Tell me, how is 13% linked with 52%?

Tell me, how is 13% linked with 52%?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fake news nazi incel have sex and kys


>Good evening, good evening, good evening! I fuck your son in the BUM!

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While they make up only 13% of the website's traffic, /pol/ makes 52% of shitposts.


i do wonder which one of them is the top and how much he gets paid

Stephen has said he's not into anal very much

call me crazy but i feel like he could be a nonce

A lot of gay couples don't do much anal.

sounds like it'd be a lot of work unless you want poop on your dick

All homos are nonces. Homosexuality is the original vampirism - ancient, decrepit monsters preying on young people, infecting them with the homo virus, and causing those same youth to grow up and become the next generation of vampires that infect the next generation of youth. Homos can't procreate normally, so must do so through sexual abuse and molestation.

Yeah that's part of why a lot of couples aren't into it much.

that's a surprisingly good comparison

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>t. member of the 1.4%

Actually based and redpilled, many MANY homosexuals were just molested as children

He probably gets his husband to sit on his face

Perhaps he likes to watch his young husband get anally destroyed by a group of "asian" men.

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Have sex nazi

this tbqh

Pls post source

Why do you guys use black people instead of black males? It makes the stat look much worse.

Because then it implies there's nothing wrong with black women

They don't care about accuracy or objectivity. They just like shitting on people.

13 do 52
But YOURE the bad goy

Okay Rebbit

As a quarter of.

what does it matter?

He says he likes intercrural sex.
Which is thigh fucking.
Mot likely he just hires hung studs to fuck his twink "husband" while he watches on.
But keep in mind he is of the protected class of child abusing British entertainers.
Fry is a gay paedophile but no one cares.

I don't know the exact numbers but saying 6% of them commit 50% of the murders is even more staggering.

I guess woman take their toll as well. Cases of fights in a disco, or maybe minor theft.

>But keep in mind he is of the protected class of child abusing British entertainers.
This is a conspiracy theory. The only one I can think of is Jimmy Saville.

rofl harris


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anal is a big hassle for not that much payoff, it happens but usually you get on with fondling, blowjobs and finally finishing each other off by jerking your partner off
t. absolute faggot


Well, he lived there most of his life and did it all there.

Was it more prevalent in the past? The higher rate of aids amongst homosexual men was attributed to the disproportionately high amount of anal sex and blood contamination via rectal wall tearing.

The thing about being protected is that you are protected.
You probably think the Bee Gees and Mel Gibson are Australian too

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You still have some pretty hardcore lifestylers who want a million cocks in their ass and pozz every neghole they can come across
Those people probably made up a bigger part of the gay community in the past, now that it is more normalized however people who just want to casually get off with someone else make up a bigger part
That's my guess anyway

Would you say that serious monogamous gay relationships are fundamentally different from traditional monogamous relationships because they're symmetrical, rather than asymmetrical? Whenever I watch television or film the majority of gay relationships depicted involve either:
>two men in a relationship that most closely mirrors the intense platonic friendship of long time male companions, with the incidental addition that they're sexually involved as well
>two men, but one has an affective and the other an instrumental role, mirroring the two roles in a typical heterosexual relationship (i.e. one of the men is the "man" and one is the "woman" in the context of the relationship.)

Most media depictions of gay men and women seem to simply retrofit one of the two types of straight relationships onto gays.

>falling for the 52% meme
You fail to take into account the systematic oppression over the decades that prevent the ghetto youth from escaping the vicious cycle of poverty and turning to crime on account of coping with the burdens that accompany birth in a socio-economically backward environment. To put it simply despite the abolishment of slavery the first of the free men were forced to settle in poverty ridden ghettos till the acceptance of a black man into society became socially acceptable(decades later). The successive generations of blacks too were forced to reside in the homes of their parents until full assimilation, thereby birthing an unfortunate cycle which few could break free of. The sons of a poor backward uneducated family are extremely lilely to be poor themselves, and until the 1900s there were already scores of blacks that were trapped. Ofcourse many did break free but the overwhelming majority couldnt leading to inflated stats that white supremists like to parade around like a badge of honor.

Educate yourself, being ignorant in the world of the internet is a choice.

What's rebbit is ignoring statistical fact as if it doesn't matter and brushing it off as "just shitting on people".

>two men in a relationship that most closely mirrors the intense platonic friendship of long time male companions, with the incidental addition that they're sexually involved as well
Honestly most of the stuff I've seen has been like this

Blaming "society" is simply another way of saying "the devil made me do it". It absolves the perpetrators of crimes of agency and accountability. The fact that these people are criminals because they grew up in the ghetto does not change the fact they are criminals. Especially when the statistical trend persists if you control for economic status and we see that rich black men commit significantly more violent crime than rich white men.

>very much

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What's Rebbit is obsessing over facts without context

>You fail to take into account the systematic oppression over the decades that prevent the ghetto yout...
Shut the fuck up, retard.

>falling for the "poverty made me do it" meme
There are more poor whites in the US than there are poor blacks, yet it makes no difference.

Yeah, that's right, start talking about poverty now, you abysmal fucking moron.

>Especially when the statistical trend persists if you control for economic status and we see that rich black men commit significantly more violent crime than rich white men.
There's a lot of economic factors other than income you know that right?

Nah, that would be rebbit tourists

Interesting. The latest findings (imperfect but practical useful as with all twin/sibling studies) suggests that homosexuality has a roughly 52%~ heritability rate, the rest comprised of environment. Do you think that there's some sort of explanation for why most serious homosexual relationships are akin to the platonic relationships between straight men? Or is it merely that up until the point of sexual awakening these are the only relationships men have, and without the introduction of lusting after women there's no impetus for that to change?

Not what I was saying. Even without talking about economics, the statistical fact is that the USA is not the violent shithole it's portrayed as in sensationalist media, and murderers are a very, very small percentage of the population; even if blacks are overrepresented in perpetrators they're very much overrepresented among victims, probably even more so. Furthermore, this alleged "pattern" of blacks and crime doesn't hold out everywhere in the USA - not even in the same state.

Bram Stoker's Dracula is arguably about homos and promiscuous women

Reminder you can't be anti-black but pro pitbull

i'm anti-black and pro any and all dog

t. nigger

Even if there is a societal reason and blacks are poor because whites in the past did bad things, that still doesn't erase the fact that when you're walking at 3 am and an african american gentlemen approaches you there's a higher chance of him being a mugger than if he was white.

Despite being only 13% of the dog population, Pitbulls are responsible for 52% of all violent crime.

my sister has a pitbull and he's chill af my guy

>9k attacks in 36 years
Oh no. Somebody stop the pupper menace.

9k people survived the attack those stats don't account for the 5 billion people who didn't survive so they couldn't report the pitbull menace

my sister has a nigger and he's chill af my guy

Looking at national statistics yeah but those don't necessarily scale down to local levels. My town of 5,000 has a black neighborhood but is very safe, even at night.

>h-he was a good boy, he was on his way to dog church

sure maybe around you but where do you think that nigger got those fresh ass jordans or those airpods?

those only take into account attacks on humans. Most attacks would be on other puppers or cats.

Fucking hell, kid. It was a dumb meme and you swallowed it whole. This could be a good opportunity to quit /pol/, you know?

t. redditor

i was just making a joke man chill out on the /pol/ boogeyman

>bragging about a nigger dicking your sister to own the libs

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More like 6% of the dog population and 72% of all fatal attacks.

>even if blacks are overrepresented in perpetrators they're very much overrepresented among victims, probably even more so
I don't and could not possibly give a solitary fuck if they're over represented among the victims of their own cycles of violence. Whites are over rrepresented in interracial crime statistics.

Explain white flight and the degeneration of formerly affluent white neighbourhoods.

Blacks make themselves poor.

He said he's never done anal just fellatio

Lmao, back tracking like the cuck you are. Useful idiots are my favorite Yea Forums low lives.

50% of humanity commits 95% of homicides

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your post is the best kind of proof that Yea Forums has been overrun by redditors

Its hilarious to see dumbfucks fearmonger like the pea brained peasants they are. Pitbulls are like literally any other breed, except they are more energetic and require constant physical exercise else they become ill tempered. Every single pitbull attack can be traced back to a lazy mentally challenged lard that thought the pitbull pup looked cute but has no idea how to raise a dog, just like every other moron here who thinks all dogs have the same needs. Pitbulls are more loyal than almost evey other breed of dog, but their traits are masked by fake news and dumbfucks whi dont have a clue on how to raise one. Fucking pathetic.

Fuming /pol/ cunts.

>Pitbulls are more loyal than almost evey other breed of dog,
the most loyal dog is the dogs i owned pal

>/pol/ boogieman
That's leddit for you, guys.

A well raised pitbull will literally die fighting to protect you from invaders, unlike say the Retriever or Labrador that is so friendly it is boderline retarded and will in fact passively move out of the way of an intruder with ill intentions

nah bro my old border collie protected me from everything she used to sleep on top of me as a child and make my parents fuck off when they tried to wake me up for school

>injure myself at home
>call 911
>EMTs gets torn to shred by pitbull

every active fag i know admitted to being molested as a kid

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what does an active fag mean?

>having the same phone number for both the police and the ambulance.
No wonder USA is a third world country and every single Ameritard ive had the misfortune of meeting was a morbidly obese autist with breathing problems and a frustrated manner

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I'm not sure I understand. Are you implying they're not really Asian?

I suppose there could be something psychological at play there. Life's so convenient these days that you might as well pick the path of least resistance like always and hook up with your bro instead of going through the circus that is dating women

You probably don't know many.

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Based and Redpilled.

Best be doing your pushup and squats, faggot

the term is too vague to be used for describing people as it includes vastly different racial groups ranging from arabs to indians to siberians to east asians and is used by the british medias precisely for that dishonest purpose of covering up arab crimes while still being honest about who commits them.

that's a dumb joke but you got me

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Sure a lot of WHITE MALES on that list

Did you think he was being serious about 5 billion people being killed by pitbulls?
You fucking twat

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Are you English? Do you not use "Asians" as slang for pakis and suchlike? MSM isn't trustworthy but that's not why.

it's a real statistic i just worded it wrong i know you thought i meant 5 billion people within a week and i can see how that might not seem realistic but it's actually 5 billion people in a year the pitbull menace kill off over half of humanity each year

>the term is too vague
The countries are located in Asia. They're Asians by definition.

>Poor people going into a neighborhood makes the neighborhood poor
>It’s all the black’s fault of course so we shouldn’t in anyway support them

>i-it was just a meme
Okay, /pol/. Enjoy your shithole board.

affirmative action, EBT, subsidized housing, lower ACT/SAT requirements,subsidized internet service,Obamaphones--yes indeed it's hard out there for a pimp

dubs confirm truth

also people by definition you dumb bitch. The term is vague.

hmm hmm

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t. probably never been to poor areas of the US

>probably never been to poor areas of the US
Grew up working poor. Rose above that in time with hard work, goals, and determination.


Nashnal treshur


holy fucking reddit

Aren't black women more violent then white men? I thought I saw that somewhere but I could be completly wrong.

Blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crimes relative to their population size in all countries except for black-majority countries.

Cry more homo

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