JLaw’s new bf is 18

>JLaw’s new bf is 18

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>breaks up with her
>men are baaad

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Ah the ole Sneed, seed and, feed. Classic.

Where are the concerned twitter users pointing out the disgusting difference in their ages?

Is that Dio from JoJo?

she earned it, she's an entitled thot but she's hot, let this guy ride her all the way to the wall like the NK on zombie-Viserion

>Leonardo dates young womem

>jlaw dates basically a child

>caring at all about some dumb roastie
I'd like to force your brains out of your skull with a little 12 gauge medicine.


How come she don't want me, man?

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a quick google search tells me that jlaw is not only still dating cooke maroney (not the guy in your pic) but that she’s also going to marry him

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very underrated post


Maybe do a yoga flame in front of her to impress her

That's not even JLaw in the picture, you faceblind fucks.

Didn't this guy get laughed at by all of womankind for being so bad at sex with a girl that she #metoo'd him

It must really suck being a poo

She's already cheating on him. Shocker.

>fuck older guys when you're young
>fuck younger guys when you're old

the roastie cycle

>Implying every Hollywood mommy actress doesn't have a teen boy toy boyfriend.
You could've been one if you were cute and younger like me, user

Meanwhile Pete Davidson is fucking Marisa Tomei

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>fuck older women when you’re young
>fuck younger girls when you’re old

the tubie cycle

What the fuck is with this guy it doesn't make ANY sense

You gullible, gossiping idiots.

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His fanbase comprises entirely of women too. I haven't met a single guy that thinks this faggot is remotely funny.

Kek imagine not realising that Hollywood agents set these relationships up to get exposure for their clients

Must really suck being a brainlet

Literally no one wants to fuck older women and tubie is never gonna catch on

>implying she'd wait anyway

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Nowhere to be found, obviously.

He has a wife, you know
