Cast him for the biopic "The Anti-Social Network"

cast him for the biopic "The Anti-Social Network"

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Jesse "talker" Eisenberg

nobody is gay enough for that role

haha anti-social network, I get it because of that film Social Network, haha

Fucking end your pathetic life roastie.

Michael Cera
He is a long time shitposter on Yea Forums.

Sigourney Weaver

Jeremy Harrington

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man i want to jam my cock in his wide mouth like one of those carnival games that you put the ping pong balls in. I guarantee id score 30 every time.

nigga u gay

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I'd love to kick moot in the head. Just take a few steps run up then catch him with the full force of my steel capped toe under his chin, send that little faggot flying through the air.

As he lies on the floor, coughing and wheezing and chocking on his own blood, his jaw a mangled mess of bones detached from the rest of his skull, I stand over him and laugh wickedly. He looks up at me in fear and pain, his eyes searching, begging me for mercy. He finds none. I raise my boot then stomp down, splitting his skull like a melon and finally ending his pathetic life



A boring synthesis!

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I want to kiss moot so bad

would have to be classic Paul Dano

Literally who?

That IS the Hollywood actor playing moot. Here is a photo of the real moot.

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He's gone for good, isn't he? ;_;

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wrong, fake moot posters pls go

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legendary fuck-up of a man

WOW moot did THAT?!

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>tfw he will never come back


That's not moot, real moot was BLACK!

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honestly if they make a movie they should call it "internet hate machine"
that's unironically a pretty good tittle

Jennifer Lawrence.

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And overdramatize it. It starts out just a cool club for kids who like Jap stuff, then moot starts going crazy and eventually creates /pol/ and /x/ to summon nazi succubi and kill joos.
Snacks is played by Seth Rogen, and moot kills him with a hammer he painted yellow. Seth Rogen fucking a whale on DVD extras

No he's not, I've got better things to do than shit around with a bunch of pedos on Yea Forums all day

Anton Yelchin

Jon Heder

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Who was mot?

he's like 50 by now

Ron Howard would have been perfect for this role when he was young.

this guy

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Yeah right, moot is alpha as fuark

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And he carries luggage!


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Ironically it the actor who like him the most

Hiro might be the king of Yea Forums now but moot will always be our princess.

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>ywn meet him at a con and fuck his tender ass
what's the fucking point of anything anymore

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This is total aids, the picture.

Hi Michael. I like your movies.

Nice try Jesse Eisenburg, we know it's you.

Cast Samuel L. Jackson as a Habbo raid Nigra