I love how diverse new Star Wars is!

I love how diverse new Star Wars is!

Attached: white-devils.jpg (1049x862, 296K)

>not just one species but one single race of one species is capable of taking over the entire known universe even against every single other species that exists

It’d be weird to have a bunch of colored evil people.

Reminder they could and should put Gwendoline in a new role

Or at least have Phasma come back yet again

5 white villains and 1 white hero is really a dubious ratio. what did they mean?

Out of all those characters, only Krennick is a member of the Galactic Empire.

Also, this is old news.


but not one evil colored guy? Whedon had 2 evil black guys in firefly. Lucas had like a billion cloned brown guys and aliens.
Now it's just kill whitey.

Honestly, I thought she was already dead after they threw her in the trash chute

But that's realistic.

What is Domhall’s character so angry about? Have we learned anything about him or is he just RPing Amon Goeth?

>Now it's just kill whitey.

Welcome to 2019 goy

Inb4Phasma Clones

Which would actually be decent, as shes 6ft 3in

>Phasma Clones

Oh mygoodness, it's so stupid.
I hope they do it

The two best admirals in Imperial history are a blue guy and a black woman.

if empire was white supremacist why did they have a nigger as a storm trooper

Or make several million clones of a brown guy as their default soldier.

the empire are civnats.

the political "point" of post vietnam star wars was to say that the united states are bad guys.

That´s not the empire. That´s the first order.


the writers of Rogue One did understand the anti american subtext of SW.

the death star is presented as the atom bomb being used on japan and the empire occupies space iraq where they fight against space commie/muslim osama bin gueverra.

>A single race of a single species was powerful enough to take over the entire galaxy within 24 hours, according to TLJ

Maybe they really are the master race? why shouldn't the weak obey the strong?

Sith/Empire/First Order are all the same body really. We even have the allusion that Sheev is directly tied to the First Order somehow.

>complain that brown people are taking your roles away from the huwites
>singlehandedly prove your theory wrong
What did OP mean by this?

black woman is nu-canon therefore irrelevant

old EU had tons of black imperials too on top of actually retarded shit like an evil jedi hutt

Empire has black and women officers but its white supremacist due to festering jewish neuroses

>the Empire is a white supremacist (human) organization

Attached: Star Wars Aliens in the Empire.jpg (890x900, 478K)

Israel is an ethnostate and judaism preaches a doctrine of ethnic supremacy.

lol just go play there MMO so many White Sith races

It's only bad when white people do it you fucking incel. How do you not know this?

Human, human with stretch marks on face, human, human, human, human.

>Israel at 75 percent Jewish

>UK at 93 percent white

incels ladies and gentlemen


>It’d be weird to have a bunch of colored evil people.
This. People would be crying that STAR WARS is demonizing persons of colored skin if they made them villains.

Open Borders for Israel

Syrian Refugees for Israel

No more semite brother wars

>the Empire is a white supremacist (human) organization

Attached: The Empire and Minorities.jpg (1440x1440, 197K)

>long hair Gwendoline
i would climb that giant with my dick

>t. Jaime Lannister

"Are you sure we're not related? You certainly have the hair, not the looks though"

New role, don't waste her anymore on the ST

Based. One-State Solution is the only path to peace.

Who are the top 3? Never seen them before.

Characters or Actors?

From left to right
Woodey Harrelson (Character: Tobias Beckett)
Paul Bettnay (Character: Dryden Vos)
Gwendoline Christie (Character: Captain Phasma)

It seems like a better idea than funding islamic terrorists in Libya and Syria to overthrow the governments there and then flooding Europe with unvetted + uncontrolled refugees

1/6 of these characters are Imperials.

Omfg Becket is not part of the empire. Is this guy really that dumb? And if you see the movies there are a ton of color first order members.