Hold on, woman. 2 megatons? Out of a steam tank? Half of Europe sterilised? Are you sure you haven't added extra zeros...

Hold on, woman. 2 megatons? Out of a steam tank? Half of Europe sterilised? Are you sure you haven't added extra zeros, on the order of a million to be accurate, on your numbers? Revise your calculations, woman, because this is high-calibre bullshit.

Attached: ulana-khomyuk-is-a-fictional-character-1559764952.jpg (780x439, 25K)

Other urls found in this thread:


30 kilometers is bullshit

It wasn't a steam tank, it was a basement containing 7,000 cubic metres of water. When water is converted into steam it expands thousands of times, happening instantly inside an enclosed space would be a massive explosion.

A fucking kettle

Kettles are slowly heated up by a heating element rather than instantly vaporised by having tonnes of molten nuclear fuel dropped into them.

Fucking typical how the only meaningful role of a women in this series was actually an aggregate of a big group of people, which was about 80% male by the looks of the photo in the credits.

1) have sex
2) do some research

>all these Trump apologists

Lmao, this shit broke /pol/'s brain.

there's none to break, it's just par for the course

I'm also subscribed to thunderf00t
but I don't watch chernobyl so whatever

She's a shit character regardless of her gender.
>goes from barging in into the situation uninvited to directly addressing Gorbachev, all the while finding the time to school other scientists, makes significant discoveries, and record the experiences of the dying
She's the most blatant example of a composite character I've ever seen. Probably because of how grounded everything else is in contrast.

Attached: tp_cameo.jpg (1920x1080, 450K)

>another Mary Sue
how original

Not a fucking 2 megaton explosion for sure.

Prove it


>would have been
Is this blog assuming Chernobyl never happened? Great start, boomer.

Summer 2019: Zoomers learn about the Chernobyl disaster via an HBO miniseries after their public education systems failed them.

a 7000°c kettle

>>Past tense

It isn't the steam you spastics, it's the fact it will cause explosions at the site that will cause other reactors to blow up. You aren't gonna be sat in a cafe in Kiev and get vaporized by a big steam cloud.

Failed at geography forever. Kiev, let alone Minsk is too far aways for that.

reading comprehension: the post.

I said that that is what would NOT happen. Niggas in this thread think the steam would kill anyone who wasn't sat in the fucking parking lot.

Lmao at your reading comprehension.