both the audience and studio know he.she is a pure filler and yawn every time he/she is on the screen but the character keeps hogging the screen time cause studio wants to look progressive. the character toys and other merch don't sell at all and numerous videos are made showing rows of unsold units warming pegs across the country. Pic related.
Inconsequential character is given obscene amount of screen time cause of politics
kills your franchise
This movie is infinite better of you cut Rey and make Finn the main character.
Get rid of all the stupid 2019 humour as well.
Make the story not stupid as well
Stormtrooper deserts them becomes a Jedi and finds a cause to believe in would be kino
kek. Finn = stupid 2019 humor. rey is shit character but this feggit is 1000 times worse. at least Rey is nice to look at. this feg single-handedly bombed SW in China. Nice try, John.
Ivan Ortega will fix him. His TLJ edit removes a lot of Finn and Rose's sidequest.
Finn actually has a character. Rey is the most boring person ever with zero interesting things about her.
Ex-stormtrooper is interesting. Cast someone else with charisma and make the rest of the story good.
Rey is unsalvageable, zero redeeming qualities. Nice to look at sure so maybe case her (or someone hotter) as a sidekick.
What could have been.
A laser revolver.
Finn has a character *concept*.
>Defected stormtrooper
>Child soldier
>Broke his mind conditioning but still has former comrades on the inside who he cares about.
Great character concept. Terrible execution from Boyega and JJ/Johnson
Instead what we got was
>Ayo, you got a boyfriend?
>Yeah, I'm kind of a big deal.
>Wooo! Die former comrades, die!
>Ima gonna run away now.
>I'm in charge now, phasma, I'm in charge!
>Ima gonna run away again now
>RoseXFinn weirdness.
[shrug] eh, why not?
maybe it uses batteries that pop out when they're done and you pop in a new one
can you believe they thought the name "kira" was so insanely awesome they carried it through the development of like 3 movies before finally being able to put it on arsemilia cark
Of course you have to rewrite and recast the entire movie. It sucked.
Finn actually had something interesting and might be good.
Rey is literal worst character in all of SW. Completely unsalvageable
Kira is one of the best scifi characters ever. Pic related
pretty much this
Kira is a holy name.
John Boyega is a nice actor who is perfectly serviceable and I feel bad for him that he gets blamed for shitty writing
STILL can't believe they cast this ugly nigger cunt, that xenomorph bong or the manlet spic as the leads of these movies!!!FACT!!!
>at least Rey is nice to look at.
yup it was pretty weird how TFA set up
finn poe
finn rey
poe rey
He and the pilot should have been the main characters desu.
Cursed image.
Do. Not. Click.
They deliberately cast ugly weirdos as demoralization propaganda. FACT.
based and finnpilled. You nailed it.
many characters in movies are shittily written and yet actors managed to find the character in spite of shitty writing. he didn't.
TFA set up neither. this is from an insider and it isn't a spoiler. nobody who says that TFA didn't set up any of it and none of it will happen in TROS is gonna lose their job with Lucasfilm. Not a spoiler. there's no romance for any of those combos and never will be. it's just dumb shippers that think there will be a surprise reveal. that and FS Finn BS. he's not FS, never was, never will be. Not a spoiler.
There's no propaganda lmao. They just cast average/below average looking people to make them more "relatable" to viewers and hope that this will make them more $$$
no wonder boxoffice is going to shit. audience wants to see ripped chads and hot babes. especially international audience that doesn't care about american political correctness and new standards of beauty that literally no one else in the world accepts.
>They just cast average/below average looking people to make them more "relatable"
this while they forgot about that movies are escapism and people want to dream of being like more unattainable characters. such as Aquaman, Thor, Cap, Wonder Woman, etc.
Same goes for 90% of diversity tokens, including female characters. When will libtard studios stop treating the audience like retards and the actors used in these situations as political pawns?
Both correct
He’s a daytime TV standard actor
>He’s a daytime TV standard actor
and everyone notices it. They put the wrong actor in the wrong medium. not everyone works on nighttime TV let alone in cinema, let alone blockbuster cinema.
>including female characters
This is pretty much Arya in Bravos. that shit got too much screen time just because female character even though it literally didn't tie in with either main plot, KL or WW (her being the one to kill NK was literal WTF subversion of expectations, not something that was meticulously build over previous seasons). same goes for Dorne that was the worst of all subplots but Girl Powah ra ra.
They don't even accept it here. They cast pretty but sexually non-threatening women in their media so they will consume it but used photoshopped models in adverts for beauty products to make women self conscious.
You can really tell the media is full of shit when almost no focus is put on beauty product advertising.
I honestly, genuinely feel bad for him. He was introduced like he was gonna be the new Luke Skywalker only to be completely sidelined in favor of "muh feminism." I also wish the new films had better world-building. Like, we've never actually seen the perspective of a former stormtrooper in SW before. Finn gave them an opportunity to explore that, and they just refuse to give it any focus.
>sexually non-threatening
that seems to be casting mantra lately, for both men and women. even when they cast sexy men they give them so much dumb humor to blunt the sexual edge. it's really annoying. while women always have some "need no man" 'better than nay man" dumbshit line.
I don't cause he's a major stuck up SJW mouthpiece prick on social media.
Fun fact: the guy isn't really Finn but a proto-Solo-son.
So glads Spielberg advised Disney to hire JJ and Alden Ehrenreich for Han Solo
based Spielbergo destroys Nu Wars.
>heh, better luck next time, goy
Ford was discovered at bar mitzvah too but this manlet ain't no Ford. to even think that Ford could be replaced by him or that spiclet Poo Dumberon is kek of the century.
They desperately want those Chinese ¥uans, but cast ugly weirdos (and Vietnamese piggus). And then they wonder why their movie underperforms despite the Chinese audience explicitly saying one of the reasons they didnt like it was because the cast "wasn't beautiful".
look no further from fuckin Detective Pikachu. Pokemon is the biggest non-movie franchise in the world. Asia is mad about it. They cast El Goblino Justice as the leading human. BOMB.
Many such cases!
pic related
oh, yes, the OP pic destroyed Pacific Rim franchise too.
>no wonder boxoffice is going to shit. audience wants to see ripped chads and hot babes. especially international audience that doesn't care about american political correctness and new standards of beauty that literally no one else in the world accepts.
Quoted for fuckin' truth
lol Pacific Rim 1 was trash and charlie hunnam is garbage tier, boyega dindu nuffin
>boyega dindu nuffin
He literally said that the problem with Pacific Rim was that the robots looked too heavy and slow.
It also setup Finn Rose...
Lmfao, I couldn't even keep a straight face typing that. It was so out of left field.