His is the body you need to date Taylor Swift

>his is the body you need to date Taylor Swift

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fuck tall ''''men"''' i hate them so much

i wish my bf had a body like this

femanons can only date fat guys sorry thats the rules


who gives a shit she caved to the kikes and became political in the most banal leftist feminazi way like the stupid whore she always way


wtf they told me she was into darker bois

thats just another one of her beard. or his. who knows

she loves those british men doesn't she.

Wonder what would her reaction be if I was to tell her I'm a national socialist on our first date...

How do I stop fapping to this video?


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Cut your dick

Have you ever seen American men?

>its another just be tall and white episode

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Realizing that it must be much harder to date if you’re not white unironically blew my mind. I had never considered it. Seems horrible, are people actually subtoe about it or do they straight up say stuff like “no brownies pls”?

For the most part they're subtle. But the things they aren't subtle about often have a lot to do with race. "No men under 6 feet" eliminates almost all Asians. "College educated and earning more than me" takes away most black and Hispanic men.

Escorts tell you straight up though, I've seen countless escort ads expressly saying "no black guys"

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how tall is this guy? asking for a girlfriend

god I wish I was Tay on the beach

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>This image brought to you by MAXIMUM® COPE® available now!

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People generally tend to want to date someone of the same race

>play only G chord
>pretend to be conservative
>dopey Republicans make you a multi-millionaire
>start becoming a whore
>start making pop music
>start pushing race-mixing and degeneracy
>become full-blown Democrat operative pushing hardcore feminism
what did she mean by this?

>the bit in the first 30 seconds she just stares straight into the camera with no talking
fucks sake now I want to kill myself again

6'1 of pure british ancestry


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>How do I stop fapping to this video?
unironically by having sex

loling at you irish whybois

imagine being such a retard that you can't comprehend someone's viewpoints evolving from when they were 16 to when they are 30

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Probably the same as mine: have sex

But I'm a white south african boer / greek. You can keep the obese "booty" for yourself cause I'm not a fan.

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Shoulder to waist ratio is all that matters for men and hip to waist ratio is all that matters for women when it comes to body. Also don't be a manlet of course.

Marvel should have cast Swift as DAZZLER!!!FACT!!!

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>that guy with no neck
What the fuck? And if your face is good, basically all that's really required of the body is some broad shoulders, wide back, decently sized legs, and a little bit of ab tone

That's a normal male physique. You don't need to be Jock Gigastrap Gymrat to look like that. A normal amount of exercise and less shitty food and okay genetics.

change,not evolving.

Literally just move back to a brown country.

>tall and white and healthy weight

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what the fuck is wrong with the audio in this video

This stuff always make me lol, it's always the same, brown guys want white woman.

>Wtf why where's my white woman!!?? In Netflix and Hollywood movies they date people like me!!

For some reason asian/black/arab/indian men thought blacked.com was real.

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>For some reason asian/black/arab/indian men thought blacked.com was real.

>swift's favorite food is tendies
truly /ourgirl/

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She’s fucked like 20 dudes. I’m pretty sure you can have any body and bag Taylor. She hasn’t been a sweet girl in awhile, been singing about cock since around 2009.

That's exactly my body type but I'm 5'10.5

Hi joe, stop showing off.

I literally haven't seen an interracial couple in years and I work restaurants/bars.

>imagine betraying those who helped teach, raise and shape you to get you where you are and understand success and hard work only to become a retard NPC and throw it all away


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Beautiful couple, every American woman should have a real Englishman.

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You are correct I'm not american, most cucked place on earth.

I love these ones where the chad and virgin bond over common, or even uncommon ground

Reminder that John Mayer gave her five consecutive vaginal orgasms and you will always have to compete with his looks and performance.

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>vintage tremless strat
shieeet he’s such a fetishist

you killed your own statement faggot. you said why people think blacked is real. you are not american. you can literally see white women with niggers everywhere.

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I for one am happy for the way architects apprentice has implemented the grand plan.

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America isn't the world lol.

>John Mayer gave her five consecutive vaginal orgasms

Awkward and uncomfortable but shes so hot


What's his name? He's very handsome.


I'm John Mayer.

I think it was his Playboy interview.

Taylor Swift.

It's because you have been conditioned by porn and it starts like a casting couch video. So you are waiting on the dude with the big cock to come in.

But i'm tall and white and still a virgin

why is her house so soulless?

Joe Alwyn seemed to become famous overnight.'

There are a lot of guys who look like Joe Alwyn trying to get into the acting but Joe seems like he came out of nowhere and found success without being in a franchise movie/tv show.

>decent face
>no gf
you lied to me

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Anyone who thinks they have a right to equal chances with women of another race is a fucking idiot.

I feel for dudes who get turned down by women of there own races due to their race, that's fucked, but this happens within all races so whatever.

Joe "the architects apprentice" Alwyn

She doesn't have an impressive body herself

nigger you said blacked isnt real. blacked takes place in america. shit load white girls date blacks. nobody cares what europoor country u r from.

are you tall?

Never ever blackedfags

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wasn't that the one where he said his penis was in the kkk?

How many women do you meet? How many women do you know well? You can’t get a gf if you don’t know any girls.

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>"College educated and earning more than me" takes away most black and Hispanic men
Imagine being so self absorbed you think that has anything to do with race instead of women just not wanting to date a loser.

I just wanted to ask: didn’t he say “My penis is called David Duke because I don’t fuck black chicks”

God I love being tall.

>>Do black women throw themselves at you?
>I don't think I open myself to it. My dick is sort of like a white supremacist. I've got a Benetton heart and a fuckin' David Duke cock. I'm going to start dating separately from my dick.

Fucking this

I wouldn't expect to be popular with women in Brazil, Jordan or Jamaica. These people are basically mad that affirmative action doesn't apply to dating.

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Alright, that guy isn’t very attractive, this is the same woman who probably had her virginity taken by Jake Gyllenhaal but also dated Llama boy from twilight.

>are you tall?

>How many women do you meet?
0 in the last few years
>How many women do you know well?
0 not counting family
you might be onto something

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Imagine being white and not be able to get laid/get a gf

You basedboys are pathetic

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THIS IS life on easy mode, kek

that's not her house you dunce

Dat projection lmao

i blame my parents for not making me more social

the fact you are white does not make you automaticly a sex bomb

where did you even get this strange attitude towards sexual relationships?

Well yes obviously user that's why I know what's wrong with him.

That's probably because the average white american high school male is an unbangable söyböy with zero charisma and social skills.

Women fuck the guy they perceive to have the highest value. If you're below a 60 IQ nigger in terms of looks and charisma maybe you have to work on yourself a bit.

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Asian dudes are getting taller unironically. Nutrition really changing them


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You are probably dumb and ugly inside.

.he thinks this is unattractive

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and he also fuck Shawn Mendes. he's a sex freak

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the week after i got my strat i blocked it with 20 cent pieces and never looked back

roasties want what they can't have.

She was always this way. She just calculated the costs of not going public became greater than the costs of losing a handful of fans

god shes so fucking adorable
i just want to call her mommy

Imagine being you and projecting your coping, literally.
While women, including white women are disingenuous thots, white women are statistically THE most racially loyal of all races.

You know as well as everyone else, the ONLY reason that pornstars do black shit is because mr goldstein pays them a SHIT TONNE of money for a single scene

i cannot refute this

Women, including white women*
excuse me.

Black guys just need to whip out their 12inch dicks and white women just flock to them lol


I feel you. I can shitpost all I want about X girl rejecting Y guy cause he ins't white, or asian girls liking white cock, but I'm white and I'm not getting anything.

Holy fuck

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She's really hitting the wall.

She looks good right here. Sweaty...no makeup...this is the recipe for an instant, rock-hard erection.

Women flock to white men in other countries. They'd love you in brazil since everyone wants to be white here.

not everyone is from the U.S. there's no status in being white in scandinavia beacuse guess what most everyone is white despite memes, unless you live in a shit part of the country. im 176cm which is basically subhuman here in denmark i would trade to another ethnicity in a second for another 10cm.

>saving a picture of loads of dudes shirtless on your computer and referencing it regularly

I think you might be gay bro

You say that but I never see women dating blacks and arabs here lol. They only date Karl Dunderkuk.


I actually like trems, I just think it’s hilarious that he picked that guitar for that shoot.

you know a place where hookers will never say ''no niggers''? Mutha Africah
go back there, nigger, where evil whitey will never hold yo ass back again

>guys, I'm totally skinny with a decent face
>reality: fat, ugly

>you need a normal body to date [woman of interest]
Crazy shit.

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~130 pounds at 5"11'
i dont think i can rate my face objectively, but i do think i'm at least 5.5/10 on average.

>his legs

Why'd she have to get so fat?

>just be yourself bro

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Yeah. Its called learning lol. Open a book and you'll no longer be a Republican

>placating women
A rope around your pathetic little head will do you some good.

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>this is the body you need to be the beard for a closeted dyke

realise that the one interviewing is a faggot with aids and several types of intestinal parasites from licking the shit of another man directly from the source

I've tried dating quite a many hot girls and i can say that all you need is to be skinny, being tall is a big plus. If they have a bf or get one, the boyfriend always has low bodyfat. Fat is the biggest turn off for women.

What if you are white and 6'1 but have a bad hairline

you'll never get a girl

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Having high bodyfat ruins your jawline.

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Wow its almost as if being part of a race that isnt known for being criminals or conversely isnt known for its beta and weird men, that you have an easier time pulling women, and in white majority countries too who would have thought

White women dont owe your dumb brown ass shit and if your monkey women want us that isnt my fault

I'm finnish and i'm in south america right now and it's like somebody put the cheat codes on when it comes to women. They just don't turn me down, they like me and let me do what i want to them. They are even prettier than the girls back in finland, just brown instead of white and blonde. Just the fact that i'm white makes them act so positively towards me.

it's almost like minority men are terrible life partners

>being this much of a cuck for women
Your day will come. Your faggot face will be brutally crushed by a tire iron. It just pains me that I won't be around to see it.

Its white noise man

why will you be too busy standing outside home depot looking for a fence to build for a day

Momoa isn't white?

I remember seeing that South Korean are like 3" taller than Northerners due to nutrition.
>Be white supremacist
>Be too retarded to understand anything or participate in any discussion
>Make stupid memes so you can feel slightly less pathetic about your pathetic life

force yourself to regularly go to places where there are women your age.
they won't turn up at your door.

Dude's like 99% for height

all i fucking see in this post is retarded fucking republicans piss off

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>tfw short, chubby, brown guy who's only fucked 16 women (mostly white) and missed chances with others because I'm autistic

>I'm finnish
>Just the fact that i'm white

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You can find girls hotter than Taylor and if you find them in a town with more than 30k population then they won't be gassed up to hell and back. Hotter and you don't need a mega chad bod like the OP guy.


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>99th percentile
The fuck? No he's not

Taylor Swift is 5'9, and he's on a slope above her

He's 6'1 at most you dumb dummy

The image that saved /fit/

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huh wat u mean