Movies about murderers getting away with it and going back to the crime scene?

Movies about murderers getting away with it and going back to the crime scene?

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burn the coal

Reminder that the only evidence tying Amanda to the scene is that her DNA is on the knife she used every day to cook dinner.

Nobody can read that gibberish, you shouldve just posted the pic.


She was dating a Pasta.

Nononono she was daring the wop, but she wanted to have a 4 way with a random nigger. Then she murdered her roommate and pinned it on the nigger. This is actually what the Italian prosecution wants you to believe.

Somebody translate that into a real language so i can get outraged too

Do you actually not know who Amanda Knox is? You are supposed to be 18 to post here.

Many cops and DAs have a massive boner for the glory of getting the perp of a notorious case behind bars. Many of them would unironically rather put an innocent person behind bars than let another person get the real guy. This is also why wannabe prosecutors constsntly get dabbed on in law school, they’re considered to be like the incels of lawfags.

I'm neither american nor italian so i assume this doesn't cross my sphere of interest.

there's nothing new except that she returned to italy for the first time since she left

Then fuck the fuck off to a website from whatever shithole 3rd world country you are from.

I mean it's hard to find a shit hole worse than those two but sure can try

She didn't do shit, the nigger did it.

As unlikable and privileged as she is (real privilege not white privilege)
It's very clear that she was being blamed to distract from the fact a black migrant did it. The black migrant is always the guilty party, no exceptions, not even when the other party is the most unlikable and unsympathetic roastie imaginable. Occam's razor always cuts toward the negro.

>the incels of lawfags
Got a chuckle out of me, homeboi.

Well that and they found the niggers shooting in the blood, the nigger took a dump and didn't flush so they had his dna, and the nigger was already convicted of the crime by the time of Amanda's appeal.

You are Italian aren't you ? The nigger most definitely did it.

All true but even if that evidence didn't exist, he'd still be guilty in my mind.

Sorry I don't speak pizza

She was so hot with her baby fat.
The part when they said she was stinky made me so hard.

>with her fiance, mother has advocated

Never heard of her

She’s hot. Who care if she did it

"If she's so fit, you must acquit" - Black Lawguy

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Not to sound like /pol/ here, but the black dude probably did it. There is evidence to support that theory. I don't know if I buy the whole "kinky sex lead to murder" theory.

The case against Knox is loose af. Nevertheless, there's something off about her; I don't like her.

This doesn't surprise me whatsoever. A lot of "justice" is just a retributivist circlejerk.

Should actually read about TV this case.
Its shows Italians to be nothing more than nigger tier savages.

>Not to sound like /pol/ here,
nice try /pol/

The black guy was somewhere else, retards.

His semen was literally inside the girl's murdered body. It doesn't really get more clear cut than that.

He also shit in the toilet and left it there after the murder. He also robbed homes in that area with a long criminal record. Italians are fucking retarded desu

They literally went out of their way to blame every person except the guy who obviously did it.

Knox and Sollcito were watching together pic related while smoking weed at the time of the homicide
That's a pretty strong alibi, it's what 20-something students do every day

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watch the documentary and hear what comes out of the detectives mouth. pure superstition and nonsensical jumps and correlations.

i remember his big lead was that the body had a blanket covering it and only a woman would think to do that

>hurr durr he's black so he did it hurr durr
Italian here. We're not racist unlike you stupid Americans.

I know this is bait but you believe it's more likely that an upper middle class American girl committed a murder during a sex game and or bizarre sexual ritual as opposed to a career criminal murdering someone during a robbery?

So he's a retarded Will Graham lol

Not him but yeah, the whole thing is ridiculous. I can consider the possibility Knox did it, but it's kind of weak. The case against her seems more like sensationalism than evidence

Cry more third world scum. Lol!

same thing