Turn themselves into women

>turn themselves into women
>start making shitty flicks

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but Speed Racer is great it wasn't until the older brother realized he is also a woman that they went full shit

matrix was a shitty flick

Sounds to me like the transition was a complete success

I only saw the first one and parts of the sequels

>t. Arin Hanson

sequels are even worse, i saw revolutions in cinema back then and it was a huge waste of money

>Look at that subtle off-blonde coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh, my God. It even has a Penis.

don't call me that thats also not a argument Speed Racer is kino

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The Matrix: Redilation coming soon

One of the greatest sci fi series ever made was created by women.

Matrix makes Yea Forums seethe.

one on the right passes as an ugly old jewish woman

>turn themselves into parody of a woman
>start making shitty flicks
there, fixed for ya

They weren’t women when they made matrix you dumbass

Then what do you want me to call you, Mr.Grump?

they identified as men before they transformed
you can't retroactively assign gender to a movie that was made in a period that has already passed

>They weren’t women when they made matrix you dumbass
Are they now?

They are women because they choose to be, incel

>Lily and Lana

Of course not, what kind of question is that?

I genuinely don't see how anyone could say the Matrix sequels are better than Cloud Atlas unless they think they're "fun" action movies and forget about the 2 hours of self wank in between the mediocre action.

Why do strong women trigger tv so badly?

>strong women
oxymoron. "woman" is synonymous with weak


>I don't like pizza chocolate and sex, pls reply
Explain yourself


They made shitty flicks back when they were both dudes too

>I don't like pizza chocolate and sex, pls reply
i don't get it, i love pizza

The wachowski sisters

Well when they were men they stole the matrix script from a woman.

>Speed Racer is great

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They are biologically men so they are strong women

I could beat them up they're not that strong

There’s literally no situation in which saying you’ll hit a woman is acceptable, even in jest.

Women sure hate being reminded that men just choose to not beat the shit out of them.


Yeah, keep telling yourself that

They did lose there edge when they transitioned

They've never made a good film.

All they've ever done is ripoff other fiction.

Its like fanfiction with but with a hollywoo budget.


"Pretending" to be autistic doesn't mean you're not actually autistic

Have sex

Write a post that couldn't be made by an automated bot

Have sex you brain dead incel and stop replying to me.

So close

Um g-guys..? I-I think I just made a doo doo in my panties...

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The Matrix was a fluke, literally the only decent thing they ever made

I get the feeling it was like star wars OT where it turned out good in spite of the directors trying to ruin it at every turn with their shitty ideas. Seriously? A fucking giant race mixing orgy in a cave? I wouldn't even want to free human parasites if I was forced to witness that shit
