Thank you Hollywood, very cool. I can't wait for him to remove all Christian themes
Netflix's Narnia gets a Jewish showrunner
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Fuck off back to /pol/ you retarded incel slime. And he’s not even Jewish
>That swarthy face + that surname
>Not Jewish
you forgot to say "DATS ANTI-SEMITIC!!!!!" and threaten to sue.
funny how fast you pathetic yid freaks reveal yourselves.
>an old English name somehow means he’s Jewish
>having black hair somehow means he’s Jewish
you’re seriously mentally ill with an obsession
The christian themes are easily the worst part of the book aside from pretending turkish delight tastes good.
I'm guessing you are op and this is a jdf samefag. You forgot to mention anything about your jew obsession in the op.
Better luck next time.
I just want to know why Netflix hired a Christ-hating Jew to adapt CS Lewis' Christian story
>The christian themes are easily the worst part of the book
Analogies of Religion and Philosophy are fucking integral to Narnia. Without that its literally just a childrens' fantasy story.
This is like saying "the speculation on the nature of reality is the worst part of this Philip K. Dick novel".
>I'm so triggered about the thought that someone who isn't white, straight, christian, or male is doing anything at any time that I have to cry about it every fucking second of every fucking day on every fucking board
>dude im actually jesus so i can resurrect lmao
this is the same guy that calls other people snowflake
Wew, can't wait.
Let me guess:
>Half the kids will be mixed-race
>Lucy and Susan will be overly feisty and antagonistic SLAY QUEENS and will shit all over Edmund and Peter
>All Philosophical allegories will be stripped
>All Christian themes will be stripped, or at least the ones that portray Christianity positively
>he’s not even Jewish
"Do not cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch. I was there when it was written"
Books and the first movie are great, don't be a faggot.
the ENTIRE book is a Christian analogy so by your logic the whole book is awful. Lewis and Tolkien were huge christfags and their christian attitude towards the struggle between good and evil are the backbones of their work.
Susan Pevensie doesn't get into heaven in the last book cause she's too busy chasing boys KEK
Lewis is the ultimate thot slayer
Based and redpilled
Pretty sure Christians didn't invent the idea of good vs evil.
The Chronicles of Narnia were written by a scholar of philosophy, religion, folklore and history and were intended to introduce children to these complicated but important concepts.
Themes in the Narnia books cover everything from The Allegory of the Cave to Flat-Earth Cosmology, Multiverse Theory, the Problem of Evil, Thomas Aquinas' principles of Divine Simplicity and Double Effect and the advent of the atomic bomb.
You're a brainlet if you honestly think that Aslan being a Christological archetype is the deepest the series goes.
Anything is deep if you pretend it is.
And? With some things you don't have to pretend because the author actually thought about what they wrote before they wrote it.
This includes the Narnia series.
Just ask any DC fan
I mean The Matrix and BvS are influenced by all sorts of deep philosophy and religious iconography but they're actually pretty shallow.
Based CS Lewis