Is the new shaft movie based or not

Is the new shaft movie based or not

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Trailer looked like a typical action comedy/mismatched buddy cop duo
I was thinking the father/son thing could be fun
Seems like something I'd watch on tv

Looks like /our/ kind of movie.

Mainstream left still doesnt know what to do about their love for their precious pet niggers but also the black communities deep rooted homophobia

Based Shaft working the roasties, fags, and zoomers into a shoot.

Are movie reviewers actually capable of writing coherently anymore? or is their entire vocabulary just buzzwords and memes?

To be fair, who the hell was asking to see an old Samuel L Jackson play Shaft....again?

black boomers I guess?

Movie reviewers are the worst kind of people. I would legitimately rather hang out with ISIS fighters than these psychopaths

>more hacky jokes about millennials
Why are millennials so pathetic?

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It is strange how most the negative reviews are that it isn't woke enough

what happens that makes it woke?

>exactly like original which was beloved
>"it's shit now!"

Generation of participation trophies and No child left behind bullshit.

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if it doesn't agree with the forward march of """""progress""""" it is to be discarded

Just imagine some ugly, gangly bloke with cheap makeup barely covering their 5 o clock shadow. Now imagine them shovelling a Big Mac meal down their throat and all the grease seeping through their wal-mart foundation. Imagine that Lovecraftian beast, trying so hard to look and act like the women they desperately want to fuck stinking of shit streaks, cock sweat, cheap burgers and droplets of piss that stuck to their thong (clinging on for dear life trying its very hardest to hold a set of cock and balls and copious amounts of pubic hair). Trannies are an abomination.

what did based armond think

I can't even fathom the amount of cognitive dissonance which must be required to write something like that.

you just know

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This is a fucking troll
>left pic is the profile picture

Ummmmm, sweaty?? Maybe that "male" employee identifies as female. Did you even ask them their pronouns??

>those critics
why do people take that website seriously

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>another Shaft reboot
>starring Samuel L. Jackson again
Who asked for this? Not that I have any complaints, just feels weird to see them reboot it again with the same reboot actor.

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I had to stare at that pic for like 2 minutes before I understood what i was looking at

I bet he was trolling him too. Intentionally trying to provoke the tranny into saying something and he probably had a response loaded up
>"Wtf you talkin about? I'm a woman too bro, lmao"

Look at these faggots


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It sounds like classic Shaft going by those reviews, I'm definitely interested. I just don't like having a grandpa and son Shaft. Too many.

would be a kino episode I'm imaging them trying to do the voices

Sounds like Shaft will be kino

What percentage of RT critics make passing a social purity test their main avenue of critique?

there's also a nephew Shaft and half-white cousin Shaft in the same movie apparently

the irony of saying this on Yea Forums

>the irony of using irony when you don't understand what it means
Because Yea Forums are professional movie reviewers