ITT: Character in true events based films and shows that you instantly knew were completely fictional
ITT: Character in true events based films and shows that you instantly knew were completely fictional
Pissed me off her dragging the wife out of the room. Mind your own business lady
Um... maybe have sex sweetie? Ok?
Now that's a punchable face if I ever saw one.
>that you instantly knew were completely fictional
It's funny how you can feel how off they are, how they don't mesh well with characters that were real. It's like we have these modern ideals (smart sassy independent womyn) and writers try to describe characters that fit into this ideal to the point they no longer fit with the real world. Shitty modern archetypes.
That's such a hard question but there was this weird extra in the Post
>implying we're not walking past at least two of these every day without noticing
Thankfully Emily Watson is a good actress. A lesser actress could’ve ruined the show in this role.
I've seen her naked
I’ve seen you naked
She was the only bad part of the show for me.
The character would have been ridiculous if it was a man too. You can't really have 1 character that's supposed to represent 200 scientists all working together.
How many inches is my penis when erect?
>The character would have been ridiculous if it was a man too.
This is true. They were really stretching with her character, though I understand why they condensed multiple real-life people into one.
>The character would have been ridiculous if it was a man too.
This. Yeah, a part of why they made her a woman was to create a more diverse cast, but I am convinced that another part of it was to dodge any potential criticism by crying sexism at it. But it's just so obvious that no one person could have done all that shit.
I get the direction of it but having one person just come up with a solution the exact same way and advisory team of 200 scientists would is really jarring in an otherwise fairly grounded show.
They should have just had her be the mouthpiece for the group rather than some super mega genius who can smell radiation.
>perfect humans don't exi-
I've always disliked this actress. Her presence in Punch Drunk Love is why I am hesitant to watch that film.
>that's her
Fictional chick: "Eureka! I solved the mystery! I saw through lies! The reactor exploded AFTER they pressed the button!"
>Legasov:No shit, Sherlock.
>Fictional chick:Wait, you knew?
>Legasov: Duh. even wrote an article about it
>Fictional check: so why didn't you say something?
>Legasov: cause the show wouldn't last 5 episodes but about half of episode 1, maybe less, and you wouldn't be paid for your work for you weren't in episode 1!
>Fictional chick: oh, so I'm not the genius huh?
>Legasov: nope
she suck not because she was a woman or fictional character but because she had an air of self-importance and know it all that made her unlikable, everytime she talks it's like "AH, MEN, I KNEW I HAD TO SOLVE THEIR PROBLEMS"
I liked her chubby body in Synecdoche New York
Imagine grabbing her belly meat while fucking her.
Going to Chernobyl off her own bat, and then they let her sit in on a meeting? She was acting incredibly suspiciously, exactly like a foreign spy would act
>tfw thought that was Margo Martindale for a second
IIRC isn't that supposed to be a Vietnam war protest? So it's like some guy dressed up as death/a ghost. Still creepy.
Almost 4. Which is completely normal btw
Soo... because she was a woman
nah she is perfect in that role because it's an unsettling, uncomfortable film and things like that - red dragon, fuckin von trier - is where she belongs. Anything outside that is just a disaster like when i watched this kids movie with christopher walken as the friendly dad.
Any woman in a disaster movie based on true events. Literally, all the heroes would have been men.
She also represented a pretty huge missed opportunity. As the KGB was arresting, detaining, and unperson'ing scientists left and right. But all we see of this is strong woman detained for half a day.
This dude
The KGB did nothing like that during the Chernobyl disaster.
the KGB was a constant source of interference, because the disaster represented multiple threats to national security.