Leans forward

>leans forward

"I check"

Attached: mattdamon.jpg (480x360, 13K)

Check. Check. Check. He trap me!

Attached: kgb.gif (300x188, 995K)

Pretty suspicious, Mr. Damon, I fold

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He must've thought that anything but checking would be too obvious that he had a full house, and that checking would be le epic bluff.


did nothing wrong that move. the table all had shit hands that they would hesitate to pursue either way

Most of the big wins in poker rely on one of the others to hit something or come in with a strong pair. No amount of gamesmenship will help otherwise.

he isn’t wrong tho


This. He didn't act really well but realistically they would have folded had he done anything else

>I fold

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1024x576, 52K)

everyone expects him to slow play his monster hands so he is supposed to do the opposite

they would have folded regardless

I would oil her ass , it would look so nice

>tfw flopping a full house with offsuit nonconnectors
Always check through shit like that

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>woman with big breast is named Titty

Attached: ap,550x550,12x12,1,transparent,t.png (550x550, 78K)

Why didn't he just go all in and make tons of money?

I want her to suffocate me with her tits while using her Bridge of Chucky voice.

>*activates trap card*

Heh. Nothin personel champ

>checking into dry flop and 4 people
No, user, it's not just wrong, it's peak retarded.

*force of wills you*

*flash steps away*

Attached: H-he's Fast.webm (720x404, 249K)

I can't be attracted to this woman because her sunglasses make her look too funny

>implying Yea Forums knows how to play poker
its all shitty memes and toilet humor on this board, without any logic behind them

>checking with the nuts in that position
not retarded at all
hindsight 20/20 retard


*dovin's vetoes (you)*
Not so tough now huh?

What movie?

I'd like to play all the seats.

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Nigga it's a dry 10-10-6 flop. What do you expect to gain with a check? People with empty hands won't raise and will simply check, as it happened. Anyone with a high pair/some sort of flush draw won't fold after a bet, so making a valuebet is a must. There's no need for hindsight to understand that with 3 opponents its obviously a bet here.

>Honey! This guy called with T 6 off. He plays smart guys on Yea Forums, but he calls T 6 off on world series. Idiot player! How are these actors are still in this tournament? These degenerates have all the chips and won't even make it to final 200. Who bought you in, was it Harvey?

Attached: honey.jpg (275x183, 9K)

>they call her the bug
>because of the glasses

Please tell me "Wilson" is Owen Wilson.

All in would have scared everyone away. He should have strung someone along with a min bet.

>tfw with my luck I'd be holding two 6's against Damon

Whenever I flop an amazing fucking hand, it always turns out some other faggot got the nuts. No fucking exceptions. I even got 4 aces once, and of course I called when some faggot went all-in on the river, only to reveal that the river card gave him a straight flush.

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At the casino near me they have a bad beat jackpot that pays out over $10,000 for just that situation.