I’m going to say the n word Kal-El

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I read this in Michael Shannon's voice lel


I'm going to say it

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>"I'm going to shay the N-Word"

Superman's story is so sad, his planet destroyed and ungrateful humans blame him for being destructive.

So sad. Let's cry together like two fags in a pod user.

Shut the fuck up, you could not even handle moving out from your mom's basement.

What's wrong user? Why are you angry? Aren't you supposed to be sad?

The fever, the rage, the feeling of powerlessness angered me.

The rage at how absolutely terrible the writing is and how faggy you are for getting sad about it?

Writing isn't bad for cape. I get it however, you dislike it because you can't see yourself in Superman.
You are a manboon.

Ah yes user I feel so sad about being a manboon. I can't see myself in Superman and it's making me sad everytime I watch the movie you know? Such great writing to make me feel so sad. We should both lie down and cry like fags user.

You would only be sad if someone stole your banana. Such is the depth of your intelligence.

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Ah I see. And since this movie made me sad then I guess everyone who watches this and gets sad is also a brainlet like me right? We have so much in common user! We're both sad brainlet faggots who like this very well written movie! Let's be friends!

>I exist only to say the word. That is the sole purpose for which I was born.

top kek

I don't befriend basedboys.


>Dad I told those kids the word...