Holy shit, this movie was fucking awesome. No wonder I've never seen a thread about it on this board.
Too busy shilling shitty CGI quipfest h24. Sad!
Beyond kino
have it in my queue . should i watch it now?
Where can I watch it?
There's going to be a show called "Romulus" by the same guy in the future
I've found it amazing so if you ask me, yes. The ending gave me the chill.
>foreign language
If you're not civilized enough to make a movie in English, you deserve nobody going to see your "movie"
Where the fuck did you find it?
based and faggotpilled
Fucking tastelets
I don't think anyone's shilling small movies on here m8.
It has been on here but it wasn't released in the US so no one has been able to see it.
If it comes to any theater in the us I will fly out to see it.
Its in Latin. Did you know in what year Rome was founded, you nigger?
Borghi is one of my favorite actors after watching Suburra. Where can I watch this? Is it on Netflix?
I am very curious where I can find this film. So have a bump.
A friend of mine own the dvd and made me watch it yesterday. Today morning i've bought the blu-ray. Both versions have the subtitles in Italian, English and Latin.
Pre Romans already had metallurgy, cities, roads, architecture and more. It bothers me that they are portrayed as cavemen.
I don't see any caves
In big communities, like Alba (that even send chivalry after them) their soldiers also have metal "armors". Their are basically two pastors and the village they met is like 30 persons. I think a lot of people lived in small communities in the middle of nowhere at that time.
I mean shepherds
Great movie until the end when the director FUCKES UP the foundation of ROME.
You mean the fact, the clash between brothers, happened because Remus was trying to cross the "sacred ground" made by Romulus, instead the actual borders of Rome?
What about the major fuck up that it's highly unlikely Rome was founded on 21 April 753 BCE by a guy who killed his brother?
Rome was a shitty village. Etruscans turned it into a city.
The movie ends with Romulus Founding Rome near the Tevere, not in the Fucking Palatine Hill.
The movie simply shows they are crossing Tevere, who said they stopped immediately after the crossing?
>herp derp it's set in xx year so that means they should speak that language
I bet you're one of those faggots who thinks Chernobyl should be in Russian too
>not founding Rome on Palpatine Hill
It's treason then
I REALLY liked the movie, it doen't use the Julii Shitpost as a pitch and Shows what Ancient Romans really are, A band of outcasted people that founded the most iconic city in the world.
Nice revisionism.
Romulus used his brother body to make a sacred ground where Rome will be build.
>and Shows what Ancient Romans really are, A band of outcasted people that founded the most iconic city in the world.
Based and Tarquinia pilled.
>Chernobyl in Russian
Yes, but only if Russians make it.
Do you like the Julii Shitpost as your headcanon with Romulus being a Demi God Prince?
Maybe they crossed the Tever, made in Palatine Hill and then he bury his brother there. Again its not in the movie so whats wrong?
>“It’s an adventure movie in which all the action scenes are shot with real stunts,” Rovere told Screen. “We’re using minimum VFX. The only exception is a big opening sequence.”
>“I’m shooting in pre-Roman Latin because it will bring the audience inside something real and unique that happened centuries before the Roman Empire,” he added. “I want to demonstrate that the Italian industry is capable of excellent results compared to international standards in prosthetics, stunts, special effects, fights and costumes."
>"Everything was created in Italy.”
Is he /ourguy/?
I heard about this some time ago and saw the trailer, it looked pretty interesting. Though I don't think this has been released widely, at least I haven't seen it in any theaters near me. Is there way to get it on the internet? I haven't even seen any torrents.
Main actor is from Rome my non-white (butthurt) friend.
What the fuck are you even on about, schizo?
Found the Ameritard.
I'm talking about the director's choice to make Romulus /Remus characters as simple Shepherds instead of being Princes of Alba Longa in the Julii Shitpost version.