Do American women really do this?

do American women really do this?

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shit and piss? yeah

Use the bathroom in front of Chad and not a incel like you? Yeah..

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Reminder that if your gf/wife/fwb/fuckbuddy/etc pisses or shits in front of you or in the same room as you then your relationship is over in her eyes as she no longer sees you sexually and doesn't care if she presents herself to you in a manner that isn't attractive.

most americans take a shit inside walmart with their pants still up. they really don't care if people are around.

If you think about it logically, women really are gross creatures. Theyre cum receptacles with fishy fuckholes that bleed spontaneously every month for a week, and they eat with the same mouth they swallow urine and cum in and expect to be kissed there. Also, the moment a woman is naked all her allure and mystery is gone and shes just a nervous awkward fucktoy with lopsided breasts

>want to be fucked by other men?
sure and they do

I had a platonic friend for a while that I sometimes screwed around with. Pissing in front of me like that was always a surefire sign she was down to fuck.

That’s because she didn’t respect you.

My cat pisses and shits in front of me. Is she dtf?


I thought girls were supposed to pee after sex. Also you don’t know what the word “platonic” means.

Platonic means when you are sexually attracted to both sexes.

this is the most virginal shit ever. If someone has to piss and the other person is in their bathroom, they just go. I used to enjoy pissing in front of gf and she used to be fascinated by it. Would ask to shake it and stuff. And she would piss when I was in the shower or brushing my teeth a lot. Often right before sex too. If a girl doesn't piss before sex she often has to stop halfway.

And sorry to burst your bubble but when you live with someone you generally stop giving a shit about "presenting yourself in a manner that isn't attractive." You know what they look like without makeup. You know what their butthole looks like. You know what they're like when they're getting rekt by cramps and ask you to sit on their pelvis because the pressure feels nice. If you get grossed out by the reality that girls are also humans and are often kind of "unattractive," you might as well just stick to animu or just accept that you're gay.

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no it means "(of love or friendship) intimate and affectionate but not sexual."

are you retarded?

Reddit is calling.

>are you retarded?
Don't blame poor American education on him.

>Yea Forums is solely occupied by virgins
just kys nufag. Quit making it everyone else's problem that you're an unfuckable faggot.

You are the biggest retard ever, good sir.

>you never took a piss between her legs while she was on the toilets,pissing/leaking your cum from her cunt
The most intimate and sexy act there is

This is your brain on wizardry

We didnt have a lock on the bathroom door in my house when I grew up. Both my mother and sister would barge in and shit and piss in front of me all the time while I was showering or whatever, only my dad seemed to respect the unwritten rules of bathroom privacy.

>tfw never able to rub one out in peace while showering

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Why didn't they just use another bathroom?

Should've just cummed on your mother and sister bruh

They are animals.

this, imagine some retard thinking "wow our relationship is so deep! she does all this infrot of me (not to mention we no longer have sex we are on another level haha!)" tokek. this is also the message of this scene, that their relationship hit rock bottom

peeing or shitting infront of another guy is gay if your at home your dad knew this rule

bullshit, i was with a bipolar girl and she farted around me and left the door open when she used the toilet, she still wants me but i've avoided her for years because she's gross.

The author of this image assumes that a girl is weak and can't defend herself if her boyfriend beats her. Like, she can't break up with him, or whatever. Because women are stupid and weak, right? An incel doesn't think that way. Incels actually give women more credit than the person who wrote that image. That's the reason incels don't have girlfriends in the first place, because they realize the power and might of women in this society...and they are afraid.

>t permavirgin

Who was louder on the toilet between your mom and sister?

yikes, dude.

>rub one out in the shower
>sister comes in and starts shitting
epic story friend xD what happened next?

I can relate. I had the bedroom with the only access to the boiler and laundry room, which is where we kept all the towels etc. My entire childhood was a stream of people walking through my bedroom at all hours of the day and night looking for clean towels and changing the settings on the heating and hot water. Troops in Vietnam got a better night's sleep. I don't think I got a full eight hours until college.

I blew one onto her face

It can be sexual. Just no feelings

post your favorite animu kiddo

So many degenerate roasties ITT. Im not even gona bother quoting them but if you think its ok to piss in front of your man, pull your undies up over your dripping twat and wipe then youre a deluded disgusting cunt.

My husband said it's ok though

I don't watch anime. I'm too busy living the playboy lifestyle, being admired by countless women, in real life because I'm handsome and cool.

Something you will NEVER experience.

your husband a bitch

I had that. Thought I was free when I moved out, but the walls in my new place are paper thin and the plumbing is badly set up so you get water hammer clanking through the walls when someone turns on a tap. I can hear every cupboard door being opened everywhere in the building.

no it's strictly 'not sexual' you fucking moron.

your husband gay i'm sorry to tell you

>thinking there's girls here

American style bathrooms are disgusting.

Imagine wanting your shower and basin coated in a mist of feces and E. coli.

Now imagine just what they feel when you rev up your hentai and start jerking off

>What is "things that virgins say?"

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takes one to know one.

Did she... is she sitting on the fucking pisser

Incels ITT place way too much value on sex and sexual attraction, probably because they are virgins (lol!).
When you actually have sex, you realize it's nothing special.

its called a sponge and cleanex faggot

>n-no you
I was in a 10 year relationship m800.

I would have pissed on them. fucking whores....

>I used to
>they are broken up
>he still doesn't know why

If it's nothing special why is it so important to have?

What are non American bathrooms like then?

Shoot between the legs. Don’t cross the flux

I know exactly why. Things fall apart. Relationships end. If you have some fantasy about finding le perfect waifu and living happily ever after you're going to just continue to be an assblasted permavirg forever.

everyone can already tell you're a boomer.

The absolute state of roasties

> an incel takes the bait

talking to (You) brah. Not every 20-30 something is an unfuckable faggot

I mean, sex is nothing special, when you get it a lot. It's like eating food. You don't think eating is special, right? Unless you're starving, then you think it is.
What I'm trying to say is, having sex is just a normal thing and you need to stop acting like it's the most important thing in the world.
If you gave me the choice right now to have sex with my girlfriend, or eat a delicious steak at a 5 star restaurant, i'd choose the steak.

australians aren't human.

Haha what if she used your mouth to wipe her pusy clean? Gross haha who would want that

Girls don't do that. It is because you have so many ladyboys?

*surprised pikachu face*


>when you get it a lot

Lol slut.

I want a girl to pee in my mouth

pretty good point, for an incel.

>Sex isnt a big deal you stupid virgin incels
>unless you never get it
>Then it is

You realise you literally just proved out point right? Cum for brains.

Girls piss a lot if you give them lots of beer.

Nice projection faggot, not all of us are beta cucks like you.

>We didnt have a lock on the bathroom door in my house
What, too lazy to go to a department store and buy a simple sliding bolt?!
Literally take you a few minutes to install if you have even basic tools
>Screw bracket into frame
>Screw bracket into door
>Instal slider/bolt

Things fell apart because she ceased to see you as an exciting partner. If you were be a man you'd take responsibility over your part in making that happen.

Based 30+ year old manchild.

I like dirty girls as much as the next guy, but that's just fucking asking to catch an STD surely.

what is being projected? People break up. Shit happens. Things fall apart. Time is entropy.

And there's a hilarious irony to a virgin calling someone that's been in long term relationships a "beta cuck" because they didn't stay with their college sweetheart forever. Not that "cuck" isn't essentially just newspeak for virgins anyway. Can't be a cuck if you never fuck!
>Things fell apart because she ceased to see you as an exciting partne
Maybe. Was more kind of caused by a couple of external factors and deaths that kind of fucked up the relationship, and then a miscarriage and stuff. But sure if you want to tell yourself that it's because we pissed in front of each other for 10 years you do you I guess.
>If you were be a man you'd take responsibility over your part in making that happen.
Again, coming from a virgin with no experience in a long term relationship, this is a bit of a funny goof. I have no problem "taking responsibility" in my part in the relationship going to hell. I wanted to break up for like the last 3 years and every time we'd talk about breaking up we'd have crazy sex that would pull me back in.

Like that's another thing that you virgos don't really get is that sometimes people just don't want to be together anymore. I didn't want to fucking grow old with her. I got to be with her for her prime years and we didn't really have much in common once we were out of college so we just grew apart as we got more focused on our own jobs and interests and shit. You just appreciate the good times and try not to ruin each other's lives.

seething lol


>a diet cope please!

is this some next-level virgin meme or something?

inb4 "virgin lmao"

No she's just sitting to make Tom Cruise appear taller.

You don't belong here. likely you clicked a link on facebook and thought you would show all those "fucking nerds virgin basement dwellers" just how cool you are, and tthink that your DVD collection is important.
you're a pathetic, boring faggot, and this is proven by you bragging on this board about your life. that's the lowest anyone could go. it's like flashing a handful of one dollar bills in front of a homeless guy sitting on the street, when you purposefully asked the bank to hand you twenty dollars in one dollar bills.
kill yourself, you've no worth whatsoever. just utterly pathetic.

>t. virgins
You'll never be so connected to someone that you can literally act like a filthy fucking animal and still have them begging you to fuck them. You'll never have a fun and unique relationship without feeling self conscious or paranoid. Enjoy life overanalyzing shit and trying to figure out loopholes to explain your loneliness and virginity, incel.

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I really hope this post is ironic holy kek


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see imagine being lower on the rung of mankind than the people you are trying to insult.

reported for hate speech against smaller men

Those posts made you not only type out a book to justify yourself but you had to spend the time to search for a pic to insult them my sides are in orbit right now.

if do this disgusting stuff infront of each other then your sex drive will miraculously disappear . theres a reason people dont show up to a date unwashed and let out a big fart when they meet someone or want to seduce someone

Imagine being an unfuckable 20 something who is completely and permanently filled with rage. Imagine never being happy with anything and stomping around your piss scented room like an angry nigger day in and day out. Imagine shrieking and seizing out like a fucking ghoul when the UPS guy rings your doorbell.

>spend the time to search for a pic
What are folders? Haha, you fuckin burned that dude! This is sick bro, mom's gonna freak!

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>Imagine shrieking and seizing out like a fucking ghoul when the UPS guy rings your doorbell
Alright buddy there's no need to get this personal

Reported for being under 5'8.

>not to mention we no longer have sex we are on another level haha!
Why the fuck is this a caveat? Ive gottne to the point where I can piss in front of my girl but that doesnt mean at all I dont fuck her any more like some balding married cunt. Why are you projecting your insecurities on everyone else? Though I still think it's a bit weird to shit in front of a lady of course because that particular act is disgusting in itself

Nah he can stay, you go faggot

my girlfriend listens at the door when i piss because she told me that i have to sit down to piss because if i stand then apparently it splashes or some nonsense and is unhygenic and if she hears me pissing standing up she barges in and literally slaps my penis last time she did it i pissed all over my pants and a puddle on the floor and she refused to even talk about it or clean it up she just said thats what you get and called me a filthy cunt and we both ignored the puddle of piss for a week until i caved and cleaned it up so now i just lay my penis in the sink and piss in there because that way i can stand up like a man and she washes her face in the sink

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nah he can stay, you and your normie friend go nigger

yet again, you are trying to compare yourself with the worst life you can imagine. happy people don't do that, that is what makes you so pathetic.
you have deliberately sought out the only place in the world where you can hope to feel at all superior in any way, and yet there are still people laughing at how small you are.
what does that feel like?
it's so pathetic, it really is. are you four foot tall or deformed or something, even warwick is a bigger man than you.

nicole kidman is australian

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samefag refers to himself as "he"

>if she hears me pissing standing up she barges in and literally slaps my penis
Wow, tell her to do it harder next time

Imagine screeching and skittering across the floor like a spider any time light creeps into your room. Imagine not being able to finish your seething post about roasties and goblinas because the smegma filled funion grease has fermented into your keyboard and causes the keys to stick.

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thanks for the laugh user


The poetry of personal experience.

see when you have to look up to warwick, there is something wrong with your life.

Sure thing queer

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If thats true then how come she speaks English you fucking idiot?

Try. Can you just try? For once, just try. Have ___

nice photoshop job newfag, but you aren't fooling anyone.

explosive diarrhoea


Imagine being a nigger with white skin

You got me! now I'm off to go piss in front of my cat and cry since my gf left me ;(

imagine not being a nigger


>living the playboy lifestyle

don't forget to gas yourself in your car

Shit, user. You got me there, I don't know

she reminds me of dora venter for some reason

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dora the assplorer

>the playboy lifestyle
Please dont be bait
Please dont be bait
Please dont be bait
Please dont be bait
Please dont be bait
Please dont be bait

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>declaring a report in a post
Read the rules faggot.

>posting nudity on my Christian board
Read the rules, nigger

good, I need a three day ban anyways

the girl in beauty and the beast looks like a hungarian porn star aswell.

I want to believe this isnt a pasta

but you are a virgin and you sure seem like you're seething. I don't get it? Why exactly are you so upset again?
>You don't belong here.
Been here since it was a trial board. Yea Forums and Yea Forums didn't really used to be just /r9k/ blogposting about your virginity and /pol/ blaming your virginity on jews.
>likely you clicked a link on facebook and thought you would show all those "fucking nerds virgin basement dwellers" just how cool you are
Seems oddly specific. Is that literally what you did to get here?
>and tthink that your DVD collection is important.
I thought my dvd collection was important up til like 2008. Just pirate everything now and have a bunch of HDs full of shit.
>you're a pathetic, boring faggot,
idk seems like projection? Why are you so upset again?
>and this is proven by you bragging on this board about your life.
I was actually just kind of talking about the stuff related to this thread. Even trying to help someone get over their weird preconceived notions of what "relationships" are. Sorry that a bunch of niggers making weird personal attacks at me about my relationship triggered you, but like everything else in life, that's your problem.
>it's like flashing a handful of one dollar bills in front of a homeless guy sitting on the street,
Just get a hooker you sniveling self-pitying faggot.
>kill yourself
Again with the projection. We both know you'll be dead within a decade.
>you've no worth whatsoever.
Bet you're a NEET too.
> just utterly pathetic.
Post pics of your fatty tids

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>le based oldfag chad
please stop seething, i have a hard time believing anything your post since you want to prove yourself so hard on Yea Forums in a shitty off-topic thread

as my mother and sister had no issues with several people occupying the bathroom at once, they strongly protested the notion of installing a lock. It was a fight dad and I had to concede to preserve the peace.

Pax Turd-a

I fart like a trumpet infront of my gf and she still sucks my dick.


Watching this level of mental break down happen isn't enjoyable anymore. Go to a psychiatrist or something, for fuck's sake.

post the video you recorded of your sister undressing.

I don't know why your post just made me genuinely laugh out loud. This entire thread and specifically that exchange is killing me.

pisses is fine, shits and she don't care about you anymore

I love colombian women, i'm watching a show in the background about bogata airport at 5am high/drunk and these big assed colombian girls have coke in their stomachs and they have to shit all of it out before going to prison.

objectively very good thread

>Watching this level of mental break down happen isn't enjoyable anymore.
Never seen someone get so triggered about the concept that "people in relationships sometimes pee in front of each other." Why are you projecting so hard about mental breakdowns and shit my dude?

And of course it isn't "enjoyable" you're a degenerate consumerist baby that just seeks out feels validation on your black mirror experience all day. Being forced to do something other than circlejerk about how gross grils are probably causes some amount of cognitive dissonance.
>Go to a psychiatrist or something, for fuck's sake.
But you're the one that is struggling with mental illness though. How is any of this not just buttblasted projection?
>please stop seething,
done. Why would I be seething?
> i have a hard time believing anything your post since you want to prove yourself so hard
I don't get how responding to autistic questions honestly is "proving myself." You don't know who I am. Why would I care if you have a "hard time believing" me? I'll have no idea when you're dead.

Post pics of faddy tids fag.

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im afraid you might be a cope addict

>I had a platonic friend that I fucked
Don't use words you don't know the meaning of just because you think it sounds fancy.

The fact that you think that sex is something that is hard to come by, makes me think you are unironically a reformed beta incel. Nobody normal thinks others are virgins, because nobody normal thinks having sex is special.
Also, your ex intentionally killed your child because she couldnt stand to be in the same room as you.

Why do you reply to every post with 17 paragraphs?

>I called this guy out for driving his girl away by failing to keep her interested
>I leave Yea Forums
>come back 2.5 hours later
>he's still here with his autistic garbage
Holy shit. I can see why she wanted to leave you.

>Never seen someone get so triggered about the concept that "people in relationships sometimes pee in front of each other." Why are you projecting so hard about mental breakdowns and shit my dude?
You just spent 2.5 hours responding to people who only try to troll you. Get help.


Men have known for millennia that women's piss and shit attract predators. It has an odour that makes the sabertooths (saberTEETH) go wild. Pissing and shitting as a woman in front of a man is a direct challenge to him, it's a clear sign that she wants a tiger to maul you. Riddick knew this when he was on Planet P.

this lmao, supposedly she endured years of his autism, what a champ

Again, how is this not projection? Telling everyone else to cope with your virginal feelings about people in relationships pissing in front of each other doesn't make any scents.
>The fact that you think that sex is something that is hard to come by
It isn't really. Tinder is a pretty fantastic thing. Plus there's always hookers and rub and tugs and shit. Where the fuck did I say that "sex is hard to come by?"
>makes me think you are unironically a reformed beta incel.
ok. Sounds a lot like projection but at a certain point I guess you just don't really care huh?
>Nobody normal thinks others are virgins
We're on Yea Forums and it's 2019. And we're in a thread designed around virginal conversation. And I'm interacting with weirdly butthurt faggots that get unironically triggered at very basic shit. If you weren't a sexually frustrated type you probably wouldn't be here feeding me (You)s.
>because nobody normal thinks having sex is special.
I mean it's kind of special. People jerk off thinking about it every day. Whole billions dollar industry about it. Kind of "the meaning of life" when you get down to it.
>Also, your ex intentionally killed your child because she couldnt stand to be in the same room as you.
lol yeah probably. And this is kind of what I'm talking about with it being pretty clear that you're a very assblasted virgin. Lashing out and making autistic personal attacks and stuff isn't something that "normal" people would do in a conversation about peeing in front of your SO.
Triggers ESLs lol
>I called this guy out for driving his girl away by failing to keep her interested
yeah in a conversation about piss, because you didn't really have any argument other than ad homimemes.
>he's still here with his autistic garbage
yeah not that hard to keep a tab open my dude. Seethe and cope harder :)

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laughing hard here

it just keeps coming, this is an amazing larp, 10/10

she's Australian

>You just spent 2.5 hours responding to people who only try to troll you.
Think it's probably been longer than that. And I've also cleaned 2 bathrooms, took all the garbage out, swept the kitchen, and have been shitposting in another thread about how historians will look back on the 2010s in film. Having some manic procrastination behavior to break up doing bullshit chores is just something that I do.

Cry more though this is fun.






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>doesn't make any scents
Yes it does, see >calls out someone for ESL, top punchline

yeah I've been doing "doesn't make scents" as a goof since 2008. Fucks up people using google translate, which is fun. And it's also just a fun gag idk. Really gets gooks like (You) in a froth.

>It isn't really. Tinder is a pretty fantastic thing. Plus there's always hookers and rub and tugs and shit. Where the fuck did I say that "sex is hard to come by?"
It's implied by the way you call everyone who responds to you a 'virgin'. That means that you think having sex is a hard thing to come by and that you're 'good' for having had it. Most people have sex on the regular, it's not a big deal. It's okay if you were an incel.
>very basic shit
Tell people you shit and piss in front of your girlfriend. You'll get weird looks, because it's not normal, and it's a sign that your girlfriend ceased to desire you.
She miscarried your child and now you're broken up. *gasp* I wonder what happened.

sad and lonelypilled

>yeah in a conversation about piss, because you didn't really have any argument other than ad homimemes.
Nobody's trying to debate you. Lmao. Ad homimemes.

>Having some manic procrastination behavior to break up doing bullshit chores is just something that I do.

>taking the fact that your gf kicked you out this badly

Where do I find a girl with a piss fetish?

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It stopped being enjoyable again. Now it is back to pity. Now all I can envision is a broken bodied retard that has shit its pants and doesn't even realise, clumsily beating its twisted hands on the keyboard while groaning involuntarily whenever another muscle spasm passes.
I have no idea why your girlfriend left you, but I can only assume she spent about a month washing her hands afterwards.

you want to drink my piss and it's making you angry and upset that you can't

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Anywhere, pick any of them. If you hit them in the head hard enough, they all piss their pants. The fetish part of it just comes with time, and brain damage.

I still enjoy being a witness of a slow descent into madness. I've always wondered what it was like.

are normies in this thread serious? if i ever get a gf (unlikely) she will shit and piss and fart infront of me? i mean what the fuck..

pissing is fine, shitting and farting is fucked up and most people understand this

>Been here since it was a trial board. Yea Forums and Yea Forums didn't really used to be just /r9k/ blogposting about your virginity and /pol/ blaming your virginity on jews.
Why are you lying? Yea Forums was rampant with "feels" threads since the very beginning. The only difference is, now there are a lot less pedophiles on here.

My ex-wife used to try and shit in front of me but I could never get used to it

That's disgusting

Everyone's gay here.

>not accepting the challenge and starting to rub one out on purpose

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>tries to shit in front of you
It claims another victim.

>It's implied by the way you call everyone who responds to you a 'virgin'.
I'm calling the unambiguous assblasted virgins virgins. "Normal people" don't really get triggered and start making autistic attacks at anonymous people over relationships they had that ended. Particularly not in a conversation about piss. It's an incredible amount of malignant seething over a pretty non-controversial concept.
>that means that you think having sex is a hard thing to come by
yeah for people that get triggered by the idea that girls piss it probably is.
>and that you're 'good' for having had it.
I guess? Kind of was just talking about my experience with piss in a long term relationship but I guess I am kind of "good" right now. Kind of enjoying not being in a relationship or living with a girl after essentially 30 years of it.
>Most people have sex on the regular, it's not a big deal.
I mean are you "most people?" Would "most people" be as upset as you are right now?
>It's okay if you were an incel.
nah the concept of being "involuntarily celibate" is cancer for cant cope virgins. Celibacy is a choice that's generally related to religion and shit. Saying you're "involuntarily" celibate is just blaming everyone else for your virginity.
>Tell people you shit and piss in front of your girlfriend.
Never really shit in front of each other. But pissing isn't really something that people give a shit about in relationships.
>You'll get weird looks, because it's not normal, and it's a sign that your girlfriend ceased to desire you.
Again this is an incredibly virginal understanding of basically everything. People pee in front of each other sometimes. Every happily married couple has seen each other piss. Particularly if you only have one bathroom and both have to get ready at the same times. This "desire" concept really has nothing to do with it. We were pissing in front of each other after like a month probably.

I put a roof over her head and worked all the time she did jack shit and she still hit the road. I don’t know what the fuck I did to be honest at this fucking day.

jesus christ

She ceased to see you in a sexual manner.

Cringepost but unironically correct.
When your GF is finally relaxed enough around you that she's no longer worried to keep up the girl facade and instead acts like a normal human being who occasionally scratches her ass or lets out a fart it's the best feeling.

when she did that it was already over user. just another example of how roasties signal their lack of interest with defecation. same thing happened with the mentally broken user. why are women so cruel tho? they symbolically shit on the relationship

Do girls seriously do this?


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Tywin Lannister posting.

>I don’t know what the fuck I did to be honest
>I put a roof over her head and worked all the time she did jack shit

Only if she stops respecting you. A girl who doesn't try to be the best for you will leave you.

all farts are disgusting and should be just as private as shitting

I’m the one who kinda got sexually distant from her because I was scared of having a child. I bought her a little lingerie and stuff but

Next stage is talking about specific irrelevant personal experiences, then asking himself rhetorical questions.

I didn't realize girls have vaginal discharge and thus crusty panties until my first gf.
Girls are gross just like guys if you see them in private.

I talked with my best bro about this who grew up with 3 sisters and he told me he always found it incredibly weird and funny how so many dudes think girls are a different species.
They pick their noses and let out massive shits just like anyone else.

She was 18 when I married her and I was way older and I kind of treated her like a parrot I guess. But she wanted children and I didn’t and that’s the result I guess

>Nobody's trying to debate you. Lmao.
yeah you're trying to protect your virginal feelings from any cognitive dissonance. You're lashing out like a buttblasted kid.
>C O P E
Yeah that's literally what I'm doing. Fucking hate chores.
I moved out into my own place and then we "officially" broke up a few months later. Not really that dramatic.
>It stopped being enjoyable again.
For (You) maybe. That's just your virginity reeeing at your sense of self.
>Now it is back to pity.
I don't think about you at all LOL. It's always the most pitiable people that talk about pity.
>Now all I can envision is a broken bodied retard that has shit its pants and doesn't even realise
oddly specific
>clumsily beating its twisted hands on the keyboard while groaning involuntarily whenever another muscle spasm passes.
you in a creating writing class in your HS or something?
>I have no idea why your girlfriend left you
Things fall apart. Why would you presume to have any idea about anonymous strangers?
> but I can only assume she spent about a month washing her hands afterwards.
Shoulda been washing them faddy tids lmao.
>Why are you lying?
I'm not.
>Yea Forums was rampant with "feels" threads since the very beginning.
Yeah it wasn't rampant with this cult of reactionary malignant nigger "incels" it was le "forever alone" reaction face memes and shit. Got way more radicalized and faggy in the last 5 years.
> The only difference is, now there are a lot less pedophiles on here.
Yeah just closet faggot nigger kids that unironically get triggered by girls having a wazz.
seethe and copepilled

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I meant to say treat her like a pet

its a signal that its over and you better break up with them before they cheat

she probably sensed that and had it in her mind for quite a long time until she decided it just wasn't worth it.
if a girl married you, she expects a child within a couple of years.

>"Normal people" don't really get triggered and start making autistic attacks at anonymous people over relationships they had that ended.
I don't think you have a solid grasp on what normal people do. Look at Facebook, Reddit and Twitter. Attacking people over minor shit is literally all people do nowadays. Much like the pissing in front of your girl-thing. Normal people don't do that. They wait until the other person has finished, or they say they need to use the bathroom and the other leaves for a bit. If this is normal in your relationship (and not a kink), then it's doomed to fail. It happened to you and made you mentally break down, and it'll happen to everyone who does this.

>Would "most people" be as upset as you are right now?
Yikes. You just spent 3 hours arguing about this. Do you really think you have the upper hand on the 'upset'-part?

literally laughing my ass off

someone stop it, this is euthanasia level now

god women are disgusting

t. faggot who never lived together with a girl.

You can't pretend to be on a date 24/7 in a longterm relationship. Or rather you shouldn't.
I would go fucking nuts if i had to worry every day to hold in my farts or pretend i never masturbate.

>I moved out into my own place and then we "officially" broke up a few months later. Not really that dramatic
He actually got kicked out.

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>now single

user you're literally killing me

Wtf are you retarded?

I live with my girlfriend. I think I've heard her fart a grand total of two times. As a guy you can let it rip. It's the woman that needs to do her best to come across as womanly.

>does everything and pays for everything
>she doesnt have to do anything
>doesnt fuck her
Why did she leave me bros? ;_;

I dont mind when my gf does it. She comes into the bathroom and talks to me while im pissing

>I moved out into my own place and then we "officially" broke up a few months later
lmao he got kicked out while his ex gf got fucked in his house. let this be a warning guys, when she defecates infront of you, worst case scenario you end up like this

The first time me GF catched me mastrubating was really weird. She was incredibly flustered and apologetic first but a few days later she asked if she can watch next time and then after that she suggested that she wants to race me next time to see who can cum first and the loser has to do oral.

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Why do all these autistic manchildren suggest that their farting, shitting and pissing in front of each other is totally fine even though their girls all left them?

same thing happened to me, but with my dog

No I fucked her a whole bunch. Just towards the end I was so scared of having a kid. I don’t know why. So we just fooled around some. And my job was going really well and she couldn’t get a job. I just I guess I wasn’t attentive enough or something. We were married for four years.

Pisses no

Shits yes

>As a guy you can let it rip. It's the woman that needs to do her best to come across as womanly
Uhm wow that really sexist.

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>forks are special
>but theyre pretty important for eating

Pussy isnt special, just necessary

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having your woman shit in front of you.

> I just I guess I wasn’t attentive enough or something.
Yeah that's why she started to shit in front of you. It was a literal shit test and you did nothing about it. Be a man and establish boundaries.

Don't ask me, I'm a basement dwelling virgin neckbeard cheeto fingered incel.

Have you ever put peanut butter on your asshole with your dog?
Shits intense.

No but I put peanut butter on my dog's sphincter and licked that off.
Smells intense.



Not really, even though you're b8ing. A woman has to come across as womanly, a man has to come across as manly. That means generally no farting for her and no crying for you. Both can let one out in specific circumstances and never talk about it again.

>itt sexhavers vs incels

learn to cope kiddo
>He actually got kicked out.
Not really. I had tried moving out like a year earlier. Just didn't want to marry her and it was kind of a "shit or get off the pot" kind of situation and whatever.

But I mean shit if you want to tell yourself that I got kicked out it's no smegma off my dick. Had a solid 7 year relationship and 3 kinda shitty years. Don't really have any regrets about it. Would have been a lot more miserable in my early 20s without it.
You're literally going to kill yourself within the next 10 years. You're killing yourself every day you lose yourself to some faggot /r9k/ hivemind that reinforces your internet addiction. Post faddy tiddos kiddo.
>let this be a warning guys, when she defecates infront of you, worst case scenario you end up like this
lol at this virgin cope. You're not going to have a long term relationship without hearing toilet tinkles.
I don't think we ever really shat in front of each other. There's a pretty big difference between piss and shit. Not sure if you understand this?

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Please respond again. My joyless life depends on it.

The fact that you have to come to Yea Forums to have a conversation is proof enough. Have sex and get fucked.

What? You think it was that simple?

>no crying
Yeah, don't listen to television telling you it is fine to cry, do it in front of your girlfriend and her ovaries detach like pokeballs.

I disagree but i can't argue with a such a Quad/dub combo.

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no lol


literally every happy couple in history has farted in front of each other.

this, its so obvious she doesnt respect you. and instead of standing up for themselves they just cope until they are kicked out

That is fucking disgusting

haven't seen someone so un-self aware in at least a decade. it should be a parody, but it isn't.

It's an instance of you being dickless. Which means that you were probably a dickless fag all throughout the relationship. Women can only tolerate it for so long. Women try to emasculate you, push your boundaries and tell you what to do, because they think it'll make them happy. When they made you into their docile little cuck that will do anything for them, they get bored and cheat on you (leave you if you're lucky).

When she started to shit in front of you she was literally begging you to do something about it. She begged you to finally be a man and stop this egregious infraction of your respect. When you couldn't even do that in this absolute disrespect of you, she knew it was over, and started to look for more suitable options. When she found one, she left.

god i fucking hate roasties

Just gonna say that I agree with the guys saying that a girl pissing and shitting in front of you is disgusting and it means she doesn't respect you. Privacy is very important, even when you're married for 50 years, people should respect each other's privacy.

Jesus Christ dude

Sometimes it'll happen and she can't stop it. Sometimes you cry and you can't stop it. Mistakes happen. You deal with it, both pretend it didn't happen and move on. If she farts on the regular, it means she doesn't really care about making herself attractive for you.


you need to be loved and pissed on sexually, you are very uptight

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The toilet is in a seperate room from the shower and basin, it also usually has its own window and fan.

>any attention I get is at least something after my girlfriend intentionally miscarried my child and then kicked me out of my own house
>please keep engaging me, it's the only thing keeping me from killing myself

Must be an American thing.

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>haven't seen someone so un-self aware in at least a decade.
said the can't-cope virg that expects women to adhere to anime standards in a long term relationship. Should she have to wake up earlier than you every day and do her makeup and hair and stuff before you wake up to protect your weird idealized fantasy of her too?
> it should be a parody, but it isn't.
I mean if you want to tell yourself that "girl peeing in front of you" is the reason why people get divorced or break up you're literally a parody of the "watches too many redpill videos on youtube" virgin.

If you actually had any argument or "thing to say" you'd say that, but instead you just flee to your reactionary feelings. You have a diagnosible mental illness.

>Quad/dub combo.


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what's the problem? if you love a girl and she farts on your dick when you're spooning with her...are you going to kick her out of bed or smell her gas?

>a literal shit test
it couldnt be more obvious and anons itt still failed it

Here comes the degenerate spamming his piss fetish videos. Kill yourself.

>I mean if you want to tell yourself that "girl peeing in front of you" is the reason why people get divorced or break up you're literally a parody of the "watches too many redpill videos on youtube" virgin.
Nobody said this, retard. The reason is that she didn't respect you anymore and didn't care about making herself attractive.
The pissing in front of you is just a symptom of that problem.

I'd literally punch her in the stomach.

impressive range for a girl
can't stand the dribblers


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If she nervously giggles and mumbles 'sorry' I'd let it slide. Otherwise she's out of there.

it's your fault if this site is closed down for another suicide

I look at this and think maybe Islam invading the west isn't so bad



>another thread with an user having a mental breakdown in front of everyone
god, this place

It's hilarious how mentally ill people can be so convinced of their sanity even though there are literally dozens of people telling them they're mentally ill.