Jordan Peele is remaking all kinds of shit

>Jordan Peele is remaking all kinds of shit
>Twilight Zone was cancer
>Candy Man which is going to be more stupid shit
>the name of his production company is Monkeypaw

It all makes sense

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wow that's kind of problematic

It makes zero sense unless you wished for it. A wish is a big part of monkeypaw

there were lots of people that wanted more twilight zone and another candy man

>“What we’re doing with Candyman and how Jordan is crafting it on the page is going to be very exciting and rewarding to audiences that haven’t seen the original film as well as people who’ve seen the original film,” Cooper said. “In a broad sense of the word, this film will stand alone if you’ve never heard of a film called Candyman and will dovetail in a pretty complicated and interesting way to the original.”

>Cooper was especially anxious about the unhealthy possessiveness and entitlement that are trademarks of what has come to be known as “toxic fandom,” a fan culture that typically develops in internet echo chambers. “We talk a lot about fans and the idea of appeasing fans and when you do that, and how do you do that, and when do you not do that,” Cooper said. “I think my issue with fandom is that it’s really problematic. It’s probably the most problematic thing facing the genre.”

>Cooper didn’t detail how exactly he and Peele will navigate this problem with regards to their “Candyman” film, except to say their version will be “mischievous in how we address the relationship to the first film, but also be very satisfying.”

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>Mediocre horror movie nobody remembers
>Yeah I'm remaking that
>I love that movie omg it's so under rated!


It's hard to forget a movie about a black guy with a hook covered in bees.

Why the fuck do all these creators openly say they hate their fans. They're welcome to think it, but isn't that the dumbest thing to admit publicly when you're trying to sell something?

Fuck wypipo

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>Mediocre horror movie nobody remembers
fuck off candyman is kino and probably the best 90's slasher (although I'll admit that's not saying a lot considering scream is probably 2nd)
also has one of my favorite opening sequences to a horror movie

Attached: candyman.gif (400x240, 1.72M)

Do you think Key is jealous of Peel's new success?

hes the perfect example of a diversity quota director

Literally no one is happy with the Twilight Zone reboot. And from what they've said about the Candyman movie, Peele is going to unleash his butthurt over that and 'toxic' fandom through it.

>is the guy that could actually act mad that his friend got popular on his directorial debut and now wont talk or hire him for any picture
yeah probably most likely resentment from over the years

>why don't niggers make their OWN movies?
>*nigger makes movies*

you guys are fucking retards

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Remaking other people's shit--based on a story by a white gay englishman that takes place in a working class white neighborhood--is not 'making your own movie' nog.

I am, I actually think Peele's Twilight Zone is an improvement over the original. He's bringing a modern take to a classic series and he did it with such grace and talent that it makes rodger sterling look like a fool in comparison. Did you even see the season finale, it was poetry and it was majestic and it completely turned the concept of the twilight zone onto its head. The only possible gripe you could have with the series is that you hate black people, that's literally the only plausible thing wrong with it and even then its just in your sick racist mind.

imagine being a liberal lmao

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No you don't. You're just trolling. Because only someone too retarded to type this out would actually think that.

Imagine thinking Clive Barker would have an issue with a black guy adapting his work

wasn't "get out" an original story? i'm not a nigger and can't be bothered to watch his shit, but im sure he's made original movies and you guys are just whiny faggots

not a liberal either. these political threads here are so tiresome

kys queer

You can tell some liberal shit eating retard makes a meme when it doesn't have logical consistency

Barker's a second-rate writer who could never finish a genuine novel and whose only work worth mentioning was made into a movie 30 years ago. He'd be happy if anything he ever did was considered relevant by anyone today.
>made a movie and a series since then
Imagine failing so hard that you need to hype something two projects ago to make your point.

that meme is actually hilarious because it's true.

point out the logical inconsistency, please

>but that was a couple years ago!!!!!
now you're just moving goalposts. pls kys you seething retard

fuck niggers but also fuck you

No, I'm not. The statement was made in reference to his current project--a remake that literally copies all of the changed already made to the original work. It had nothing to do with Get Out--which was clearly Peele's only original work worth considering.
Try again, bitch.
>didn't even bother highlighting yout [SPOILER} because that faggotry is played out.

It's sad. I only see him playing bit parts in established sitcoms. I feel like people are trying to get him somewhere, give him a chance, but it ain't happening for him.