Jessics Biel comes out as anti-vax

RIP her career is now completely dead.

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Other urls found in this thread: goverment poisoned foster children&client=niggerfox Jews vaccination

its been long dead

I don't need some roided up she-hulk telling me what I can and can not put in my body. Fuck off to to 2003 cunt.

Based and redpilled

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She's not saying you can't put vaccines in your body, she's saying not everyone should be forced to if they don't want it.

Vaccines have an added benefit, but you're a retard for not being critical of what is actually in these vaccinations. I'd say get all the "regular" ones protecting and polio and whatnot, but be extra careful when these hacks start harping on about pre-cancerous shit with the HPV, seasonal flu-shots and other bullshit.

Lefties can't distinguish between "i don't like thing" and "people should go to prison for doing thing"

With an ass like hers, she must be right. I'm anti-vaxx now too.

well giving that roasties embrace anti-vax, you JUST KNOW antivax is retarded then

>Roasties breathe oxygen
>therefore breathing is bad

biel aint no roastie

just how many vaccines are we talking about? In europe you get at most 4 when you are a baby and then 5 more when you are a kid
And that's it

>someone disagrees with me on a subject this is just like the holocaust!

Flu shots are shit. Average of 10% efficiency because you are always getting last years strain.

8 or 9 or mandatory in the states. shit like polio, diptheria, measles, mumps, hep b

umm, if you don't get the flu shot every single year you are worse than Hitler fyi

>she's saying not everyone should be forced to if they don't want it.

The issue is entirely that this mentality eventually creates a problem where too many people don't vaccinate and you start having multiple giant outbreaks that makes it a national health crisis. Which is already happening in the country.

The roastie thing is a meme.

It's a genetic lottery, some vagainas are like that!

My mom for example has a pussy like a baby, you cant see the labia

Yet my sister has a big labia even when she was a virgin

Same as the "uncut dicks smell and taste weird thing

I am cut and mine smells in just two days of not showering while the dick of my father, who only showers once a week, never smells and tastes fine.

You are very informed about your family's genitals

>paying to weaken your immune system
no thanks. ill get the flu every other year like god intended, and when super flu comes around, and all you flu shot babies start dropping like flies, it shall be I who is left king

What if you opposed her and she raped you? That would be so terrible haha!

this, I also eat food out of the trashcan, you never see a hobo sneezing now do you?

I would vaccinate her pussy if you catch my drift


Unfortunately vaccines do not work this way. The entire community needs to get them for them to be effective. It's like living in an area with mice and you put mouse traps down. If your neighbor doesn't do it, they get mice, they flush them out, and suddenly smaller houses get over run with mice, or the mice get stronger and faster and harder to do deal with. If everyone set traps, then the small houses who can't do it would not have to worry and the mice might all die.

Basically, if you don't vaccinate you run the risk of not only getting the disease, but being an extended carrier. Your ability to fight diseases is not the issue, it's inability to stop yourself from spreading it. If you don't want to vax, go live on an island. If you're a hollywood millionaire and can afford this life style, do it. Ive never seen someone come out as anti-vax with a 6 month old, they all wait till their children survive past the high risk age till they do.

By vaccinating your children, you're letting the weak genes live on, which is basically like counter natural selection.

If we don't want people with turboAIDS shitting up our country then why do we allow in immigrants from shitholes where everyone has turboAIDS?

all this fucking 'muh public health' goes out the window when its some sick foreign nigger begging for admission

realtalk. does vaccing cause autism? if not what is doing it? or were autistic people in the past just considered retards or idiots or mentally ill?

This is the problem. It's something that only works if everyone who can gets it done, but people get cold feet for reasons.

I think the solution to most of these problems is that there should be a country for each thing.
Anti-vax country, pro-gun country, abstinence only country, affirmative action country, etc.
Citizenship of the country is dependent upon subscribing to the ideology of said country, no middle ground.

>it's inability to stop yourself from spreading it
Spread it to who? If you are vaccinated, how would you catch it? If you aren't vaccinated and catch it, you already knew that's a possibility

You could apply this retarded argument to basically any and every form of modern technology.

Just as a side question what would the effect be on a fully vaccinated community if it was suddenly filled with thousands on unvaccinated migrants from the third world?

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>make shitty personality traits 'autism'
>more people are now classed as autistic
>people start looking for cause for huge spike in autists, draw faulty conclusions

thats what im asking, im not familiar enough with what autism is. i grew up and live out in the boonies, ive never been around more then 50 people at a time, i dont know what 'autism' is, only thing i know is a retard we had in school who just drooled and would scream occasionally and have to be held down or he'd hit his head on walls and shit

Hmm I guess that would mean a choice between letting the goverment inject anyone with whatever they want whenever they want and hoping they know best or acknowledging our individual rights to bodily autonomy

you are already breathing their air and drinking their water. if they want to get shit inside you, you will already have it, opting out of a few shots isnt going to help you. your next burger will be loaded with nanomachines

Autism is a serious mental illness with many shades, the lighest version is something like those guys that memorize a whole phonebook but can't tie their shoes or make normal conversation, the worst is literally flopping around making dinosaur noises because they saw too much of the colour purple or heard a birdsong. Its not cool at all and its shitty to have to deal with

now they've increased the criteria + the horde of people that want to be special are self diagnosing themselves so you get people saying "I read a lot of books on concrete architecture I must have some level of autism, that means you're a bigot if you criticize me for being a weird antisocial loser"

Dam i guess i should just shut up and do what im told then right

Vaccines aren't perfect. Even if vaccinated there's a small chance you can contract a disease. The idea is everyone needs to be vaccinated so that it is unable to spread and just dies.

they only exist because i voted them in

This. It's okay to choose to abort a baby, but not okay to choose to refuse to be injected with a vaccine.

she got a nice butt

With all the false flag USA does and the antiintelectualism of its people this antivaccine movement is justified imo
USA was founded in freedom from the state

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no, just dont post about it on a cia controlled site. thats how you get targeted, soon you will notice cars out your window watching, people following you etc, and one day they will all be gone, and it will be because you have somehow injested, injected, smoked, drank whatever it was they were trying to get in you


There are definitely some examples from history who were high functioning autists and likewise low-functioning autists that were abandoned or whatever. So it's always been around.

But we also are definitely getting more autism. A fair chunk is older mothers but most of it is pregnant women being exposed to modern day chemicals. Smoking for instance doubles the risk of autism.

Some people can't be safely vaccinated because the process provokes an immune response that could be dangerous. So little kids who are too young to be vaccinated yet, elderly people and immune-compromised people are the ones that die.

Outbreaks are only common in non bathing areas like America and Europe, they are very dirty people.

I would infect myself with polio just to spend an evening with that ass

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>Ive never seen someone come out as anti-vax with a 6 month old, they all wait till their children survive past the high risk age till they do.

They do the same shit with abortion. Lot's of abortionists, lots of abortionists with children, but very few pregnant abortionists bragging about how they won't kill their baby but totally should be allowed to.

>realtalk. does vaccing cause autism? if not what is doing it?

European DSM still lists 'maternal coldness' as a cause of the 'tism. Yea Forums seems to have mother issues. Maybe the Frogs are right and having a mean mommy doesn't help things.

Oh no she's retarded

source on poisoning foster children?

>Spread it to who? If you are vaccinated, how would you catch it? If you aren't vaccinated and catch it, you already knew that's a possibility
because vaccination make you resistant to low amounts of virale particles

think of it like ratpoison, you could swallow one drop of ratpoison, the vaccine provides immunity to, but if it becomes a whole glass it will give you problems. The disease grows if it can infect someone, making it the glass of ratpoison in this analogy

But i only eat direct from a cow

It's basically the fallacy of causation and correlation, plus bullshit quackery from a guy who wanted people to buy his ineffective vaccine.

Andrew Wakefield did a "study" on whether people with gastro-intestinal conditions were more likely to develop autism if a specific vaccine that competed with the one he was developing was used. Spoiler alert, his study was utter garbage from start to finish and he lied to try and drum up business. Anti-vaxxers jumped on the bandwagon becase conspiracy theories and shit.

The other thing is that parents start noticing the signs of autism not long after their kids get vaccinated. On one level I understand this- a child who seemed normal now isn't, and the life they thought they were going to have is never going to be. But rather than accept the truth, they look for an answer. What happened recently to cause the change? Why, vaccines, of course!

Throw in autism being diagnosed at a much higher rate now so it looks more prevalent and there you go.

the cows are in league with the NWO, why do you think i said burgers are already infected with nanites?

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>wants the government to force women to carry every pregnancy to term to save the life of a child
>doesn't want the government to force children to be vaccinated to save the lives of children

explain this shit republitards goverment poisoned foster children&client=niggerfox

I had the hpv vaccine and still got warts. I probably got it from ghd vaccine itself

just go vaccinate and you're immune to that "outbreak" lol

The problem with vaccines is that they work so well.
Call the boomer generation shit tier all you want but they may habe known someone with polio or someone who developed severe nerve damage after a measles infection. The newer generations never had to deal with these diseases and simply don't know how dangerous they can be. That's where this whole anti-vaxxer thing stems from.
Then you have the internet and Facebook which some people think are viable sources of informations.

If a woman is far into their pregnancy, they've clearly chosen to keep it. Pro-Abortion side want the choice to simple be there as an option, so that it's up to the parent to decide, not the government dictating what you can do with your body. Anti-Abortion side doesn't want there to be any choice, just forcing their religious or moral condemnation on you.

Not my cows, i vaccinated them myself and they are all to autistic to be spies

>realtalk. does vaccing cause autism? if not what is doing it? or were autistic people in the past just considered retards or idiots or mentally ill?

the argument that is does it stupid let me explain why. Unvaccinated kids die way more often so there will be less autists by default

wtf I hate her now

>>wants the government to force women to carry every pregnancy to term to save the life of a child
>>doesn't want the government to force children to be vaccinated to save the lives of children
>explain this shit republitards

Create a permanent underclass completely immune by herd thinning to any major disease caused by dirty water or air. That way they just keep them in a bamboo cage when not working the Subway sandwich artist shift and hose it out while they are on the clock.

>"OMG we HAVE to force everyone to get vaccinated by the government at gun-point! It's a PUBLIC-HEALTH ISSUE!!! Don't you care about PUBLIC-HEALTH?!!"
>"while we're at it let's decriminalize intentional spreading of HIV and let millions of undocumented, un-vaccinated peasants cross the border while carrying anything from new Influenza strains to Typhus and do nothing to stop it, lol"

I'm not even skeptical of vaccines. I think they're great. I just see a lot of fucking hypocrisy from smug hip young Democrats who claim to care about "public-health".

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Giga retard. Not only is the analogy comparing mice to bacteria not correct, but you explained the subset parent solution so fucking poorly, I forgot which side you were on. Learn to fucking read before you post.

>eating autistic meat
oh dear, this is how it begins. user has full blown autistic cow disease

>i want to kill a baby without its consent
>i want to inject other peoples kids with stuff without their consent

This would be a lot easier if liberals understood consent

>wants to stop women from murdering their unborn children as a method of birth control

Abortion is 100% lethal to the kid.
Not getting vacced is dangerous and unwise but completely and totally survivable, especially in the modern age of sanitation and medical technology.

This is basically like asking "oh, so you support capital punishment for rapists and mass-murderers, but you're NOT OK with herding thousands of minorities into gas-chambers??? FUCKING HYPOCRITE".

Think before you post next time, retard.

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>realtalk. does vaccing cause autism?

Early versions of the MMR shot contained high levels of thimerosal. This was so poor and/or lazy parents wouldn't skip the final dosages of these and finish the sequence if they were more bundled. Turned out childhood brains don't like astronomical levels of mercury.

Childhood vaccines don't cause autism today, but they did in the 80s up until the mid 90s.

No abortions at all is not supported by very many if any people (including Trump)
Stopping abortion after the first trimester is the most popular "middle ground"

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Tuskegee Experiment is undeniable proof the government is not to be trusted.

Even if there is a tiny bit of mercury in vacines, those tiny doses won't trigger shit. Not compared to all the mercury and tons of other heavy metals being dumped into our enviroment and food chains. Levels of mercury in fish alone is alamring. If anything is triggering autism in kids, it is THAT shit. Not the itty bitty doses in a handful of vaccinez kids get once. The pollution in our food and water and air is far far far more dangerous exposure to these chemicals.

These libtard and conservatards going on about vaccines are idjots.

Plus would you rather have a kid dead of a disease cured by vaccines or a kid alive with autism?

Liberals love vaccines because it gives them a chance to push ultitarianism on people. Break a few brains to protect the many.

>you're a retard for not being critical of what is actually in these vaccinations

This. I love the hypocrisy that comes up with modern medicine in society.

>"doctors recommending multiple pills? lol what do they know? they'll prescribe you a million medications if you let them! it's because they're on Big Pharma's payroll!"
>"omg STOP QUESTIONING VACCINES!!!! doctors say you should get one! they know everything! why do you think you are smarter than trained professionals!?!?"

>Even if there is a tiny bit of mercury in vacines, those tiny doses won't trigger shit. Not compared to all the mercury and tons of other heavy metals being dumped into our enviroment and food chains. Levels of mercury in fish alone is alamring.

how much fish does a 2 year old eat? Now how much mercury just goes directly to their brains when they get a vaccine?

how can kids consent vaccines if they can't consent sex or tatoos?
inb4 the mother decide
why, its outside of her body

>Not the itty bitty doses in a handful of vaccinez kids get once
Na dude try being a parent these days, there is a fuckton more than when you were a kid, feels like they want to jab them every month now

>If a woman is far into their pregnancy, they've clearly chosen to keep it.

Liberals are literally trying to implement laws that allow abortion up to a day before delivery.
How far they are into their pregnancy literally matters for dick at this point when it comes to abortionists.

Reminder that Reddit is a shill for vaccines because one of their board members is a director at Merck pharmaceuticals and it is all a free advertisment to remind bugmen to get their seasonal flu shot.

but is she anti-brapp?

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>tuskegee experiment
>poor black people were told they were receiving free health care
>instead received syphilis shots, so the scientists could watch what syphilis does to you

hard to ask for consent if you guys are stupid enough to not understand why vaccines are needed

instead rebpulics fall for scaretactics like ''muh autism'', ''muh unborn baby'' which is just a ploy to do post birth abortions to harvest the babies organs

a kid does not need to consent thats what the parents are for

Its kind of the same thing as vapes right? Theoretically they should be happy everyone is moving off ciggarettes but its like they are even more grumpy now but dont have any reason to go off at you for it

>how can kids consent vaccines if they can't consent sex or tatoos?

The courts have set that age which a child can determine their own course of health treatment to be around 13 or so.

There have been cases where a kid was terminally ill and they didn't want to do any more chemo and the parents tried to sue.

Who really gives a flying fuck?

damn, absolutely this

I wish she came out the closet instead

>Tuskegee Experiment is undeniable proof the government is not to be trusted.

yeah I still can't believe they put those Niggers up in planes.

>Anti-Abortion side doesn't want there to be any choice

In the same way Anti-murder people "don't want there to be any choice" you fucking clod.
You have freedom of choice but your right to swing your fist ends where the next person's nose begins.
Complaining about "mug government" stopping you from killing your kid is like a Klannie complaining about government intruding on his right to lynch niggers.

wow so brave

Lets just kill all the jews then since your too stupid to consent to removing those parasites

>straw man
Anime pic isn’t even relevant, had that user not posted it, you’d have no comment. Fucking pathetic.

>complaining about anime
>complaining about reaction-images
>on fucking Yea Forums

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>that face

>hard to ask for consent if you guys are stupid enough to not understand why vaccines are needed

OK so "I know what's good for you more than you do". Fuck off.

horses know more about vaccines than humans ever could. i trust her

Those are for rare situations where you detect very late into the pregnancy that's something is wrong and you have to consult a doctor to do it. It's not for situation where a mother suddenly deciding she doesn't want it a week before the expected date of birth. It's so that you don't get "sorry bro but we can't do anything because abortion is illegal when it's day X old" situations where the mother for example has to carry a dying fetus in their womb, while they're already suffering from bleeding, etc. complications, until the fetus can be clinically pronounced dead because doing anything before is considered abortion and thus illegal.

Only ill informed Fox News viewers buy the infanticide propaganda where people want to abort babies a day before they're due or after they're already been born because it fits their MUH BABY MURDER narrative.

>abortion kills 100% of the kids you subject to it
>vast majority of unvacced kids go through life with zero actual problems and are only in any kind of ACTUAL danger if there's an outbreak of something they aren't vacced against, in their immediate vicinity

Wow, what hypocrisy. How can people not support killing children yet support something that's not recommended but still completely survivable?

Actor spews their retarded, uninformed political beliefs:
>Based. They're so smart. We should all do what they say.
Actor spews their retarded, uninformed scientific beliefs:
>REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. They're so stupid. Why the fuck would anyone listen to them?

Unless an actor is talking about how to speak words written by someone else, they should be ignored.

the anime is a give away that user is an incel poltard, very biased and not evidence(science) based. Find me a study that says vaccines cause autism. you cant

back to /pol/ fggts

>these men need to stop telling us what to do with out bodies
>now let's here from the lady that never went to high school

What is it about jewesses and having horsefaces?

>Those are for rare situations

LOL, fucking no.

You can whine about Fox News or whatever boogieman you want to. Modern Abortionists literally want this shit and it's by their own admission, and even in the laws they push.

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>Find me a study that says vaccines cause autism. you cant

Literally none of the posts you're responding to ever claimed that vaccines had anything to do with autism you sperg.


Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.


Explain to me again why it's so much more morally acceptable to artificially create a situation where a mother has to die because they couldn't get a life saving abortion, or when you force an underage child who was raped by their relative to go through nine months of mental anguish and torture because you want that rapist baby to be born?

Or after these "saved" babies are born, why you will not not lift a fucking finger to provide them the necessary aid in the form of social programs and basic healthcare to guarantee them an improved quality of life because you just don't like paying taxes?

>No argument
Reply with an actual formative argument, or cease posting, you gigantic fucking retard.

except people who can't get vaccinated because of medical reasons or babies.

There are already exceptions for those kinds of situations, lying scum

>Is it just me
Yeah, probably vaccine related

>artificially create a situation where a mother has to die because they couldn't get a life saving abortion
Not even Trump supports the artificial situation your post created
have sex (with a condom)

Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases!

Except for all the red states that are currently making draconian laws that do not allow any exceptions for abortion, even in the case or rape, incest or danger to mother's health.

In short, yes. The ingredients in vax cause inflammation in parts of the body. Since the particulates are so small, they can cross the blood brain barrier. In doing so, they cause a chronic inflammatory reaction eliciting the recruitment of innate immune cells like macrophages and neutrophils. These cells phagocytose damaged cells, release interleukins for more support and metalloproteinases to ‘remove’ damaged cells. They then granulate and form fibrotic scar tissue resulting in permanent damage and replacement with bad tissue. In certain areas o the brain, it can damage social understanding and cause ASD.

please stop spamming this shitty comment everywhere

She's also married and fucked and birthed a sire to a wigger aka a white boy who thinks he's a nigger

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Whatever faggot

nice copy paste

Why? You spam /pol/ shit on every board

She advertises her body for millions to consume. She a roastie.

Antivax studies by professionals, not Yea Forums pharma glownigger shills

>copy paste
I actually have a PhD in immunology. Knowledge about the innate immune system is common knowledge in my field. It takes 30 seconds of reading to understand how the innate immune system can cause chronic inflammation

are you retarded?

Based and redpilled

The red pill is allowed and relevant on every board. Your shilling is trolling and bannable, son.

That is not how vaccines work. Vaccines don't make people 100 % immune. Idiots might still get vaccinated and sane people sick.


Your smart enough to know thats Roe bait, maybe

Should just send everyone who hate vaccines to live in their own community

>vaccines don’t work
Then why are you shilling them. Your ‘arguments’ always fall apart at this point.

Clearly you are a racist anti-vaxer and thus less intelligent than my degree in John Oliver videos

Have sex

The elites don’t want that because we’ll be gathered in one spot and can collaborate to overthrow their systems and form the most successful country in history, destroying the rest of the global economy. It’s not insignificant that most antivax test at an average of a 140IQ

>I have a PhD in immunology
No, you don't. Why make up obvious lies?

Because vaccines does work. Just like how getting an engineering degree will get you an engineering job. Not 100% of the time, but pretty much.

Orthodox jews already do that

Personally i would gladly move to a community that do not give their goverment the power to inject your children with shit by force and then vaccinate my kids

The elites vaccinate themselves and their children. Vapid Hollywood idiots is not an elite in any way.

It’s not anti-vaxxers that are responsible for that though. It’s Central Americans who cross illegally and Hasidic Jews, but it’s much more acceptable to criticize upper class white women.

Yeah but they have all that baby blood to cure the autisim

Even the new abortion laws have exceptions for a mother's health. Don't lie.

They dont want to talk about that at all, see:

>wah wah people don't engage my whataboutism

>some vaccinations are they same as no vaccinations
>humans shouldn't have basic rights

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Jeter's herpes spread to her brain

I don't want your vaccines
>b-but it's good for you
I don't care what you say, history is littered with examples of the medical industry, scientists and government working to fuck peoples shit up. Remember when sugar was good for you and fats were bad? Remember when smoking was good for you? Remember when the glow in the dark niggers used ivy league medical schools for their experiments?
Get fucked.
>b-but if everyone doesn't get it then it doesn't work!!!
Just get the vaccine, you'll be fine.
>b-but what about the people who the vaccine doesn't work for and the babies and old people
I don't care. If your baby/old person doesn't have a functioning immune system keep them at home.

Get fucked you authoritarian faggots

hmmm, sounds fishy, almost like they don't work and are actually for government control of populations...

I saw it with my own eyes.

>I want to put my children on hormones and chop off their genitals

>I'd like to keep my children from being forced to get a shitload of mostly unnecessary injections...

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>people actually trust the government enough to think it should make decisions about children over parents
The destruction of the agency of the nuclear family is nearly complete.

>get fucked
Don't worry, as proper authoritarians we will come to fuck you up.

are anti vaxxers the new scientologists

Othodox Jews have the good sense to vaccinate their children though.

We'll see how that goes for you bootlicker

What a based fellow.

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Well, it will go great, with police and army and whatnot, while you have unwashed buttplugs and ska LP collections.

Then you get people who are resistant to disease.
Funny how european Americans are the ones getting vaxxed despite being at the lowest risk
>real issue
>”hurr durr what aboutism”
You’re wrong on two levels. Firstly getting vaccinated isn’t an airtight solution, it is better to have a resistance that is natural.
Secondly you don’t become a catalyst.
Here’s why.
How can others get the disease if they are vaccinated?
If everyone else is vacced how did you get the disease to spread it?

Attached: 85E474BA-BA83-4086-8987-FDF46AD9B7A9.png (736x860, 168K) Jews vaccination

Anti-vaxxers will kill all the vaxxers when they take power in the form an incel rebellion

>haha good thing I have the police to back me up in my power fantasies about threats I make on the internet

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Pro-vaxers have more in common with Scientologists
>blind faith
>give money
>trusting a billion dollar entity with you and your children's safety

>people agree with people they agree with and shit on people they disagree with
Wow bro you're so friggin smart

We'll see

>the people that have children and don't want the government injecting them with all kinds of shit are incels

getting a tetanus vaccine tomorrow, wish me luck guys.

>can’t refute basic knowledge about the immune system
>resorts to insults
Typical child. Can’t refute facts, so you start throwing your toys out of the pram.


>smelly junkie thinks cops and social services won't come for him and his

Ease on the substances, it rots your brain.


hmm, nothing about drugs was mentioned, nor is my typing so erratic it would suggest intoxication.

Oh, you're projecting.

How can people trust the government so much? I'd prefer to live in a mad max tier wild west than the kind of dystopia we are building.

America was a mistake.

>I'd prefer to live in a mad max tier wild west
No, you don't because you are soft white fatass.

I'll take 10% for the 10 seconds it takes to administer during a routine check up at a doctor's office.

shut the fuck up you retard

Yes I would you ugly brown creature.

Make me pussy. Oh, you can't? Maybe you should beg big daddy to make me shut up?

I honestly dont know anyone that does im pretty sure they only exist on twitter or as false flagging anons here

> the actress, whose past controversial opinions include insisting it is a “struggle” to get roles because she is too sexy....

Compared to that, being anti-vax is almost sane.

They definitely do exist. They are just extreme utilitarians, I've met some. They don't care about individual rights at all.

>tfw you know it is probably dumb to not get vaccines but then ironically support anti-vax for lulz but then realize the jews and globalists have already used vaccines to sterilize populations they don't like (Israel did this to nigerian immigrants) and that so they will come for whites and by then the legal precedent will make resistance futile.

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I would vaccinate my kids but am against forced vaccinations

I am against abortion on moral grounds but i cant deny there are about 50% less niggers around today because of it

I'm not saying that she should fuck me, what I'm saying is that you should peg me even though I'll pretend I don't want it

One step closer to our inevitable extinction. Can't wait until this planet aborts us.

Based hottest actress in the universe is against the cabal's agenda.

>what is herd immunity

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>opinions I don't like
>"/pol/ spam!"

>Or after these "saved" babies are born, why you will not not lift a fucking finger to provide them the necessary aid in the form of social programs and basic healthcare to guarantee them an improved quality of life because you just don't like paying taxes?

I find it hilarious that this is your argument when you're the one shilling to kill them.
Don't try to play the "humanitarian" card when you're the one shilling infanticide.

"What do you mean I can't go around executing the homeless? Are YOU going to give them a room at your place? No? Then SHUT UP, hypocrite! (bang) (bang)"


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all that time you spent writing this stupid post could have been spent researching the reasons most women have abortions

(hint: it's not because of health reasons)

why has measles made such a comeback coinciding with the uptick in anti-vaxxers?

It's actually an uptick in vaccinations retard

>music is written and produced by black people
>back up singers are majority black
>back up dancers are majority black
>even the songs he writes for other artists are majority black
>not a wigger


Correlation does not mean causation, dumb ass.

>Biel and her investors were sued in 2017 for allegedly stiffing nine employees out of their rest and meal breaks and tens of thousands of dollars in tips from private events.

Why is she so evil?

Attached: Jessica_Biel_Critics_3B4968.jpg (1959x3007, 803K)

what is and isnt a red pill is debatable. For instance half of pol cant agree whether trump is puppet