Movies to make me feel less alone about being a total loser?

Movies to make me feel less alone about being a total loser?

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The original was drawn by a woman, not a s󠛡oyboy

Why the sandwich? Does Chad enjoy Arby's or something?

Women love giving sois false hope like that.

why are WOMEN so EVIL

They're called roasties for a reason


Arby’s is actually good.

based chad has levitation powers

How do I learn to levitate women like an Chad?

I've daydreamed about left panel happening to me virtually every day since I was 13.

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It does eventually my friend, My wife and I have been together for 10 years, It wasnt easy getting her or loving her always but it's great. Thanks for listening to my blog

Not a movie but you should read this.

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You'll feel like a Chad next to everyone else in this book. The Coens should have done an adaptation while there was time


god I wish girls presented me with fire

Yeah and you’re, what, 27?



Based Chad dabbing on loser s󠛡oyboys

based incel, thats the tindr logo

What are those tablets? Miracle Fruit?

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>What I want is a good, strong monarchy with a tasteful and decent king who has some knowledge of theology and geometry and to cultivate a Rich Inner Life.

Oh, I get it.

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human growth hormone

I never understand why Yea Forums of all people makes fun of soibois. Most people here basically are the alt-right, centrist, whatever 2/10 alternative ugo incel version of the soiboi.

Its like you people make fun of yourself and actually hate on yourself.

Gee, you think?

they think that being against it will change their genetics

Why doesn't Chad have a big dick?

They aren't evil, they are just bad at lying

>dude like actually if you think about it, YOU are actually the soiboys
cope soiboy

the left is more of the "boomer mother/ grandmother" fantasy.

I'm a 25 year old virgin who's never had a gf and my grandma thinks I'll be getting married one day soon.

Any idea how to get rid of this deep seeded hatred I have for myself? I've noticed many on this site seem to suffer something similar, but nobody seems to talk about what to actually do about it. Does anybody have any ideas?

>Its like you people make fun of yourself and actually hate on yourself.
You mean like you're trying to distance yourself from us and act like you're "normal"?

You're still here buddy, wasting lots of free time you have inside your house. Liberals views and the cringe belief that you're on an online crusade against the alt-right won't make you any more fuckable to anyone.

>get rid of this deep seeded hatred
Have you tried growing gummy bears?

I started reading this because it was compared to Norm Macdonald's book, but it was insufferable. The guy is an obvious sperglord which I guess was unique and funny back then? Now it's just like reading some sad blog.

have sex

gay sex

i've literally never met a virgin past the age of 20 in my entire life. you think you're the majority but fucking EVERYONE has sex except you. E V E R Y O N E. even the biggest fucking nerds from min high school has girlfriends and stuff.

Roast beef sandwiches? They're alright I guess, why does Chad want them?

I honestly think self-hatred can only be overcome by projecting it elsewhere. Maybe, maybe you can work really hard on yourself and get rid of the things that caused this hatred in the first place, but if that was feasible you'd already have done it.

This is why I think people with shitty lives are always angry. Hating other things is a psychological mechanism to stop it from destroying yourself from within.

On the left a man of thought, a philosopher, who become as stupid and souless as that woman only for her pussy...Just look his beady and souless eyes, like the ones she's got. If you engage in a relationship, you will lose part of your soul. A redpilled comic I'd say

Found the soiboi.

It's a clever allegory for the state of a womans vagina when she hits the wall

This is literally the point of the movie though.

>the roastie cope
Killed any good babies lately?

>pre wizard
reality crashing melt down soon...

See? You're not even clever. Not clever, funny, interesting, obviously not attractive irl, anything. You saw politics and decided "this is going to be my personality" because there was literally only a vaccuum there before. You know you're not better than Yea Forums buddy.

No, no it is not

There is a difference if you are here 10 mins every other day because you are bored at work/university or if you are an actual beta loser who browses this board 24/7 like yourself and .

Making fun of others online will never make you an alpha. No matter how much you want to play pretend. Its the ultimate beta behavior even worse if its combined with buzzwords.

i'm a man

have sex

Tell us about the last woman you've dated. No infantile jokes, just tell us about it.

fill your life up with activity and start judging yourself on your actions and not your thoughts?

well thats just not true considering im a 28 year old khv.

What the fuck are they holding

Get drunk and don't think about it.

Birth control pills

If you've only had sex with 6/10s or below you're still a virgin


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my problem is that I'm too narcissistic. I'm a complete ugly loser neet yet consider myself to be some kind of God.

Can you imagine defending women in 2019? With all their hatred of men and how they consider 80% of us second-class citizens being shown everywhere, with men constantly being ridiculed for laughs over things we can't change, with men having careers ruined for not pleasing women on a date, what type of mental illness does a guy have to have to be a white knight in this day and age?

are you speaking from experience?

I'm actually doing better than ever right now. i simply don't care anymore

>posting in an incel thread.
Oh I'm sure you're fine. hueuheuheuh

Go for as low as the aoc allows in your state, when they probably have less than 20 partners

By the time they finished college they are already past 150, that's no good material for wives

I could never genuinely not care. Sometimes I thought I was not caring, but then a 2-minute conversation with an attractive woman at work or uni would ruin my day because that's all I could think about. You can't fight instinct.

I come into these threads to advocate for a kind of monk way of life for other incels. it's completely pointless getting angry or resentful about life

The day of Retribution is near.

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iF i pR0tEcc WymYn tHeY reWaRd mE wItH sEx

>>posting in an incel thread.
So are you. :^)

I'm married and my wife and I have a live in girlfriend. Every day I wish I was alone. I've developed a drinking habit just to deal with the bitching and moaning and female stupidity.

Was every religion ever a wizard revolution of its time?

Women don't actually know what they want

Reminder that every "anti-incel" dude is just an incel in denial with something to hide.

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i think women are nice and smell good

Because you actually want to go out and fuck more women, but you know you can't. Your cunt wife was your only chance of not being lonely.

Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.

Obsessives over on anti-incel reddit subs probably are but you're daydreaming if you won't think normies, Chads, etc. won't make fun of incels/shit on them if ever exposed to their bullshit.

Can anyone explain why s󠛡oyboys are so repulsive?

>mfw I had a girl try to get in my evil cloud
>mfw I managed to drive her off after breaking her heart
Fuck off cunts

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>attach a completely Yea Forums unrelated bait pic
>"mobies for this feel haha"
This board is a fucking joke.

/pol/ is old news because 90% of their agenda is dumb and bad for regular working people, and the inevitable hybrid of left-wing, pre-Third International socialism with secular but anti-identity politics social views destined to replace it is not strong enough to dominate online yet.

it’s because they’re so fucking annoying

i just want to shitpost and have fun without hearing their psychotic ramblings every fucking thread

Women don't understand women

Wow, you totally saw through that joke and it's only your second week on this board, congratulations

ur mum is a fucking joke

This picture is better.

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>Spam and calling anyone the trannie/gook staff dont range ban due to anti wymen asian bias is "pol influence".

Fact: every single person that complains about pol is a dumb reddit avocado faggot that I could probably kill with my bare hands.

I do bitch, with my thick Russian rod. And despite that I still admit women are fucking useless lol

Have children.

As I get older I'm starting to think the whole wall thing and women settling is a bit of a meme. Seems more like if they didn't bag a Chad when they were in their late 20s they're not interested in anything less when they get old and would rather die alone.

lol stupid your gonna get banned again


>roast cope

In reality, woman will go for a charismatic guy with a dad bod while you /fit/fags cry yourself to sleep

they give a false hope so basedboy think having a gf would save their lives and because of that women are able to control them

What the fuck is this weapons grade cringe fuel

user, the only way the world changes is if the people the world just accepts as casualties make it worth not loseing them.
You're advocating wasting a life on nothing.
I say spend it for all brothers in arms.

just like my Ultima vidya

Eh, things are settling down. The wave of Reddit trash that came over in 2016 is either learning the ropes or getting forced back. Trouble is tumbler expats are now on the rise, so political idiots will still be a massive pain in the ass.

site is getting ready for a full lockdown next election. It's going to be delete /pol/ scale.

>Pajeet in wester country
>Tall and not ugly
>Confident in public
>Good job and everything else
>Being on Yea Forums has made me cynical and jaded as all hell and I can't stand people or even my parents
>All my good friends I people from various boards on Yea Forums
El JUSTO, I'll always have you guys I guess

based and volcelpilled

I actually had the fantasy on the left. Was nice while it lasted but she dumped me due to a lack of "emotional depth". She gave me the whole "It's Not you, It's me." Bullshit.

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Go back

Why wouldn't you hate yourself for being a pathetic loser?

I can't, I was born here. I wish my parents never came here ;_;. Not that I hate this place or anything but people are much more social there because of high population density and I'd have not been an angry autist.

were we dating the same bitch, or all they all like this my nigga.

In retrospect, we probably were. She would trash talk me behind my back. She had a ton of Male friends, she lived to go clubbing and drinking to avoid her existence, and she only truly seemed to care about herself and her social media presence. Was your ex this bad?

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jesus christ, she was exactly like that, loved herself a little too much. She was like legit 9/10 hot though, but she knew it. Constantly made me feel like I was interchangeable. When I tried to call it quits she almost had a nervous breakdown, only to dump me herself one week later LOL. She had an amazing rack tho, She asked if she could come over yesterday. I'm hoping to turn it into a birthday bowjob you know? I feel like hat's the least she owes me

I have literally dated never in my life and I am afraid to start doing it. What does an average Tinder date consist of? How do I know she wants sex? Is sex on a first date normal? Is it possible to have sex with phimosis?

So many questions

it's funny how you can tell the original author is jewish just from seeing the hair

Not only is your ex sound like a massive NARCISSIST but you shouldn't do it, enter no contact, and dont let her fuck with you like that. She might come over just to give you blueballs and then leave. Bitches be crazy.

this it's the only correct answer, we are doomed no matter what we do

That how I met my ex, she messaged me stating how attractive my smile was, then we did a lot of phone calls and video chats until we met up, at which point we made out for hours and did other things. Its pretty easy as long as she gets a sense of your personality through tinder messages you're fine.

Civilization itself is a wizard uprising.
Without cultural enforced monogamism most male would't have a reason to participate in society to begin with. Something that is again starting to manifest.

sex on first date is normal if you select right. message them, get right to the point saying you like the way they look. Possibly make at least one funny joke but ask them out nearly immediately. TELL them the time to meet you and pick a place yourself. Don't ask many questions about what they want other than if they are vegan/vegetarian. Try to have the date not be more than 7 days away. Message them once more before the date to ensure they are not flaking out (sometimes they still do. you CANNOT let this mess with your head). Do dinner only. You cannot escalate a coffee date to sex unless you are fucking skilled. As long as the you had a good laugh and let her talk you should be able to read if she likes you (mostly your very direct selection method has ensured this (she at least liked how you looked to accept a date right away). After the date, I recommend a cab home (sorry if you are not a city guy). I make my first move in the cab if I read her right, with a kiss). Make another move at home to seal the deal. Usually works. Good luck.

I still live with my parents and I dont think I will be losing my virginity until I live on my own. Europe problems.

user, we have all had this by now. It's horrid. at 21 i realized I was dating a psychobitch with that fucked like a whore. Eventually they want to be famous. how can you have 30,000 followers or something and function in a healthy relationship. It took years to recover. avoid them like the plague

I'm talking to another chick who I plan on dating anyway so it's not like she still holds any power over me. I don't really care wether she puts out or not. but if she offers i'm not gonna say no. It would just be a nice birthday present to get my dick sucked

>sex on first date is normal

Hello brother

Correct is what it is, cringe or not.

okay, well i am a normal looking guy of normal height and this method works for me. Guys STILL use a sniper mentality online where they waste forever with one girl at a time. You need to be asking out 10+ girls a day to get anywhere. Guys are so pussy they won't even ask them out. They think that texting them non-stop for a week is "game" and then are shocked when the girl just stops texting them. Don't be like this. She gets no attention until she wants to meet up in person. You will save so much time and energy. Being so direct ensues that she will fuck too. Use honest photos.

Buy a hooker

>You need to be asking out 10+ girls a day to get anywhere
yikes, the absolute state of normie degens

Man, you got it figured out. While my ex still runs through my mind all God damn day, ever though I've had like 6 other dates with some awesome chicks, she just wont go away.

It's never worth the wait after 3. You want someone that desires you. In a perfect world you have options and we would all choose someone that has genuine uncontrollable desire for you. That's why you need to give yourself options and not sit around trying to nurse one person.

did your mom fuck on the first date too?

have sex

Self improvement and time. If possible fuck someone hotter (I know it's not that easy). I highly recommend starting here.

nice incel website

But that's the point of what I'm saying, isn't it. You truly are aware when you recognize your own mother as the same as other women, even if you still respect and love her. A women that makes "you" wait or stand you up will still crawl through a window to fuck the right on on a messy mattress on the floor. You want her to feel that way about you. This isn't to say all women are really whores, but that her getting with you quickly is a sign of how she sees you. Passion comes first and often leads to the best relationships if that's what you seek.

it's written by a 50 year-old man that is married with a kid for 20 years.>>

Thanks bro, I've also been reading Models by Mark Manson, and Intimaye Connections by David Burns.
Go fuck yourself. How is he an uncle if he just mentioned his ex, you faggots just apply that word to anything even remotely masculine now, its pathetic

take what you don't like about yourself and sublimate it into something good.

man I once spent 7+ years pining over one chick, while pissing away every other oportunity. I'm never doing that again, getting dumped by my ex was fucking devestating and it took talking to this new chick to even start getting over my ex. Just put things into perspective, to the point where i'm like fine bitch didn't want me? I hope she enjoys raising cats after she hits 30. I'll be enjoying my time with someone who actuallly wants to spend it with me.

And as a side-note, if she HAD done that then perhaps should would say things like my father is "too nice" etc.


>How is he an uncle
haha you said uncle instead of incel. you're right tho

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Women love the rescue fantasy though, since the dawn of time. It's why they always went for 'bad boys', hoping to tame them

only cuckolds and söyboys have exes

>It's why they always went for 'bad boys'
Nice cope femcel. You went for "bad boys" because you like being abused because daddy didn't love you enough

I need to stop phone posting. Always making typos and shit.

have sex

>guy wants degenerate girl.
lol retard wants sex.
>girl wants stoner mcnig brain
she's trying to save him :(

here's your reply

I don't even care for sex that much, I just want a gf

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Isn't this just the "manic pixie dreamgirl" concept that women complain about constantly? Why do women perpetuate and encourage the fantasy, then screech endlessly when men enjoy it or expect it.



that's because we never leave our homes, dumbass

Not true. My cousin is a complete hunk who rationally and swiftly broke up with his ex when he had to move away for many years to study

This is superior

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