What the fuck was his problem?
What the fuck was his problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
Alcoholism and white guilt
being a nigger
>mfw underage boomers like the n-bomb
The hotel played on his suppressed ambitions and guilt.
He didn't have enough sex.
Worked too many hours with no time off
He was banging kids
married with child
He was a child molester, see pic related.
The white man's burden, Lloyd.
Retard, his character would probably be more interested in his tax dollars going to convicted criminals new identities
What does that have to do with my post? That issue of Playgirl literally has a cover story about incest. Like, you can't even argue that Kubrick did not use that specific issue on purpose. Among other things it was a subtle clue about Jack's true nature.
so is the child molestation the most plausible theory?
There's the bear blowjob scene which is heavily linked to the kid as well
It's not even implied in any way in the novel, just the physical abuse when he broke his kid's arm
tbf the book pretty much has no connection to the film besides a basic plot
not really, aside from the ending and some scenes most of it is taken from the novel
abolishment of the gold standard
If that were true Stephen King wouldn't have been so famously disappointed with the 1980 adaptation.
"You've had your whole fucking life to think things over, what good's a few minutes more gonna do you now?"
the movie is still very different and different enough for king to hate it, kubrick shifts the focus and the horror comes from a different direction. but the plot itself is pretty much identical, except for the ending
the 1997 miniseries produced by King is cancer, but the plot stays pretty much the same, except for King's way to shift the focus back to retarded hedge animals, jump scares and living firehoses, exactly the silly shit that Kubrick avoided
All work and no play
You always lose with booze.
The film was boring.
Is that what the film was about? What was that bear scene?
There's a lot going on with the bear. Not only is there a scene of a bear blowing what looks like George H.W. Bush (and is surely meant to represent him), but Danny has a giant teddy bear whose eyes are the exact same shape as the hotel elevator's.
why would it represent george hw bush? it was made in the late 70s and released 1980
This. You are looking to much into it.
playgirl is for women to read
Spotted the pseud.
True, very boring. Wanna play COD?
being a janny
>tfw I just enjoy the film due to Kubrick's outstanding cinematography and never really think of the deeper meanings
Am I a brainlet?
George Bush became Vice President to Ronald Reagan in 1981, so he would have been on the campaign trail throughout '80 (when it was released) and possibly '79. Before that, he was director of the CIA for a year, head of the RNC, etc. Not exactly an unknown. As for why Kubrick wanted to single him out, that's anyone's guess, but the resemblance is uncanny:
Yeah really close there faceblind autist.
damn, you're right.
that scene scared the shit out of me when I was 14, and it's not even some stupid jumpscare
If only you had waited for my response. I have no patience for people who know of George HW Bush only as a President and who underestimate Kubrick. Volumes have been written about this movie's layers of meaning alone. "Looking too much into it" my ass.
>people who know of George HW Bush only as a President
like, everyone who's not American?
Also bait harder. And is from nearly a decade after The Shining.
He looked pretty much exactly the same nine years earlier
Which is better, US Cut or International Cut?
He doesn't look anything alike.
no, this is actually the way to enjoy the film, going deeper only bring unnecessary pain and suffering
Where do you think are? Even if I am pseudo-intellectual, that doesn't really take away from my points. Jack Torrance really does pick up a Playgirl with a cover story about incest. Danny's teddy bear "coincidentally" has weird eyes that are the same shape as the elevator dials that we see several times throughout the film. If you want to be willfully ignorant of the visual layers the film has, fine, but it's not like I'm saying anything new here. Nor am I suggesting a conspiracy or anything extraordinary that an accomplished director like Kubrick could not or would not have pulled off.
>misses the point completely and forgets the utter nonsense spouted about Bush
Wew lad, can you do your laces on your own or do you buy those shoes with velcro?
meant for
Seems Down’s syndrome is contagious.
Ok now youre just making shit up
US cut
>a peckerwood cook?!
>What the fuck was his problem?
His father was an abusive drunk who took out the frustration of being a hospital orderly on his family. Jack was doomed from the start.
he also had a little shining, it's hereditary. not as much as his son, but a little. so he was prone to be influenced by the evil spirits of the overlook to drink and do evil stuff
Pound feet per second purse-ekoned
International cut has superior pacing and building of atmosphere. Change my mind Amerilards.