Qi'ra Disney+ series

>master of Teras Kasi
>public face of major crime syndicate
took Lando's best cape
>fucked Han Solo
>isn't scurred of Maul
>possesses an ancient set of Mando armor and a Sith holocron

What the fuck, Disney? You can't just set all that up and not follow through. Miniseries WHEN?

Attached: cute.jpg (558x794, 60K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Easily the cutest girl in Star Wars, what a waste

but wuts her tax policy

Attached: ACTING.png (1107x424, 601K)

I’d watch it

I don't know a shit about Star Wars but i could watch this

>Teras Kasi
baik baik saja

What the fuck is this bullshit you’re talking about son what the fuck is Tera Kasi

What's the point of this character?

Romance and girl power.

She could have a 2 year-old she forgot to tell Han about.

I wouldn't be surprised if she showed up in Mandalorian.

The space martial art she was trained in.

Han's first love.

Do we know what /ourgirl/'s schedule was like when they were filming it? They've kept bigger secrets I guess. There will probably be a season 2, also.

"One for you, two for me."

Attached: punch.webm (1000x401, 2.89M)

and dumped her on jakku

A series sounds good, I’m always up for some more space pirate adventures.

Also, cute

Attached: 0728A95C-0CCE-466D-B8F7-4AD182631F0E.jpg (456x654, 45K)

we need far more kino from her

Attached: SoloSW_Stills_016.jpg (1194x779, 260K)

Rey being a child of Qi'ra and Han would make absolutely zero sense timeline-wise.

>make absolutely zero sense timeline-wise.
this is universe where D&D are joining with rian johnson nothing has to make sense anymore

Attached: SoloSW_Stills_018.jpg (868x1200, 181K)

Just like most of the new trilogy

>>possesses an ancient set of Mando armor and a Sith holocron
Since when

Rey would have to be in her mid-40s to be a child of theirs.

>implying writers care about consistency

Attached: Qira_SASWS.jpg (2935x3993, 2.12M)

I never said shit about Rey, retard. Don't reply to me as if I did. Having said that, Han could have run into Qi'ra a decade after RotJ, cheated on Leia, and squirted Rey into her womb.

Dumb haircut

I bet people wearing fur pisses of Chewbacca.



Attached: SoloSW_Stills_011.jpg (1000x800, 425K)

Since by the end of the flick, Dryden Vos is dead and his ship and its contents are hers.

I demand more Qi ra kino

Attached: SoloSW_Stills_003.jpg (2048x858, 1.38M)

So she didn't carry around a vial of Han's cum for future insemination? Some fan you are not knowing that one...

Who cut her hair and gave her bangs before they go to find Lando? A droid? A sexy twi'lek barber?

>not Qi'no

no idea why they had to cut her hair

Attached: Screenshot (166).png (1366x768, 580K)

>Qi'ra would have to be 46 to be Rey's mother
yeah I don't care, do it anyway

Attached: SoloSW_Stills_017.jpg (858x658, 55K)

In the pre-Ron Howard version of this scene she has the same hairstyle as she does in the remainder of the movie, and is wearing a sheer white dress.

Are there pics?

You got that backward. If Qi'ra is alive in the sequel trilogy, she's about the same age as Han.

God we missed it

Attached: MV5BMGI3Nzc5NzMtZTUxZC00MTUzLWE0YmMtNmNlY2JjMWNiMjRjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjI2Njk1MDg@._V1_.jpg (1334x750, 102K)

how am I wrong, Qi'ra is born 31bby and rey is born 15aby thus she would have to be 46

>those shoes

Attached: 1505414729757.jpg (2048x2048, 137K)

You're not wrong. Math and/or reading comprehension is hard for some people.

>Miniseries WHEN?
nah disney+ should invest their money on a MARVEL: the beyonder miniseries instead

Even with those boots he's like 2 inches taller than her

oh no no no

EIERC is 5'2". Even with elevator shoes, these manlets are barely taller than her.

>MARVEL: the beyonder miniseries instead
capeshit pls leave

Attached: SoloSW_Stills_002.jpg (2048x913, 1.32M)

Yeah, they can't afford both.

I want to suck on her lips.

we need at least a independent Qi'ra spinoff

Attached: SoloSW_Stills_005.jpg (2048x858, 981K)

That's my wife you're talking about

We'll never see an official image either. The art book showed concept art of this dress, but no photos of her in it.

Fight me.

I like the way that jacket fits her.

we also needed more young Qi'ra

Attached: SoloSW_Stills_013.jpg (1000x800, 971K)

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Sounds like you just want more amelia clark

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Attached: Screenshot (197).png (1366x768, 435K)

>he never played star wars galaxies and became a teras kasi master (TKM)

She has an ill spaceship, too.


Attached: Screenshot (218).png (1366x768, 687K)


Attached: Screenshot (192).png (1366x768, 666K)

More Aemella Clarque can't be a bad thing, can it?

>tfw the threads won't survive to see her long delayed trailer trash kino finally be released

Attached: 12846060-0-Jorah_s_return_While_it_looked_like_he_was_going_to_die_at_the_h-a-56_1556521187416.jpg (586x337, 29K)

>tfw the threads won't survive to see her long delayed trailer trash kino finally be released

What kino?

Animated Qi'no


Han fucked up.

Attached: 42413830241_9977f81137_o.png (750x1334, 1.76M)

Not Emilia

This honestly doest look good

>master of Teras Kasi

Attached: nice martial art you hacks.jpg (770x400, 24K)

Obviously. This thread is a Qi'ra thread, not /ecg/.

Why does this girl have a giant safety pin in her cloak?

The PS1 video game it's from literally features a character with a metal hand.

It's a future zipper

Why does the future have worse tech than the present?

>A long time ago in a galaxy far far away

It's more like a paper clip. That flap goes though it. Also, it's not her cloak, it's Lando's.

>>isn't scurred of Maul
Careful, he can turn his lightsaber on and off in the middle of a holoSkype call.

Attached: Maul holoSkype Call.webm (900x378, 3M)

>defending terrible costume design

Fuck you, I like it.

It's actually from the Finnish "teräs käsi" (though it should actually be "teräskäsi")

That's to remind her he was a Sith and can do shit like crush her trachea over holoSkype too.


They mean the same in both languages.
t. Viro

Very cute

Attached: Qira.jpg (651x1024, 77K)

More sexy than cute desu

I'm still not convinced. More proofs?

I think she could pull off the look for a femme fatale in a noir style flick pretty well.

Did some research. I think he might be right.

Attached: qt.webm (1474x804, 2.85M)

For her brain surgery?

Yeah. I'm thinking she's cute

She was so forgettable, I didn't even realize it was the same actress as Daenerys until halfway through the movie.


maybe because of the wig?

Does she have a porn lookalike?

no user

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Cutest psycho!

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Joking aside, this actually was the tax policy of the Alabama state until 1943, as crazy as it sounds

You clearly can see she trying to control her eyebrows here. Why so cute? It's not fair, bros

Attached: 540.gif (540x220, 741K)


>Qi'Ra series
I fuckin wish!

Attached: 00001.png (528x792, 526K)


Getting the GoT fanbase to come see "Solo"

Attached: 725852027.jpg (400x400, 57K)

Didn't work

why did she yell while throwing the grenade

She was yelling at God

Fuck Han solo.
Fuck John Connor
And, most importantly, fuck Jon Snow

Attached: 11.jpg (1280x850, 117K)

Is there any doctor here? Im needing a Electrocardiogram

Attached: shackled_7.jpg (960x640, 100K)

The usurper Jon Snow
The usurper Sansa Stark
The usurper Bran the Broken

Attached: 1559068832266.gif (600x327, 3.77M)

>Fuck John Connor

FUCK /got/
FUCK /alita/
FUCK /trek/
FUCK /sneed/

Attached: qi_ra_dcjei5c-pre.jpg (617x1295, 204K)


Attached: 29.jpg (705x514, 201K)

She would be perfect as Keira Metz

John Connor is...her son...

>FUCK /got/
Cmon, ts not like that

Attached: 1560203265861.png (1439x785, 1.82M)

Not "fuck" in that way, satan! You sick fuck

Attached: 28.jpg (2000x3000, 734K)

She really would

Attached: shackled_5.jpg (960x640, 82K)

Very, very cute!

Attached: badass.webm (1000x750, 695K)


Attached: SadPoorDany.webm (1280x720, 2.74M)

it's the pain every electrocardiogram-bro feels

Attached: 2013_17_13.jpg (1484x1800, 1.55M)

>mfw they turned Star Wars into cringe-core sour
>tfw it was already well into exactly that with current cartoons and preqs

Attached: botTOM.jpg (262x262, 14K)

I just wanna drive into the sunset in a Mustang 1967 fastback with her bros, im not asking for much here

Attached: images.jpg (388x594, 25K)

i think you're asking too much

I just want to drive my head between her thighs if you know what I mean

exceptionally cute

Attached: 1559423360990.webm (1920x1080, 1.43M)

Unless they have a fling post-ROTJ which is the actual source of Han and Leia breaking up.

Let's talk serious now. What's the future of Star Wars with these guys?

Attached: David-Benioff-a-DB-Weiss.jpg (2284x1537, 896K)

Attached: solo_point.webm (800x430, 2.66M)

Hopefully they will cast Sophie Turner and put the final nail to the coffin, killing the series once and for all

>rush to the ending of your TV show because you're bored of it and want to make space movies
>fuck up so badly that even normies finally realize you're hacks

Star Wars is too big to ever die for good, but hopefully these two help put into another hibernation.

That pointy thing probably tickled her

oh shit thats pretty cute ngl

Attached: 1552074663828.jpg (640x360, 13K)

Elsa Jean maybe?

You were just too used to see her as Daenerys. You're not alone in that case tho

Attached: ung.jpg (1024x1020, 82K)

Completely different. Maybe the body have a bit of similarity

The cutest!

Attached: 1470486121521.gif (540x268, 1.94M)

look at this fool using the non-canon date system

the smallest

Looks like a 'uanian


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Attached: 2018_ElleFrance_005.jpg (1001x1300, 447K)

You can see how small she is, here

May,16, 2019

Attached: 0516_SMSBattlesQuiz_0017.jpg (1349x2048, 802K)

Attached: 2018_ElleFrance_002.jpg (1254x1627, 408K)

Name 3 more iconic male characters

>jon snow

Attached: UHHHHH.png (645x729, 216K)

Captain America
Tony Stark

imagine she captures you while you're trying to heist her loot. She puts you in a slave Leia bikini and forces you to suck her toes for the rest of your life.
I think it would be worth it. Getting to travel the galaxy as a powerful woman's footslave

Why are they always named Kira?

haha imagine if she made u lick her pusy how crazy would that be haha

Attached: L51rEEL.png (662x399, 470K)

Harry Potter



Where is this from?

didn't she say she doesn't do nude rules anymore?

Attached: OHLAWD.jpg (584x600, 75K)

Thats a sex cover
Voice from the stone

Voice From The Stone was recorded in 2014 tho

from this but brightened and contrasted

Attached: lewd-[00.00.000-00.40.24911].webm (854x480, 2.76M)

>space wizards are okay
>a woman giving birth at 46 in a far distant galaxy with advanced space faring technology is so improbable to be laughable.

She has a sexy back

Attached: 2015_esquire_010.jpg (2000x2475, 1.06M)

>tfw Yea Forums is so slow, a dying general is one of the most active threads

Attached: disgusted.webm (1120x1080, 2.89M)

1. This is not a general
2. We're not dying

Attached: Rotten_piece_of_shit_wasted_9years_of_my_character.png (400x404, 122K)

You must be from Yea Forums

general? what general?

I love Emilia, i love Daenerys, i love Qi'ra, im normal human bean.

Attached: Emilia omaze.webm (750x422, 2.96M)

CUTE. I'll miss that comfy clothes


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Based, señorita Emilia.

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What is she seeing?

Her face(s) in that damn video...

Attached: E4.jpg (1208x1274, 770K)

/ecg/ gang

Attached: 1558881503578.jpg (800x1200, 89K)

Incredibly cute!

Attached: 1559397619577.jpg (1500x1125, 150K)

That's... actually not a bad idea.

Attached: look.png (336x369, 169K)

Shush, you! There's /ecg/

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I don't know

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My big white horse

>She will never wear the wig again
It hurts


Attached: Emilia blink.webm (1920x908, 1.75M)

>growing her hair long again
>keeping it brown

I'm okay with this.

Attached: emsupercute.png (598x466, 353K)

I just realised it...

Attached: lonely Dany.webm (1066x600, 2.85M)

Not quite. She said she doesn't want to do nude scenes if they're just gratuitous and don't service the story. In this case, she resembled the man's dead wife so, she agreed to model for his unfinished sculpture of her.

Never heard of this, but the actress sure is cute

Attached: 871818980.jpg (1280x1682, 356K)

She's lovely.

Attached: Banana.jpg (640x427, 232K)

>"A-user.. I.. really like you.. and.. would y-you like to go on a date?"

Attached: 15593163726061.jpg (350x350, 49K)

I want an Altoid now.


Attached: 7982734028897.jpg (640x798, 143K)

yeah she cute

Attached: 1558835428341.webm (480x418, 256K)

Fuck off

Attached: cripplechad.png (901x807, 1.15M)

what are you talking about

Attached: wall.webm (1374x804, 2.95M)

I think I would've enjoyed Solo more if they just got a different Han.

>He doesn't have an alter to worship Emilia

Attached: 03-emilia-clarke.w600.h315.2x.jpg (1200x630, 60K)

That's casting, not the character in itself

I think her strokes killed the part of her brain that understands fashion sense.

Attached: emdress.jpg (1043x1622, 205K)


Attached: food.webm (1920x1080, 1M)

No, she's just british. Those gals are...eccentric. Their sense of fashion is weird.

want me to be your emilia joi?

The thought of rejecting Emilia fills me with power

Imagine turning down the perfect woman. Akin to pushing the red button and launching the nukes.

Attached: 1558787460331.jpg (656x875, 167K)

>he doesn't spend a minimum of 4 figures alone a single piece of apparel

Attached: crutchesdress.jpg (634x1063, 166K)

If I could make her laugh like this, I'd be so incredibly happy.

Attached: Puppies.gif (500x281, 1.3M)

>is a dog person
Jesus fucking Christ she gets cuter by the minute. Its literally and unironically not fair

>Funko shit

Are so called "emiliachads" frauds?

Attached: hnabh06qych21.jpg (4032x3024, 1.44M)

>implying most weebs nowadays arent chads

I don't watch anime or Star War garbage. Also, anyone who buys those Funko Pop dolls should be literally castrated to match their figurative castration. Only children and eunuchs buy toys.

Attached: 1559026792548.jpg (2008x2792, 567K)

>Also, anyone who buys those Funko Pop dolls should be literally castrated to match their figurative castration. Only children and eunuchs buy toys.
get fucked user

Attached: Emilia-Clarke-Poses-With-a-Tiny-Toy-Version-Of-Her-Character-In-Game-Of-Thrones.jpg (480x480, 115K)

They're just shitty little toys. Take it easy, mate.

Attached: PUWoxx4l.jpg (640x638, 51K)

Based boomer

>he buys a childish plastic representation of the woman he admires instead of simply admiring the real thing

Don't forget to buy the official Jon Snow chastity cage and Drogon dragon dildo, you emasculated consumer drones.

Attached: 1558930951665.webm (1222x1080, 1.8M)

>Star Wars Galaxies
>Teras kasi master
My SWG brother user, I fucking love you

Attached: TKDefensiveStance.png (913x858, 598K)

Isaw Emilia Clarke at a Tesco express in London yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.

She said, “It's fine! I don't mind at all!”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she cut me off and laughed and pulled me in for a selfie. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her laugh and turned round to see her wave at me as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in her hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Oi luv, you need to pay for those first.” She turned around and said "I'm so sorry! I'm so scatterbrained, I didn't mean to!"

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, she realized she had forgotten her credit card in her car. I offered to pay for the Milky Ways and she said "Wow, you're so sweet!" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I will never wash my face again

Attached: 20180905_emiliaclarkehassuchacutesmile.jpg (682x1024, 73K)

If you don’t think this is /ecg/ then you fucked up

>Oi luv

>They're doing KotoR with Rian
Ruining the most kino of all stories in this fucking franchise and making me hate one of my favorite games of all time. Revan doesn't deserve this pain bros

Attached: Pathetic Planet.png (1518x844, 770K)

You guys think she raided her own personal wardrobe for the clothes she wears in Me Before You?

Attached: berf.png (886x692, 1.17M)

no her personal wardrobe is too weird

Attached: 1558891863714.gif (540x400, 1.01M)

I'd like to think so

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You're probably right, I'll change it to 'scuse me luv.

Although oi probably counts as professional in customer service over here

The gayest thing I've ever heard. Unironically kill yourself you fucking disgusting faggot

I'm trying to think of a word to describe Emilia can anyone help? I'm thinking it starts with c

Attached: 0318_gots3pc_47.jpg (461x701, 211K)

OOOOOOOAHHHH, i've never saw this successful roll

She's so compact. Godtier gf

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Hmm not that one, although she is also that

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Have you seen Me Before You?

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Imagine all the penises shes taken



Attached: download.png (480x270, 92K)

No, Emilia is far above that gay shit


Attached: 1560120400612.jpg (985x479, 23K)

>Emilia is far above that gay shit
then why are all her boyfriends gay

I want to hold Emilia's hand and cuddle with her a little bit

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Stop posting this and Dany...


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Motherfuckers it still hurts

Attached: ragemilia.jpg (1744x1524, 397K)


Attached: Voice-from-the-Stone-Emilia-Clarke.jpg (900x538, 21K)

>tfw you realize he's only taking you to Norway so his friends can run a train on you.

Attached: realization.png (1547x1077, 2.13M)

Do you think she would like this or find it scary?

She'd find it slightly endearing but also very creepy.

Attached: danycringe.jpg (554x554, 33K)

PTSD triggered


>be actor
>have expressive face
>retards on the internet miss the point

i watch it for she

Attached: 1462059421813.jpg (656x525, 64K)

Confident Domme Emila or Cute Sub Emilia???


Attached: emilia-clarke.jpg (900x1200, 176K)

no i don't think she would like it

Attached: ecgdiscovered.webm (652x360, 2.59M)

>tfw user didn't buy all your funkos

>mission failed you let her down

Attached: vfts_stills_016.jpg (1500x1000, 225K)

There are middle east emiliabros here?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-12 EagleFilmsME ( eaglefilmsme) • Instagram.png (329x119, 5K)

Emilia - Felicity lesbian movie when?

Attached: 1158999.jpg (3328x4992, 1.59M)

Qi'ra-Jyn Erso crossover spinoff

How many kinos til she becomes fem Sean Bean?

Hopefully never

Attached: shackled_2.jpg (960x640, 44K)

Oh man I fuckin wish.

>reminder that she dies after BaT

Attached: bat_onstage_8.jpg (3000x2246, 767K)

>Zoomers and Millennials never played Masters of Teras Kasi for PS1

Attached: starwars-mastersofteraskasi-700x371.jpg (700x371, 45K)


One ticket for Last Christimas please. Also a diet coke

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Attached: bat_onstage_6.jpg (960x657, 78K)

>going to a romcom all alone

Bunny fu would like a word with you

Based Emilia cured his homosexuality

based trips

I never really thought of Emilia Clarke as anything special but she really cute/hot in this film to me, anyone else?

Attached: xq20yif9oae01.jpg (1009x1200, 71K)

>anyone else?

Attached: 1503363877055.png (235x160, 53K)

he relapsed after she left

Attached: Capture.jpg (1040x234, 59K)

>anyone else?
This whole thread nigga

Helps she played a smart character for once

>anyone else?
Nigga scroll up. Also
>I never really thought of Emilia Clarke as anything special
Shame on you fool

Attached: a286.jpg (1280x1280, 109K)

Emilia please don't leave

what is a fucking queer?

Attached: 1538711835431-0.jpg (400x396, 22K)

>whiteknighting for a hollywood actress because you think she's cute

They're sodomites, user. They love poz loads and children.

Have an Emilia to cleanse your mind.

Attached: 1559225461386.jpg (1136x3000, 393K)

When will you ecg fags learn?

Imagine wearing one solid color to a big event seen by millions of people.

Attached: qt-and-the-manlet.jpg (634x731, 80K)

now that the dust has settled, is whole27 right?

Attached: mebeforeyou.png (1158x417, 45K)

he's from the NAAHTS WOHTCH user

Not entirely because Clarke is better than Clark

Attached: ifonly.jpg (702x501, 125K)

>Hey let's go hiking in the alps

Louisa: Oh, I think I'll just stay here and make some tea and read my book.

Emilia: FUCK YEAH, Let"s do this shit!

There's the difference.

Attached: danygangsta.jpg (332x368, 86K)

he looks he is about to cry every picture

>Emilia lets party you got the role
>Nah i will stay home watching friends and eating oreos thanks

>Your job is literally just looking good
>Incredible leaps in technology food and cosmetics
>Still somehow manage to hit the wall in late 20's

Attached: 12568688976.jpg (512x512, 44K)

He realizes he fucked up and it will haunt him the rest of his life.

Attached: ifonlyjonsnow2.png (1280x880, 1.51M)

Too nervous around her

>not knowing she's an avid hiker.

user, pls.

Attached: danybrows.png (378x435, 278K)

Actually Sophie hitted the wall on early 20s not late

Han Solo's badass girlfriend who is much better at everything than he is

god i wish she would drag me and teach me how to hike


looks like granny

Exactly, WALLED

I'm too lazy to watch series, but I'd watch a movie of this.

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Attached: c3rt.jpg (500x700, 65K)

>replying to it

Attached: 1558886771690.jpg (1143x1540, 1.01M)

>Thinking that makes her look good
Lmaoing @ your life

Attached: 1505411633921.jpg (675x675, 164K)

Attached: download (1).jpg (259x194, 18K)

>thinking that cherrypicked pics makes her look bad
Lmaoing @ your life

Attached: 49A8739000000578-5444857-image-m-24_1519819607062.jpg (306x687, 64K)

naomi woods


Attached: 3j7QOZk.png (640x480, 428K)

Attached: tomuch.jpg (125x116, 2K)


>be you

>image limit

Attached: emilia-clarke-star-wars-interview-3.png (800x529, 586K)

would grow old with/10

the faggot deleted the thread

Good, stop linking threads.