Do you think they regret getting involved with capeshit?

Do you think they regret getting involved with capeshit?

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Especially Bettany, who has said that prior to his stint as jarvis/vision, he had just been blacklisted bt a producer who told him he would never work in Hollywood again, and at the time of the call for the part he was literally sitting in a gutter completely emotionally destroyed.

>Paul Bettany got blacklisted
That would've been a shame. I like him. That's how I got my wife to see Master and Commander.
>lets go see that new Russel Crowe movie
>you always pick the movie
>you can pick next one
>It's got that guy you like, the guy who was in Knight's Tale
>oh, Heath Ledger?
>nah, the guy who played Chaucer
I even liked his tennis movie.

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For being typecasted? Maybe, but most of these actors have enough range to get parts on other things, they'll be alright.

Your wife is a whore and needs to be disciplined with a firm hand you beta cuck. I bet shes banging Chad cock rn while you shitpost on this forum lmao

They all literally have more money and fame than 99% of the world now, and played a role in the 2nd highest grossing film of all time without accounting for inflation

what abut the angel movie?

i know i would fucking HATE to be made fabulously wealthy for doing a fake cry or flexing on camera. luckily, i am in a position where that will NEVER happen. thank GOD


>Downey, who has starred as Iron Man since the release of his 2008 film, also earned $5 million for 2017’s Spider-Man: Homecoming for three days of work
I bet Rd jr is crying himself to sleep

a thread about ethics and morals of Hollywood actors? Seriously?

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One day while at the tavern near I heard unhappy news
That country lass had died of Clap, oh what a jewel to lose
It's not as sad as one should think, as I would realize
Of all the things she's passed around that big bed in the sky
That one was particularly bad, but he was ok in it. Did what he could. No one on the planet has the charisma to save that stinker. The vampire one was much better, but I forget the name.

What did he to to be blacklisted?

It's a shame he's off drugs, I would've loved to see 80's Downey with that amount of scratch burning a hole in his pocket.

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Downey should play Charlie Sheen's mental breakdown in a movie. Tiger blood and shit.

Hell no, they all can retire in literal luxury mansions. Anthony Mackie who only plays side character like Falcon is living a wealthy lifestyle. Imagine how much richer he will be now that he's playing Captain America

Didn't want to gobble a certain kike dick and instead gobbled a much higher position kike dick to bypass the lower level kike dick

Have sex

That oatmeal and boiled chicken diet. I wonder if it's dangerous to strip your bodies cholesterol with oatmeal and low carb foods and then visit cancer patients.

for seasoned actors, no. for young guys like Tom, yes. especially when he's going nowhere unlike his older peers.
>inb4 uncharted
yes, that thing went nowhere for 4 years

Scarlet must be regretting it the most. She's hitting the wall and is still forced to do another film.

>do you think they regret getting paid

Hnnnngggg GOD I've love to see Scarlet Witch filled up with black cocks.

No. They're all mediocre actors. Especially the romanian guy. now they have him making tv shows.

Yes, Timmy Chalamet lost his Spider-Man audition to Holland. Who's doing better now? Who was nominated for an Oscar? Who is working with best directors and have the best projects lined up? TIMMY

Anyone got that gif of Woody Harrelson wiping his tears away with a stack of hundreds? That's how much they regret it

>She's hitting the wall and is still forced to do another film.

Scarlett Johanssen isn't Black Widow in the black widow movie lel she's been replaced

they won’t have the same paychecks again. so probably?