Universally and genuinely liked by 95% of Yea Forums

>universally and genuinely liked by 95% of Yea Forums
>suddenly gets a huge career boost, putting him in the spotlight
>now mocked and hated by Yea Forums, le reddit and le basedboys like keanu memes start


Attached: adsadadads.jpg (800x477, 71K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>>now mocked and hated by Yea Forums
[citation needed]

I agree to it to some degree, but Jesus, doesn't everyone get satisfied of anything these days?

Most people are just shitting on the fanbase.
Haven't seen anyone criticize the guy much, other than say his acting isn't that good.

I still like him. But Reddit and basedboys do idolize Keanu. The John Wick franchise is specifically catering to the r/malefashionadvice crowd and basedboys who think they are manly men just like John Wick, yet can't change a tire on their car.

Who pushed the "Le immortal timetravelling man" meme? It was always Reddit.

people aren't mocking keanu they're mocking the S O Y boys who are like "wow he's so pure he's so gentle just like I am with girls"

>suddenly gets spammed everywhere to advertise for a shitty video game

fixed that for you

He is a reddit meme now and newfags try to be cool by shitting on him for that. But he has been a Yea Forums meme for so much longer that you really should give him a pass.

You can be liked by me, or liked by everyone else. He made his choice

>spammed everywhere to advertise
it did work on me, i went from not caring about the game to wanting to pirate it

>shitty video game
It's literally the only exciting new release aside from DOOM and the new From Soft game that will probably be released when space niggers fall from the sky in 2021

#2 was pretty silly.

ive only seen people amazed that when keanu hover hands hes praised for being so respectful to women in the media rather than being made fun off.

The hatred mostly stems from the pop culture enthusiasts that shills Keanu, but like always, a lot of people around here have a hard time expressing themselves and just default to hating the catalyst of their discontent.

Zoomers don't deserve good videogames

Zoomers are the ones saving your little millennial pussy lips from getting pozzed by your peers. Zoomers are cleaning up the giant heaping shit of a generation that the cruise-riding boombooms spat out. Get fucking dabbed on, faggot

Go take your pills Billy boy
All you do is donating your pocket money to twitch thots and playing fortnite
You can't clean your own shit, you will be unable to even speak if you lose your phone
Fuck millennial faggots and fuck zoomer uberfags

Yea Forums will always like keanu it just sucks when the rest of the population catches up

friendly reminder he dated a tranny

>now mocked and hated by Yea Forums
Which impacts nothing.

he fucked a tranny tho


Dont you have an economy to ruin? Boomer/Xoomer scum



Attached: 1541663809595.jpg (750x763, 99K)

>celebrity worship

Attached: C1wtPdGXUAAS3Qd.jpg large.jpg (1200x904, 308K)

Based OP

Cringe Yea Forumsedditors

Based false flag chlorine gas attacks in Syria


>thinking someone is cool is worship



I like the guy. I just hate the zoomers who have to run every fucking thing into the ground with their obnoxious memery. You soulless little twerps destroy everything.

He truly is /ourguy/

why is he cool
he can't even act

but lets be honest, they are just regurgitating and sterilizing our memery.
Like breathtaking
which you are user

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was the tranny fuckable?

awwww :)

He's like my president! Amazing!


There is nothing wrong with contrarianism, but Yea Forums has always hated nice pussy people. Since he's good, we don't like him.


go back

>implying Yea Forums isn’t 95% söybois and reddit
Keanu sucks


All these Chernobyl fags are coming straight from reddit. Go to /r/todayilearned and you will see that 90% of the posts there were about 'muh chernobyl' and 'muh elephants foot' and if you look at the comments there you will see that they use the same writing style that fags on /rbmk/ use. Yea Forums is filled with plebbit fags.

To where? 2006?

Anons are just gonna have to accept Keanu with whatever fanbase he's got.

He's an actor with a large amount of memes backing him from all his movies to sad Keanu up to his recent involvement in videogames.
Not to mention his popularity as a humble philanthropist, so he's universally liked and easy to like.

He presents a face as some cool, normal guy who's nice and respectful. In reality, he is a spiteful, horrible person, that refuses to speak to his dad, and who drove his girlfriend to suicide.

He rapes children

Nobody cares who you like you 600 lb beast.

>He is just now learning the people of Yea Forums are cotrarian retards on every single issue.

New here?

Attached: the-good-the-bad-the-ugly-5.jpg (560x330, 33K)

while the numales suddenly starting to fondle his balls are disgusting, that said, I still can't wait for Bill & Ted 3

Take me with you

blame the shills who are using keanu memes to boost JW 3 ticket sales.

There is not a single fucking "keanu meme" what the fuck do you think that word means?

Mocked and hated on le reddit is more like it. OP, go back to your upboats, narwhal bacon and one easy thing to save the planet

a few quick thoughts on keanu reeves
-seems like a decent guy usually
-definitely gets memed by reddit a lot
-neckbeards invented the hoverhand first but received no credit
-matrix was pretty cool
-never seen a single john wick film

why are they shilling Keanu so much lately? i remember him dating a tranny a while ago, so this can only be bad news

yes we're contrarians but also paranoid and for a good reason

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>ur breatakinggg :D

Attached: AND THEN I SMASHED ER HEAD IN LIKE THIS.jpg (754x1199, 102K)

>he thinks the russian psyops are not real

>now mocked and hated by Yea Forums, le reddit and le basedboys like keanu memes start

when? there was "contarian" thread today and that's it

Everything Reddit touched turns to shit

Yea Forums is subreddit, user

It's perfectly timed to sell Cyberpunk pre-orders as well as tickets to John Wick 3 and Toy Story 4.

Based Kenau.