what is the best party film?
What is the best party film?
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Spring break 2019
What do boobs feel like bros?
bags of sand
i dont know
>29 yo khv
salty coins and milk
Those look so fucking gross
serious question:
are you all just pretending to keep up the Yea Forums is only virgin losers meme or have you really never had sex ?
genuinely have no clue
>tfw had to drop out of uni and missed out on all the fun
Now I'm 30 and will never have the same experiences. Most parties I attend are full of married or engaged people talking about boring shit and drinking wine.
Fuck off tourist
Don't get me wrong, I love me some titties, but those just look like melted, burnt plastic, like her face.
Theres just something wrong with them that bothers me
whats gross about them?
legit 29yo incel
literally 30% of the population is like me
were everywhere
Project X
bags of very dense liquid
>melted, burnt plastic
they look real
holy fuck. how??
innies that pop when aroused>outies
thats the problem with hookers when i think about it. even though i got to touch them during my sesh, i can barely remember the sensation because it was time limited and i had to try and take in everything else
a gf would be better to really get a good feel for them with no other distractions
Nigger some people had accidents,diseases and autism.
Shit happens
i know user
Man that’s what real tits look like, you’re confused.
35yo wizard here, feel my power
Too busy with grades to date back in school.
Too busy with work to date later in life.
You just sorta.. forget.
ah. attitude. i get it now.
>there exist people that are taller, richer, smarter, or more successful than me. that means i have already lost and shoulndt even try.
>no dick
>no cut to jesus
expectations subverted
Yeah user we're all just memeing away, i-i-ts just a joke. hahahaa
women would rather an hero than date lower than a normie or a chad
In case you didn’t know it’s scientifically proven women only find the top 20% of men attractive. And those men have sex with all the women.
The rest of us just jerk off and play video games.
You can always go to a strip club. They sit on your lap and some let you fondle them. Keep the conversation going and delay the lap dance. I've played with their titties and even fingered one before.
Especially at 2am when they are all high and drunk they let you touch everything during the lap dances.
42 year old wizard and going strong, bruddah
I like this thread
Im neither a chad nor in the top 20% looks wise. and i have had multiple GFs and sex. Life is more than what /fit/, lookism and this shithole here tell you.
Are you seriously telling me you are either in the top 20% (who measures that) or literally an outcast? There is no in between? fuck off.
>tfw you've jerked it to hentai and 2d girls so much that the real thing has no effect on you
I've even had tits and pussy right in my goddamn face before, and still, my dick had no reaction.
I feel like i'm broken
35yo incel here
>top 20% have sex
>middle 50% cope and work hard to fuck some leftovers
>bottom 30% no sex
>does not only stare but even descends into the abyss of degeneracy
>wonders why he is now a malfunctioning human being
You made a choice.
>white w*men
it really depends on the quality of the girl.
Unfertile and weak females do have unpleasant boobs that feel like plastic ballons filled up to 3/4 of water.
Healthy, fertile females have plump tits that feel like soft fruit, like a big juicy mango.
i've fucked sluts but i've never been in love, at least i never paid for sex.
6 months max no porn and you're fixed
where are the tits
There is Jeff B proving you wrong, try to listen to him.
That, detective, is the right question.
in the op?
>le no fap meme
You're a fucking idiot
>implying you have ever had control over anything in your life
>guy with the camera
>all of that race-mixing and debauchery on public display
Jews won
This one's going in my sluts compilation
Like chunks of fat but the breast tissue itself is somewhat hard.
>tfw girl wanted you to squeeze them super hard and you were concerned you were going to rip the damn things off and could feel the anatomy of the breast itself because the fat was so compressed
How is this still up? Janny must be taking a nap.
we are discussing party movies, whats wrong
balls of steel
janny will prune the thread after he's done fapping
duh, cp gets taken down in a second, or any e-celeb thread but boobies take forever because the jannies wanna bust a nut too
its over for white bois
Mommy no!
Maybe the jannies aren't completely irredeemable after all
Are you me?
he said no porn, not no fap
does she look like your mom
You must not know how Yea Forums works. Jannies don't babysit the board 24/7, there is a report queue. The reason this thread is still up is because noone or very little people have reported it.
Like a very thick rubber balloon fills not with water but a thick liquid substance. And it gives you a happy feeling to touch and squeeze and play with.
Project X is my go-to party movie for when I want to have a party atmosphere while drinking cheap beer at home.
you need like 1-5 months no porn, seriously.
You can still masturbate, forget that nofap shit, but porn dude, its not good. I dont know if i believe all the stuff about how it psychologially ruins you ,but it definitely desensitises you to women
I wish
Nah, its more like
>"What?! You think you're too ugly to have sex?! WTF?! FUCKING MISOGYNIST! I BET YOU THINK YOU ARE OWED SEX! FUCKING TERRORIST!"
>tfw a broke alcoholic that has to eat withdrawals before the money arrives
Most college parties suck man. The best ones are the huge ones where u don’t know anybody and just wander from room to room in a drunken haze
I posted porn in another thread and i'm not banned, it's still up but the person that reported it got his post deleted.
Its really sad that incels dont realize how screwed up they are.
>casually stands up in her backyard
that woman is a badass
>5'6 never hook up
BLACKED by the end lmao
is that baby ok? lookin a bit like thanos
This, so much this.
im still a virgin but im only 20.. its not that bad.. right bros?
as long as you're in college then you'll be fine
I never lost my boner this quickly
what the fuck ios wrong with whites? why doesnt she sit down?
You should really look into homemade wine. For an initial investment of like $20 for the fermentation vessel and a siphon you can easily make large batches (up to 5-6 gallons) of strong homemade wine out of cheap ingredients (cheap apple juice, plain white sugar, yeast).
Explain to me how thinking you are too ugly to get laid means you think you are owed sex by the world?
You're still salvegable. Just try yo hang out with single girls as much as possible and don't seem like a creep. A tall order I know, but should be doable.
You're welcome
>8 years in uni
>haven't went into a single party
I'd date you while you're at work if you want
same. but honestly people (especially roasties) can easily sense autism
thanks buddy. I've made some makgeolli a few times but it was always very acidic.
that kid is absolutely based
You have to learn to accept it. Just like when you see someone taller and regard him with mild envy on account of his height then simply move on with your life, same way you must accept that not all men were born to have sex. Once you know this simple fact your failure at not getting your dick wet stops being so much of a bother. Theres always porn to allevuate the sexual pent up energy and if you make it to 2047 Im sure you could even hire a 10/10 custom built bio sex bot for your pleasure
>baby wraps umbilical cord around his own neck
>mother jettisons him from standing position
>cord is shorter than the drop so it's effectively a hanging
>birth and execution all in one swift motion
absolut kino
I have a vagina and I just don't get why you'd want that if you could have a dick instead, this looks mutated and painful and like it'll never fucking heal, ever
show tits or get out
what the fuck I'm looking at?
She's that special kind of disgusting that I just want to fuck the shit out of her but in a hazmat suit.
Because penises are evil
the 40%
yo what is happening in this webm someone explain pls
stop with the demoralization kike, anybody can get their dick wet even if you're a fat ugly piece of garbage, some women get off to that.
Thats the secret to life really. You can either do something about it, or if you can't, let it go.
It's how women are made