>If you kill him he win
And dropped
>If you kill him he win
And dropped
Other urls found in this thread:
>it resembles that trudeau quote that was taken out of context and became a meme so it's automatically shit
Its a joke, take your pills
>i was only pretending to be retarded, chill out bro
>Trudeau quote that was taken out of context
HAHAHAHAHA this is what leafs actually believe.
>getting murdered by muslims is part and parcel of living in a major city
What if Brad Pitt turns out to be a rapist like Freeman and Spacey. How would society handle the movie?
Because that's literally what the murderer wanted, hence why he killed his wife? He literally wanted Pitt to kill him to prove a point.
Prove what point? that people can do bad things? Yeah no shit, he stole everything from Brad Pitt's character, kill that fucker he deserves it.
Exactly this.
Someone can post a kino movie like this and Zodiac?
the bonecollector?
The girl with the dragon tattoo
Nobody does fincher better than fincher
True Detective S1
I also don't buy the Mills goes to prison forever thing
yeah yeah temporary insanity is hard to get through in court but it's prime gwinneths paltrows head in a box, what kind of monstrous jury wouldnt give him a pass
he is right, the right procedure is to abduct him and tortue him everyday.
>>If you kill him he win
Generally no but you've gotta be stupid to not see how that applies to this movie
Why do people not like this movie?
>Not Ottawa
>The capital of Canada
>Where he lives
>wanting a nuclear holocaust on a city full of asians and blacks
Absolute madman
It would help if Trudope wasn't just as bad as Trump when it came to retarded tweets and public speaking, only difference is one has the nations media sucking their cock to not make it so apparent and the other is just in a frenzy hit piece mode for like 3 years at this point that will obsess for weeks over covfefe
Because people have shit taste user
Weird flex, but okay.
I never even said that I like Trudeau or that comment, I just said it's taken out of context. Because it is
>taken out of context
literally a fake quote you actual retard
yeah i never looked it up, even better faggot
>if you kill him he win
Got up and left the theater
There is no context which changes the meaning or intent of that message. In fact, the real context solidifies how fucking retarded it sounds out of context.
When he shot Kevin Spacey I rolled my eyes and walked out of the cinema. Fucking trite garbage.
Memories of Murder
moron that was the end of the movie you idiot
no you don't get (you)s
So you walked out after the ending?
the greasy strangler
What a fucking faggot
I would rather suck an African man's penis then give any attention to my wife and children.