Why did Sauron have an ambassador?

Why did Sauron have an ambassador?

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That IS sauron you retard

Then Aragon killed Sauron? I'm confused

why did sauron pick the most ugliest, hideous creature in his entire horde to be an ambassador? I'm beginning to think he wasn't really willing to negotiate...

The mouth of Sauron is a smug cunt, that’s why. Comes out and talks shit about Frodo getting his shit pushed in and practically orgasms when describing how painful his demise was.
Though, like the witch king, he went out like a bitch

you expect him to answer the door himself?

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He’s the mouth of Sauronman you ninny

I think him not having any eyes was a metophor for how anyone following the path of hatred is blind.

why did that boar basically let the man touch his anus but only freaked out after he climbed aboard?

Eh the movie version is just embellishment from Jackson. In the books he’s more like a sorcerer type uppity prick.

some butt play is fine but getting mounted is full homo

coolest design in the entire trilogy

Doesn't get killed in the books and is just a dude, not some freak. Jackson is a hack who makes pleb shit for plebs.

>The Mouth of Sauron was a Black Númenórean whose early history is unknown
Guys I think I know who the Amazon show is based on

Sauron always attempted diplomacy first to get people on his side. He only went to war when it failed or he knew it wouldn’t work. I think in the books either Gimli or Gloin has an anecdote about an ambassador of Sauron coming to serenity to try and convince them to join him.

>just a dude
a (black)Numenorean Chad

this nigga was totally out of place
we only see orcs and wraiths, and then this silent hill faggot


The design in the cartoon version was somewhat similar, but more human

Is this inspired by the pope's silly hat? Like, the mouth of sauron representing sauron like the pope speaks for god?

Attached: Mouth-S-1.png (413x470, 202K)

Uh, how does he see?

You dont get people on your side by sheer force alone. Sauron was looking to dominate and rule ME and allied with peoples who despised Gondor and Rohan and could back up his already overwhelming army of Orcs, Trolls and whatever else he had up his sleeve.

>villian is called sauron
>villian's sidekick is called sauron man


Just realized marvel stole this character from lotr

Attached: marvel-gotg-the-other.png (705x689, 455K)

>villians miniboss is called "mouth of sauron"
>villians evil power is called "eye of sauron"
holy fuck this is the best piece of fantasy ever created?

how very convinient that it was only the black and brown people of the east and south that were on sauron's side in the fight against all the white peoples

He didn't fight with no one. He just talked. Also, in the books he don't die, Aragorn don't kill him.

>brown or black

ok, all the black and brown people of the south and east, and the unwashed, barbarian, criminal outlaw white lumpenproletariat of the west

Black Numenoreans are your WASP wetdream, since they were all the House of Hador-type of Edain, the Dunlendings aren't dark-skinned either, and for the record, Tolkien said that the Men of the East and South only fought for Sauron, but were never evil by nature.

The Easterling general who besieged Dale and Erebor forbade the Uruks who accompanied his army from desecrating the bodies of the Naugrim and the Men of Dale, nor did he allow Khamul' negromancers from raising them as wraiths (nor did he allow them to do the same with the bodies of Dain and Bard). Also, the only reason Rhun allied forces with Sauron is because Sauron' dominion over Khamul, who, due to wearing one of the rings of power, succumbed to Sauron' mental dominion.


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There were Black Númenóreans in Sauron's army.
Corrupted ūbermensch (same bloodline like Aragorn) who fell to the dark side.

the designs aren't that similar

Calm down bugman

no, you calm down asshole

nah, it's because he no longer needed eyes to see
really though he's a statement against unnecessary mutilation, like sex reassignment "surgery"

this animated version looks like the guy they had under all the makeup and cgi.
the trainman from the john wick prequels
that aussie poacher from ace ventura
the gynocopter captain from mad max 2: max madder

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>the Mouth of Sauron rides a horse
>the Eye of Sauron floats above a tower
Where is the Cock of Sauron?

He's decayed and diseased from speaking Saurons black speech.

>Mouth of Sauron
>literally a mouth

Fuck you Hackson you fucking hack

>villain is named Hitler
>villain's sidekick is named Himmler
it's more likely than you think

Better question, what was his tax policy?

He's cute

>he hasnt seem the extended editions

its kind of ambiguous if sauron can even talk to anyone since he doesn't have a fuckin body.

also a different aircraft captain in mad max 3: maddest max

Tolkien was a catholic.

Did Tolkien describe the headwear in the books? I thought it was a Jackson thing


>played by based Bruce Spence
>they originally wanted his mouth to be vertically oriented, but it looked retarded so they just made it bigger
God I love the appendices, you learn so much neat shit for every aspect of the movie.

To conduct diplomacy on behalf of the kingdom of Mordor

Where was his tax minister ?

Unpopular opinion

Vigo sounds like a fucking retard and ruined Aragorn's vibe for me.

Who do you think negotiated those alliances with the Corsairs and Easterlings? Surely not some Orc and Sauron had limited mobility.