million bags of heroin to Philip Seymour Hoffman!

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Well yes, she was pretending to enjoy sex

He's holding a rosary. Fuck, man

You're confusing things. One stunt man died, while the other was seriously injured.

>Clement Vallandigham, a lawyer and Ohio politician defending a man accused of murder, accidentally shot himself and died while demonstrating how the victim might have accidentally shot himself. His client was cleared.
Unironically the best damn lawyer in history.

damn when the fuck is the movie going to be made? Cast him Yea Forums Paul Dano as the defendant

Kenneth Pinyan.
google it

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you retarded user?

He was a hardcore smoker

His brother put it there after he found his body i think

you're more beast than man

His time was Dunn

man like the other user said what a shit thing to die for

only argentinian ones?

This one makes me sad every time. Probably was alive for hours crushed between his car and a brick square

>guys instead of using easily available blanks let's CREATE OUR OWN BLANKS using real bullets
>let's take out the gunpowder but put the bullet BACK IN for literally no reason
>OK that broke the gun
>let's keep using the BROKEN GUN with an OBSTRUCTION IN THE BARREL
>let's stop screwing around and by some blanks from the same place we got the gun and real bullets that we 100% didn't need
>oh look that obstruction came out of the tube designed to launch things that are placed in it

>he doesn't know

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>our concrete angel

>I am afraid, I am a coward. I am sorry for everything. If I had done this a long time ago, it would have saved a lot of pain. P.E.

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Not really, autopsy said his lungs were immediatly crushed and he died in 2 minutes.

What are you talking about Waitress was good. Even has a broadway play now.

lmao I too read the same thing.

>Hey, I'm gonna put in an order for dummy rounds
>nah, don't worry about it. Me and the boys know how to make these. It'll save us a few bucks if we make them ourselves.

Seems like something stupid to get cheap over.

She wasn’t Asian. She’s white, possibly Italian.

I think the first bullet was designed for insert shots (as in shown in the camera) and for some reason was fired. Still doesn't explain how the gun was used again. I'm surprised no one was convicted.


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The Crow is pure 90's edge but it's done right.

Brandon would have had a nice long career. Real shame.

i've read it again and it's borderline incomprehensible. was the guy murdered and then the guards looked over the cells 11 times?

>Adolf Frederick, King of Sweden, died of digestion problems on 12 February 1771 after having consumed a meal of lobster, caviar, sauerkraut, smoked herring, and champagne, topped off with 14 servings of his favourite dessert: semla served in a bowl of hot milk, called "hetvägg".[98] He is thus remembered by Swedish schoolchildren as "the king who ate himself to death."[99]

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There is literally no way his death wasn't deliberate.

Like the other guy said. He died in 1-2 minutes.

imagine the smell

p sure shes the only reason hes a republican. witness enough harsh reality and youll become the law and order type.

I read that list at least once a month.

what a way to go

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In prison, they do cell counts at least once a day to make sure no one is missing. They conducted 11 cell counts before they found he was missing. Meaning the guards were either in on it, didn't care, or were just criminally negligent

Neighbor let his chihuahua out, mauled him to death

Yeah like the other guys said he died very quickly

She OD'ed, didn't she?

post with the fucking stories

Around blacks never relax

there's no way he experienced a thing, dead on impact 100%.

Chinese mafia got to him like his dad Jason was forced to make that Documentary playing his dad to please them

A-A lot of people die from brain eating amoebas, huh?

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should rename it sadtrivia

i see. i assume no one was fired

Right up their beside "died of dehydrating after cumming into supermodels too many times"

Certainly not

Wikipedia really has the most entertaining articles of any website

>head ripped clean off shoulders by the most powerful BRAAP

Worse than a manlet, a f*male

There is no cure for amebiasis. If you get it, you die. Pretty rare though

>Sarge, I just did another cell count and Avery's been doing his classic "lie on the floor inside a pentagram drawn in his own blood" schtick for a REALLY long time...

>With my heart full of gratitude for everything good in the world, I'll put down my pen.

>Now excuse me, I have to go.

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>you can help by expanding it

well Yea Forums ?

>Garry Hoy, a lawyer in Toronto fell to his death from the 24th floor of the Toronto-Dominion Centre while demonstrating to a group of visitors that the building's windows were "unbreakable". Hoy threw himself against the window, which did not break but popped out of its frame.
kek, pretty sure this was one of the episodes of 1000 Ways To Die

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Some have survived

best not to think about it...

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This is categorically false, user.
Very dangerous though.

Dude had like 20 more years at least of good movies in him.

Why couldn't the Logos take Miyazaki? Guy did great stuff but he's old and isn't gonna be doing anything else of value.

You think he’s blaming black people?

This was a hit job and always has been

>I dont get it

Arrichion of Phigalia, a Greek pankratiast, caused his own death during the Olympic finals. Held by his unidentified opponent in a stranglehold and unable to free himself, Arrichion kicked his opponent, causing him so much pain that the opponent made the sign of defeat to the umpires, but at the same time breaking Arrichion's neck. Since the opponent had conceded defeat, Arrichion was proclaimed the victor posthumously

Use nose clips when swiming and don't do Nasal irrigation just with normal water.

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This one is nuts

You should see how many get killed by hippos

or you know just don't do retarded new age shit

to get to the bottom of this i feel we need to know what they mean with "sign of defeat"

Is swimming retarded, new age shit?

wait i know this! it's 3000 each year

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>by his unidentified opponent

That's the key part. The Hellaniacs didn't record the losers, only the winners.

The deacon Saint Lawrence was roasted alive on a giant grill during the persecution of Valerian.[48][49] Prudentius tells that he joked with his tormentors, "Turn me over—I'm done on this side".[50] He is now the patron saint of cooks, chefs and comedians
>that last line

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>Sam Ballard, 29, died from angiostrongyliasis after eating a garden slug as a dare eight years earlier.
>A silly party trick coming to fatally bite you in the ass eight years later
Fuck this

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>About 8:15 p.m. on the evening of February 19, 1994, Ramirez, suffering from the effects of advanced cervical cancer, was brought into the emergency department of Riverside General Hospital by paramedics. She was extremely confused and was suffering from tachycardia and Cheyne–Stokes respiration.[2]

> the staff tried to defibrillate her heart; at that point several people saw an oily sheen covering Ramirez's body, and some noticed a fruity, garlic-like odor that they thought was coming from her mouth. A registered nurse named Susan Kane attempted to draw blood from Ramirez's arm and noticed an ammonia-like smell coming from the tube.[2]

>She passed the syringe to Julie Gorchynski, a medical resident, who noticed manila-colored particles floating in the blood. At this point, Kane fainted and was removed from the room. Shortly thereafter, Gorchynski began to feel nauseated. Complaining that she was lightheaded

>Overall, 23 people became ill and five were hospitalized.[2][3] A skeleton crew stayed behind to stabilize Ramirez. At 8:50 p.m., after 45 minutes of CPR and defibrillation, Ramirez was pronounced dead from kidney failure related to her cancer.[2]

That's what my pathology professor told me when I said I went swimming in a Florida lake

>Riverside Coroner’s Office contacted Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to investigate the incident. Livermore Labs postulated that Ramirez had been using dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), a solvent used as a powerful degreaser, as a home remedy for pain. Users of this substance report that it has a garlic-like taste.[2] Sold in gel form at hardware stores, it could also explain the greasy appearance of Ramirez's body.[2][3] The Livermore scientists theorized that the DMSO in Ramirez's system might have built up owing to urinary blockage caused by her kidney failure.[3] Oxygen administered by the paramedics would have combined with the DMSO to form dimethyl sulfone (DMSO2). DMSO2 is known to crystallize at room temperature, and crystals were observed in some of Ramirez's drawn blood.[2] Electric shocks administered during emergency defibrillation could have then converted the DMSO2 into dimethyl sulfate (DMSO4), the highly toxic dimethyl ester of sulfuric acid, exposure to which could have caused some of the reported symptoms of the emergency department staff.[4] The Livermore scientists postulated on The New Detectives that the change in temperature of the blood drawn, from the 98.6 °F (37 °C) of Ramirez' body to the 64 degrees Fahrenheit (18 °C) of the emergency department, may have contributed to its conversion from DMSO2 into DMSO4. This, however, has not been confirmed.

dude was a potatoe for 8 years

That guy didn't exactly spend those eight years enjoying himself though. He was wheelchair bound, quadriplegic and essentially brainfucked.

I hope he knows how based he is in the next life

It could be worse a Greek king was killed by a monkey

Does this secrete milk?

There have been 4 survivors in the last 50 years.
I knew there were survivors because of an advert for ‘medical detectives’ on CBS Reality

>painful death
ackshully Philip died the most pleasurable death imaginable.

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Im fucking done

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No just shitty engineering by stupid fucking millennial assholes who think they need to reinvent the wheel. The shifter is a lever that pushes forward or back one notch but returns to center, and then park is a little button on the panel right in front of the shifter. I almost rolled a maserati through a gas station because of that stupid fucking design. BMW has it on a lot of their cars too, it's the dumbest shit ever

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This lil nigga did something similar, but he lived for a short time after it.

>Purvis suffered an accident with his own vehicle after he'd parked it. The car's brakes failed and rolled backwards, crushing him between its bumper and a wall, breaking his neck, and paralyzing him for the rest of his life. Purvis died in November 1997 in Bushey Hertfordshire

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4 u

>Bethan Gaskin, 24, died from cardiac arrest in Lincolnshire, England, when she tried to see how many Jaffa Cakes she could fit in her mouth for a party trick. She blacked out and stopped breathing when they became lodged in her throat. She then collapsed, suffering a heart attack and dying five days later in hospital.[282]

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was she fat?


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>The Ramirez family's pathologist was unable to determine a cause of death because her heart was missing, her other organs were cross-contaminated with fecal matter, and her body was too badly decomposed
WTF did they just leave her out in the sun somewhere?

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good. fuck pedos. rest in piss

Some maniac kicked him in the jaw with a steel-toed boot

This thread making me scared bros. I don't want to go.

How many did she get in there? I think I could do 8 or 9

Her blood essentially became sulfuric acid, and that fucked her shit up

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>Vatel was responsible for an extravagant banquet for 2,000 people hosted in honour of Louis XIV by the Grand Condé in April 1671 at the Château de Chantilly, where he died. According to a letter by Madame de Sévigné, Vatel was so distraught about the lateness of the seafood delivery and about other mishaps that he committed suicide by running himself through with his sword, and his body was discovered when someone came to tell him of the arrival of the fish

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Now that's a rare reaction pic

this pic makes me so happy

>When the King has you killed because he didn't get his shrimp cocktail

>that first pic

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the little girl from Poltergeist died from anal rape by Steven Spielberg

>While he was in London, Kotzwara visited a prostitute named Susannah Hill in Vine Street, Westminster. After dinner with her in her lodgings, Kotzwara paid her two shillings and requested that she cut off his testicles. Hill refused to do so. Kotzwara then tied a ligature around the doorknob, the other end fastened around his neck, and proceeded to have sexual intercourse with Hill. After it was over, Kotzwara was dead.
what was his problem?

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>no one was convicted in trial so there were no guilty people

how naive are you

>Randall Robinson, an assistant cameraman on board the helicopter, testified that production manager Dan Allingham told Wingo, "That's too much. Let's get out of here," when the explosions were detonated, but Landis shouted over the radio: "Get lower... lower! Get over [lower]!"
Your dad's a murderer, Max.

okay sharkelstein

>retarded enough to bring a loaded gun into a courtroom let alone retarded enough to not even bother to check whether it was loaded or not
he deserved it

Do you guys have any strange phobias?

For me it's being bitten by a rabid bat at night and not noticing it.

Every night I go to sleep I check my room for bats.

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pedowood kikes couldn't handle the horizon of AMWF hapas taking over their industry

Bats are fren tier though

>t. Bat
you're not biting me tonight you rabid faggot

You better watch your back then boyo! I got a taste chubby, short bald dudes blood.

It's like Romeo & Juliet with an aristocrat and seafood


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A family friend had the entire living room's ceiling just crack one day and fall down out of the blue. We're talking like a thick, 15 cm layer of concrete to the point where the rebar was visible, destroying her furniture and cracking the floor. If she hadn't got off the sofa where she was watching TVand gone to make tea that exact moment she would have been crushed.
Ever since, I fear that the ceiling is going to collapse on me in every building I'm on to the point where I at one point wanted to make a steel cage to install over my bed so if the ceiling came down while I was asleep, I wouldn't die..

bats are cute

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>>In prison, Meiwes became a vegetarian.
he recently got released

He deserved better

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How would YOU like to die, Yea Forums?

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leave max alone he's going through some stuff right now

Doing something badass

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In my sleep. Just drifting off into a good night's dream...

Stabbed to death by my gf

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>He's no longer just a manlet, but bald too now

>How would YOU like to die, Yea Forums?
Quickly or in my sleep so I don't know it's happening.

I'm terrified of death.

That's a cool death

after rolling dubs

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i would like to go with a bang

He went out Final destination style

You're gonna be immortal then.

Yes. There is no bigger pain in the world than flames. People who do political protests by setting themselves on fire are retards that never got properly burned before.

damn he was old

No - you will either end up in Hell to scream in pain forever, or worse - you'll end up in heaven with a bunch of christcucks.

By nuke

Just one more care free day...

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The Brenaissance

I was just killed by this massive edge.

was it really an accident?

Man that is a decent amount of brain-eating amoebas. T-This is really rare though right guys?

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In my sleep of old age with my mum and nan

>The disease is rare and highly lethal: there have only been 300 cases as of 2008.[22]

>Illuminati intensifies

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Then hell must look suspiciously like Yea Forums.

As an old man in a threesome while eating my favorite foods.

>using drain cleaner as an analgesic
Sounds more like an attempt at suicide

>not dying when your misserable and at your lowest so you don't feel to bad at leaving it all behind

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Getting killed by a shark is less rare.

>that fucking music they put over this video on youtube

too bad .. i liked this episode alot

>Kurt Gödel, an Austrian-American logician and mathematician, died of starvation when his wife was hospitalized. Gödel refused to eat food prepared by anyone else.[149]

Okay why did no one tell me mathematicians are this based

He's not dead user, he's alive in all our hearts.

paranoia coupled with dementia, that's far more common than you think

>dying because you ran over yourself

Depends, are you black or not?

That’s 5 too many
Even worse, they’re probably hot too

Boyfriend was fucking her with a handgun that was loaded

Last director in industry that wasn't a hack.

This timeline was perhaps the worst one for all of these people

Shame there isn’t a list for guys/gals that lived in this timeline in the best possible way ever with every outcome working greatly for them. That’d be funny to read too

I still miss the fucker

>died choking on pasta on his daughters birthday
geez Ton'.

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No ones mentioned Ouchi

The automatic shifter is by wire and not cable. Stick always returns to the traditional "park" position even though it is in neutral. Looks like park is what I'm getting at.

Is it even possible to be so based?

It's hung herself retard

This man is the exact opposite. All of the luck was sucked out of those suckers on the list and put into him

Every retarded decision he made resulted in him getting wealthier and wealthier. Even the attempts of dick head financial analysts telling him false information would always yield insanely high profit.

I imagine that for most people who die of infection or old age experience it as kind of like when you are just about to drift off to sleep and you can feel your thoughts drift off and become more disoriented but you are not sleeping yet.

The difference is you don't wake up.

It's coming user. Just a question of when and where.


a picture got hung on the wall. a man got hanged in the tree

that would be too painful

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Move to America. Our ceilings are made out of chinese drywall and 2x4. It'll be like nothing.

What madman.

What have you been lit on fire before

Retardation is an often fatal genetic condition

I was playing Minecraft at the time and my brother told me about it

RIP Paul Driver

Hung on a tree not in it


What the prior user said, he died quickly

A man may be both hung and hanged
A woman may only be hanged

The faggot responsible should've been beaten half to death, castrated, hung from a tree and set on fire.

Death by dachsund trampling


why are queers so evil bros?

At age 50, Dexter authored A Pickle for the Knowing Ones or Plain Truth in a Homespun Dress, in which he complained about politicians, the clergy, and his wife. The book contained 8,847 words and 33,864 letters, but without punctuation and seemingly random capitalization. Dexter initially handed his book out for free, but it became popular and was reprinted eight times.[2] In the second edition, Dexter added an extra page which consisted of 13 lines of punctuation marks with the instructions that readers could distribute them as they pleased.[8]

Based as fuck.


Watching my cat, friends and senpai getting hurt

I give no shits about myself due to former severe depression/weed uasage and now boxing training but I know a lot of people out there can’t handle pain well

Took me way too long to get this