What are some forgotten underrated kinotoons?

What are some forgotten underrated kinotoons?

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Free For All

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Mission Hill was far, far, far ahead of its time.

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mission hill was a boring and charmless version of Downtown, and Downtown already had quite a few dud episodes.

This will never ever get talked about again.

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A forgotten classic

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Found the doomer

>mission hill was a boring and charmless version of Downtown
Shut your fucking retarded faggot mouth, Mission Hill was full of charm and absolutely brilliant. Created by two of the most important members of early Simpsons' writing team. The storylines barring any hyper explicit references to the time surrounding its airing, are all basically at their core still relatable today.

Why is early 2000s-core so comfy?

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Aeon Flux

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>/tv the show

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>Mission Hill was far, far, far ahead of its time.
It's libshit. Only retards like that pathetic show

Heavy Traffic

This shit is lame as fuck. It’s no wonder Doug Walker and company who constantly praise it are such fucking losers with such awful senses of humor.

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this isn't dr. katz

The Nutshack

this and ugly Americans

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Started watching this last night because somebody compared me to Andy. It's amazing

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This show was unfiltered high-octane kino, I have no idea how it got on the air but I wouldn't be surprised if it alone was enough to have pissed off the Jews and got it cancelled.

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>le so randumb not not like Rick & Morty haha, this is GOOD lol so randumb xD
Anybody who shills Xavier is part of the fucking problem.

I can tell you are a roastie. Find the nearest tall building and jump from it.

No, reactive pussies who are terrified of people calling them reddit are the problem. Like yourself.

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the irony of this comment is funny.

Point proven, I guess.

It helps no one to be reductive

This is one of those weird underrated yet overrated shows

Decided to finally watch a few and honestly I didnt think much of it. Lots of the pacing felt off, like everything was rushed and like they couldnt storyboard well. An INSANE amount of the jokes are outdated pop culture references also I can tolerate the art style but the animation itself is an eyesore

It isnt complete trash, just really disposable with only a few standout moments in its entire run

Why is this so little known and underestimated? It was really great.

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>le so randumb not not like Rick & Morty haha, this is GOOD lol so randumb xD
>Anybody who shills Xavier is part of the fucking problem.
You didn't understand any of the references, but that's OK.

This is a very redpilled show.

>stated goal of hell is to promote the immigration of literal monsters into the USA to supplant the human population
>Halloween has been officially renamed because it's disrespectful to the immigrants
>main character was hired specifically because he's a bleeding heart liberal being used as a useful idiot who blindly promotes "diversity" i.e. more monsters immigrating to the US

Mission Hill was fantastic. Too much gay shit, but so charming and funny.

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