*fixes star wars*
*fixes star wars*
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How will these fix this shit my man?
The faggot from Shameless is going to save Star Wars?
Maybe not in the long term, but they definitely do seem like a return to form for the franchise
Personally I'm just glad we are back to the "dirty" aesthetic of the original trilogy. Sequel Trilogy shit was so clean and sterile
The game is just linear crap slapped in under a year with gameplay from 2008 that tries to imitate sekiro but with difficulty so low even retarded children can beat it, also now it's lightbaseball bats instead of sabers
Mandalorian looks stiff and questionable.
Fallen Order is the most yawn inducing boring fucking shitfest of a paint by numbers action game imaginable, holy fuck. It is absolutely terrible in every way.
The fixed tone is undeniable, I'll give it that.
Im a bit worried about the gameplay of FO though.
The gameplay looks like shit, they should just copy the jedi outcast/jedi academy lightsaber combat
>one hit kills stormtroopers with no dismemberment, just shitty molten cut textures that look like they were lifted out of the Jedi Knight series
>enemy soldiers sort of just stand around or slowly approach you from a distance
>easy as fuck souls-esque mini boss fights where there exists no tension or threat of death whatsoever
>uncharted/tomb raider platforming because you gotta have that
>"cinematic" game flairs like holding the thumbstick forward to navigate a tight corridor at a snail's pace
>hey use force pull/push to very obviously impact some tiny obstacle and perfectly move it in a way that makes terrain passable
absolute utter unbelievable garbage, I was 7 minutes in to a mindnumbingly boring 13 minute video and could hardly believe what I was seeing
>they should just copy the jedi outcast/jedi academy lightsaber combat
Nononono that completely misses the point of fallen order in the first place.
The combat isn't supposed to be as smooth and easy to use as something like Jedi Outcast. You are playing as an inexperienced Padawan on the run, the encounters with enemies should be complicated and thought provoking. Not something like Outcast where you can just run in and wipe a group of stormtroopers effortlessly.
Fixing up a corpse only makes for a more pleasant open casket ceremony.
I don't know why they had Respawn make a """cinematic"""" single player campaign when they are known for making mainly multiplayer focused games.
Supposedly the build of the game they were using was specifically made for the demo. It had the ai difficulty towned down and gave the guy playing infinite force ability
I'm not going to worry too much based on what we saw, but I'm not exactly getting my hopes up
>No no the gameplay should be shit because story
Nice one. Ignoring the fact that this poor padawan can stop time and enemy AI as well as placement is completely braindead, I am sure it will be great.
all the other reasons like the "cinematic" gameplay make it instant garbage without difficulty being a serious concern
I watched the FO gamplay demo and I really don't like how enemies take multiple slashes with the lighsaber and don't get cut, just glow and take some damage. I know that nearly every SW has done this, but now that this one is introducing explicitly anti-jedi troopers you would think they could make the combat with them seem difficult by making it harder to break through their guard when duelling against those electro-staffs they have rather than just give them more HP.
>I know that nearly every SW has done this
Saber strikes are instakill in Jedi Knight Series
>but now that this one is introducing explicitly anti-jedi troopers
Which were also introduced in Jedi Knight, and I am sure long before that as well.
Its Jyn Orso all over again, fuckers at Disney rip off something established and pretend they came up with it and are breaking new ground
yup this
The show looks ok, but I think Faller Order (judging by gameplay cuts) fucking sucks. Keep in mind that I had no expectations for either project, they’re just not that good.
Not him, but there can be good AND thoughtful gameplay
>Saber strikes are instakill in Jedi Knight Series
lol no they are not, you fight enemies covered in glowing scars from where you slashed them just like in the FO footage.
>shitty to show and shitty Uncharted Dark Souls
They’re just killing it more every day.
>Fallen Order has no dismemberment
No thanks.
Neither of these are movies tho so Star Wars remains shit.
Wampas, Dark troopers/Jet Troopers/hazard troopers, maybe cultists might take more than one.
Most other run of the mill enemies die from one direct hit and die in a second or two if you just shove the saber into them.
As long as its gameplay first and story as guideline, sure, but not in cases where the story is dragging the gameplay on a thin thread. Some of these LA devs clearly just want to make movies and see gameplay as a chore. Some have even admitted to this.
The gameplay shown is completely derivative of other industry products, trying to mask this clunky mess with "w-well he is weak!" is a complete hack move.
And he clearly isn't if he has such mastery of Push/Pull and a "time" stop, so nice narrative disconnect there.
yes, that is the post I replied to
>Another video game that can't escape the black woman curse.
>stops time with 3 blaster bolts headed towards him
>deflects one, and it flies at normal speed while the others remain still
They didn't make the game and then decide to write a story around why the encounters are so though, user. It's designed to simulate being an inexperienced Padawan following order 66. It would be MORE of a problem if he was just wiping rooms of stormtroopers
>it’s another some rando survived 66 and does some integral thing that enables the movies to happen story
This has been done so many times I honestly don’t know how anyone still gives a shit.
>does some integral thing that enables the movies to happen
Blind assumption
>Ahhh don't fire me Bob Iger! I'll win the nerds back. I promise!
>videogame movie
>movie videogame
No thank you sir.
Then what is the point?
Jedi Fallen Order looks boring. A typical EA game.
The Mandalorian screams fake nostalgia-bait.
He did a pretty good Joker on the Gotham tv show.
What's the point of any star wars game?
>no dismemberment
no buy
>more shit set between the episodes
I'm sick of nostalgia and I'm sick of franchises never moving forward anymore. Episodes 7-9 are not moving forward, but stagnating on the same shit from before.
Playing the joker is easy as fuck and has nothing to do with Star Wars characters. They picked the most boring looking white guy they could find so that when it fails Kathleen Kennedy can say "seeee? People want to see WOMEN in leading roles!"
>fixes nothing
>They didn't make the game and then decide to write a story around why the encounters are so though, user.
No, I am pretty sure that is what happened.
They looked at what other games in the Action Adventure genre are doing and imitated them.
>It's designed to simulate being an inexperienced Padawan
And it looks like shit. Again, don't give me "Inexperienced Padawan" when he can S T O P time.
Jedi Knight has Force Speed, which also slows down time, but it takes a while before you get it to a level where you really feel like manipulating time.
>It would be MORE of a problem if he was just wiping rooms of stormtroopers
Replay Outcast and see how hard its to kill Jedi Cultists for someone who "lorewise" is a Jedi Knight who has gotten a bit rusty, then compare how easily the "Jedi-Hunter" is dispatched by the "inexperienced padawan"
I will say it one last time:
Having shit gameplay and trying to hide it behind "we did it because story" is a H A C K move and it becomes noticeable when the narrative disconnect begins, like the mastery of Force displayed by the main character.
Having fun. Getting involved in a good story. But it has been done to death, it was okay back when it felt new.
Well first of all Kathleen didn't cast him, EA did.
And even if that's the route they wanted to go, he isn't anywhere near as bad enough of an actor to deliberately be used to tank a game.
And even if he WAS, people said the same thing about the new guy playing han in Solo so it's clear that it's either not working, or there isn't a conspiracy after all
Have sex
They'd have to make the game M rated if they did that. You can only get away it if they're non-humanoid. That's why in AotC you see bug people getting chopped up and gored all the time while keeping the movie rated PG.
Solo was a failure
The guy who played Han Solo is phenomenal in a few of his other roles, I don’t know why he’s so fucking awful in Solo.
You first, friendo
And yet they are still casting white people as leads. Guess there was no conspiracy after all
>They'd have to make the game M rated if they did that
Then do it?
You can dismember clonetroopers in the PS2 ROTS game. And people get dismembered in every Star Wars movie except TLJ I think.
Not the time or place. It wouldn't be worth limiting your potential playerbase just because user on Yea Forums wants dismemberment
I'm cautiously looking forward to The Mandalorian just because of the subject matter, I always found the grimy, space-western aspects of Star Wars more interesting than the space-knights and space-wizards.
Still, not actually getting my hopes up but I enjoyed Rogue One and if it's similar, it'll be good enough for me.
Fallen Order just looks fucking awful and I cannot comprehend why anyone would be interested in this shit beyond a moth-like attraction to the flashy lights.
Because he was being forced to act like Harrison Ford playing Han Solo rather than him playing Han Solo
An M rated game in a franchise aimed at families? Good luck with that.
You do see it in the movies, but it's brief enough to get by without increasing the rating. And when I'm thinking dismembering, I'm thinking along the lines of MGR where Raiden chopping up everyone into a gory mess as opposed to a hand or partial limb being cut off like you see in the movies.
He doesn't look or act like Han Solo.
The lines people were repeating about how great it was that he "didn't do an impression" of Ford were AstroTurf'd opinions peddled by LF as damage control to head off any comparisons between Ehrenreich and Ingruber.
Well, congratulation on them not sacrificing the artistic vision of having a Star Wars Jedi game where you can't dismember people.
I am sure only us cave dwellers on Yea Forums want a game with Lightsabers to feel like a game with lightsabers.
This isn't Wii Fitness.
I hope we get helicopter sabers
How does light generate lift?
>Artistic vision
Why would they make a game based on the artistic vision of a random Yea Forums poster?
force fuckery
Canonically they have repulsorlifts in them not unlike speeders
It still looks fucking stupid though
I wish there was a feature in the game where you could use the force to jerk yourself off and pull the cum from your pants and shoot it into your enemies mouths distracting them long enough to saber them.
Holy fuck, my fucking sides I'm going to cum
Not that user but considering
>Before Rogue One
>Disney gets an aneurysm if it goes against neoCanon
>Why do we not see this guy in any new movie or book?
>Where are the jedikillers?
well. back to playing jedi outcast and academy then.
So this is your argument now?
Lets see
>Lightsabers cut through matter, well established in lore
>We are making a Star Wars game about Jedi using lightsaber
>We wanted the game to present you playing "novice padawan", so we made the gameplay shit
>Oh yea, and you can't dismember enemies because our marketers project we will lose this much money and our PR saying that we can't set a precedent with M rated Star Wars game
Yes, artistic vision compromised by corporate.
Video games are a buyers market, especially if the new product you are trying to peddle me is inferior to what was done almost 2 decades ago.
Not as if I ever was considering giving my money to both EA and Disney.
hopefully modders can actually fix it.
Do you really think Disney wouldn't find some way in shoving their new stuff into the old canon? Rebels alone explains a good chunk of how the rebels are set up and what shape they'll be in in ANH. Also do you not remember The Force Unleashed with the Gary Stu being the one to start the rebellion and his family crest being the symbol of the alliance? Fucking with canon has been a Star Wars traditions since the prequels.
If you are going to criticize something, you should have some evidence to back it up first.
>year of our Lord 2012+7
user, I...
If they don't have the mechanic already in, with all the models and such ready to go, no one sane will waste time trying to figure out how to mod it
It seems like game developers and publishers do everything they can to prevent modders from fixing their games.
I still waiting for Battlefield 1 to be modded to make it playable. I fully expect to remain waiting for the rest of eternity.
I guess bringing up Rebels, TFU and the prequels isn't evidence of the franchise fucking around with its canon. Rogue One, Solo and all media created after the take over has Disney fucking with the canon for no reason.
the only fix i hope
It's evidence that they themselves fucked around with the canon. Not evidence that FO will
Jesus you are almost as stupid as this guy
Why do you have so much faith in Disney to not do this with these when they've done it already with the rest of it?
oh look, its Uncharted, Assassin's Creed & The Force Unleashed all in one crappy overpriced EA game
based and N64 pill'd
I don't. I just hate retards who blindly assume things and then think they can use random assumptions in their shitty arguments.
Agreed. It's like when people say the Mandalorian is going to be shit because they will reveal there is a black girl under the armor.
Its an actual shilling tactic.
>Come on user, just give it a chance!
>It will be different this time!
>You just had bad luck with the experience
They are trying to flip on head
>Product is shitty until proven otherwise
if the product is good as they say, for you as a consumer it doesn't really matter if you get it day 1 a week or two weeks from the release.
For them however, preorders and day 1 sales are very important statistic they want to boost
>return to form for the franchise
>Disney keeps fucking with the canon
>Assume they won't do this again despite it never affecting their profits and they wanna make their product as integral to the franchise as possible
It's not blindly assuming when it's something they do every time. Also giving evidence of them constantly doing this isn't a bad argument, but the exact opposite as it is supporting said argument. If anything you sound like a blind fan that eats up anything with Star Wars slapped on it, regardless of quality and hearing anything bad triggers your need to defend it.
Nah he's definitely right. At least aesthetically the Mandalorian especially screams OT
But it takes place between 6 and 7.
I dont see how the Mandalorian makes any sense in the timeline they've put it in
The mandalorians really stopped being a thing before the old republic era
That's not the point. Regardless of when it takes place, the tone is finally returning to form
>but they definitely do seem like a return to form for the franchise
Anyone remember when people were saying this exact shit when Disney bought the franchise? They wont do shit. Star Wars is long dead.
I'm sure it's possible to mod Jedi Fallen Order since it runs on the Unreal Engine 4.
People were saying that because muh xwings. This time it's because the tone finally matches
they were saying it for muh tone and muh practical effects. literally neck yourself, retard.
Well they ended up wrong with the tone at least
They do dismemberment in the cartoons. This is lame.
jedi fallen order looks like the force unleashed 3 but I dont mind because I loved both of those
except this time is a bit less edgy apparently
really flopping ragdolls around with the force, frying them with lighting and throwing your saber around, what more do you need in this type of game?
>wasn't ever a nigger
That's where you're always supposed to fit in, OP, but you always fuck it up
>*fixes star wars*
oh yeah Disney wars n°6 and randomly bland action jedi game by EA are clearly going to fix it all. Of course. And then if they don't, we can always count on the GoT writers or RJ to really save the franchise. Like you OP I'm very confident. This is going to be phenomenal I have no doubt.
Isn't Disney planning a new trilogy after the next one?
Can't wait for Mandalorian to dig into post-RotJ sans a centric Force user.
Also, I'll be shocked if the Fallen Order protag doesn't die, which pushes Saw Guerrera off the deep end and into the more radicalized phase we see him in in Rogue One and Rebels.
Gonna be fun grabbing the latter on discount after I finish Death Stranding however.
There is no fixing it at this point, especially under Disney.
Just end it.
Weren't you guys telling everyone she was going to get the axe after Solo floundered?
How'd that go?
New trilogy separate from the skywalkers
Another prequel or set in another part of the galaxy?
wait is this real? oh it's so fucking fucked dear lord
Both. A New Republic trilogy according to reports
*Old republic
>wait is this real?
So what's Iger's play here? He's playing the clock for what? Was nobody available to take her place? Hard to believe.
bitch, even The Force Unleashed on PS2/Wii plays better than this
at least someone make a mod for the soldiers to be more realistic
They offered it to JJ but he declined
Thank fucking god. He's the only person I would want to be in charge even less than Kathleen
Kathleen's dicksucking skills are legendary in Hollywood.
>the joker is a jedi now
>they have repulsorlifts
Then why bother with the spinning blades...
Yeah, it looks fucking stupid.
Iger can fire her anytime, he'll just have to financially compensate her. Maybe that is the play, maybe he expects another blunder just to do that and sent her home with a nice pile of cash because she's been sucking so well all these years!
Rogue based
That argument lost any weight a long time ago
no lightning in game.
>*fixes star wars*
Most ambitious TV shows like The Mandalorian have a track record of starting strong then going to shit after the first season or two.
The Mandalorian will be black or a woman screenshot this.
Selling toys to dumb kids.
A starwars staple since the 70s.
It's singular, not plural. Surely you'll allow that there can be at least one roaming around.
Much closer to 6.
I don't know shit about Mandalorian, but the game looks terrible. Generic third person combat in generic jungle. Like the movies it looks bland as fuck.
I'm not the biggest prequel defender, but media surrounding them was great.
>Clone Wars (both of them)
>Jedi Knight (don't really have anything to do with the prequels but I'll count them)
>never checked out the books so I won't comment on them
Not look at the media around nu-wars:
>that other series that got pounded into oblivion with dislikes
>this game
>godawful books
It's worrying when the best piece of star wars media that will probably come out of Disney is going to be the fucking lego game
She's gone after IX. You'll see.
That contract renewal negotiation occurred around the time of Solo, but ALSO around the time of the Kelly Marie Tran fiasco. I have no doubt that Tran's bullying narrative was spun up by Kathleen Kennedy as leverage in her talks with Disney.
>"Fire me now, and I'll spin it as anti-woman"
So yeah, she kept her job a little longer.
But Kiri Hart got the boot.
The Storygoup was neutered by JJ Abrams. Kathleen Kennedy's loyalists like Chuck Wendig, are quietly being purged. When her contract expires, she'll accept a dignified retirement and someone new can take over a clean(ish) house
The Force Unleashed had plenty of dismemberment. youtu.be
I don't ask for much:
>Limited HUD
>Realistic soldier models
>Realistic movement speeds
>Realistic damage
>Limit weapons and gear to be faction-specifc
>Limit the use of full and semi auto weapons.
>More trench maps.
>I don’t know why he’s so fucking awful in Solo
He's fucking miscast that's why. And don't give me any of that Ingruber shit either, people saying he just does a good impression are right. Being a better Solo than Ehrenreich isn't saying anything at all. Han Solo needs to be cocky and charismatic, like Chris Pratt in the Guardians of the Galaxy movies (except without as much comedic fuck-uppery).
The scene that to me really encapsulates everything wrong with Aldenreich's casting and the writing of Solo in that movie is the scene where Han bluffs about having a bunch of henchmen on the Millennium Falcon, which immediately takes off revealing his bluff. The bluff was transparent and obvious, Ehrenreich doesn't sell it at all and when it's revealed it just makes Han look pathetic and you feel embarrassed. Now imagine Harrison Ford, or Brad Pitt, or Matt Damon, or Chris Pratt, or basically any charismatic masculine character in the same situation. They'd SELL it and when spoiled there'd be humor because (a) you admire the earnest attempt to lie and (b) charismatic characters are hard to dislike in the first place.
Would Ingruber be able to pull it off? Maybe, but probably not.
/Thread. Legitimately looks as bad as the force awakens games.
So did Jedi Academy, Republic Commando, and others that are all rate T. The user you replied to is just a retard.
Order 66 must have been an absolute hackshit job for this many Jedi to still be running around the galaxy. How many were there anyway? Like a couple thousand a most?
Here’s the nu-canon list of survivors:
>Master Kirak Infil'a
>Master Coleman Kcaj
>Master Obi-Wan Kenobi
>Master Jocasta Nu
>Master Oppo Rancisis
>Master Luminara Unduli
>Master Uvell
>Master Quinlan Vos (Presumed)
>Master Yoda
>Padawan Ferren Barr
>Padawan Caleb Dume
>Padawan Cal Kestis
>Former Master Eeth Koth
>Former Padawan Ahsoka Tano
>Zubain Ankonori
>Selrahc Eluos
>Ka-Moon Kholi
A good chunk of them were killed by Vader in the following years. No, I don’t know who any of these people are either.
slow down there pal
*actually fixes Star Wars*
>around the time of Solo
Solo was released on May 25th, 2018. That article was published the 28th of September.
That's 4 months later, and if you don't think the success/failure of Solo wasn't discussed during those 4 months, as well as what worked, what didn't who was responsible, who wasn't and what the intended plans moving forward were at that point, you're kidding yourself.
>Fire me
It isn't firing her to let her contract expire. That is letting terms both parties agreed upon come to a conclusion. There is nothing prejudicial or sexist about letting a contract an individual party agreed upon come to it's end, especially if Disney could have easily spun it their own way and said there had actually been discussions of a contract extension, that Kennedy opted out of, because what does she do then? Undercut their saying that, and say that those discussions only happened because she threatened to spin the conclusion of their contract as sexism if they didn't?
The only reason you give someone an extension is because you are satisfied with what they have done up to that point, and want them to do more of it.
>When her contract expires
You mean like it could have before they gave her an extension? If all it took was her saying that she'd spin it as anti-women then, why won't she do it again when she "gets fired" in the future?
Who gives a flying fuck about tone, my guy? The story is what matters. And the story continues to be soulless.
Gingers can't be jedis tho
>And the story continues to be soulless.
What is the Mandalorian about
>Jon One Hit Wonder Favreau directing
Lol get ready for a Daredevil S2 where it turns a great start into a garbage ending.
Oof. That's a bad take, my dude.
its like a braindead uninspired force unleashed
I don't like the look of the fallen order protag. Looks too much like some bitter graphic designers just made a bland looking kid that they imagine most "gamers" could identify with. But at least it's better than another fucking homely brown haired british female protag #93772, or worse a nog
>Starts strong
>Progressively gets worse as writers lose steam
Congratulations, you just described literally every TV show ever made.
If he directs he's only directing one ep. He's actually more of an EP alongside Dave Filoni, who has put out the best SW content of the past decade.
Best prepare yourself for grand orange buttcheeks.
still the best
I thought most people who don't like New Wars don't consider it canon either, so what's the difference?
I agree with this.
Should have been an alien
>luminara survived kashyyk
>eeth koth survived getting dusted on his speeder
>vos survived his elite troopers
>all these literal whos and im a complete wookiepedia autist
what the fug
The Protagonist gives a strange Treasure Planet vibe.
>He still takes the Storygoup seriously.
The story is about evoking the visual imagery of Bobba Fett and other classic Star Wars themes in a vain attempt to maintain Disney's grip on its bleeding fanbase. The script is irrelevant.
I'm actually just shitposting, who cares about SW lore anymore lol
The list is sure to expand every time a new book or show is introduced, since you apparently can't have a nu-wars story without introducing your own completely original Jedi survivor.
>No Barris
So they killed her off screen after her confession, or after Order 66?
>he thinks gingers and redheads are the same thing
I mean, here's hoping, but the only thing that's for sure about Star Wars is that nothing's for sure.
Everyone saying the game is too easy.
You do realise there will probably be difficulty options, yes?
Silly me. I thought it was early enough to not need to break the autism seal for the day.
>implying anyone gives a shit about starshit anymore.
Mandalorian looks interesting (though the dialogue is a stilted) but Fallen Order looks dull, both as a narrative and as a game.
Redheads are people with reddish hair. Gingers are the soulless bastard offspring of the Nephilim who can barely conceal their taste for human flesh.
The only way to fix star wars is to de-canonize everything Disney Wars and just go back to having the EU being the default.
We'd finally get good games, shows, comics and movies again.
Okay well you said the story was souless so I assumed you knew at least something about it
this, why don't star wars games have decapitation or dismemberment anymore? it's not like lightsabers make you spurt fountains of gory blood, it's some of the tamest gore ever seen in media
There is no fixing it, I'm afraid. Once you piss in the sacred pool the waters are forever tainted.
Why? Who cares about a movie for kids honestly.
>it's another Star Wars story set between prequels and OT
When the FUCK are they going to try anything remotely original?
Set it centuries before PT.
>“I thought that portrayal of Luke Skywalker was very weak,” he told VGC. “I thought they gave him a scapegoat role that wasn’t merited and didn’t fit with his character, in my opinion.
>“I like the fact that they were playing around with it, but at the same time I didn’t like the execution and I thought it could have been handled a lot better or differently.”
>He added: “I also thought it was a case of comedy goes too far, side characters and massive detour plots were rapidly introduced… I liked what they were trying to do, I just didn’t like how it was executed.”
Help me Chris Avellone, you're my only hope.
I'd rather have Lego Knights of the Old Republic. We can even add Tales of the Jedi & Dawn of the Jedi if needed.
Can a movie about Delta squad have an entertaining storyline?
Feels like it's only fun if you are immersed into the game instead of watching a movie about it.
I too can't wait for Traviss-inspired Mandalorian wank where we learn they taught those upstart jedi everything they know.
All if this. It's all so tiresome. I downloaded jedi knight 1 & 2 cause I know that's actually fun and I can play as a sexy twilek which we'll never see again ever. Thanks Disney
> Yea Forums
> barely anyone talks about the Mandalorian
I'm cautiously hype about the show, the casting looks good, Favreau is alright in my book and thanks to Filoni we had what I think was some of the best Star Wars media with the latest seasons of Clone Wars. Hopefully we can go back to that kind of quality now that he is done with Rebels and doesn't have to target kids audience.
I hope we get to see some of the ideas introduced in Clone Wars come back. The Nightsisters would be great, though they failed at pretty much everything they did, it's good to see an entirely different approach of the force compared to the Jedi or the Sith.
>Clone Wars
>have a complex vibrant diverse universe
>make ocs
i understand that they want to reshape star wars in their cucked image but theres a ton of shit that they throw to the wayside for the sake of donut steels. there is negative talent at lucasfilms
>It's all so tiresome.
the clone wars 3d show really isnt good. people jerk off to umbara dathomir and geonosis but its still stilted badly animated shlock with too much gay shit
>Fallen Order is the most yawn inducing boring fucking shitfest of a paint by numbers action game imaginable, holy fuck. It is absolutely terrible in every way.
Thank christ I wasn't the only one thinking this. Literally everything on display has already been done in a prior game. It brings nothing to the table. Absolutely nothing other than refinement.
t. someone who only watched the first few seasons
To be fair, you shouldn't have to shift through three seasons of absolute shit to get to anything half competent, especially when that content still has flaws.
Are you implying I can't like both ?
I get where you come from and that's actually true for the first season but at its best it really expanded the universe in interesting ways, (with the clones, the Dathomir sisters, the bounty hunters, the senate and Palpatine shenanigans), etc... while still taking chances with some stories you didn't expect to get from such a show like 3PO and R2 lost on unknown planets or Mace and Jar Jar in an adventure/buddy cop movie. In the end it just felt like the people working on it were passionate about their work and it shows.
But yeah, the first seasons are rough, but most of the good stuff in it is expanded upon in the later season.
Damn this surely reflects on the actual gameplay !
>Jedi Fallen
Don't make me laugh.
The lightsaber slices through shit like butter in the films.
What if I want to?
>3 Shitty DLC attached to the game you have to play for 100%
no thanks, it'll stay at 60%
>At least aesthetically the Mandalorian especially screams OT
Not everything needs to be like the OT
Okay but this is a different medium where one hit kills don't exactly work
No plenty of shows actually intended to be long-running episodic entertainment start weak as they figure out their formula in the first couple of seasons and then stay consistently good for potentially many years before declining. (eg Star Trek: The Next Generation)
The problem is these new shows written like with season-long narratives written kind of like a miniseries except a miniseries has an end while these shows just fall off a cliff once the initial story is either over or stretched out soap opera style until the resolution winds up pointless anyway.
Best shit to come out of a Star Wars game
Dismemberment was common knowledge because every PC gamer mag had an article on how to do it.
All I want are some star wars movies that don't revolve around the current or old main characters.
>young human male protagonist
Jesus fuckin Christ, just give me the option to play a fuckin alien for once!
They should have got Filloni to lead Star Wars it would have been a better Lucas
>Star Wars representation extremely biased towards humans
We need affirmative action for aliens
Exactly, there's a lot of discrimination in Star Wars towards Aliens, fuck Human Females have got it easy compared to any Alien Species in Star Wars. Should we all start The Force Is Alien movement
Star Wars is probably unfixable at this point, I don't care about The Womandalorian but I gotta admit that Fallen Order looks pretty dope.
This, but the exact opposite.
One is produced by Disney and the other had heavy Disney oversight so they will be shit.