Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder recorded a song that plays during the Twin Peaks finale. It confirms Agent Cooper never gets his mind back.
Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder recorded a song that plays during the Twin Peaks finale...
Other urls found in this thread:
Twin Peaks is for roastie boomers
didn't lynch have laura dern's head shaved for something recently?
Eddie Vedder sold poisoned milk to schoolchildren. The brand was called Evenflo
I needed this today.
did dougie clean up his act? seems like he didn't get alot of opportunity for self improvement
never understood this meme
all the other s3 memes were goat though
david lunch lol
Why's that?
/tpg/ was lightning in a bottle. All that OC and comeraderie.
Eddie Vedder’s song leaked early on in the season and people thought the lyrics suggested that Coop was never coming back.
based vedderfag
/tpg/ /scdp/ /ttg/ GOAT patrician generals
And some idiot kept spamming it in the threads because he was so proud of his prediction. Other people went with it as a joke, and when it was proven wrong: all had a good laugh at his expense.
/tpg/ was a peak this board will never reach again.
Reminder that Mr. C raped Major Briggs.
reminder that Bill Hastings also raped Major Briggs, thinking it was Ruth
This is what we DOOOOOOO in the FBI!!!