What do you think of Humans in Black?
What do you think of Humans in Black?
the whole point of the original men in black legend is that they were not humans
Sounds retarded which is perfect for the current year babbbbbyyy
seems very exclusionary towards nonconforming humans. bigotry and speciesphobia cannot be tolerated
Lots of Men in Black aren't humans
I hate this woman so much. I rarely have any emotions towards celebrities, but this bitch is just so fucking annoying, I don't know if it's her face or her condescending bitchy voice but I just hate her with all my heart.
>humans in black
humans of black
Hupersons in african american
What if we just call it niggers
Cringe as fuck. Nigger should keep its mouth shut.
Can they just please never put her in any fucking movie or show again.
I fucking hate her so much. No one likes her.
lmao didn't it tank badly?
correct, they were whitoids
A homage to the hebrew overlords?
Call it "White Chad and a Nigger in Black Suits"
I feel you. She almost ruined Westworld for me.
Lmao she's 35, she's not gonna last.
Humyns in African American shade
Where did the bad lady touch you, user?
>fuck racist whitey pay reparations now
>*sucks white dick*
Why do black women do this?
>Humans in Black
the fuck you just said bitch?
Franchise is dead. Go ahead and fuck the corpse. Who cares?
And that's the tea, sis
Humans in Lives that Matter
More like Women in BLACKED, amirite?
bless kara boga
Did season 2 not ruin it for you though?
Not that user, but she touched my Will Smith/TLJ/Rip Torn kino and turned it into shit
I didn't watch it.
What about "Humans In Nigger"
That’s so fucking woke...
What's with mediocre actors getting HBO roles then people pretending like they're good actors?
Hopefully one of the GoT kids loses some company like 800mil.
Jesus tone down the racism will ya
is this woman a walking propaganda?
fucking speciesist bitch
How about "Kangs is Black"?
So the Men in black got their name from UFO reports dating back decades and has nothing to do with gender but fucking ayylmao, is she fucking retarded or what?
Dumb cunt.
her personality doesnt help, but its mostly the face, like a black Molly Shannon, shes repulsive. her politics only help to justify my repulsion.
literally who is this dumb cunt
>people all dressed in conservative black suits called HIBs
Not sure they thought that one through.
She's right. This movie would've broke box office records if they were just a little more sensitive towards the disenfranchised American women of the world.
caused a deep resounding laugh
>Implying blacks are human
perhaps they could avoid that by calling them Youths in Dress.
fucking niggers making up words all the time.
Tessa Thompson is like Fetch TV. People have spent years trying to make her work, but she just doesn't.
>force your way into franchise
>petition to change franchise into something else
why not just do this "something else" to begin with..?
Should've gone for "Black Woman"
Because they are 55 iq mindless subhumans that do and say whatever they are told to do and say.
literally all women do this
Funny how she wasnt "woke" enough to ask for this BEFORE taking her fat paycheck.
I think it's good. Distinguishes it from Men in Black. Women can have their """humans"""-groups, and men can have their men groups. As nature intended.
it's quite cringy to see how they keep pushing the few black actors they have just to fail every single time. Boyega is another example
She honestly looks like some kind of human-pig hybrid mutant
I liked her in Ragnarok. Until /tv made me hate this cunt.
>implying Tessa is human
Ooooof sexy
Imagine if she was Tessa UwU, how sexy would that be?
In Russia that's been the name of the series from the very start.
Feels pretty woke tbqhfam
Can we ever have a 'Men in White'?
They were also supposed to be really tall and intimidating. Literally nobody is intimidated by a 5'2" nigress.
Intimidating because she has AIDS.
>this white bitch is loud
>my feet hurt
>I wish I was at home, playing Striking Vipers with my bro
>homie got a big dick
She's not going to have to worry about that though
It's Wh*toids. Fucking retard
Good Post
Just no.
That's how I feel about Cumberbitch
Black in Women
how about the wokest "persons in black"?
Human has the word man in it. Not very woke if you ask me!
She and Brie Larson should fight.
This. It should be People in Color.
>reading ben shapino's garbage """"""news""""" outlet
I wish she’d just fuck off.
I feel it too. Also for Brie, Zendaya, Chastain, all these pig ugly man faced leftard cunts. I just detest them and it’s worse because they just cannot fucking act so why do we need to see them on our screens? Gtfo of Hollywood!
Right in the movies you fat ugly pleb. Raise your standards or fuck off to Yea Forums
>black fragility
>female fragility
I was sick of her the first time I saw her
What a fucking moron. Guaranteed she doesn’t even know where the term came from.
Black men living up to “harmful stereotypes” of themselves as horny animals subservient to white people. I wonder who is behind that site...
people has pe like penis.
it should be niggers of colour
someone has probably said this on this thread already but being black and on top of that being a woman is the furthest thing from a human being
Idris Elba too. He just plays himself and is mediocre to poor in most roles, we’re all supposed to pretend he’s hot and stylish too when he is neither, he looks like he sells the Big Issue
She singlehandedly ruined Ragnarok. Only a neurotic racist closeted gay Jew like Taika would cast her as Valkyrie.
Humans in Black has no intimidating qualities to it at all. You might as well come up with an entirely new name for the organization seeing how humans aren't the only ones who are members of this group.
>seeing how humans aren't the only ones who are members of this group
true that
Yeah, I'm sure these guys are "Humans."
Yes she does look like a pig. Dilate yourself fucboi
I've got a better name: "Flop in Black"
Don’t hate on Elba. He coasted off the Wire for a while but he was good Luther, Prometheus and others
Actually we say "People in Black".
Profits in Red
Ed Harris made up for it.
>Striking Vipers
Fucking kek
Box Office in Red
Fucking nice.
patience, bros. one by one will eventually disappear. Chastain already had string of bombs and word in the industry is that prominent directors don't want to work with her.
Thompson bombs with this, more will follow. Brie is currently protected by CM franchise but we've seen in many cases that MCU success does not translate out of it (hence Thor and Valkyrie bombing) and her directorial debut is shit. Zendaya is going to milk teen franchises while she can but once she hits 30 she'll be replaced. so just relax and enjoy bomb by bomb.
kek has spoken. shadilay
Read between the lines
>White man provide for me and also have sex with me and maybe impregnate me and maybe marry me
So instead of delving into how we know aliens exist and that the government admits it. We get progress prop?
Does she even realize that MEN IN BLACK is not just the name of the fucking movie series? That it's based on an urban legend? Are we gonna re-name those too? SLENDER-PERSON
>Does she even realize that MEN IN BLACK is not just the name of the fucking movie series? That it's based on an urban legend?
I don't think so.
>she's literally a psyops
No dude, I swear my uncle knows someone who got attacked by the goat person! And he saw Mothperson on the bridge!
>ooooh dass nasty...
People in unemployment.
>Can they just please never put her in any fucking movie or show again. I fucking hate her so much.
I took me a stupidly long time to get this.
Why are libtards so retarded?
I have a better name for this doa flick for brainlets
Black Woman in Men in Black
>Humans in Black
why so ayyphobic, nigger?
I think it's one more flop closer to not having to see Tessa Thompson's annoying smug face and lack of acting ability forced front-and-centre of projects I'd otherwise enjoy.
People of an Ambiguous Gender and Race in a color opposite of White