June 2019...I am forgotten

>June 2019...I am forgotten...
No but seriously, what the hell went wrong??

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It just wasn't a very good movie.

It was underwhelming as a "Pokemon movie" and underwhelming as a film. It also had a goblino lead. The end.

My personal bias is that the only things I like about pokemon I can really enjoy as a game. I never really liked the anime either.
I wonder if the nostalgia wave that came with pokemon GO worked against its favor since the ones who only really cared about pokemon during gen1 when it was fucking huge have sort of been inoculated for now
Or maybe it's just because the movie sucked

Fuck you beta scumlords.

I went and took a girl I met on bumble to this film and really enjoyed the film. It's super fun and a cool experience in the cinema. The settings in the film are really nice. Don't think of it as a pokemon movie then you will see.

>Too mature for kids, too silly for adults
>Literal who black actor cast for literally no reason over an asian or white actor
>Irritating mousey female lead
>Used anything outside of the original 150 pokemon thereby alienating casuals, even though all other generations look like they were designed by autistic children
>Too smart for its own good for the first movie in a franchise, should have just been three people fucking around trying to get a gym badge or something

A lot of wasted potential, IMO

main human character not handsome

This. Pokemon Go fever was what 2 years ago?

It was both too late and too soon to normie adults back on board Pokémon and parents weren’t sure if this was a kids movie.

T. Humblebrag

>Just turn your brain off bro don't think of the pokemon movie as a pokemon movie

hey bro some of us have been talking and... basically we think that girl from bumble is turning you into a normie bitch

it was good

>Don't think of it as a pokemon movie
Like this piece of shit would have ever been made otherwise

incel replies

>black Ash
Wow, who decided this


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Wait this has come and gone? I thought it was supposed to shatter box office records?

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I’m watching it for the first time atm and it seems ok

Nothing? I liked it. It's more coherent than that Godzilla movie. I couldnt even make it half way through that garbage

the lack of interracial intercourse

Nothing went wrong. It was a good introduction to the series. That's all it had to do and now it's done. They could have done a lot too soon and really fucked everything up, being a video game movie, it had a lot of expectations that it might be terrible. Hopefully we'll get more traditional stuff with the next movie if ever. Hopefully they'll add a bit more variations between the same Pokemon when they're on screen. All the Bulbasaur looked the same, same patterns same sizes. Even we see a flock of Pidgeot it's all just Pidgeot. That doesn't make much sense as they would only really need one per group of Pidgey and Pidgeotto. Stuff like that should be tweaked but most of it was really good considering

It didn't flop hard enough.


Video game films will always suck.

Plenty of people want a Pokemon movie, but they fucked up by starting with a goofy spinoff instead of the mainline universe.

Should have cast Devito as Pikachu too.

>what the hell went wrong??
You already knew before you made the thread.

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Anyone manage to see the Japanese dub yet? Would be far more interested in watching Jap dub with Eng subs than I would listen to Reddit Reynolds grating shrill quipping

No ash, misty or Brock. Why would I waste my time on it?

Talking Pikachu was a mistake. Pikachu should have been exactly like the cartoon. Pika pika! Pikachu! Kino.

its boring

It was unironically a kids movie but it had no charm or soul.

It's probably the best video game movie ever made (the bar wasn't very high).

imagine being so retarded that "BIG MONSTER DESTROY STUFF" is too complex for your brain

pic related is why.

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>and parents weren’t sure if this was a kids movie.
Well, was it?

>so, lets make a pokemon movie
>but like without pokemon battles, pokemon training, pokemon catching, pokedexes, pokemon abilities, or cute pokemon catchphrases
>lets just make the most generic fucking movie about the villian who wants to douse people with mutant gas or something
>and also cast some mixraced abomination and that faggot from Deadpool

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just finished it and it was a standard kids movie
it was pretty good I guess, still funnier and more interesting than a Marvel flick

His deep adult voice didn't match his cuteness. They race swapped the white side kick for random black guy because its 2019.

Mortal Kombat and first Resident Evil

..were shit. what’s your point

the "final battle" and some of the cgi could have been better but it was solid imo

All movies suck. Welcome to the future where everything is made to appease the SJWs, minorities and women. Enjoy your stay.

The main problem is really that Hollywood studios have become exactly the monolithic entities that meddle in the making of movies and want everything neat and tidy to appease focus groups that were the reason film makers moved to Hollywood in the first place.

>had no plans to watch it
>why the fuck would pikachu be a detective
>knew mewtwo was in it but still no
>friend tells me to go watch it
>oh boy this is boring
>the moving mountains was pretty cool
>pikachu sob singing the main theme was great
>everything with mewtwo at the end was amazing
Forgettable movie but holy shit that ending was retarded.

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As soon as I saw the old white Englush guy I knew he was the villain. He was the only white Male in the movie.

Most movies are forgotten after 2-3 months


It was just a bad movie overall

They need to make a fucking MMO, not a movie


Why didn't he recognise his voice?

Justice Smith. biggest put-off face since Boyega.

agreed, the lead made no sense especially given Pokemon's popularity in Asian markets. they were not going to turn in droves for that guy.

>>but like without pokemon battles, pokemon training, pokemon catching, pokedexes, pokemon abilities, or cute pokemon catchphrases

All the action is just 'running from crazy pokemon'
There's no battling.
Neither of the main pokemon can even fight.
There's no type advantages so no strategy. And that wouldn't even have to be complicated. Water BTFOing fire is something a 5 year old would intuit.
There's no evil goons.
There's no significant evolutions. There's one evolution used as a hit tip and a scene transition. But it's utterly irrelevant to the story.

I didn't even mind the story or the leads or the worldbuilding or they way they showed pokemon.
But the way they incorporated all the pokemon elements into the story was utterly superficial.

the abandonment melodrama was fucking garbage too.

All you fucking dumbcunts ignoring all this, like in 99% of posts on it, are baffling to me. You are all so stupid.
you are my nigga though.

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>They race swapped the white side kick for random black guy because its 2019.

this is underrated. overseas markets don't fall for this shit unlike american NPCs. and even they didn't show up in support. not dark enough for their taste?

I was excited to go see it, but when I saw how it reviewed poorly I didn't bother because I can't imagine how the film would work if it was anything less than average. I assumed all the best jokes were in the trailers.

This is utterly irellevant and entirely superficial.
You dumbcunts who fixate on the race of the protagonists are just as bad as SJW. You cunts only care about representation and not quality.

I liked the part where Pikachu kicked a dying Magikarp in the face

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I care about not seeing hideous niggers in my movies. Quality is hard to enjoy if I have to look at some biglipped Daquan the whole time.

Asians dont like blacks. Duuuuuh

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it was dumb
>nigger lead

I think you mean
>American lead

all sex havers need to be euthanized

>didn't fuck her
>didn't kiss her
>didn't even touch her

Very cliched in parts and not enough Pokemon interactions.

Pokemon is a foreign IP and boomers hate it
WB only distributed the movie in a few markets and didn't give a fuck about the movie, since its not a wb movie
Just as Godzilla, Detpik is a treath to the hegemony Hollywood has on blockbusters, it's part of the economic war on china, in my country TOHO did the distribution, fucking toh

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you should have just mentioned this as enough, considering chinks hate the nips and both godzilla and pokemon are essentially their franchises

It was an awful movie.
I would have walked out but I was with friends and didn't want to look like a sperg.

If I could pick a single thing to not like it was the fact that the MC and his love interest had ZERO chemistry and made the movie that much more unbearable for every second they were onscreen. When the love interest 'introduces' herself it felt like a middle-school play. Fuck's sake.

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there's not a single succesful franchise with nigger lead exist
I do want to give them a chance. maybe he's a good actor but holy shit he's bad. the way he shouts. his bad comedy timing. his ugly face in general. what a waste.

Yes, but Nips choose to give both of those to the chinese over americans, that should tell you something about what they think about hollywood. Wanda, legendary's parent company had to lobby the chinese government so they could develop japanese ip's, you know what other IP's Legendary got? GUNDAM and My hero academia. That's why godzilla and pikachu not making a billion doesn't really matter, Legendary is just the spearhead of Asia into the international market so they will keep trying and trying, and that's why hollywood jews want this movies to fail.

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The word "coherency" doesn't mean the same thing as "complexity" you fucking brainlet...

>Just a generally bad movie
>Main character is annoying as fuck, and then they introduce an even more annoying shoehorned love-interest character later
>Ugly character designs
>No Pokemon battles (the raison d'être for the entire series)
>Don't even have Danny Devito like people wanted, instead its the guy from Memepool


>Waaaaahhhhh why lead character don't look like me????

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I honestly want to know why they hired a black guy to do the MC of a movie based on something japs made. Why not just make the protagonist a nip? The movie even starts with a black guy and an Indian together because when I think of Pokémon I think of a black dude and an Indian.

White girl was a boring terrible character and a lot of the Pokémon looked weird or ugly. The city was barely explored and was mostly back alleyways and random apartments. It’s a city where Pokémon maintain the infrastructure and you can’t think of something better to demonstrate their use other than a Machamp traffic guard?

Because Red will be asian (green will be probably white), Amber,2 the protagonist of the mewtwo movie would had been white, they made Tim the least important main character black.

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I don't get it, I'm 10 years older than this guy but he's got more age lines than I will for the next 10 years. Look at those lines. Look at those crows feet. Do goblins age that rapidly or is he just the victim of bad genes?

Still better looking than the average wh*te woman

So it was corporate Jews then? Just make one decent movie to kickstart your universe. Every MC should be some kind of nip, or hapa or some shit. It’s fucking Japanese.

someone post it

There's your answer see you in the "What went wrong" threads for Shaft, Godzilla, Shazam, IT 2, this piece of shit, and everything else they put out

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Is not a WB movie.

>Asian or white
Fuck that it should’ve been an Asian and a jap specifically. It’s their franchise made entirely by them, originating from a Japanese mans feelings of nostalgia for an activity popular among Japanese children that was going away because of Japanese societal issues on a Japanese Island. If I showed up to a captain America movie and they made it a nip I’d be fucking pissed, let them have the thing steeped in their own culture that was made by them for themselves. The absolute last thing tho was a fucking black guy.

Staying power on Yea Forums is solely based on quality of waifu potential.

go easy on them, whiteys just aren't used to sharing

The city is in the unova region.

I don’t care, it’s the MC of the Japanese franchise. Just make it a Japanese kid.

The only thing the Japanese and the Chinese hate more than each other is niggers, so it's a fair compromise.

I thought this place was full of furfags though

furfriends* and no it's not


this post seems oddly contradictory

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Literally just the release date, too close to avengers.

>it’s the MC of the Japanese franchise.
It's not. Red is the MC

> ugly designs
> not game universe
> ugly cast

I happily skipped.

>what the hell went wrong?
Absolutely nothing. It was an entertaining children's flick.

The inverse works for niggers also you know. But I think the problem wasn't that he was a mutt but a kind of fucking ugly sperg.

Asian or black it's equally as bad. Fuck the Orientals and their vastly inferior cultures, I only want white actors in movies

>all other generations look like they were designed by autistic children
>shitting on Johto
Fuck you, tasteless nostalgia nigger.

hideous mc

Do you think they regret casting a mutt as mc?

Still caught the girl with his pokeballs

diversity ruined it

It's perfect for the dollar theater.

>I went and took a girl I met on bumble
>and took a girl
why the fuck would you add that? Its a 100% useless irrelevant information.
And by adding it i am forced to believe that it was so out of the ordinary for you to interact with a girl you just had to share it, and since you dont have friends you just vomited your insecure bullshit here, in a pokemon thread.
I hope for your sake this is bait, otherwise you are a sad fuck.

No it’s not.

Because you keep stealing my bike

Too much showcasing cgi pokemon which were sometimes laughably bad, also they couldn't decide whether to make the mons more real or lift them straight from the anime and went for some weir 10-90 compromise wtf , too little real actors interacting with each other, mc dumping game lore and attack names was fucking stupid, ryan reynolds plays ryan reynolds not that there is anything inherently wrong with that as there is always some actors who play themselves in every movie but it felt out of place

>Peels RotCod

There was nothing pokemon in this movie, except for the actual pokemon.

I have enjoyed the pokemon games and anime. But i don't know who the fuck this movie was made for. The 5 people who played "DeTeCtIvE PiKaChU"? If it was why wasn't there any detective work?
It certainly wasn't made for the older game or anime fans.
If all they wanted to do was capture nostalgia they could have at least had more pokemon in it. And what was the point of pikachu and main guy talking to each other when they never interrogate pokemon.

There were zero fight scenes for the first hour. When they tease a charizad and pikachu fight they ruined that as well with the "haha funny joke he can't use pokemon moves". They also very badly executed the volt tackle.
And don't get me started on the bad guy's plan. Its like a seven year old wrote it. And the way he was defeated was written by a five year old.

Ryan was the only good part of the movie.
Pokemon as franchise is going down hill since they now focus more on "the making pokemon your friends" for the pussies who constantly complain about animal cruelty.

>Pokemon as franchise is going down hill since they now focus more on "the making pokemon your friends" for the pussies who constantly complain about animal cruelty.
But Red/Blue will be about pokemon trainers.

>he hooks up with women on dating sites solely to get around the no singles policy
o i am laffin

Like the games? I don't see how they'll pull that off.

Either Sport like movie rivals with some journey shit in the story, or Team Rocket centered, but i don't know, Amber will be the protagonist of the mewtwo movie so i doubt they will center the red/blue movie around team rocket.

Dude no one wants to see a black lead. Not even black women. Black men only want to see black guys if they are doing something cool they can project themselves into (like being rich or fucking thots), not walking around with a talking cartoon.

>Pokemon as franchise is going down hill since they now focus more on "the making pokemon your friends" for the pussies who constantly complain about animal cruelty.

there were plenty of characters even in the first red/blue games that didn't have any interest in battling pokemon and just had companions or whatever.

if you think pokemon should be all fighting you are a dribbling retard.

the plot was no worse than all the capeshit or star wars clogging up the cinemas which i bet you like if you just want cgi battles. fuck off.

The first Transformers and X-Men films worked as a live-action adaptations of a cartoons, because they showed how our world would react to an appearance of fantastical characters.

Detective Pikachu expects its audience to be familiar with the Pokemon world, a facsimile of our own, but this misses out on the opportunity to see the masses freak out over the incursion of sapient toxic sludge and literal dragons.

It'd be like a Jurassic Park movie, set in an alternate timeline where dinos never went extinct.

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I didn't even care that the lead was black, he was just lifeless as hell.
The Mr Mime scene was literally the only time in the 2 hour movie he wasn't being outshined by Redditchu

The pokemon in the city were comfy though, I wish we'd gotten more of that.

>Detective Pikachu expects its audience to be familiar with the Pokemon world, a facsimile of our own, but this misses out on the opportunity to see the masses freak out over the incursion of sapient toxic sludge and literal dragons.
And that's good. The writers even made the "ditto is a failed mew clone" theory in the movie , they didnt give a fuck becuase they dont care

You’re not fooling anyone you smelly rat

It's just a mediocre movie that happens to have well known creatures from a series in it. It's not forgotten, yet in the grand scheme of everything pokemon, it is forgettable

Women hate ugly “minorities”, I boycotted this shit because they cast that ugly nobody as the human lead instead of choosing a pretty boy like Tom Holland. Studios, especially liberal American ones, have got women so wrong. They need to stop listening to PC committees who must think reddit and twitter are cool,

The funniest thing is people here and on Yea Forums were talking about how great it was when it first came out. I guess that all wore off and people finally see it as the average movie it is

Get fucked. Why should I tolerate the erasure of white characters? I don’t think MJ, Tim Goodman, Valkyrie, Heimdall etc etc should e black because that’s not their density, that’s just some retard Democrat ass licker working behind the scenes.

it's june?
thought it was still may
time flies when you're a neet I guess

prove me wrong then niggs

>I guess that all wore off and people finally see it as the average movie it is
No, it's simple, people that liked it already talked about that and are now focused on something else, people that bitch here are incels that apparently wanted a hot negro lead, the same people that hated captain marvel and made 70 threads a day about fucking capeshit.

The ads are evolving, a double ad in one post

is dating women a good strategy to avoid the no single policy?

It arrived two years too late.

>no rocket
So I guess Giovanni battle is off the table?
Well, a final battle with blue would work as well. Just add 1 or 2 gym battles in there and it will be a good movie.

I don’t understand why people don’t realize this.

>everything with mewtwo at the end was amazing

Are you fucking retarded? The movie crashes and burns as soon as mewtwo becomes prominent. The first half is surprisingly great and with many memorable scenes. The introduction to Ryme City is spectacular and really brings home the fact that live action pokemon can actually work; the Mime scene is funny; The Lab scene reminded me of Alien and the Torterra scene was very impressive, but as soon as they take Pikachu to Mewtwo for healing, the CGI goes down the toilet along with the clusterfuck of a plot. It's not even so bad it's good. It's just flat out bad. Could've been a 8.5/10 movie before that and it ended up a 5/10 at best.

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Anti-white racemixing propaganda

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>cucks and shills thought this would make one billion

god they always pick the fugly ones

Literally the only reason I didn't see this is because the lead is a nigger. My qt azn gf asked me if I wanted to see this and I said and I quote "look at the lead, do you think I want to see this movie?" She replied"no." I asked her why and she replied "because he's black" to which I replied "yes, I will never pay to see a movie where the main character is black or there is an interracial relationship featuring a white woman" and then she said it looks fun and I told her we can torrent it when it's out on dvd and then we arrived at Dave and Buster's and played some games and had dinner.

Can you post your feet pls.

Hollywood is devoid of passion and creativity. So all that's left is garbage, cynical pandering, and agenda pushing.

He's a victim. Maybe too much sun and lack of skin care (a simple soap and water to the face goes a long way).