Cast him

Cast him

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what an evil homosexual!

Brisbane trains are now Yea Forums?

Nah he's acting like an entitled woman

Working hard all day in sandals.

Is he based or cringe? Sounds entilted to me

warwick davis

honestly pretty chad move
50% dick
50% chad

He’s just a prick.

both of them are entitled cunts desu

He might be a dick but
>do as I say or I post you online
is the 2010s equivalent of
>I'm telling mommy

If you're taking a tram to work you only have yourself to blame. Get a car, plebian

Why the hell is there a special seat for tards and roasties?

So is the woman complaining pregnant, disabled, or carrying a child? And no, fibromyalgia or anxiety or whatever other middle class woman disorders roasties claim to have to get sympathy don't count as disabilities.

If you're on a train, do you honestly want to sit next to one?


imagine siding with him because woman are le ebil
you NEED to have sex. you know who you are

cringe but redpilled

You just KNOW even though she was upset she was SOAKING wet. it me?

just sit on his legs

Is she actually pregnant, disabled or carrying children through? If she's none of those he's well within his rights to keep the seat.

Working a normal job doesn't entitle you to a seat either. Working all day is what you're supposed to do. It's a train seat not a Marxist literature reading section.

He's wrong for doing what he's doing, but the system is wrong for those seats existing in the first place. Real society would have no priority seats, and id happily give up my seat to any woman, tranny or disabled person who asked, or even offer first, but our society makes anyone ask for gibs, so this is what we get.

It brings me great joy to see the wagies hurting one another.

I'd just sit on his leg and tell him to fuck off if he doesn't like it.

>id happily give up my seat to any woman

it's probably just some fat bitch. if she wasn't complaining about this dude she would be complaining about something else. who gives a shit. this is the uk though, so he'll probably be arrested

double yikes!

>id happily give up my seat to any woman, tranny or disabled perso
>id happily give up my seat to any tranny
>give up my seat
>to any tranny
>to tranny

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This desu. I took the bus for 3 months when I got a DUI. Fucking hell on earth.

Clean it up wagie

Looks like T-1000 from Terminator

I doubt a conversation even took place


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I like his sandals

>things that never happened

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Based t-1000

i give up my seat to old people and disabled people but only if they ask. why would you give up your seat to some roastie or tranny lmao


It's supposed to be for old people but women stole it for themselves, like they do for everything else.

wow that's pretty smart for a 4 year old

imagine being a white knight for an imaginary post based on something that would never happen

Literally Moot

If a tranny asked me for a seat it would get a bullet in the head instead.

I'm smarter than him

based wagie BTFOing disabled "people"

Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should

He shouldn’t be in the disabled/pregnant area in the first place but of course this bitch didn’t contact the people who work on that train and instead had to post it for virtual attention and validation

Doesn't that apply to either aspect of this argument?

We don’t pronounce it briz-BANE, we pronounce it BRIZ-bn. Fucking seppos.

Based and ironpilled