First reactions are in and everyones praising it and calling it one of the saddest. are you excited yet Yea Forums?

first reactions are in and everyones praising it and calling it one of the saddest. are you excited yet Yea Forums?

Attached: toy-story-4-final-poster.jpg (1000x1481, 1.48M)

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>everyones praising it and calling it one of the saddest
just like the last one
and the one before that

But i haven't seen 2 or 3.

Woody will die

but there will still be a 5

What's really sad is the fact they keep making this shit

Really hate the ultra detailed graphics. Toy Story 1 was peak comfy.

Woody dies, Buzz gets played with to the point of becoming worn down and broken, and Peep emerges as the face of the Toy Story Universe.

except for the walking fetuses.

this isn’t a video game you retard

Disney wins again

It already had a solid ending with 3, there was no reason to make this shit besides getting more cash for Bob Iger.

pretty unrealistic series tbqh. they all would've been trashed after 2.

I think even Andy had charm, but yeah, the kids were fairly weird.

what is the name of this "satin sheen" effect that all games and 3D movies have now? Looks awful

>people still care about some toys after 24 years

Not really. 3 already ended on the perfect note.

No idea. In Bo Peep's case it makes sense, because she is made of porcelain. But her face has been considerably modified from Toy Story.

Attached: Bo_Peep.png (1600x1200, 1.1M)

I have a feeling we wont get the sweet supportive and gentle bo peep we got in the first 2

this. how exactly are they continuing from that ending? it completely undermines the theme of growing up and moving on from 3 if they're just going to keep fucking making more of them.

Her face is cuter now.

No, Woody doesn't die. The kid's storybook was just posted here a few days ago.

Woody leaves the group to go off with Bo Peep who "rescues lost toys" cuz she's a fucking superhero now or some shit. Also, Bonnie is a cunt and doesn't respect or like Woody and makes Sporky instead, wasting the sacrifice that Andy gave up his beloved Woody to this ungrateful little bitch.

I'm skipping this one.

>we hate you and dont want you anymore old white man
fuck even toy story is getting infected with this shit

any info about keanu reeves' character?

No nigga, I haven't been excited for this shit since it was first announced Like said, TS3 ended really well and was a perfect conclusion for the characters. You just KNOW there's gonna be more of these shits.
Why can't a series have a definitive end anymore?

>are you excited yet Yea Forums?
For more Disney shit? Hell no.

Are you surprised? Fuck, look at how the marketing makes Bo Peep out to be the most important character. Woody & Buzz are just there to prop her up and "validate" her. This is NOT your Toy Story, lads.

We're Andy's Toys. Don't let this abomination ruin your love of the first 3. This is going to Last Jedi HARD.

omfg dude it's toy story shut the fuck up.

Im not surprised its just pretty sad. It really seems like its going to be the bo peep feminist movie. Getting those two nig nogs as random VA toys for le modern and diverse audience is really shitty too i hope theyre only in a single scene and are just in the ads to hype it up.

MovieBlob spent his entire review talking about how it's an okay-enough, totally unnecessary retread that repeats beats from the first movie with barely any differences and then have it an 8/10. So I'm for sure going to hate this, not that I'm going to bother.

Why are they making all these remakes or sequels of old franchises for the sole purpose of killing off/humiliating the old heroes


Trying to follow up after 3's perfect ending for no reason is pretty sad and desperate, but no. That is clearly the marketing they want to lean into. "Hey everyone, remember how 3 made you cry?! Well this one will even more, you gotta see it and tell everyone on Facebook how sad it made you!"

Jew subversion to kill nostalgia in order to crush morale and decrease resistance to their agendas. There can be no heroes or hope, especially not for white males. They have been on a revenge crusade against the West and whites because of Hitler ever since WWII. They want us all dead or subjugated to their will. They are still in the phase of trying to metsphorically neuter us and crush our self esteem as well as turn everyone else against us.

Shouldn't Buzz be all faded from being out in the sun so long?

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No credibility, we already know they belong to Disney and ban negative reviews now.

Attached: tyrNMCU.png (743x616, 701K)

>haha it's that lighthearted movie you liked as a kid except now it's DARK AND DEPRESSING, give us oscars

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Yeah, like I said, they ban all negative user reviews. Those are what the majority of people listen to and representative of the truth, not dipshit critics with nothing of value to say and cancer opinions.

Attached: NlkEUe1.png (744x613, 610K)

>faggot who can't accept that critics and audience generally loves disney and marvel films

But... but nostalgia!!! Muh childhood! Muh Pixar!!!!

>This is going to Last Jedi HARD.

You underestimate the blind loyalty people have to the Toy Story franchise.
I even thought the third, though good, was GROSSLY overrated.

Of course they decided to pander to SJWs and critics are lapping it up. And all the Disney fangirls will drag their boyfriends to see it and it'll win the Oscar because God is dead in we've killed him.

>hates movie
>still gives it 8/10

Why do Disney/Pixar films get this pass from critics when most films don't? Are modern critics just so blinded by their childhood and THAT much on the mouse's dick?

This’ll be just like Incredibles 2. It’ll make a billion and win a few awards and be promptly forgotten.

>How to Train Your Dragon comes out 2010
>loses Oscar to overrated Toy Story 3
>"whatever, I don't like the move but understand it. Everyone loves Toy Story and it's good to give the trilogy an Oscar as a reward."

>How to Train Your Dragon 3 comes out 2019 - wrapping up its trilogy
>it'll end up losing to another Toy Story 4 film

Fuck Disney and fuck movie critics.

I hope so. I just don't want to see this shit win another fucking Oscar.
Toy Story 3 winning was their franchise's reward. Let another movie have it for fuck's sake.

>le poor toys are forgotten about and nobody wants to play with them :*(

Same story every time

Bo Peep and Jessie are lesbians. Woody and Buzz both get destroyed somehow to make way for the new main toy which is figure of the female President because IT WAS HER TURN

"But this time it'll make you cry more! MORE!!!! So give us all the Oscars and money you sheep."

>hos before bros: the movie

>Yes you CAN... ada
What did he mean by this?

>Being upset about a movie made for toddlers

I'm okay with how it ended desu. Wish they had left well enoungh alone.

>a movie made for toddlers
Really? Everyone parrots the same tired shit that Toy Story is "totes for everyone" and Pixar makes "animated FILMS" while other studios make animated movies.

I think it's 100% fine to be pissed about a movie that's part of a franchise which has been overrated by everyone and their mothers since 1995.

Yeah, because that's how far (((they))) insert their disgusting and venomous propaganda. That's the sad part...

kek kids don't even play with toys anymore, before you know it they'll be making ipad story or phone story.

stop making these wild ass assumptions based off a vague childrens book, im fairly certain the ending will have a lot more depth than you think

>"Two Mickey Mouse bucks have been deposited into your bank account. Ho-ho!"

But that's true.

Pixar literally thrives on emotional manipulation.
It's like "Up." The first 9 minutes are emotional and well-done. The rest of the film is hardly remembered at all save for the "Squirrel!" bit.

Pixar makes mostly forgettable films that have 1 or 2 scenes that make audiences/critics sob and trick them into thinking they saw something profound.

Literally don't remember a single moment with a squirrel in it

It's the dog saying it. Just an admittedly funny quip.
Otherwise the movie post-"le emotional opening" was very forgettable

Annual sacrificial lamb, just like A Wrinkle in Time & The Nutcracker and Four Realms.
Disney wouldn't dare let this happen to the MCU and nu-Wars, which is why most critical reviews are suppressed and they pay off the critics to love their flagship franchises.

This 100%.
It's their way of letting critics maintain a mirage of objectivity.

Up is fucking awful and so is Wall-E. Pixar peaked with The Incredibles and it went downhill from there. I know there are gonna be a ton of people that think they're cool and say Ratatouille but that movie was mediocre at best.

I barely remember anything about Ratatouille.
I'd say they peaked w. the first 2/3 of Wall-E, but then collapsed after it.

>le sad Pixar movie

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i can actually see them doing something like this

3 ended the toys' story. There is zero need for this so it sucks no matter how good it might be (it won't be).

But the critics will say its great. Audiences will say it was sooo sad. And it'll win the Oscar.

Then fade into oblivion until Toy Story 5 comes out in 2030. Rinse. Wash. Repeat.


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Holy fucking shit...

Habeeb it.

Wait what am I missing here?

look up shutterbug time

do I have shit taste? I rate highly ratatoullie. I've watched it countless times and its still entertaining for some reason. Specially the last part when Ego eats the ratatouille and then writes the review. Its probably that my dub is good or something.

I just wasn't a huge fan.
BUT I give the film one big prop - it didn't rely on heavy-handed emotional manipulation like the majority of "critically acclaimed" Pixar films that came after it did.

It's not a bad movie at all. Just sort of forgettable and I do think it was overhyped. Still I don't dislike it as much as the overhyped Pixar that came after it. Maybe because as far as I can tell it didn't overshadow any superior animated films or beat any at the Oscars.

Oh so it is just basically pro-surveillance state propaganda. Got it now. Not surprised Gisnep's pushing this shit.

>tfw Disney's probably got these bugs in each of the major film critic's homes to make sure they give their films approved scores.

delete this mods

Woody says the n word

>Ratatouille but that movie was mediocre at best
>I don’t understand writing or direction, the post

lmfao that's it, I'm going to live in the mountains

Are you some sort of dragon dildo-using fag?

No one cares about the How to Train Your Dragon films. Why are you even bringing this up?

Your fat ass wouldn't last a weekend.