Under the Skin understands this. They are grotesque abominations whose humanity is only skin deep. They utilize their sexuality to manipulate, control and ultimately destroy men. Without their weaponized sexuality they have absolutely no ability to navigate the world, control their environment or even understand their surroundings. Women are NOT human.

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Formerly human

This is Rosalind Franklin. She used X-ray crystallography to resolve the helical structure of DNA.

What have you produced, other than crusty tissues and dirty laundry for your mother to clean?

Attached: 220px-Rosalind_Franklin_(1920-1958).jpg (220x282, 17K)

>Yea Forums - Television and Film

I have lots of crusty tissues but I do my own laundry.

For every Rosalind you have 1 million roasties and hags that do nothing but leech off men. Exception that proves the rule my man.

it's literally about a film moron


>jewish broad takes credit for work she didn't do

i want to feel her stomach on my face

>Taking the moral high ground by using other peoples achievements

What did YOU do for progress?

vomit fetish is gross and bad for teeth

>cope with the 5 examples you can come up with
lmao, meanwhile the average roastie is a vile empty soulless beast

I want to bite her love handles.

Im net positive to economy and work for my own shit. Something 90% of cunts fail to do most of their lives.

watson and crick dab on that roasties grave

This but unironically. i don't even interact to women anymore, they're aliens to me

>This is Rosalind Franklin. Her husband used X-ray crystallography to resolve the helical structure of DNA while she took notes

Please, please, PLEASE have sex

>On an amateur taxidermy Egyptian hieroglyph blog

Well fuck me, roll in the Nobel prize this user is here to play!

anyone else read the book? been meaning to watch the movie. liked the idea of her being some horribly mangled quadrupedal alien shaped into a passably humanoid form through extreme and painful surgery, to lure in human men. body horror from the viewpoint of a nonhuman.

>watson and crick
imagine living long enough to experience being shunned and deplatformed for stating observable scientific facts

sarcasm is the last vestige of the stupid and jealous. not a good look bro :)

OP - you aren't going to like what I have to tell you, but all I offer is the truth. You hate women, because you are weak. You lack the necessary skills and talents, to charm them to your way of thinking. Were you the kind of person who spent a large percentage of your waking-hours dedicating yourself to a singular purpose; a hobby - the RIGHT hobby, a career or perhaps a healthy mix of both, you would find that most, if not all of your hatred and focus would be redirected as energy into that activity. Instead, your hatred is directed at women because you are lazy and unmotivated.

Even men who, for all intents and purposes, are considered "ugly" by society's standards, manage to attract good-looking, available, personable women because they know ... not think, not feel, not believe, but KNOW ... that they have acquired enough skills through sheer hard work, for their confidence to be justified.

You would know this also, if you did a single day's worth of hard work in your life.

Attached: Ros.jpg (2458x3000, 1M)


>oh no he post on 4chin he must be failure like me
Nice projection buddy.

Attached: Give up goim.png (217x145, 72K)

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Imagine doing everything you do and living your life just for pussy and thinking you're the top male for this
pussy slaves are the least self aware beings on this planet

She didn't have a husband tho ?

Yeah you're right, he's not just some guy trying to fight off his insecurity by attacking anonymous people on a victorian wormhole exploration anime forum, he's the true winner here, truly I am humbled.

Imagine spending each day vehemently complaining about them instead of improving yourself as an individual and going about your business.

Yet you still failed to conterpoint me or acept the fact not everyone here are failures like you. That sarcasm proves nothing.
Do I argue with hole or pussyknight?

Attached: net.png (782x521, 58K)

Why not both?

Do you think chad likes women?

Because unlike you I'm perfectly comfortable with my social status and I don't have to justify myself anonymously.
You're insecure, it's obvious.

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God damn I love that vacant stare.

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all this /pol/ zoomer shit aside, it's legitimately an extremely good film

Attached: UNDER THE SKIN.jpg (3000x1622, 2.12M)

because he thinks the only right way of living is pursuing worshipping women

Be better. You will hate yourself less, and other people, included women, will like you more.
So you will not feel compelled to hate them back to cope.
And stop spamming circlejerks here. And tsint any discussion of movies like Under the Skin or 2049 with your inceldom.

What the fuck? what do you mean "cope" means? fucking zoomers, you can't talk without buzzwords

Why don't you ask him?

Yes. Is one of the best sci fi of thr last years. They also toned down le vegetarian message from the book.


>I'm white so I invented everything!

Lmao this level of mental gym.
Not everyone is fucked up like you.

He is gay, is that simple.
There's a huge space between "women are not human" and "worshipping women", there's no big gasp between "Vaginas are disgusting" and "Penises are more attractive"

How is this incel shit still up, yet the janitors come running every time I make an anime thread?

None agreein with OP is comfortable in any measure.

user, please stop. You are going on a trip you can't comeback from.

Attached: have sex (but not with a man).png (737x446, 146K)

Nice, I'm on traps right now

I never did, I only exposed you as an insecure little boy.

Attached: GotOne.gif (480x270, 1.91M)

I dont think you guys understand the question. People seem to think that only incels hate women due to lack of affection from them. But if women were terrible creatures wouldnt those who spend the most time with them hate them more?

Lmao that's some projecting. "be better, women you like you more". i don't care if women like me or not. it's hard for you to understand since your life consists of literally only this. I try to be better for me and only me.

You will NEVER understand what trully is to love yourself because you only love pussy

The weirdo rapist serial killer guy at the end seemed to come out of no where

Sorry, user, but the wording in the context of the thread was weak, i get your point.
You are the one that centers everything around women, he literally told you "people will like you" and you ignore it, you put a false quote and dismiss his menssage, you are a shitty person and you won't improve. Asocials never do.

fuck off weeb faggot

But this is not /r9k/

Also, however terrible this OP is, can we get more pics of Scarlett in Under the Skin. The movie was pretty mediocore aside from her nude scenes.

It was like Man who fell to Earth without Bowie, and that one had a lot naked young Bowie, which is also acceptable.

I just don't think your improve is improvement. people are different and want to live different lives, get over it

It's to show the full spectrum of "humanity". She's first extremely confused when strangers help her when she falls down the street and learns empathy through it and then the act of rape is just as "alien" to her as the act of empathy at first.
The entire film is basically an alien coming of age story

Attached: Under The Skin.mkv_snapshot_01.05.50_.jpg (1920x1038, 500K)

Holly shit nigga is your delusion so strong that being BTFO and not providing any arguments count for you as win?
All you do is projecting your pathetic life unto others while being told to stop doing it and provide argument why women arent parasites.
You fail each time to do this instead you call others insecure. No one care nigga, now its clear you are one of them empty hoes. Last reply.

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>deflecting this hard

Look my dude, if you wanna adscribe to something like "women are not human" you best believe you'll have to address each individual example there is. Does your shit fall apart? Too bad, that's just because you are a scaredy cat who's been "hurt in youw feewings" by being an insufferable, undesirable cunt.

holy cringe. imagine being this much of a faggot

what the fuck? Deepfakes?

user... Chad doesn't exist.

>Last reply.

Attached: haHA.gif (480x228, 500K)

Any attractive, smart and nice person that happens to be male is a chad.

haha, whoosh, I didn't expect any better

You wish user. Propably some other cunt is under the mask while orginal is having some satanistic orgies.

Truly a brave and based opinion

I am male. I am not dumb. I am not ugly. I am positive with anyone I happen to interact with.
Still a kissless virgin though

the cringe continues

yet I have a girlfriend, I guess I must be Chad or something lol

Yea Forums understands this. They are grotesque abominations whose humanity is only skin deep. They utilize their shitposting to manipulate, control and ultimately destroy boards. Without their weaponized shitposting they have absolutely no ability to navigate the world, control their environment or even understand their surroundings. Incels are NOT human.

Attached: file.png (1140x1424, 1.06M)

This is justyou coping. I did not start an incel thread, you know.

>since your life consists of literally only this.
This is a defense mechanism that so far prevented your inevitable suicide talking.

Have sex, sweetheart. ;)

>I am not dumb. I am not ugly.
>Still a kissless virgin though
Who told you yu arent ugly/dumb? mom?

What is cringe? Someone that is asking you to get your shit together?
You complain, only complain.
Complain about women but you are no man.