Not watching Asian TV shows

>not watching Asian TV shows

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>ridiculously overacted
>random music at ill-fitting moments
>characters laugh at random shit instead of having a laugh track
>everything is trite and materialistic
>boiled dog

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Yea Forums seems very divided on the subject of Oriental Women
Why is this?
Whereas Yea Forums unifies in excitement over black women and white women, Oriental Women appears to be a more complex subject.

post the finger-raping

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What board are you talking about?
Yea Forums's only consensus is about ç___y

What are some jp/kr variety show kino with subtitles?

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threadly reminder

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the only good jap show is that one with the wall of boxes where people sit

is marrying an asian woman peak inceldom?

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old and plastic

Japs are decent. All else are crap.

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B-but I'm watching abyss with strong girl bongsoon on Netflix right now!

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So this is what you get when you ban porn,huh?

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Is that Laowhy86?

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Imagine the woman who is spamming this.

Ugly face.


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I don't understand how you have the energy to spam this every day

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How the fuck do they know so well I'm their target audience?

They all look the same, how can you even distinguish an ugly face?

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The final redpill is realizing that asians are all bugpeople except for Japs.

Why does the guy stop her? Because it's not appropriate to the audience age?

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Dubu user is best poster!

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So being an average white guy will get me laid a lot in Tokyo, right?

80% of the webms in this thread are Korean.

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you browse this board, so probably not as average as you think you are

Did this come out?

Haven't found a lot on Korean TV that I really enjoy. Seems like every channel is either TV shopping, dramas or something where a segment plays and a bunch of people in the studio react to it.

You'll never get laid

Ok? Koreans are lower beings who can't even flush toilet paper. They have bins next to toilets filled with shit-covered toilet paper. They are third world retards.

take a trip to japan and you'll realize they're just as much as much bugpeople as every other asian nation
dont glamorize them just because your animes make them up to be as some extraordinaires

June 21st

Actually, the opposite. I think I'm a solid 7 where a 5 is average. I'm just rounding down to compensate for any bias I would obviously have.
I had two girlfriends, and I'm only 18 so there's plenty of time for me. I touched both their boobs and stuff, but just didn't get to the point of sex cause I broke up with one cause she annoyed me, while the other wasn't as much of a girlfriend as she was a dumb whore who I fingerbanged.

Fuck off, we’re full.
Just go Roppongi or any HUB, loser.

if you are an actual 7 you can get laid a lot anywhere

I don't even like anime. Actually, I hate anime, I'm just looking at their culture as a whole.
>Feudal Japan
>Imperial Japan
>How they recovered post-war
Japan is based, and their cutesy anime shit is a bit of a downfall, but still better than the soulless Chinks in China, or the copy-cat gooks in Korea.

Just approach a Japanese girl and say "Nama ga daisuki"

An underage who put white women on a pedestal. LMAO! fucking pathetic.

I'm pretty sure being a 7 is relative to where you live and what race you are. Here in America, I'm probably actually a standard 5 since I'm a 5'11 white guy without a chiseled Chad face. I'd say realistically, I could be an EASY 6, but apparently, most guys are actually ugly in the eyes of roasties, so who knows? I've had two gfs who were pretty good looking though, so maybe I am decent.

imagine having this saved on your hard drive

>imagine being a roastie who spams stuff like this


I live here. There's 200 channels and they're all fucking trash. I swear to god Korean TV is the most boring in the world by far.

exotic looking girls are the patrician's choice.

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How do you recognize japanese, chinese, Korean from each other??

if its a bunch of roasties with some dudes in the back its Korea if its just older people in suits watching videos its Japan not to hard to tell

Is that a guy

Japanese have monolid, oval face, cool skin tone.
Chinese have double eyelid, rounder face, and warm skin tone.
Koreans have double eyelid, square face, and cool skin tone.

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I've been all over Asia and spent a year in Japan and Japan is in a completely different league from all the other Asian nations. In fact, Japan is better than most European nations by a country mile. They got their quirks and like weird shit (by western standards) but none of that takes away from tbem being one of the top countries in the world.

By the way China is the most abhorrent country I've ever been in. Everything in that country - from air to food to people is absolutely vile. And Southeast Asia is no different than any other brown third world shithole. By the way Thailand sex tourism is a meme, you can find much better and cheaper whores Europe

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Saved to my file of pics that make incels seethe with resentment


Sure if you want to get harrassed by Nigerians and then get your drink spiked by one of their whores and then wake up with a missing wallet and a $5k credit card bill.

They really don't.If you can't get a white girlfriend, you aren't going to get a Japanese one. LARPers are going to come in here and talk about how people kowtow'd and begged for powerful American semen, but autism is a universal language. I'd offer the same advice that I give to everybody else trying to get a girlfriend: stop wearing baggy clothes, develop a personality or a passion, don't think that a girl is super into you because she's nice to you a couple of times, try and avoid laying around in your room fantasizing about all the different ways a girl is going to fulfill your fantasies and try to talk about shit that isn't just being critical of pop culture or being self deprecating.

If you're normal, follow the advice in the first post and make an effort to be productive or ambitious, then you'll probably find somebody.

Are you from 1940s?
Japanese actually have a much more Western facial bone structure than pie faced Chinese. And the only Koreans with double eyelid are the ones with plastic surgery, which is actually 99% of them.

>get your drink spiked by one of their whores and then wake up with a missing wallet and a $5k credit card bill.
this isn't even an exaggeration. Be wary if girls buy you shots and stuff in japan.

Ssh, I’m trying to fuck him over.

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Whats the first post you dumb nigger

ITT: White ass weaboos and white ass /pol/fags argue over which asian race is best and worst

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at least be loyal to one subrace. don't shill both korean and japanese women to me please. it makes me feel weird

Because its a meme for white betas to go after asian women

A meme which unfortunately seems to be largely true IRL. Like i've seen the odd normak bloke or chad with an asian, but it does largely seem to be ugly white men with ugly asian women. However Yea Forums, as autistic as it is, therefore thinks that all asian women are ugly and all men attracted to them are betas. Like you can post an objectively hot as fuck woman but if she's asian some autist will spam those /pol/bait images of some horsefaced gook and some soi white guy.

Its the same sort of people that think genuine enthusiasm and excitement for something is reddit and are terrified of being called a soiboi on an anonymous imageboard.

>drugs me
>realizes I have no cash
better hope she doesn't try and sell my organs I guess

There's nothing to argue about. Japan is and always will be number one.
Now shut the fuck up and pay 25% tariff you lousy chink.

For me, it's Yuma Asami

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not really. if you do get any jap girls it's gonna be the ugly bottom of the barrel kind that fuck every gaijin and move on.

>excitement over black women
did nobody notice the bait?

The rest of Asia hates Chinks because they act like animals
Old generation Asians hate Japs because they still remember what Japan did
Younger people like Korea because of KPop
Overall Japs are liked by Asians because they don't act out as often as gooks and chinks

behold Superior Japanese taste you unbelievers:

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is that a fucking BUG?

This is retarded normie-tier roastie advice. It doesn't work. Only the 'stop wearing baggy clothes' shit is true.

Work out, wear fuckboy clothes/hairstyle, then approach a lot of women preferably when all parties have consumed alcohol. If you worked out enough and you look like a Chad they don't care what you say or what you do.

Low IQ: Japan, Korea, China

High IQ: Mongol gf

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>wanting to be inside of the spawn of Gengis Khan

Pinoy is still the best asian

Kind off, There are two kind of Asians, the "Jungle Asians" are certainly not bug people, they're more like Latinos, in a way that they're human, yet not civil humans. But among the more "civil" Asians (Japanese, Korean, Chinese), most are bug-people, except for the Japs, and perhaps Hongkongians.

i'd give her a kamikaze if you know what i mean

Listen man I've been to Mongolia and they're all savages and their faces are wider than the rims on my Civic. So please spread your lies somewhere else

My sides

What with the old fashioned slur, weird, anyway. it's probably just white girls or cucks mad that white guys obsess over asian women and ignore their blacked threads.


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can mongol women also do the throat singing?

All k*oreaboo must die.

Chinks are less civil than Jungle Asians

You're right. I meant to imply that they're capable of civilization, tough given civilization is certainly not very civilized.

Anyone got the original Japanese Takeshi's Castle complete, original, uncut, unedited, unmeme'd, etc? Prefer english subtitles but one step at a time.

If they released it ALL on DVD I'd buy it and rip it.

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I like Asian women just fine but weebs think something like pic related is attractive. They consider any woman attractive as long as she is Asian and that strikes me off as pathological.

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Yea Forums is second only to /int/ in proportion of posters with jungle fever.

>They consider any woman attractive as long as she is Asian

No they consider any woman attractive as long as they think they have a chance with her

Oriental isn't a slur. It is the correct term to refer to East Asians of Coastal China, North-Eastern China, Korea, Japan, and Taiwan (which is not part of China).

From my anecdotal evidence white guys who profess jungle fever are closeted homosexuals, which makes sense if you think about it because they seek something with high testosterone while trying to maintain the facade of heterosexuality

oh you saw panties. WOW

fucking lame incel

i think you meant "have sex"

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Koreans are souless bugpeople as are any westerners who pretend to enjoy any of their media


Footfags need to be purged

>not using superior snake_case
Scientifically proven to be more readable

went to japan with my chad friend about 5 months ago
he couldn't fuck a single jap girl, they're all too shy or not into westerners
the only girls we had sex with were americans because they're easy and love australian accents lmoa

Every asian bar has at least two drunk Australians in it. Is your country so shit that you roofuckers take every opportunity to go someplace else?

it is and they have nothing to do there so of course they all travel

why are Twice such sluts?

they're pure

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>your asian waifu used to look like this

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white men with yellow fever are RACE TRAITORS and will be FIRST TO GO on DotR

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kwon mina

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this guy is soi. why did he go so far out laterally, slappping her thigh more than her ass?
he's probably still a chad in asia by comparison, tho

She was 16 here

thats his daughter

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I wear a pair of size too big dickies, XL tees (when I’m a medium) and some battered Stan smiths every day and I have absolutely no problem attracting women. Granted, they’re all mothers, art hoes and Asians but still.

Wacky sound effects are a huge turn off and they are pretty boring. I'm not attracted to Asian women so I can't even watch them for eye candy.

japanese kstew.webm

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I have severe yellow fever but Asian TV shows make me want to kill myself with how dumb and fake they look. They're so fucked in the head and as a culture, make America look healthy by comparison.

How can Korean culture be this braindead but at the same time they have all those new filmmakers with truly kino cinematography in the last decade or so

Is she supposed to be unattractive

>Is your country so shit that you roofuckers take every opportunity to go someplace else?

Yeah pretty much. Our nightlife is actually dead.

Rather corny ass shows than degenerate shit. Put Hollywood tripe in Asian countries and they'll collapse just as fast as the West.

Tyrone broke up with you again Becky?

>not watching Asian TV shows
>that feature very few female roles with dialogue
Asian tv is some of the most uncucked out there.

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Not sure if you've actually been anywhere outside your house.


The burning lust she must feel for white men.

They have better and longer culture and history than mutt

Shes not UNattractive. Just looks average

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i love their disdain for negroes

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says the pimple ridden 300+lb fat ass virgin

God I hope so

>racemixing propaganda happens on western tv
>racemixing propaganda happens on asian tv

Take your soulless dead eyed insectoids back to /jp/.

Nah not in Tokyo, go to south east asia if you want benefits for being white in asia

I don't know anything about Asian tv
What Asian shows should I watch

>not taking the asianpill

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I've had this fetish lesdom scenario in my head for ages that would be so great I'm annoyed its not been done.

>asian woman
>blonde white american woman
>asian drugs and abducts blondie
>dresses her in pink leather/latex, super girly and feminine clothing
>keeps her as her living barbie doll, only ever refers to her as barbie or dolly
>its just 100 minutes of lesdom/fetish bondage/sensory deprivation
>ending scene is hard sens dep with her being put in severe bondage and isolation and being sealed into a display case

Man, asians really are subhumans

you say that as though it's not an ideal outcome

>white people like pro white things

Imagine my shock

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Speak for your fucking self. Anyone who knows anything about Asian women knows that's a disgusting American Asian with all the trappings of their disgusting bitchy samefaces.

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How is racemixing with asians "pro white" again?

nigs are bestiality tier its not even remotely the same

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Sexual admiration of whites as an ideal

Depends on what you want to see. I used to watch this Chinese dating show which had one guy show up on a stage and there would be 20+ girls each at a desk with a button and a mic. He starts talking about himself and there are also clips of his life and the girls can at any moment turn him down by pushing the button. They can also ask questions or talk. It's called If You Are The One or Fei Cheng Wu Rao. Sometimes some poor fuck shows up and even before he begins you have 90% of girls pressing the NO button. Sometimes foreigners show up as well. A lot of the times it's also very cringy.

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Why are they so racist when they don't even live around blacks?

I don’t know if it’d true because I don’t give a shit about kpop singers but some user said she’s just naturally autistic like that

there is plenty of degenerate shit

It's in reaction to their braindead culture.

they dont ignore facts about crime and intelligence

Da fuck is this degenerate shit. Please post more.

Wait where is the footage from the camera behind her?

Delete this nephew.

izone is the only k-group that matters right now

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Since Korea make best kino, I am sure they will make best tv series.

Any recommendation?

so when will the Yakuzas get some dirt on Jihyo and make her into Paizuri Qeen AV Idol?

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comeback sweet princess

So you are implying that you like kids?

not all dark skins have high test, retard

Fucking kpop is overtaking Hollywood now. The western music industry has stoop so low that the kpop hot garbage can actually swoop in and overtake their market. I want to decapitate these fucking koreanfags everytime their garbage gets played here.

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>The western music industry has stoop so low that the kpop hot garbage can actually swoop in

Yeah, that might be because KPop still qualifies as music, while the west have just a bunch of negative IQ negroids that '''''sing'''' about muh hood, muh booty and muh respect.

>KPop still qualifies as music

kpop is as good as the poppy trash that the fucking whiteys craps out.

Seething roastie

>poppy trash
What poppy trash? Every white twat emulates dindus in their work.

>he actually thinks these chinks haven't had a single cosmetic surgery
have sex

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>KPop still qualifies as music
lol no it doesn't those gooks can't even write a song themselves all they can do is dance in groups of 10 to make up for how mediocre they are separately

who are you quoting?

>Maroon 5
>Lady Gaga
>Selena Gomez
>Ariana Grande
And recently the fucking cunt Billie Ellish

they literally have to sell their tickets and albums through looks and acting aka personalities. Faggots and teenagers ate that shit up like a pig slopping shit it's fucking disgusting.

Yes all of them are white negroids going muhfuggamuhfugga.

delete this!

When will they ever learn?

there's a lot more cunts you forgot and left out like Miley Cyrus, Ed Sheeran, Tyler Swifts,Imagine Dragons and many more. but quick google search shows that BTS now stand amongst these mainstream garbage and is winning awards, platinum records, sold out tickets on giant stadiums worldwide. It's fucking sickening to think this is what majority of ""people"" are fan of now.

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disgusting slopes

>not having laugh tracks is a bad thing now

Can't believe Amerimutts actually like that shit.

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If I wanted to see panties, I'll go to my back yard and look at my neighbors laundry m9

Why go that far, just look down between your legs roastie

Asian movies/TV shows are kino. Just not the Philippines. Fuck them.

>married to Chinese wife
>Everywhere we go people think she's a jap because of her name
>She hates it and is really proud of being from China
>She really hates the Japanese and so does her dad
>Get her to do a DNA test with me
>Turns out she's a quarter jap
>She has a fucking breakdown

Bros what the fuck do I do?

>Herro, crass!
>We'rr stalt with
>elotic sex education today

God, I wish that was my face


>didn't even slap her ass

This, but unironically

Is that a natural look or is there some butchering involved?

IMAGINE the smell

apologize you mongoloid

Daily reminder

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i dumped my laotian girlfriend and got a korean and i regret it every day of my life

>green text
Your mother

dumb phoneposter

should have married a cantonese girl 啊
how are you going to fulfill chinese century now with a quarter j*p girl now 啊

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Pretty sure I can put you in a coma if I slap you.

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Nobody really looks down on racemixing when they're the one spreading their seed, not even /pol/.
It's OTHER people seeding their own and others that they have a problem with.

>This is your average children's morning show in Japan

Attached: HAHA.png (600x600, 832K)

>Turns out she's a quarter jap
>Bros what the fuck do I do?
Well first of all you ask for a refund from the DNA testing company, seeing as how 100% of non-Ainu Japs are Han Chinese by origin.
Then go console your wife.
DNA testing companies are notoriously poor at sequencing and identifying Asians. They don't know where the fuck anyone is from.


Yeah just without the "hey little girl have lots of anal sex with gay trans negroes. DRUMPF and whitey btfo. Dude weed lmao *twerks*" message "American" pop has been propagating since the 80s

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WTF I love BC roasties now

hani is love

poor Elliot had a soul mate after all this is very concerning

the bean expert

>bullying and sexually harassing idols on tv
why are nips so based

Are you on drugs


I think that's true when I see some of these white dudes on Korean tv
Robert Holley was married to a Korean woman and was doing meth with his young bf.

whomst'd hast thou quoten?

he's right

Seconding an answer, I'm starting work there in August

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she's cute