I'm putting together a team

>I'm putting together a team

Attached: RBfLQTpc_o.jpg (640x1136, 194K)

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She's unironically looking pretty good there. Vast improvement over a few years ago.

One last ride, for old time's sake

Attached: noonwraith.jpg (800x1132, 174K)

I’m in.

Attached: 21899944-A0F2-4765-8AEC-85A10D1D3A61.jpg (485x400, 34K)

Looks better than she has for a while. Not great. But better.

the absolute state of wh*toids and their women

file name

Attached: Rebecca .jpg (1200x1200, 556K)


Attached: DC7AB1BE-0DAA-4E11-9732-BAC9569524D3.png (750x1334, 689K)

Attached: 6f369d1249710804.jpg (683x1024, 177K)