>but sir how is that possible, they only make 13% of the population
But sir how is that possible, they only make 13% of the population
I love how /pol/ raids all other boards while constantly screeching about the "discord tranny" invasion
>anyone who likes crime stat meme is pol
says tranny dilate seethe etc.
/pol/ is part of Yea Forums, discord isn't.
Yea Forums was always /pol/ lite because of Hollywood degeneracy and corruption you complete and utter fucking newfag
based and redpilled. we must never cease our earnest questioning of the world around us
it's just a joke you triggered redditor, calm down
But it's only 40% of that 13%, what about the 60% of them that are completely innocent yet have to withstand your constant trashing online?
They have done nothing, and they have to live the only life they have being constantly bullied by assholes who were born privileged. How is that fair to them? And when someone puts 1 black character on TV, these sames assholes who call themselves "victims" cry and cry online about niggers.
And don't forget the "it's ok to be white" posters that were put up to spite the black movement and their fight to make police see how color can affect the way they carry their work?
Imagine thinking stats are /pol/
How can you be born white, have all of these advantages, and STILL punch down to people who have it ten times worse than you?
AND at their expense? You make fun of them at their expense
AND then you can victim?
Nope, I can see things from their perspective and they are living in hell.
For better or for worse they are part of this website, you discord trannies aren't.
White males make up 30% of the US and are responsible for 99% of all mass shootings.
Really makes you think, doesn't it?
REALLY gets those cogs turning.
lmao dilate
Reminder that America has the lowest crime rates it's ever had while also becoming it's most diverse ever. Inner cities are seeing half the crime they had in the past.
H-heh you almost got me there racist, but I'll have you know this was debunked on Snopes!
Pol owns tv you nigger kike faggot tranny. Go dilate your open flesh wound.
Why didn't we leave these monkeys on their continent...
Yea Forums is fundamentally pro-cun, while /pol/ is anti-cun
So cool of your mom to let you use all the buzzwords this month.
Slavery was a mistake
Niggers, spics and kikes keep coming to where whites live and fucking everything up.
>and then you can victim?
Kek at the irony mr din duniffin
How many niggers got shot on memorial day weekend in chicago you dumb kike? None of those were mass shootings though because kikes dont really care about niggers either.
>The amount of butthurt a standard shitpost causes.
And Yea Forums will continue to pretend it isn't infested by reddit.
if you use the N-, M-, or K-word in your "argument" then everyone just ignores you, racists
But that's a lie that you just made up. The 13/50 meme is a verifiable fact that you can verify by going to the FBIs website right now.
this is the first time I've laughed at this dumb meme
Coming to Yea Forums and complaining about /pol/ is like ordering spaghetti bolognese and and complaining that it has spaghetti in it. /pol/ is just a concentrated version of an ingredient that's in every Yea Forums board.
Realistically how much trouble would you get into for punching in the dome some ghetto trash nigress being disruptive like that?
Can't raid your home.
inb4 seething
this is wrong. /pol/ is basically the same thing as bronies. a select mentally ill few keep spamming it everywhere.
>source: dude, trust me
Im not sure why you'd like that, but to sneed their own I always say.
You will NEVER be a real woman.
>over 50% of all violent crime?
>no. that can't be right.
>that would be crazy. can you imagine?
>jamie pull that up
>that can't be right.
Probably not that much, but youd be lynched by twitter
shoo shoo disco tranny
>implying /pol/ raids would be a bad thing
doing a big cringe rn
But it is okay to be white....