Thanks HBO

>Fifty thousand people used to live here… Now it's a thot town.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Are women even human? Seriously asking.

im not a big fan of women to be completely honest

Prove to me that if we gunned down everyone who owns a twitter/facebook/instagram/twitch account, the world would've become a considerably better place.

WTF are you fucking serious? Can women do anything without being sluts at the same time. Give me the names of those two cunts.

add reddit and Yea Forums desu


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wtf I hate women now

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lol women are a fucking meme

Women only act that way because desperate men give them attention and money

the real disease is social media

Social media is just a symptom

Just because there is a reward doesn't excuse them. Why aren't they capable of being above this behavior? How come your argument implies that they can't help themselves and it's a given they need to be this way? Are they all just empty shells?

you got that backwards

And yet only women use it for evil

Drug addicts only sell drugs because theres junkies. Doesnt make it right. Idiot.

>looks up "Auschwitz" on instagram
>holy kek

Attached: auschwitz.jpg (774x1024, 150K)

>Are they all just empty shells

Yes exactly, it's up to men to not encourage their behaviour

I remember following this girl on instagram who just made numerous long posts about this picture and how fucking stupid it is, was pretty funny.

Attached: lilmixedhunny.jpg (640x640, 83K)

Social media didn't turn women into thots, they were thots to begin with, social media simply shows the female mind for what it is.

No it's up to women to not be sluts. Dumb roastie whore.

Ha! Married my wife for 10k there . Life as an American is so God damn good

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all too human I'm afraid. It is the autist that is alien/ transcendent

90% of the sluts on Metart are from Ukraine. I think the radiation gave the women over there super hotness

how many young jewish thots taking pics?

SO many ppl died here :( :( :(

1 like = 1 tear ;( btw check my merch store and my patreon

>it's a thot falls off a cliff and dies trying to take a selfie episode

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similar experience, I also remember following a hairy tattoo'ed white girl who'd post insta story rants about white women not being culturally sensitive

Anyone else just absolutely hate modern white women? I want to strangle every single one of them I see.

I'm not a roastie retard, women are basically offered an easy life on a platter and you blame them for taking it? Blame the stupid cunts throwing them free money

Women do this ONLY because men allow them to.

t. jews

ITT: impotent rage


>when HBO makes a timeless masterpiece kino
Thank you HBO

Men don't even pick rice fielnds anymore, stupid vapid minx

Dumb incels. Go cry to mommy. And have sex.

Attached: cry more little white boi.gif (462x371, 3.93M)

pretty much

>it's a random THOT gets skin cancer after THOTing in Pripyat episode.

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I will now admit it. The jews are in the right.

>and you blame them for taking it?
Yes. You sit there and whine that you are just as capable of men and deserve to be CXEOs yet you do everything in your power to live life on easy mode for having tits. If I was a girl, hot or no I woildnt whore myself out for a living.

Fucking slut.

Unironically happend in my town. 14yo girl felt from a 200 meters cliff.

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>tfw you know someone in your family that took instagram photos and snapchats at their parents funeral

This is some next level shit. Armageddon has to be around the corner.

You haven’t been on Instagram if you haven’t seen all the male thotting and weirdos with a god complex harrassing people.
The most annoying one from my country just went to prison for livestreaming himself raping a 13 year old girl on the street.

Moralfags btfo by a bunch of roasties

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>Are they all just empty shells
yes, they represent the least evolved parts of humans. all they want is pleasure and comfort. they only react to what society/their family or bf/husband expect/demand from them. in their basic form they only want to maximize pleasure and minimize danger and discomfort

This is cgi I refuse to believe it’s real

What else is there?

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can't wait until radiation rape those thots

Just because she's affected by a senseless tragedy, doesn't mean she doesn't pull up her thong and go to work like everyone else.
Based thot.

kinda like waifufags

>all the thots flock to pripyat
>die of radiation
so this was Mazin's master plan all along?

Weimar on a worldwide scale.

the hoes are fake

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have sex

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There's a man in that very picture

any selfies around elephant's foot?

the only acceptable radiation zone content

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Adam and Eve muh man. We were warned.

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Was this from the video of the career women?

Haha link?

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women are dumb, dangerous, disgusting animals who should all be killed


pripyat right now

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Seriously what the fuck is wrong with wom*n

Source? On the insta girl posts that are funny, not the pic

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there's nothing there. No empathy, no soul. A sex robot has more humanity.

>paying that much for a slavshit whore

Another mudslime thread, great...

t. Holocaust denier

>botox lips
man women are retarded

sorry sweaty, 68 is soon over


probably slav thot

Haha yeah dude, FUCK Instagram, Twitter and social media. Those thots are so insensitive!! How DARE they take SELFIES of themselves. Me, on the other hand, I casually browse a website known for harassing underage girls and driving them into suicide. I feel that there is nothing wrong with this and this website shouldn't get taken down.

seething gayboys

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The pic I posted is the source, lilmixedhunny. though all her funny stuff is usually stories so they don't save past 24 hour.

Unironically the reason why all you guys itt are so hurt by all of this is because you all have very high opinions of women even if you deny it. The reality of them is hugely disappointing and it sucks realizing that.

Nazi chick AND a cake? Sign me the fuck in.

When notre Dame burned my thot gf posted selfies of her on ig in front of the cathedral from her old trip, goddamn this shit makes me mad as fuck. Why can't they just take pictures of touristic sights without constantly shoving themselves into it? It always has to be about them, everything is an opportunity for validation and attention. Especially when shit like this occurs which should be a time for silent respect and reflection. Reminds me of the brie Larson selfie when Stan Lee died too. Fucking roasties. If they didn't have milkers and brappers we'd never let them get away with it.

I honestly don't know if this post is ironic or not.

Fucking LGBT people who punish, imprison, or even execute individuals!

Do you mean drug dealers El retardo?
And there's literally nothing wrong with drug dealers if all they do is sell the actual drugs they advertise.
It's called being an adult, exercise free will and stop blaming other people for your shit decisions

actually retarded

>you all have very high opinions of women
er, no
all women are whores and need to be beaten/brainwashed to remove their degeneracy

Free visits to the Elephants foot for everyone! Get your exclusive selfi as you complete the Corium lick challenge!


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>the outstanding contributions LGBT people have made to our great Nation
Such as?

That's a woman.

what the FUCK
these can't be real
what kind of sociopath would fucking post this

where does that happen? sounds interesting

im not retarded


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Have sneed

Fuck man I just hiked to see a 200m waterfall and the cliff to view it was about 30m higher than the falls, and it was a sheer side straight drop. Feet went numb when I went to the side. Poor lass

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>spend hours every day looking at yourself in the mirror and obsessing over your own appearance
>unable to develop any self awareness
The roastie paradox

Truer words were never spoken

I'm thinking of buying one. Link?

That’s true for everyone not just women. I’m no misanthrope but people are so fucking terrible and retarded they continuously disappoint me

Twitter would be enough.

stop giving these ultra thots attention?
thats what they live on.

What is wrong with women

wasn't there an indigenous tribe that believed that photos took away a piece of your soul?. I think they may have been onto something

Cute but all Buddhist thots are all wacky hippies

You will kill Trump too.

just the blue checkmarks

Then you wonder why your life has been so lackluster up until now, knowing what you know about people...

Thot BTFO.


how long until one of them tries to lick it?

Attached: The Elephant's Foot of the Chernobyl disaster, 1986 (1).jpg (1200x816, 260K)

Why do women get botox
Do they not realize it always ends up like a nightmare

What if they are self-aware? But they simply know that their good looks will get them everything in life, and so they don't care about petty things like if some virgin is triggered by a concentration camp photo

this, lol

I genuinely don’t understand what your trying to say, how does people being cancerous = me having a boring life. Not that you’re incorrect about that, just not seeing the logical progression

This. People complaining about instagram thots don’t realize there millions of men liking and commenting on these photos, making these whores rich of advertisers.


whores and söyboys are the two sides of the degeneracy coin

Holy shit that Kolya saga was fucking glorious, i teared up man.

Papua New Guinea and no its a tourist scam the dress up in their tribal shit and then demand money if you take a picture of them

>this is a politician who shills himself on /pol/

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ass-floss underwear is so ugly, especially on white girls with shit asses.


how do i get a thot gf if i don't have money, looks or status?


you have to go back

They shot it with a kalachnikov to see how solid it was.

what a legend

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this always bothered me, why would they take an ak (an additional 3,5 kg of load) with them to the basement in the first place?

sorry zoomer, your underwear sucks dick.

none of those are true ass-floss though, not nearly small enough

Cool shirt, tho.

literal cancer lol

so glad I get women like this for free

Im sure the people bitching are ultra capitalists or libertarians but when some ho turns herself into a small business and makes money doing so; their logic turns to impotent rage.

Why are there so many incel threads right now?

did stan lee die? damn

To shoot it in an experiment. Its still really hot too.

>thinkin' about stan

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all females need to die

Why arent men above giving them money?

This. There’s still so much radiation. I wouldn’t go there if I were paid to as part of a travel program

What the fuck?

make it so

>never ever clicked on anything related to this shit
>youtube recommends me chernobyl videos daily somehow
I'm tired of you shills

what a legend

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Reminder that Yea Forums is for all intents and purposes a social media platform. The average off-topic shitpost here reads just like the twitter screencaps you guys post.

(((((((HAVE SEX))))))))))))))))))))

How is it social media if everyone is anonymous you retarded nigger?

it wasn't until you phoneposting r*dditor faggots invaded and ruined the place

>websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.
You're only as anonymous as you want, too.

its literally anti-social media,most of the time if you post anything about yourself you get harassed and ridiculed

You're also only as gay and nigger as you want to, but you clearly love stealing cocks into your mouth

Yea Forums is just twitter but anonymous.

>thank you stan for creating lord of the rings
>I'm your number one fan

Attached: Brie-Larson-Fappening-nudes-2.jpg (1936x2592, 1.54M)

>participate in social networking.
this is the big part here, no one is social networking on Yea Forums. No one knows who anyone is and meetup are extremely rare and only in the most autistic cases.

I recognize that buldge

Summer 2019: Zoomers learn about the Chernobyl disaster via an HBO miniseries because our education system has clearly failed.

killing niggers with aids

You meme but a girl from my class was adamant he created batman & superman.
Roasties are embarassing.

Thots look for any excuse to stick their ass out

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>OP posts something
>people enter the thread and argue about it
No appreciable difference from a twitter post aside from the anonymity of the posters.

>no one is social networking on Yea Forums
/soc/, newfag. There's more boards than just Yea Forums.

what a qt

big yikes

lol the dog barely fit into the picture so she could show off her ass and the wall

Humans evolved and refined their social behavior for isolated tribes of 50-60 people, and with every person you add on top of that, their behavior becomes more and more abnormal, until we heat peak abnormality when you have people interacting with millions of people online through a single click. The same goes for this place as well btw

Basically an edgy pseudo intellectual so pol will love him.

The type that make their living from posting "glamour shots" on instagram for thirsty men to globber over. It's like wagecucks working at walmart thinking that a 9/11 memorial made out of soda is respectful. Because you've become damaged from the career that occupy every day of your life.

twitters basically Yea Forums 10 years ago. theyre still making memes and shit lol


These behaviors disgust normal people as well, tranny.

You are retarded 99% of their followers are female. They advertise shitty products to them this way.

>oh wow proving my bullshit claim wrong? Le yikers xD

Attached: 1560163681341.png (1107x424, 601K)

ur not a normal person if u care about shit like that

This also describes the average Yea Forums NEET.

Instagram is made up of lesbians? huh.

oof that post is a yikes from me dawg

(((sex ur not having)))

You think they post sexy pics for men when they really don't. Women want to look sexy and have a glamorous life, they're selling that to ugly cunts that browse instagram all day.

is this 10k for the wedding or wife?

Fuck this pisses me off

Wrong. 99% of their followers are random men from the middle east, india, eastern europe, russia etc with 100 followers who follow thousands of thot accounts and luxury brands

Am I supposed to recognise some famous historical landmark here or what?

Ha! I’ve had sex for free

At least thots are nice to look at. What do you whiny incels have to offer?

No you’re right I’m sure mothers and fathers love watching their girls expose their asses for money.

weird post but ok

No. Just women being women :P

Imagine being this assblasted when proven wrong. The fucking parentheses lmao.

I can already imagine th*ts twerking on it

i dont even know what ur talking about. ur weird bro lol.

Ted Bundy was ahead of his time

No one browses Tumblr except you fag

>when people unable to hold even a conversation with women pretend they are experts in them
What's with nu4chan and larping as Chads?
Coping because you wasted your youth in here instead of getting real life experience?

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what does hbo have to do with women in ukraine taking pictures? or are those mutts just going there to take photos?
are you suggesting that before some shitty tv show, local people didn't go there to take selfies?


There's pockets of radiation, nothing more.

Who are you quoting

go to the core and say that

I'm talking about Pripyat and the surroundings of the NPP, not the plant itself.

3rd worlder here, how do you guys resist the urge ?

Of course they did but all the retarded zoomers on this board had no idea Chernobyl existed before the show.

that icing job is so fucking ugly it trips insanity detectors and makes me want to avoid her
that waist-length straight black hair is peak hairkino, though

The first world has REALLY good surveillance and criminal catching technology. Also it's literally everywhere so it's not so special eventually. Hoes are hoes.

thats a good thing

wtf is wrong with women?
they should be forbidden access to social media.
and the right to vote
and own property

Attached: 1535812852949.jpg (540x360, 76K)

The urge to what

>my thot gf
sure thing, buddy ;^)
next time do not put your hand in a picture. it obstructs the view


>People doing something for attention.
Like you're doing in this topic, trying to be as edgy as possible?
You're the exact same, except you are all ugly and nobody wants to see your mug.


This would be a great video game. Go to a ghost town and just shoot the roasties.

They have all that because you are a bunch of betas who will neve enforce your will.

>tfw knew an autistic little Portuguese girl with an amazing ass, nice tits and an adorable face
>took two years of talking to her to get a couple of (fully clothed) pics and then a visit to even know that much, she was so conservative online
>I'm tall, reasonably /fit/ and decent-looking but too sperg to talk to anyone who's not a sperg
>we get close
>was totally willing to support her financially and emotionally and let her be my useless shut-in NEET gf
>she goes off the deep end, suddenly talks about nothing but LGBBQshit, starts taking HRT and declares she's asexual and a man
it hurts bros

I know you're baiting but if you're american slav chicks will pay you to marry them so they can go to US.
If you're not baiting though you got ripped off

You waited too much.

Mate, I’ll be honest. You’re actually very sound and logical, but this isn’t the place to argue. Because of the anonymity feature, no one will take arguments serious, they argue based on little merit, and nitpick at the little things, like misspellings and blatant ad hominems. Don’t actually spend the time to argue, cope paste your response and save it for later if you really want. Reddit is actually better for arguments, because there is a form of accountability on the account creation system. None exists here.

Based user standing up for himself. You tell 'em.

they are not worth the rape, here you can be accused of rape despite never even touching the broad

please. betas enforce just fine. it's the gammas defending women from betas who are the problem.

Reminder these women exist only because of the men giving them attention, which turns into money thanks to advertising.

I'd miss all of those JP artists.

well, no shit einstein. everyone needs to die.... that's the law of nature

Why are hot pockets so useless?

Women are incapable of empathy, so it's not surprising.

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I did try to steer a conversation into asking her out a few times, but she'd always get nervous and start making retarded jokes to throw it off.
The signs were there that she was just too unhinged for it to work, but exploding into full tranny mode really put me down hard.
It's been years and she still just sits in her room talking to her single-digit number of landwhale internet friends and drawing little vidya and tv characters she obsesses over abusing each other.

Everyday that goes by I feel that the Supreme Gentleman was right

You're the cuck at the bottom. You've got a lot to learn about wahmen.

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Imagine being this self absorbed. What an insane cunt

Lack of empathy is an advantage.
Empathy is that little annoying voice in the back of your head that tells you to not finish off your enemies for absolutely no reason at all.

another incel thread

White women can be bad but fucking nobody is as repulsive as your average woke nigger woman. They don't even have the looks to compensate for their shitty attitude yet they act like they own the world.

Between this, "Drumpf", "yikes" and "oof" i'm starting to believe millennials actually think intentionally speaking like 5 year olds is funny.

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Our so called leaders prostituted us to the west...destroyed our culture, our economies, our honor

Staff tweet.

Incels are just fags on the making, let them be

based emmaposter

I just like the way Pewdiepie says it. Usually I'd just say roastie, because that's what they all are.

Make no mistake, those who focus on hating specifically white women hate white men too, they are just discord trannies trying to force anti-white sentiment by shitting only on the women.

Every single thread like that, and every single racemix propaganda thread always ends up revealing that the ones behind it are American liberal scum.

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I hate that everyone speaks the same way on the internet and uses those words.
It's awful, why do they do it?

>posting anonymously on Yea Forums is just like posting half naked pictures of yourself on instagram
good one retard

It took you this long to figure it out? Millennials love talking like niggers and children. The process is as such:
>Niggers pick up stupid speech patterns from being dumb fucking niggers
>Niggers are thrust into the public consciousness and popular culture by rich Jews
>Women adopt niggerish mannerisms due to being heavily influenced by popular culture and being the primary consumers of most media
>Men adopt niggerish mannerisms to try and appeal to women
Simple really.

Yea Forums is one of the worst examples of hive mind behavior on this entire site though.

where is the difference? one is fishing for likes, another for you's. the emotional reaction from getting attention is the exact same.

Don't forget the Indians.

Much dick

She actually doesn't look so bad here.

nice little lemon party you got here grampses

It's why incels and roasties are meant for each other.
Roasties will never have a stable boyfriend until no one wants them, and incels will never have a girlfriend, so they end up with each other being the only available choices because everyone else already had a couple out of high school and eventually married.

Late Stage Capitalism is so #woke

It's a meat spin, you retard.

I'm 20.

Also, everyone who uses hashtags outside of Twitter deserves to lose their internet access, even if it's ironic.
It's a symptom of terminal millennialism.

>with incels
Nah they take desperate ex-chads first

Based Emma

based emotional validation craver projecting hard


Men are by nature romantics
who just want companionship and a loving partner, women just want to get fucked by the one they consider the alpha of the tribe. There's a reason why romance stories about undying love that sacrifices everything are strictly male stories, female love stories just have some mysterious hunk coming to pick the plain Jane protagonist up and she only has to exist.

oh, so you're a little kid
your opinion matters even less then

Ex chads are already married by that age.
That's the thing about chads and stacies, they are already settled before their 30s.

>one is fishing for likes, another for you's
One is attached to your real identity, one is meant for shitposting. Your argument is that real life women are just as frivolous as anonymously shitposting for lulz

Wait girls watched Chernobyl?

It was a timebomb, you were lucky. Sorry it hurts

Nah those Chads are still Chad's, ex-Chads are ones who failed somewhere and drink a lot.

Brave words from the generation who, in their 30s, instead of building families and having a stable job, you are too busy working at McDonalds to afford your ticket to the latest ebin Marvel movie and your Nintendo Switch.

I constantly break from the hive but it doesn't matter because people just copy me so I'm back to square one.

then explain to me, why are you in this thread shouting 'kill all women' if not to feel like you're part of the group and trying to fit in. you were unloved as a child and didn't get enough attention from your parents and now just want people to love you. same as them.

don't make me twist your ear kiddo

Even those eventually marry, even if it's to another drug addict.
They are different demographics.
Roasties and incels belong to each other, and since they are both the most prideful fools on this planet, they won't ever get together or have kids, and will both die alone.
But hey, at least they'll think they were BTFOing the other side.

No, they just know other people did and have to make it about themselves

it's just inherently funny, man

I frequently make posts and never check the thread ever again. I use Yea Forums like my own "write a letter without sending it" method except I post it and just walk away

Ex-Chads are Hank Hill.

Don't make me throw a bucket of water at you and wash away your purple hair dye.

Anonymity is a massive part. Noone is trying to get "instafamous" or trying to get likes. Even (you)s only last for a few hours normally and aren't associates with a person, apart from tripfags,who should all be gassed anyway

God, I hope so. I feel like I'm in fucking purgatory.

That's a lot of lobsters

might be the hair covering half of her god damn face and the dim lights

Most Yea Forums posts are just as worthless and throwaway as a twitter post. This board and twitter are very comparable. People here will make a stupid thread about anything that pops into their heads ie

Yeah that's how she should be at all times. Never let her into the light.

kill yourself

I wish I could use Yea Forums like this. It could be the same format too, like "would a comic about this guy be successful" or something.

The porn industry is huge now in Eastern Europe basically Russia, Ukraine, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania etc so all former Soviet countries have all these hot white sluts with no feminism or niggers to interracial with... Yet.

why does this make you mad?

Pewdiepie is an alt right nazi and liking him is problematic!

that famous dr no deleted scene


when is Marzia Blacked Raw releasing?

bingo, betas are even worse than whores

The undeniable side effects of capitalism.

Do they have some kind of rivalry or something? All I know is open bob etc.

>woman creates incredible work of art
>still subconsciously realises that her phat ass is more interesting

what kind of retarded name is that?

Tourist in Pripyat are 40% more than usual in the last month.
It IS because of the show.

Is attention capital? They'd do this in a communist nation (if they won't get gulag'd for it) even without being paid. They just love being whores. Money is a side effect.

Absolutely based

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>(((stan lee)))
gotta think about your master

But she's right though. Who's the most fallowed inta profile, some artist? Fuck no. Probobly some ho with butt implants and so are the next 50.

I would pay for the private snapchat


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Every major highway has a bigger death toll
