What are some good movies set in Africa?

What are some good movies set in Africa?

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Blood Diamond is great

The Lion King

If someone can recall, the one where the white guy fucks his african maid in the stable, thanks.

10 years a slave is set in New Africa (America) , so it dont count

Hyenas was amazing

Fuck they're gorgeous!!!FACT!!!

Last King of Scotland

Last king of scotland

Empire of dust

The Gods Must be Crazy


>when you put on so much makeup that your skin reflects as if it was made of plastic

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Nigerian anti-lesbian films

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Shit, beat me

Technically the Lord of the Rings is set in Africa. Token said so himself.

The Ghost and the Darkness (1996)

haha spooks

One on the right, Senait Gidey, I'd cum inside with the force of 100 trillion stars exploding!!!FACT!!!

She looks like a man

Thats why annon what to sex it

Makes sense

She's soo fucking perfect!!!FACT!!!

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CreepyThinMan is a coalburner how suprising...

>CreepyThinMan is a coalburner how suprising...

I prefer the term OIL DRILLER!!!FACT!!! youtu.be/IQb72ou6pUA

The Naked Prey. based on a true story of an american mountain man who fled from indians. but they changed the setting to southern africa