Men age better than wome-

>men age better than wome-

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fucking SEETHING

pretty boys dont


Literally all Leo does is drink HEAVILY and fuck 20 year olds


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>t. 26 year old woman

*fucks your daughter in 15 years
nothing personal

>what is photoshop
Quentin Tarantino is one of the ugliest people alive and even he looks halfway decent in that photo.

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sure roastie it's all photoshop, they actually don't look good at all am i rite

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you reminded me of that french weather women

he's just fat.

Literally nothing to see here, Leo still looks good overall, fucks prime pussy, and is in his lifestyle following the Hollywood hunk legacy of both Brando and Nicholson, it's clear as day.

HE doesn't fuck them, THEY fuck him. While he's listening to the latest MGMT kino with headphones on.

Me on the right.

>fucks prime pussy
That has everything to do with fame and wealth and nothing to do with looks. Richard Branson fucks prime pussy too.

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combination of alcohol, coke and shit food made his face bloat. He's a handsome guy of course but he could've looked even better if he'd wanted to.

Did he get a nose job?

>tarantino nowhere to be found

+ lifestyle + good head of hair


You mean women are whores and a man's highest value is achieved through wealth or fame while a woman's is entirely her looks and pussy tightness?

You don't say

Compare him to the average wagecuck in his mid 40s.

And also most women and some men refuse to accept the fact that physical signs of ageing are not really a factor for male attractiveness.

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roasties make me sick


QT actually looks good here, almost looks like 90s QT, lost some weight and has a proper haircut, that new wife of his must be taking care of him right. He was really letting himself go a few years ago.

You're saying that like he doesn't bang 20 year olds every single day, making them do all the work while he sits back and vapes.

He'd look good if he lost weight

This. Even if he was doing controlling in an office he could score some nice pussy at least 10-15 years younger than his dick.

cry more roastie

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Director Quentin Tarantino and wife Daniella Pick pose on the red carpet at Cannes May 18, 2019.

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dilate then have sex

and while he's vaping too

Quentin in 2017
What was he thinking with that haircut

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homage to David Carradine.

you forgot he also listen to mgmt while on the act

I bet she has nice feet

>growing a beard to hide your alcohol bloat
I-it totally works, right bros? I look manly as fuck haha....

He wasn't aware that he was balding. I didn't pay attention to my hair until I started learning about drawing and human anatomy.

That's not Quentin, it's his Black Lodge doppleganger.

Even considering his fame and money that's still kinda shocking. I always expected Tarantino to be forced to beta-orbit hot women no matter what considering how revolting he looks and acts.

Tarantino was depressed after Disney pushed TFA screenings in theaters over his Hateful Eight. He took it very personally.

based embrace Chad mogging all the badlet sois

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that's not just age, that's the booze and coke

people age, big deal idiot.

Kind of not? Look at how wrinkly and bloated they are, Pitt in particular looks all wrong, I think his hair's too long and the stupid gel shit isn't working.
This is like asking me if I think a 55 year old woman in top tier makeup and a dress is desirable, I mean, in the sense she's a woman who isn't fat or black, yes she'd get the dick, but in comparison to most other women, it's not an amazing offer.

Is this his photo pose?

Still undeniably handsome lmao

He's been directed to tilt his head to minimise his giant 5head and his hair is styled, c'mon man it's a photoshoot.

they really don't. they both looked great... 20 years ago. you incels are delusional.

he still have more pussy at one night-stand than you during your entire fucking life

just imagine it

He's been making more of an effort lately, the marriage seems to have boosted ourguy's confidence

Time is kind to ugly people, cruel to beautiful people.

He's trying not to mog the fuck out of everyone around by his enormous chin.

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-> marriage did him very good

Do you think he's taking on the new Star Trek movie to compete against Disney?




of course

yeah man he looks like pure shit for a 55 year old man am i rite

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Is Leo the ultimate Chad Incarnate?

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>t. Zoomer

I work at a big office with loads of well dressed men and all the 20 year old girls are wetting themselves as soon as a handsome 40 year old in a nice suit steps in.

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Chloe Moretz looks like THAT?!

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Brad looks good as fuck at 55...damn.

Kek. Was just gonna post this.

Both men and women have a prime of almost 20 years (Men - 25th birthday to 44th birthday) (Female - 16th birthday to 35th birthday)
Capiro will be turning 45 this year. He is past it.
Yes, there's a handful of attractive older men (DILFs), like Jeff Goldblum, but there's also attractive older women (MILFs), like Susan Sarandon. And while they are both somehow more attractive today then they were during what was supposed to be their prime, they both are noticeably old looking. And they are exceptions to the rule. Typically, young boys and girls are more attractive than a man over 44 and a woman over 35.

Correct about men, wrong about women. Female prime is 16-25. Also, there's a hell of a lot more men than women that look great in their 60s. If you're a man you can have reasonable hope to still have that hot daddy look at 60 if you keep your hair and keep fit. Women will almost universally look shit at 60

Omg, What happened to JLaw?

>women have a prime of almost 20 years
>16th birthday to 35th birthday
It's 16-26 MAX

At this point i'm not sure if Leos final form is Jack Nicholson or Orson Wells.

Thinking about them feets.

Have sex.

shut the fuck up you nit-picking bastard. They are both exceedingly handsome and that's why they are so rich and famous.

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I wish broads would let me know their pussy tightness before I waste my time getting their skirts off.

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t. Faggot
You wouldn't pull that excuse for a girl a day older than 25

Technically both age like shit. Difference is that wrinkles and similar shit on men look good

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>QT mogging Brad and Leo
it's a black male thang

>Brad Pitt is smug as fuck for nearly three decades straight

>a challenger approaches

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Lol no, Pitt looks incredible for a 55 years old

shove that phone up your ass

They both looked like the were the Kings of Faggotonia in 1995.

who is that supposed to be?

a fridge

yfw Leo trades in his old beater into a newer model

My God, they are ugly now

Only a repressed faggot would say that.
I've been posting on this thread on both a phone and a computer and there's nothing you can do about it.

based samefagging phoneposting tranny

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Leo doesn't give a fuck about taking care of himself and is basically evolving into Jack Nicholson.

People touch their face like that when they're insecure. To be fair, hes not that ugly and most men would have been mogged in that situation too

Brad Pitt is still daddy desu. DiCaprio was a huge downgrade.

>Brad Pitt is still daddy desu
Imagine being an adult male and posting this

So close. I'm bi.

fucking degenerate being a faggot when we need to save evropa

Imagine being an adult male and posting on a Taiwanese macrame forum

what's wrong with daddy?

Brad still mogs any average guy in his 20s

t. salty because he can't be a whore

Leo has severe coke bloat.

delet this

Is that Gordon Ramsay?

we need to save evropa and faggots like this are being degenerates when we need higher birth rate

Branson is as gay as they come, what are you talking about?

no really

>good head of hair
You can buy that now too, just ask Elon Musket

He's fat with a shitty beard.

He loses the fat, shaves the facial hair to something better he'd look great.

don't you have to glue that shit on in the morning tho?

Anyone else happy for Tarantula? I haven’t enjoyed his movies for a long time but he’s looking better and happier than he has in a long time. Good for him.

Is jaw is not angular/long enough to hold a beard

No they harvest and transplant real hair from third world orphans.

that's better

This guy needs to quit the coke holy shit

wtf I love scientology now, how many souls do you think Tom has absorbed in the name of Xenu?

>guy doesn't look the same at almost 50 as he did when he was 18
and I'm pretty sure coke makes people look emaciated, not fatter. Think Tara Reid, Lindsay Lohan etc.

>guy in his 50 doing coke
>"Ugh fucking snowflakes leave him alone"
I'll never understand celebrity worship.

>he thinks hair matters
this is a cope for ugly people. bone structure is infinitely more important than hair

It's the 2 chad aura's carrying tarantino's looks.


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I wish Brad would stop wearing wig. He looks fucking great, he doesn’t need it.

It's okay if you're bald but don't be delusional about it. Once you lose your hair, it's game over with the young women.

>Think they held up well for 15 years
>it's almost 25 years

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I think the only thing you don't understand is what the effects of coke looks like even though there are literally hundreds of celebrities you could reference

Damn he looked old for 39 in the first episode but it did pay off in the long run.

Also she ruins it with the grey hair

Yea Forums has really gone downhill since the influx of seething roasties shitted everything up.
Have children, you poisonous vermin.


dat fucking chad chin on brad pitt

this fridge is not operating at the rated spec


not him but kys

>two serious actors
>one serious director

pretty clear why jonah wasn't invited


>roastie still mad he dates girls under 25

>men age better than wome-

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He looks bloated, maybe if he slimmed down it wouldn't be so bad idk

>some incel trying to make a statement

There's a reason why I get more tail with my shaved head + beard than you do with your faggot skullet look, and it likely has everything to do with actually knowing what the ladies like.

We do tho
How many 50+ year old women do you know? They're not exactly sex symbols.

boomer bait

Tbh most men start turning into bloated ghouls after 30 but that's a choice not an inevitability.

>physical signs of ageing are not really a factor for male attractiveness.
Correct. Leo is just ugly.

based quentin
those toes look real suckable

Male attractiveness peaks over 30, closer to 40. I'm 23 now and I'm just getting better looking. I was a ghoul at 18 but as I'm approaching 25 I keep improving.

He just needs to lose some weight


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