Keanu has just single-handedly made the virgin hoverhand into a chad power move. It's now the sign of a "respectful king." Yea Forums in absolute shambles for roasting each other over this for the last 15 years.
Keanu has just single-handedly made the virgin hoverhand into a chad power move. It's now the sign of a "respectful king." Yea Forums in absolute shambles for roasting each other over this for the last 15 years.
What kind of faggot doesn't give dolly parton a squeeze?
Does anyone else try to pull out a hair quickly when hugging a cute girl? I put them in a jar next to my bed
hopefuly keanu will reveal he doesn't have sex so I will be cool too
>multimillionaire doesn't want psychotic women to sue him for his money
He made a good decision
Keanu has fucked at least 5 women in his lifetime, including a tranny
who wants revenge of the mummy dust on their fingers
>Keanu Reeves is officially a national treasure
Why are American so everything or nothing about shit?
>This person did something cool, he's my spirit animal!
>This animal is cute, I'll die for it
>I'm sad, I'm literally dying
>This cool thing happened, this is everything
I think it's usually just hyperbole.
keanu hates sluts
I wouldn't want to touch that thing either.
We are passionate, you dickless son of a hitch
No wonder your country is shit
>I HAVE to have a strong opinion about EVERYTHING and it has to be INTENSE!
There's a voodoo trick that helps you get laid with a girl if you tie a hair of her head around your nutsack.
Consider the alternative
Impressive, very nice, however...
>Plus he's a Virgo so he could slightly germaphobic lol.
people unironically use zodiac signs to determine peoples actions now? jesus
what am i seeing here
sexual assault
I remember when this was spammed 2thousand times daily and the dude was mocked mercilessly
Is that literally all you think about? Of you dont understand Americams, why are you even on this board?
Times change, man
Now, he's smart enough to not get fucked over by social media and metoo
This one always makes me laugh.
The hoverhand will always be a virgin move.
I'd rather be called a virgin than a rapist
way ahead of his time
when you're as likable as keanu you can do whatever
So based I love Mr Reddit! He was in my children's video games so he's hella fucking epic now!
America sounds kinda cute, and possibly psychotic.
You know why he looks like he's scared? Because he really is scared out of his mind.
Some ring girl bitch accused him of harrasment when he touched her waist for a photo op. This was right after he finished fighting and won. A fighter that's coursing with adrenaline and endorphines and he gets lambasted for simply touching a ring girl's waist for a photo.
Can't blame him for running away and possibly losing his livelihood. Stupid promoter also forces him to stand there when they were ready to crucify him last time.
dude was being faithful to his loving wife
thot tried to metoo Neil Tyson because he checked out her solar system tattoo; Reeves felt up Jamie Clayton in the other post
Yeah but he ugly
You're trying a bit too hard to fit in. Tone it down a bit, will ya?
cringe, yikes, have sex, dilate, oof
Somehow they will twist it and ruin his career. The roast always wins.
does anyone else go into women's bathrooms in public places and take the used tampons out of the little dustbins, then use them to make tea with?
Winona is the only woman he truly loves
he probably still dealing with depression after his gf and baby dead
>Yea Forums in absolute shambles
go back to r/faggots
YO WYNONA IMA LET YOU FINISH BUT Sandra is the only one for Keanu, it is self evident
>Sandra and Wynona
Keanu has kino taste
is this legit?
Her big tits are touching him.
Why are you so obsessed and bad at coping?
Doing the hover hand is still a virgin betamove in every other case.
It is okay when Reeves does it cause all the chicks want him to touch them but he denies them that pleasure. He is cucking them of his godly hand cause he believes they don't deserve his touch.
Total power move!
I used to work at the airport and have interacted with people from all across the world
Americans seemed so fucking creepy and fake
Imagine meeting someone for the first time and they act like you're their best friend
It's all a show
kinda looks like a fuckable gilf..
do you have video Proof?
why is this so heartwarming? when was the last time I felt another human's touch?
Imagine being a pro-cagefighter. All the hours of training you have to do, all the discipline you acquire. Your health would become your world. And here some disease ridden whore who probably sucks CEO cock every night tries to touch you like she knows you. I'd be frightened too.
but what purpose does it serve for the thot to be in the picture?
she luk gud
Imagine being a pro cage-fighter who just got done rolling in his opponent's HPV-positive blood and sweat only to reject a girl's hug.
Interesting photos. Reeves respects their space but no one accuses those women of not respecting his. Has anyone mentioned maybe he doesn't want these girls standing that close too him.
Look at them. They have their tits against his chest. Why is no one saying anything about it? Maybe he doesn't want these random sluts up in his business?
I say we expose these woman as part of the #metoo movement for violating pure Keanu's space! They must be properly shamed and made to apologize!
He doesn't know about the fighter's code...
At least with a disease you know where you stand, you either have it or you don't
This chick could hug you and then tell everyone that before the show you forced her into doing it or the management forced her into this
>I know I said yes but I really meant no
>I know I acted like I wanted it but inside I was afraid what would happen if I didn't do it
Please have sex.
Passionate and stupid, a deadly combination
this me too shit is in Asia too? fuck
Not the other user, but yeah. I read this a while ago on Yea Forums, checked it, but I can't remember the guys name.
meetoo has made people paranoid
No it's not, not now at least, back when it was acceptable to touch a woman you weren't that familiar with everywhere besides her special areas you could argue it was beta to hover hand, even tho it could be out of respect or the fact some people are horny enough they would get a boner on the spot.
Now a days all a bitch needs is a photo and a convincing story and you'll be getting #metoo'd faster than you can blink, hell they don't even need photos, even if shit doesn't stand in court, your reputation and your life are ruined forever.
Also clickbait media doesn't even need a reason, take a "too friendly" photo with a fan and some Starbucks journalist could write a viral article that ruins your life.
What if they want to be touched? Girls I meet lean in for a hug, what I'm supposed to do do? Forearm block?
>Breaking news, women get preferential treatment.
>Does your wife have a pussy pass?, The answer won't shock you, tune in at 6 for more.
Unequivocally based
You hug back, they don't have cooties, and since you don't have millions of dollars and no one gives a shit about your existence, you won't be getting metoo'd, just don't be creepy.
>hoof her right in the front butt
I fucking exploded and people are coming 'round asking if I'm ok because I'm horfing like a retarded chimp. Thanks for the laughs.
Happy to help user.
>Keanu hoverhands so he doesn't catch a false accusation from a roastie
>roasties spin it as Keanu being "respectful"; not realizing they're actually equating simply touching a woman as being disrespectful and thus actually making the argument for not wanting to catch a false accusation even STRONGER
>not to mention how these women are touching HIM in these pictures, but apparently they have no comment on that
Anyone just fed up with women in general? Why have so many of them become so goddamn vile and awful?
Nice try, Mohammed.
Make frens
you allowed them to vote.
you reap what you sow
Nobody fucking cares what clickb8 garbage has to say.
Prove me wrong, though
Proof that Chads can do literally anything. He could probably pull a Biden and sniff little girls' hair and get away with it.
Korea is more cucked than Sweden, you just don't hear about it as much. Look into their draconian censorship and internet laws and the way women have made themselves arbiters of society.
Isn't South Korea literally controlled by a witch's council? Kek those guys are cucked beyond belief.
This, they couldn't spin it any other way, dude's a legend through and through, so it won't fly saying it's a beta move, and they don't want to shine light on the ridiculousness of #metoo, female entitlement and all the bullshit, the reason he's hover handing in the first place, so it's he's "respecting" women by not touching them, because touching women is disrespectful, you're not allowed to touch women you cis cuck with your filthy male hand, only they are allowed to touch you.
I'd worship the ground he walks on if he came out and said he's doing it in fear of getting slandered and his life ruined.
What's wrong with sniffing hair? Also, what's the purpose of sniffing hair?
>hopefuly keanu will reveal he doesn't have sex so I will be cool too
I will be pretty fuckin cool in this situation I also hope it comes to pass
you couldn’t pay me to touch a w*man
why do we live R E N T F R E E in your head?
is it the only way to pass the time while you wait for the cold embrace of death by starvation in your little mud hut?
I agree but I’m not going to do shit about it
Pheromones, certain smells trigger oxytocin release and the release of other hormones that helps with bonding and trigger reward centers in the brain, smell plays a huge role in the bonding between mothers and their babies, love and intimacy, etc, besides shampoo and hair products smell nice.
Poor and irrelevant, a pathetic combination
it’s mostly because he’s a big guy and not attractive. Chads can get away with anything, fat ugly nerds get mocked.
especially here, where that picture hits close to home for the angry projecting crowd.
Funny enough I thought the same thing. These chicks have these shit eating smiles and are all up on top of him. The one on the left looks like she would make out with him right there.
>is it the only way to pass the time while you wait for the cold embrace of death by starvation in your little mud hut?
Are you talking to yourself?