Kinos about being a wagecuck?

kinos about being a wagecuck?

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wait, that shit really happens regularly?

The wagie dance is very real. Be glad you never had to learn it.

america has such retarded employment laws
and the wagecucks will defend them!

This is what happens when women are in positions of power. HR was a mistake.

ooh marone

>don't cheer
>get fired
>has to suck cock to maintain a job
>get shot

is this the question the average american asks in a day to day basis?

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>is demoralizing
Surely it's literally in the store's own best interest to get ride of it?

The whole point is that it’s demoralizing. It’s like how they shaved the heads of slaves in ancient times. If you remove someone’s sense of autonomy and individuality, they become much easier to control. A confident, self-assured person will almost 100% certainly find a new job within months.

wagies are beyond help, i try to feel sorry for them, but then there's always some fags who come to these threads and defend their slavery.

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its literally indoctrinaton

Here's some Wagiekino OST:

Based and redpilled

Are you guys really NEET? How the fuck can you live from money of the state and survive with such a small amount of money?

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This is so sad. This poor wagie doesn't even know that there are tiers above NEETdom and wage slavery. What other knowledge has your McBoss kept from you?

I'm a student.

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ahahahahaha middle class retards think you need more than 500 dollars a month to live.
what's wrong?can't afford your croissants for breakfast on that budget, faggot?
i was homeless for a year squatting in a shack i found that had electrical outlets for tools and stuff. i just hooked up my laptop and phone charger and lived there, literally no fucking problem ahahahaha. had maybe 300 dollars per month to spend and lived like a king.
stupid middle clas swagie.

Working a job with a wage is not necessarily the best way to earn money.

Why do so many wagecucks take their day out on customers? Makes me feel zero fucking sympathy for them. I was a wagecuck for 5 years during high school and college and I never took my day out on the mouthbreathing retards who frequented the place.

i just bought $700 shoes

So what's a better way then?

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Why ask a question you know the answer to? They're frustrated and in suffering so they lash out to cope. This should be extremely obvious.

They live in groups or with parents. You only decent earnings if you’re single if you want to live on your own.

>put coins in foreskin
>get them nice and flavoured
>take them out
>go to shops
>get some stuff
>go to checkout staffed by roastie
>pay her her with cock coins

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>welfare parasite circlejerk thread

but i gotta buy them jordans nigga

Waggie Soul:
Waggie Souless:

dangerously based, devilishly redpilled

It depends. Once you have a bit of money finance is the best way. I can make way more money investing in stocks than I could ever hope to earn working a real job. This year I'm up 100k (GBP) so far. Never "worked" a single day in my life.

Pros - never have to work for anybody
- lots of free time and 'easy' once you are good
- money can be great

Cons - large amount of time to learn the field unless you're extremely gifted
- can be inconsistent, for example this year I might be up 100K but next year I might lose 10K. This means you have to be thrifty and somewhat cautious. You can't just spend all your money. thus..
- requires discipline, patience & long term planning
- can be hard to maintain social life and network if you're not proactive at it

>Waggie Soul:
Ok this one actually made me sad. When they were kids they probably wished they would grow up to be cute and pretty idol girls, but they grew up to be wagies (are they actually wagies or performers, please let me know). They are still cute though, obviously. But they probably wish they were skinny idols.

I started getting my autism bucks last November. It always makes me laugh seeing people complain while I play video games and read all day during the winter and fish and golf all day in the summer.

>This year I'm up 100k (GBP)
What's that, a plate of tendies and a hotpocket from mommy?

do you have any advice for where a wagie should get started learning this skillset? not /biz/ i assume

There is a blonde white there over there too, I think she's the only one who achieved her dream to became a weeaboo in Japan

What is the intended purpose of this comment? You're not teaching me anything valuable and you're not learning anything valuable. What are you doing with your time, user? You have better things to do than say inane shit like this.

To actually answer your question, Office Space and They Live are both excellent movies that address the topic.

Yo dudes, just relax and watch slime videos all day like me while your portfolio's value sky rockets.

Oh wait, you're a wagey.

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Okay, let’s give me a rhythm!
Follow me
We are, we are Walmart
We are, we are Walmart
One more time
We are, we are Walmart
Last time
We are, we are Walmart
Okay me now
Young man, young girl
Welcome to Wally-world
You’re gonna be a cashier someday
You got smile on your face
You love this place
Movin’ those carts all over the place
We are, we are Walmart
We are, we are Walmart
2 more times
We are, we are Walmart
We are, we are Walmart

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I would recommend looking at a syllabus from a good university that teaches finance. Alternatively you can find a syllabus from some online course and they all teach relatively the same stuff. Once you've found the syllabus, obviously don't pay for the course because it's pointless - all the information about all of the topics can just be found on google. All the info about this subject is totally available for free on the net.

I've never been to /biz/ personally, so I can't comment on how useful that might be. Anywhere is worth a try, though making friends with somebody who is good at it is a great idea if you get the chance.

Stuff to focus on -
Micro economics (how businesses make decisions, why, and their effects)
Portfolio theory (don't obsess but understand the model and why it's not perfect)
How and why do the prices of financial derivatives change
How to invest in financial derivatives and what those derivatives are

Best thing you could do though is honestly start searching, reading, and then doing it as soon as you can. Start very small and build. The most important thing is doing it to begin with. Try finding an industry you're interested in and will therefore know well and buy a share or two. Start thinking about events in the world from a perspective of "how can I make money off of derivatives resulting from this" and you'll be good as you can be to start with I imagine. Sorry I can't just grant you a better guide than this.


Not in countries with gigantic governments whose largest employer is the state itself

>You’re gonna be a cashier someday
>You got smile on your face
>You love this place
>Movin’ those carts all over the place

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>Wageslaves think wageslavery and neetdom are the only options
Top fucking kek. I work only 3 days a week, make nearly 4k a month after taxes and I'm only 23.

Step up your game wageslave.

thanks very much for that user. what roi did you see in your first few learning years?

>I make 40k a year, I'm rich!

cringe af

You're assuming that it's supposed to be a cheer. It's not. It's group pressure to threaten and force people into submission, to intimidate dissenters, to teach them that they will be punished if they show unhappiness, to "program" them to smile when they want to frown. It's illegal verbal violence when you admit what you're doing. It's legal if you pretend it's a cheer done incompetently. Playing dumb is the correct way for companies to get away with any kind of sleazy tactic. You are twice a fool if you think the company is just silly for doing something incompetently without noticing it doesn't work. "Oh, what a coincidence, it just happens to look like intimidation and indoctrination, what a silly mistake"

I hope you get beaten up

Oh man, as a Kraut i'm thankfull for our unions. Work politics in the US seem fucked

I too can lie on the internet

based and slimepilled

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Do americans really drink that
It looks like bwindshield cleaner wtf.

America is such a fucked up place.

Seething redditor wagie roastie

little girls getting slimed

Not rich, but 48k a year after taxes is like 70 something thousand a year. Feels nice making more than enough to afford everything I want, live in a nice apartment in a nice white town with my qt gf, drive my favorite car, etc. And all that with working only 3 days a week. Wageslaves and NEETs will never know this feel.

>mfw your gf will dump you for an African American man and your town will soon be 56% white and 99% black

Why not just tell them to their face that you are pretty sure they are not allowed to force you to cheer and that you will check with your attorney to make sure?
Isn't that America? The land of the lawsuits?

Nope, I'm a nurse in the OR. I make 38 and work 3 12s a week.

Literally seething neet/wagecuck

This is why I wash my coins with my jeans.

>implying mutts have foreskin

Cuck detected in this vicinity