Quentin Tarantino's Star Trek

I do not consent.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Sam Jackson as a Starfleet Captain
I do consent.

I do. Star Trek is dead, might as well do something interesting with the corpse. At least a Tarantino Trek won't bore me to sleep like Discovery.

>he's still pissed about that time Disney fucked him over

dead redshirt nigger storage

Mike is gonna love it.

Based angry black man! Haha he said mothafucka again!

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Seems like an odd choice

This is so cringe. He hasn't made a good film since maybe parts of kill bill...so why not.

beta and cringepilled

of course you consent just like you consent your wife getting rammed by Tyrone


I love Trek but nu trek is a fucking disaster. I don't even have hope for Picard. At least this will be interesting.

QT gonna go out with a bang, our fucking boi

>McFarlane's Orwell
How many times can you exhume and galvanize the same corpse? It's becoming ridiculous.

I want these motherfucking Klingons out of my motherfucking ship.

>Muh contrarian opinion

Oh fuck off. Tarantino is a fucking useless degenerate who has never made anything worthwhile. He is the worst in a big long list of shit.

Holy shit amazing! A black starfleet captain! So like Sisko in 1996

> Complain about Discovery
> Fine with Tarantino utterly missing the point of Trek

You retards always fall for this headlines bullshit. It's always the interviewer putting words into the interviewee's mouth while he's distracted or semi joking because he's been doing hundreds of interviews during his latest press tour and then they edit the quote to make it look like it's an official statement. What actually happened: QT replied 'oh yeah yeah sure' to the interviewer jokingly asking if it'll have curse words in it, then QT said 'if I do it' because he doesn't even know if he'll do it because he had just been busy with once upon. Imagine thinking the studio would actually allow a r rated star trek. Imagine thinking a man with an ego like qt would actually retire on a star trek jja picture. This shit will never even get made.

>thinking Quentin will make it any worse than Disco
series was dead in the water anyways JJ is busy with Star Wars

Because Tarantino's Trek has the off change of being actually fun and not preachy in a pandering way.

Based digits.


I complained on Yea Forums when someone swore on STD. Why do they hate comfy sci-fi? Why do they have to poison our shows with filth like the real world?

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> watch and enjoy his movies for years
> discover 4 chan and become a bitter edgy contrarian incel
> wtf I hate tantalino now


Notice you gave no reply tho.

Inglorious bastards was embarrassing except for that one Austrian guy. Danjo unchained was masturbation, and the hateful 8 was masturbation part 2. He's a hack that ran out of stories and just does what people expect. Kind of like Tim Burton.

His whole thing was making something fresh out of a mush mash of celluloid influence. Now he's rebooting sci-fi capeshit.

This is an utter failure for him as an artist.

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This, I love star trek, except the newest show which I didn't even finish the first season. Tarantino might make something interesting.

Whom are you quoting?

This. Journos are lowest of scum

>""""""disco"""""" not std
Shilling is pointless when you're so easy to spot

I don't consent either. I can't think of many things a juxtaposed to Star Trek as Tarantino's movies. They're loud, dumb, realistic and dark while Star Trek is slower, more thoughtful, hopeful sci-fi. It just won't work as much as a do like Tarantino's movies. This will be a hard pass.

Inglorious Bastards is unironically his second best film to Resovior Dogs. It has some amazing shots and performances and is one of his few projects that is tonally consistant throughout. Even though he still blows his load at the end, it's appropriate as it's kind of snarky satire about people's tolerance for violence once they believe it is justified.

>Close shot on UHURA's FEET

So the expanse with pretty ships then.


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>and is one of his few projects that is tonally consistant throughout.
Great fucking observation user, so many people don’t appreciate this sort of thing.
Only other one that maintains a similar level of feeling throughout is Jackie Brown

Who is the audience for this?

While keeping Star Trek looking like Star Trek, in principal my movie will be a revenge movie.

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>people unironically defending this

>his character dates a giant foot alien

or you could leave the corpse alone.

Mike will NOT allow

>hates the newest show, which introduced swearing (going against one of Gene Rodenberry's founding principles for the original series)
>is happy to hear Tarantinto will go swear-crazy with Star Trek

Are you telling the OP to fuck, because uh... he was kinda agreeing with you there, champ

CRASH AND BURN this franchise with no survivors

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This. Star Trek was born in the middle of a decade full of civil unrest and presented a vision of a better future for mankind. Giving it the Tarantino treatment is the DUMBEST thing they could possibly do at this point, and if Gene Rodenberry rolls over in his grave any harder his casket's gonna shatter.

>(going against one of Gene Rodenberry's founding principles for the original series)
Autistic principles that should eliminate all kinds of human behavior if they were to be taken as they were truly defined originally. Picard alone wouldn't qualify as captain.

>Picard alone wouldn't qualify as captain.
Why do you say that? Rodenberry was still alive when TNG launched, so it absolutely was in line with the ideals he had for the series.

It would be funny and I would embrace it as a comedy, and not of prime canon (even if he got the rights for it). STD was plain offensive, whilst pretending to be part of canon. I assume he would do his standard hyper-violence and swearing shtick. He makes great eye candy,but nothing introspective and anything historical he touches has to be taken with a grain of salt due to the sheer historical liberties he takes for his style over substance films.

Roddenberry famously clashed with TNG producers and writers precisely because he wanted to force his dumb principles at the cost of genuine human interactions. You can't eliminate bad thoughts, user.

>I am tired of these mother fucking klingons on my mother fucking enterprise

It is different when tarantino does it and he will introduce a bit of tact and finesse into it. He always does.

Upvoted, liked, subscribed, retweeted

Shit, that's still going forward? Given that it was announced years ago, I just figured they'd moved on.

Don't forget to ring that notification bell and consider checking out my Patreon if you like what you've read!


every single anti-Tarantino poster has been indoctrinated in the Yea Forums requirement to be as contrarian as humanly possible.

just because he likes to suck on feet doesn't mean his movies are bad


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His movies aren't bad at all and I would count myself as a fan. But he needs to stay the fuck away from Star Trek.

Why are right wingers obsessed with interracial cuckolding?

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he can't do worse than discovery and some parts of the new movies

Has Tarantino ever even used CGI in his movies?

I guess I would be okay with him making a Star Trek flick if he used all practical effects. On the other hand, ST is so contrary to his style of film that I can't even imagine. It makes about as much sense as a David Lynch Star Trek movie.

I can't wait for Star Trek to become watchable.


He's not actually doing it. This whole article is based on him saying 'IF' he did a Star Trek.

who cares

>what if sausage party but with star trek
imagine being a star trek fan in current year
bet he doesn't even say the "n word" (whatever that is)

>edgy teenage incel
>hating on tarantino
Thats his target audience

Yeah this is based but cringepilled.

Why do you nerds care about Fag Trek? It's fucking gay. Oh I know, let's talk at the aliens for 30 minutes then whine about our personal lives the rest of the episode before pulling some overly complicated "solution" out of our asses to save the day.

Almost as if I hate it for more than just the swearing you actual fucking child

His 10th and final movie is gonna be Star Trek?

What in the actual fuck, what a disappointment.

>Pulp Fiction & Reservoir Dogs in Space

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>Sam Jackson as a Starfleet Captain but he's actually very calm and collected with just enough quirk to be interesting
rain check


>David Lynch's Return of the Jedi never ever

No it's not going to happen or no he's not stopping at 10 films?

Star Trek won't let Tarantino direct a violent, profanity-laden entry of Star Trek, they'd let him do an episode at best.
And Tarantino is the kind of egotist that retires three times over his career, relishing each time he comes back to make his next final film.

Well both are your opinions, I'm asking for facts my dude

You're a faggot. There's a fact.
You're not going to get any concerning Quentin and Star Trek in this thread because the article itself is based off Quentin's own hypotheticals and speculation.

>Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor not a ________

What will he say in Tarantino's Star Trek?

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How can I be a faggot when I fucked your mom last night my guy

made this my ringtone, nobody calls me anyway

My mom was born male.

Can you justify
1) Your anger
2) Calling me an "actual fucking child"
Because I don't think you can, you sperg (and I say that because you are actually acting like someone with severe aspergers).

>Quentin Tarantino

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You don't even know what aspergers is. I can assure you, that randomly picking out swearing as what you assume to be the only complaint i could possibly have with STD is more on the spectrum than any of my posts. The anger is because you're a retard and misrepresenting my dislike of STD, calling you a child was giving you an excuse for your low IQ.

reddit spacing

i understand him wanting to tackle a sci-fi flick but why star trek?

Let's play a little game, user. You point to the part of the following sentence that picks out swearing as your only complaint and I'll laugh at you when you fail.
>hates the newest show, which introduced swearing (going against one of Gene Rodenberry's founding principles for the original series)

Quentin Tortellini is a big fan of TOS.

If you check the tweet we're actually in agreement with twitter faggots. They hate the idea too. YOU are the contrarian.

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I hope he does a "phazer falls into the hands of primitives" episode but shows it actually being extremely destructive.

Then he should respect the fact that its creator envisioned the galactic civilization in TOS as being sophisticated and well-mannered to where it had outgrown the use of coarse language.


hhahahaahahahahahhaha i lost

The thing is nobody knows what his movie will look like. The journos and the bloggers imply that the characters will use the word "fuck" but that's not true. R rating can also mean more graphic imagery.


>feet planet
>n-word planet
>farto planet


>if I say the FUCK word a lot, people will take my movie more seriously!
What happened to the good old days?

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Every single Tarantino movie since pulp fiction had been worse than his previous work. It's been a slow steady downward trajectory.

Prove me wrong

Orwell was okay but rather weird. Of course McFarlane had to have cuckoldry be the inciting incident of the story. The relationship between the captain and his ex-wife is something that can only exist in movies, either they would hate each other or get back together, not this weird "I respect you as a professional and kinda as a friend but we shouldn't have sex even though we both still love each other in our own weird way"

I think he peaked at jackie brown but I otherwise agree.

Reservoir Dogs was better than Pulp Fiction, so it's really just a straight \ line.

I'm trying to finish the series but instead I ended up on this board I never go to so I could find a thread to vent about how fucking boring it is. They've been crying about some bullshit I don't care about for 30 minutes.

trek is dead. Let the edgetards jerk off over the corpse.

oh shit bros the script leaked!

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The new IT movie is gunna be good

Ya seething brother?

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>"You know, Mister Spock, with great power comes great responsibility. Rudyard Kipling called it "White Man's Burden." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the responsibility of the master to discipline the servant."
>Pike looks directly at the camera.
>"The Klingons, the Romulans, the Andorians...It's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the elm tree. The Day of the Rope is near, Lieutenant. We'll have every Klingon in this sector dead or in chains in 10 years."

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>Ensign, say Captain one more god damn time!

Basterds better than Kill Bill. Hateful 8 better than Django.

>Did you notice a sign out in front of my sick bay that said "Dead Klingon Storage"?

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>Hateful 8 better than Django
mad white

Sure, but every single movie of his is way above average. I don't care if he's overrated. He's still really good.

Imagine actually thinking this

you're actually fucking retarded. read what you wrote or go take a high school english class.

Not gonna hold my breath Tanantino is shit this side of 2000 if you ask me

Just banged out some chords to this bros
>cringe cringe cringe cringe
>cringe cringe cringe
Any jazz cats out there wanna add some bluesy sax licks?

what is the federation's punishment for saying the n word?

Finally. I also hope this will be the first Star Trek focused on the Army/Marines of the Federation.

Also sexy feets

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>Not STD
Nice try faggot

so will this be his last film?

fucking kek

Fuck you faggot posting my shit nigger.

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From whose ovaries were you created?


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I hope members of the federation and starfleet wouldnt swear, but it would be ok if rogues and alien translations did. I think hes a
actually a star trek fan unlike gay gay abrhams

maybe now I'll actually care about star trek


Quentin Tarantino is a hack who doesn't get Star Trek if he's going to put swearing into it

I still can´t believe that this is actually happen.
seems like a joke form a sitcom. Even James Camerons Aquaman becoming the biggest movie ever seems more realistic then this

Incorrect on both counts

still way better than Kurtzmann

yikes, cringe and oofpilled

rofl and lol

Star Trek is a fucking joke. It's a shell of what it once was.

good post, 4channel sucks dick

Reminder that the Vulcan peace sign is literally a secret Jewish hand symbol that Leonard Nimoy accidentally witnessed as a child in synagogue
Reminder that Vulcan is an ancient volcano demon.
Reminder that Jews literally worship a volcano demon (Yahweh).

ITT: asshurt trekkie incels

is that reddit and memey

There are all sorts of things you could do with an R-rated Star Trek without resorting to a bunch of lazy swearing (though that's just what I expect from Tarantino). Just show us what phasers would actually do to the human body and maybe a grisly transporter accident.

This is the quality content I still come here for.


are you saying that his supposedly last film is going to be a fucking star trek? what the fuck

Finally, his most anticipated project is coming into fruition. All those years of enduring those shit flicks the past 10 years has finally paid off.

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He could always make one more and say this one doesn't count because it's a franchise film and not his "le auteur vision."

I heard Tarantino likes feet.
What a time to be alive to witness his trek!

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So let me get this straight, Discovery bores you to sleep despite being 100x more action oriented than the older series, but the older series doesn't?

Star Trek movies are always shit

>Who was Benjamin Lafayette sisko ?

>Star Trek is dead

>Star Trek Discovery is a success
>Star Trek Picard
>Star Trek Section 31
>2018 was the best year for star Trek online since forever

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>Star Trek Discovery is a success
get a load of this guy!

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Why do you guys think it will suddenly a "NIGGER NIGGER GORE FUCK FUCK FUCK BIG KAHUNA" fest? Did anyone watched Tarantinos CSI episode? It has obviously his director trademarks but he obviously tuned down his style in order to tie in with the series style. And this was at the absolute top of his fame, it tuned a bit down after Django Unchained.

Roddenberry was a sex offender who had retarded ideas. The worst episodes in Tos were his, all the good ideas came from set designers and script writers who talked so long to Roddenberry until he finally let them do their shit. Roddenberry was by far the second worst thing that happened to the franchise before J.J.



No, no, no and no.
Go back to Plebistan.


>not as Geordie
>"Can't see shit Captain"

what are you out for a part and they need you to be like a b grade bobcat goldthwait
are you going to get a guest spot on a family sitcom competing (poorly) with bob's burgers reruns

Can we please get Bobcat in the next Trek movie?


based, whatever makes Yea Forums incels seethe is fine by me


I am more in the n-bomb genre, 2bh

I just hope he dies so he stops making these sorts of films

JJ would have run it into the ground too.

Vulcan is a roman forge god and yahweh is god.

mad zoomer detected

cringy af

peopel sat back and let enterprise and STD happen


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Since Anton Yelchin (Chekov) is dead, this would be the PERFECT time to bring in Saavik (played by Eva Green) who could be in a lesbian relationship with Uhura (Zoe Saldana)!!!FACT!!!

Action without purpose is just noise. Noise can be extremely boring when it drones on forever.

Can't be worse than discovery and picard.

>or you could leave the corpse alone
you haven't seen a tarantino movie before, huh?

Imagine all the hottie alien girl feet closeups we'll get

You're late brother!

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you sound like an anime voice actor

The IP has already gone to shit, might as well be good shit.

Fucking kill yourself faggot

Did you have a stroke?


Whew, lad

wait, this is still coming? this is the only trek media i have actually any hope being somewhat good. if this creates a universe and series that is actually somewhat interesting by itself, i'll be happy

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What's the point of Trek and how do you know Tarantino misses it?

you got a problem, white boy?

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>zoom zoom zoom

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They're just pissing in our mouths at this point.

It goes deeper.


Now this is based.

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based and cringepilled


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This will be Treks finest hour

it's all so tiresome

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Tabloid writers aren't journalists

it's The Orville you dumb niggers, not "McFarlanes Orwell". it's also the closest thing we've gotten to classic Trek in well over a decade.

>No M'ress.
wasted opportunity

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R-rated better mean hot steamy no safety protocols holodeck sex otherwise it's pointless.

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What are some episodes about meeting your peers?

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actually cringe

>computer, say the n word

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>Sorry, does my Holodeck say dead nigger storage?

Overrated faggot

Why do newfaggits like this think calling people edgy is some sort of insult. Am i suppose to back track everything i say cause you called me edgy. Or are you this vanilla flavored when it comes to different opinions that everything that seems too much for your retarded brain is considered edgy.


if you are interested in a voice acting career please respond if you're still here

Mike will fucking love it. He knows how shit Star Trek has become, and this is probably a dream come true for him

Bravo user, excellent work

Not funny. An hero

>not The Hateful Eight in space
an optimist I see

edgy is an interesting word. in the 80s/90s it was high praise, because it meant you were just on the edges of what was socially acceptable in a creative and interesting way. in the 00s it lost all meaning, because the edges of mainstream acceptability were revealed to be a tiny raft in the vast ocean of insanity the internet gave everyone unfettered access to. Soon after it became a sort of insult, because people who thought they were shocking people by saying nigger on the internet were pathetic cretins worthy of no response other than boredom. Because shock value lost all value once everyone was a click away from getting a faceful of the inside of a man's anus.

being "edgy" on Yea Forums is utterly pathetic, considering it's one of the last vestiges of the pre-mainstream internet remaining. and who gives a fuck what it means to twitter.

>Tarantino turned to shit after 2,000
Imagine being this much of a contrarian faggot. Unironically one of the fucking stupidest things I've ever read

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Kill yourself nigger

absolutely degenerate

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I tried not to laugh, but I laughed

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Django and Basterds are the only two movies of his I still like.

Live a long and confusing life, filled with blank stares and summary dismissal, my mentally challenged friend.


I'll have two number ones, a large number 6 and 2 fours with extra cheese

foot massager

Dead Klingon Storage.