Was he left or right?

Was he left or right?

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His gore stain was all over, imo.

third position. fascist.

>seeing things through a binary

He was Rawshark

He despised homosexuals and degeneracy what do you think

Was Rorschach redpilled on Jews? It’s implied imo

no hero is a leftist

in the novel he's a hardline republican

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he's pretty clearly a reactionary.

in this movie he bitched about degenerate democrats, so I'm going to go with neo nazi

That's not "being a Republican". It's just having common-sense.

that's being a republican in this day n age

>the man who wrote this doesn't want you to empathize with this character

>in the novel

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Heard joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, 'Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up.' Man bursts into treats. Says, 'But doctor…I am Pagliacci.' Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains

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joke isn't even funny

Here you go.

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You finished your math homework yet, Brayden?

How is this even a question!? He was /pol/ 25 years before /pol/

Why do you think the new Rorschachs in the Watchmen series are a take that against incels?

If he's not black or brown then faggot Hollywood is claiming right

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The Question was used as the prototype for creating Rorschach, while Mr. A, being a far moreradical right-wingcharacter than themainstream-suited Question, served as the main inspiration for Rorschach's right-wing views as well as hisblack and whitemorality.[5]Moore came to view Rorschach as a logical extension of both Mr. A and the Question. On the other hand, upon being asked whether he had seenWatchmen, Ditko himself described Rorschach as being "like Mister A, except Rorschach is insane."[4]

... Rorschach, was perhaps the most disturbing hero ever created for comics. His brutal perception of black-and-white morality reflected writerAlan Moore's criticaldeconstructionof the whole notion of heroes – a popular theme recurring in comic books since the1980s.

– Bradford W. Wright[7]

Moore stated that Rorschach was created as a way of exploring what an archetypicalBatman-type character—a driven, vengeance-fueledvigilante—would be like in the real world. He concluded that the short answer was "a nutcase".[8]Moore also stated that the tone of Rorschach's diary was inspired by theSon of SamlettersDavid Berkowitzsent to the newspapers, and that his speech patterns were based onHerbie the Fat Fury.[9]

Brit comicbook writers have a bizarre tradition with this.
They create these popular and cult-icon characters they claim are "fascist" or "anti-heroes" or some other buzzword when they're actually masculine, self-confident, sympathetic and the only character that is doing what's right in an insane world. Then when people inevitably like that character they chastise those people for being "nazis" or something.

Judge Dredd, Rorsarch, Marshall Law, etc.

It's a really baffling phenomena and I don't really understand it.

Moore was utterly despising and insulting the people he claims to write for way before SJW's made it cool.

The joke is that he bursts into treats like a piñata

the only right post ITT

He is Pagliacci

I think he was trying to say have sex...in the 80s

>Why do you think the new Rorschachs in the Watchmen series are a take that against incels?

Because modern writing teams are saturated with out-of-touch leftists that graduated in California and out-of-touch leftists are living in a constant, ceaseless state of misplaced fear and seething anger.
Same reason CSI literally turned Gamergate into white ISIS.

radical centrist

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What order am I supposed to read the bubbles? They don't make sense together either way.

A right wing fascist.

l2r, t2b
i.e. clockwise from left.
Makes sense to me.

>Was he left or right?
Far right clearly, though he's not entirely consistent. He admired Truman for nuking Japan (tough choices, strong leadership, will to act) because it ultimately saved lives but condemned Veidt for doing the same thing, just because Veidt was a leftist.

Maybe he condemned Veidt because he wasn't elected to have the authority of deciding to nuke a City or not and Truman had...

wtf is Moore a normie?

He is the end game of the left, but with actual culture, Intelligence and dignity

Alan Moore is the most demented person on planet fucking commie atheist.
He hates fascism but most of his work is about fashist.

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Reminder that in V the economy of Britain is controlled by a supercomputer, which makes it more Market Socialism than anything else

And he is not an atheist, he worships a snake

Unironically based

I'm cringing, bro.

he actually was very far right.

Probably but his his mother's maiden name was Glick which may be a Jew name.
>Rorschach might be a self hating jew.

well I am too soooo.

wake up everyone. we are living in madness.

>when you make a good, likeable character then make it out like fans of that are ebil nazis

>Rorschach is insane
then why does he make perfect sense? is insane some kind of shorthand for violent or different these days?

are you homosexual as well?

The beady eyed anglo has been thoroughly conditioned to hate any that are fierce and tell the truth. One can LITERALLY go to jail in Britain for sending non-threatening tweets on twitter.

nah no faggotry here.

I'm just woke part jew that works in the film industry and know what's really going down.

>nuking enemy country that has already bombed your nation
>alien bombing a non-enemy
There seems to be a difference to me.

I think Judge Dredd was basically satire at first but somehow he became an actual hero due to people not "getting" the satire so the creator thought "what the heck" and just went with it.

>he worships a snake

there was that /pol/ thread where everybody admitted to being a self hating kike

oh wow condolences on working in that industry. imo woke jews who reject their religion are breddy cool.

any good shows or films you've got lately? have you checked out Bill Hader's "Barry" yet?

He was insane in the menaing he had aspergers. I mean the guy had zero social skills. He breaks into his friend's house and eats his beans. How autistic isn't that?

r u implying Rorschach is a homo?

Friend shouldn't be holding out on thos beans..

I'm saying if you eliminated homosexuality, fascism would cease to be a problem.

He was Based

Eh, he just doesn't waste time on pleasantries. That's his old buddy. When you go through some shit like abuse or homelessness you stop caring as much for the ornamentation of society.

Speaking of the above jewish stuff, he was friends with bean dude, aka Daniel Dreiburg so clearly being a cape is good enough to overlook (((that))).

Wow, that's pretty homophobic of you user.

Rorscharch is just a BDP girl trapped in an ugly manlet body.

Well yeah. Moore despised geeks and superheroes. Moore never really wanted to be in the geek culture oriented world of comics but the pay was good so he got stuck there. He wanted to do more literary underground/alternative comics in the veins of Harvey Pekar but never really got around to doing much of his own stuff. He did however draw some short stories for Pekar and he has written some stories that other more talented artists in that field illustrated. My favorite by Moore is the biography of the Kool Aid mascot he did with Peter Bagge.

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You should your whore mouth lmao

He condemned Veidt because he objected to nuking Americans rather than japs. Comedian actually struggled with the morality of the plan, Rorshach struggled with the "truth" of the matter

Moore is just the guy that throws an even then smirks at whoever shows up. He just wants to feel superior even when he's the one making the content that his hated demographic likes

Yeah, it is a bit ironic indeed.

There is a difference between nuking the enemies that are at war with you and aiding the war effort against you and your own people that are not at war with you

And he was a civillia who has no authority to commit acts of warfare unprovoked

Nobody can say that Rorschach doesn't have a heart.

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You are 100% right
warhammer 40k is the same
American audience ftw

Ozymandias: Utilitarian
The Comedian: Nihilist
Rorschach: Deontologist
Nightowl: The everyman
Silk Spectre: The cliché female super hero and comic book sex symbol
Dr. Manhattan: Basically a god (the only actual superhero)

Why did Veidt have Moloch's house bugged?

Sure, it was useful for getting rid of the Comedian and Rorschach, but still seems forced

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>after years of being alone and angry and violent you finally find someone who goes, "Yeah, let's go beat up some bad guys! I have a fucking airship and I'm really nice. I also have beans you can eat and I'll show you my face. It's fine if you never show me yours though!"
>work together for years, get to be as violent and psycho as you want because your buddy doesn't mind and even maybe likes you
>one day however your buddy hangs up his cape and stops going out crime fighting with you

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>Judge Dredd was basically satire

Satire of what?

it was a trap. Veidt is the master ruseman.

there simply aren't right wing stories/universes being written/created and we need an outlet too. so why's it wrong to make them ours? right wing people are too busy working and having families to fantasize all day anyway.

Ironically, there's no money in right-wing art because right-wingers don't fund art like left-wingers do.

Did he have a lot of people secretly on his payroll doing his bidding? He'd want to keep track all of his strings.

He's kind of a sperg but has a sense of humor.

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ben garrison seems to be doing bretty good now

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>nuking the industrial sector of a country you are actively in a declared state of war with after giving them multiple warnings of imminent destruction
>nuking a densely-populated urban center to maximize casualties completely by surprise in peace-time

Bit a of difference there, faggots.

Eh, theres art deco shit and though not strictly right wing religions do a lot of art.

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>He condemned Veidt because he objected to nuking Americans rather than japs.

[citation needed]

>right wing religions
lol every church I've been to preaches about how it's our duty to take care of the world's immigrants and defend israel from immigrants. even the catholic church.

Rorschach did see himself at war with a corrupt society, he routinely condemns regular people for being degenerates. Rorschach didn't care for the humanity of any innocent victims apart from those tied to his idealisation of "American Patriotism"

>And he was a civillia who has no authority to commit acts of warfare unprovoked
Authority has nothing to do with being a civilian or being "given" power, otherwise Rorschach wouldn't have been an outlawed killer vigilante, Rorschach's story is about undermining democratic mandates and the promotion of the self as a sovereign individual. In that sense, he understands Veidt (and probably respects him) but he feels he must be true to his own compass and tell the truth regardless if it will destroy any good that came from it

>tfw that'snthe same writer that gets "enough juice for Connennicut" in Chapter 5, in the scene we learn who Rorschach is in the background

Yeah but lefties tend to abolish religions cause they compete with the state so they're mostly not that either.


>there's no money in right-wing art because actual media-companies are exclusively owned by left-wingers.

Fixed that for you.

That's because anything based on a Jewish foundation will ultimately be something rotten. Christianity is just more Judaism. The rest of the world has been duped into perpetuating their Abrahamic filth.

What makes you think christianity is "right wing!? Americans are weird.

Not so sure about that. I think however that due to lack of funding the right wing art that does emerge however tends to be of singular quality, like lord of the rings which is a deeply Christian and reactionary story about hierarchy and divine right.
That being said you do get stinkers like ayn rand. I think it mostly comes down to what some other user said, right wing people are generally more focused on having families and ensuring society actually functions, and might be artists on the side, but are rarely primarily artists

If it's just more Judaism, why do Jews hate Christians more than they hate Muslims? Why do they consider Christian Cattles?

the meaning of words change over time/location. shocking, I know

Because most Christians are white people and Jews are neurotic backstabbers.
>Create Christianity for the Europeans
>Create Islam for the Arabs
>make them wage war against each other

his output couldn't be further from art.

Should've gone to Connecticut.

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explicitly "not right wing" but.... pretty rare to get a lefty theocracies. Islam kinda leans that way in theory though.

so you're saying jews are responsible for the success of european civilization? based jews

His sense of morality against mass violence on innocent people is only triggered when he assumes they are "American" in some way, he celebrates and admires the violence against the Others like the japs and vietnamise. Its tied to his hangups on his illusions about his "Patriot" father

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There's a theory that Islam was Jews' project to take Jerusalem again but it got blown and Arabs took control completely. I mean, there were a few prophets in Islam before Muhammad and some even had Jewish advisors.

>unironic SHHEEE-IT from black kid
wow Moore is /ourguy/

They never needed them. See: Roman Empire

Europeans have never needed the Semitic people or culture.

In my view Islam is a lot more "right wing" than christianity. Judaism too. I'm guessing it's a question of what type of christianity we're talking about too. Can't really compare the american bible and gun lovin' rednecks (who probably haven't even read the bible) with say a "secular" protestant in Scandinavia. They are like day and night yet they both claim they are christians.

>worshipping Jewish demigod

so are there supposed to be psychics or telepathy in the Watchmen universe? v's alien bomb was supposed to send out a mental shockwave to leave survivors with mental trauma. how tf is that supposed to happen?

Iron Man and the other heroes may have their cool suit up moment but Rorschach just monologues about stuff while getting dressed.

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What's up with the other comics that came out a few years ago? Are they prequels? Has anyone read them?

I really liked the motion comic for Watchmen

>spotless gloves

Veidt mentions he aquired the brain of a psychic and put it in the squid

The Before Watchmen comics? Didn't read them. Now they've mixed Watchmen with DC in Doomsday Clock and The Button.

Moore has nothing to do with them and they are basically just a way for DC to milk some more money out of the concept. They suck big time.

the lack of women voice overs for the female characters is really distracting tho

Poor Nite Owl.

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The movie version where Dr. Manhattan becomes the common "enemy" instead of a fucking psychic squid is far superior imo.

So.... there ARE superhumans besides Manhattan then?

I understand how you can feel that way, but it doesn't distract me. To me it feels like being read a book to.

>Doomsday Clock and The Button
what are those? more comic lines? or are they characters?

yeah but it involved more technobabble and snyder got everything backwards cause he's retarded.

thats just humans

>free of lust, weakness
hmm. what's he lusting over?



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The mechanism behind the plot in the film makes way more sense. What the fuck is a psychic brain? I though only Doc was the one with beyond normal abilities.

He was right wing and an absolutist.

In a world where Dr. Manhattan exists the squid was unnecessary, and it raises the question of it attacking right after Manhattan left. Veidt's plan has many loose strings besides Rorschach's journal reaching /pol/'s newspaper

In our world he would need a squid



oh no what is coming

>when the hack Snyder makes a tighter plot than Alan Moore

In the Button there's Flash and Batman that find the pin from Watchmen and try to figure out what it is and where it came from. Zoom shows up and tries to steal it and dies. It's implied Manhattan kills him. It's the start of Doomsday Clock where Manhattan comes to the DC universe and picks a fight with Superman and the rest of the world.

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that sounds super retarded but so did every DC multiverse thing except flashpoint

WTF? So Button and Doomsday Clock are unholy abortions of new comic book lines of DC gangbanging Watchmen? YUCK


what is CUOC?


It's tied to the Flaspoint thing.
They try to keep them separate. Flash travels through dimensions to reach the Watchmen world. A black guy calls himself Roschach after the original dies but Veidt can see through his bullshit. Manhattan comes to the regular superman world looking for answers.

Attached: doctor-manhattan-kills-the-reverse-flash-2[1].png (541x857, 792K)

moar liek DOOMSGAY COCK amirite lel

That sounds mega retarded. That sounds awful. Thanks for the info though. Christ, NigRorschach? What were they thinking?

You find out later on that he's the son of the black doctor who interviewed Rorschach so he knows lots about him

He dresses like him but no one acknowledges him as the real deal. I was just interested in Manhattan owning everyone left and right.

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ok that's kinda cool but nig rorshach just ain't it chief as they kids say these days

Veidt would eventually get exposed, and I'm not talking about The New Frontiersman. Nobody would care about what they said about Rorschach's journal, same thing about the jet fuel can't melt steel beams stuff.

But if Nite Owl managed to figure out everuthing just by hacking into Veidt's computer for a couple of minutes, then any good FBI agent or NSA will expose him easily

ANOTHER WEAK PART OF THE NOVEL: The doctor. This guy has been working in a tough prision for years, probably has seen it all, and all it takes for him to break down is some ginger manlet who saw a little girl getting fed to dogs!? Get out of here...

Cool scenes, but unrealistic

Yes. The squid alien bomb is redundant. His only hope would be that the world would unite in their shared hatred of him specifically.

Rorshach probably terrified him generally. He is basically the boogeyman.

I don't think he worked in prisons. He just wanted to become famous through that case. Rorschach even says that there are people with worse problems/behavior in prison but they aren't famous so the doctor doesn't give a fuck.

I don't know much about GL but are they all supposed to be cocky retards?

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At least he tried punching.

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Because that always works.

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What happened is not Rorschach telling the psych about something bad. He pushed just the right buttons to make the Doctor's worldview tilt a little. To make him acknowledge how rotten things could be. The doctor couldn't lie to himself anymore. Also, the doc was under additional stress from his crumbling marriage at the time.

Fascism is a leftist concept.

>capeshit quips
spare me

The two are synonymous.

>I don't know much about GL but are they all supposed to be cocky retards?

Their whole schtick is willpower, so pretty much. The earth lanterns are especially infamous for it.

He was the ultimate brainlet

His marriage was fine until he started working seriously on Rorschach

Also, his wife is a fucking uber bitch, mad at him for working instead of licking her cunt

why is Manhattan blue? what's the symbol on his forehead supposed to be?
also, why does he have black rings around his eyes?

when Jon came back as manhattan did he chose to look like that?


hm. well then Rorschach just made him "see" stuff that can't be unseen.

Post moar

Extremely cringe and incredibly blue-pilled. Think before you post.

They never really say why he's blue but he can change color and shape. The symbol is hydrogen.

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name one thing that isn't binary

The symbol is a hydrogen atom. He stopped giving a fuck after a while so he walked around naked and didn't try to become Jon again

>why is Manhattan blue?
cherenkov radiation
> what's the symbol on his forehead supposed to be?
hydrogen you dumb shit he fucking says so in the movie
>why does he have black rings around his eyes?
feels like it

Manhattan doesn't care about magic people.

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But why hydrogen? What's the significance?

The nakedness I understand that. Nudists are just creeps but who doesn't rip off all their clothes as soon as they come home?

the "left-wingers" that fund art are just tasteless billionaires and jews. Art as a concept is expression of the soul, so it shouldn't require a price tag. Plenty of artists came from nothing, most died with nothing. The art remains.

it's atomic numbero uno

LET'S NOT FORGET that both the Comedian and Nite Owl figured out Vedit's plan, both times by accident. Now the Comedian may have been the best field agent of America, but Nite Owl is not the best criminologist of the country

Veidt will be exposed

but... why is he blue? result of putting himself back together again from the accident? does he chose to resemble the glow of the radiation?

Christianity is literally the doctrine of jewish cuckoldry. If I was jewish, I would have contempt for the dumb cattle too. They don't hate you, they simply recognize your place as below them. For some reason you disagree with that assessment, even though your supposed messiah literally demanded his followers all be down-trodden, meek, slaves, etc.
It's not a doctrine of rising above material force at all, thus it's useless for this world.

Hydrogen is the most fundamental element. 1 shell, 1 electron.

He is a living nucular warfare deterrent, and nukes have hydrogen in them.

>still learn
manhattan is meant to perceive the future and present at the same time unless specific particles (or equivalent time spells I guess) are being fired at him

The basis of everything (in a sense) and he was always nude because he transcended humanity. He didn't have many emotions at all much less embarrassment


He's a fan of James Cameron's Avatar.

Greeks, Romans, even "barbarian" Germans outperformed the rest of the world despite not being the initial seat of civilization. Jews just held the money bag as the christian church rose and fell.

>Nukes have hydrogen

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Comedian basically just hunched that shit right? He was a smarty. Nite Owl probably uses veidt secret tech in his dumb owl ship.

thanks. the nudity already made sense to me tho guise. even still, he could at least put some shorts on so he doesn't leave ass sweat everywhere.

actually, does Manhattan still eat and shit?

He sees his future present and past simultaneously. He doesn't see it for other people. If it's something he hasn't witnessed at some point, it could be new to him.

I'm gonna slap you user

Because morality is not logical. He was an extreme authoritarian conservative willing to murder anyone he deemed a sinner, or degenerate. Just you agree with his killings and motivations doesn't make it morally correct.

Fascism is pretty right wing, Donald Trump flirts with it, and Bolsonaro is definitely one

yes we know, Synder unironically came up with a better plot.

>Donald Trump flirts with it
Does he? How does he do that?


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Not even close, he's got the cult of personality shit down but thats way more broad.

ok but I don't see how he's crazy. he's logically consistent within himself. he's cognizant of reality. "crazy" just means someone disagrees with someone now.

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So is the Button and Doomsday Clock separate from Before Watchmen?

he's not logically consistent with his identity or circumstance, super delusion powers. Pretty cool though.

Veidt chilling around.

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The Comedian looked down a window in a flight, saw some island with humans, thought it was a commie rebel base, infiltrated it, figured out it was full of artists making a monster for a film, investigated it more and figured Veidt wanted to nuke New York and send Manhattan away


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What a shit writing.

Before Watchmen seems to deal with what they were doing before Vedt decided to "end" the world. Rorschach and Nite Owl were fighting criminal gangs. Comedian was all over the world killing people for the government etc etc.

what makes him not logically consistent? are you saying he's delusional because of the spotless gloves thing?

Unilaterally sending the military to the border to get the wall built is at the very least flirtation with fascism

OK but is Before Watchmen separate from Button and Doomsday Clock? Are they all part of a same series?

>enforcing basic border walls is fascism
fascism doesn't seem that bad desu

Dredd was created by a yank and a Spaniard

>guy is called Doctor Manhattan because it makes America's enemies think about the atomic bomb
Oh, right, when I think about Manhattan I think about the bomb, totally! Why not name him Doctor Hiroshima instead? Or Doctor Enola Gay? Or Doctor Los Alamos, that would make more sense!

I also have a theory that Doctor Manhattan and Bernard-the-newstander are cousins

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There's nothing more redpilled than selfhating Jews user. I should know cause I'm half Jewish and now learning more redpills every day.

Probably separate. First there was Watchmen. Then they made Before Watchmen which is supposedly in the same universe. Then recently they started with the Button and Doomsday clock which involves the guys from the watchmen universe going to the DC universe.

They would want a name that sounds America and cool. Hiroshima is nip, Enola Gay sounds gay and Los Alamos sounds Mexican.

Do tell your theory.

Many important figures in the Bible were self-hating Jews, Moses and Jesus for instance.

Then it quickly goes from building walls to killing "unwanted filth" or "enemies of the state/people". And most wouldn't think it seems that bad since it's not happening to them.

Nope, military engineers operate all over the place on tons of projects. Even if it were military actions enforcing laws and things that's still not remotely fascist as countless countries have military based police forces without being anything like fascism, it'd be illegal in the USA though.

Now the attitude that got the president to enforce the laws that he didn't make in a manner that specifically targets neighbor countries... that might be jingoism. That'd be on the road to fascism.

Both Bernard and Osterman are sons of german immigrants. We don't know Bernard's surname. They could be cousins, their fathers are brothers

If I were jewish, I'd restore my foreskin, reject my religion and change my name to some generic Latin based name. Maybe a nose job too. I'd want to be not-Jewish but at the same time not just pretend I'm fully European either.

He's a parody of Moore's own understanding of Ayn Rand. I'm also fairly certain that Moore never actually read Ayn Rand.

ok thanks. very helpful user

Is there any other Watchmen comics out there?

Wouldn't matter, Rand's pretty inconsistent on a lot of the same stuff.

OK WHEN/IF it goes to killing unwanted filth THEN you can accuse Donald of fascism and I promise I won't object at all

I'm not going to weep about people who are not from my country who waltz in and demand free services when our infrastructure is crumbling. When the left compares central American to to Jews in WWII I just laugh. Jews weren't running INTO Auschwitz. We can't just take the entire world in and wipe their asses.

So every nation that has the military on its border is Fascist?


don't you know? borders are fascism.

He is an edgy libertarian

Don't think so. There's an animated comic but it's the original.

thanks again user


Jackie Earle Haley was great in it. The director's cut makes for pretty OK cape kino.

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Can you be more specific? I don't really care for Rand's philosophy, but I've become jaded enough over the years from reading uninformed opinions on the internet that I know better than to blindly agree with such a vague statement.

what did he mean by this



Well basically what I meant to say was that I WILL RAPE YOUR PERSO-NALITY
to make you all JUST A BIT LIKE ME

Really nailed the looks and voice

the only difference is the eye color (blue instead of brown).

I wasn't accusing anybody of anything. That's my only post on that subject. I keep posting comic pages. I do agree with the other user who said he's flirting with fascism. It's the whole reason people voted for him. "He'll make the country great again, he's gonna stop foreigners and muslims, he tells it like it is. He will fuck China up. We're gonna be nr.1 again!"

green always looks so good on redheads

Can Marvel/DC even compete?

I'm still so tickled that the left thinks what you put in quotation marks is so insidious and evil, there's a complete disconnect when it comes to leftists and human nature.

He criticized that fat nigger for having liberal sensibilities so he’s probably right at least somewhat

This was actually great. Fug the comic and the extended cut Synder flick are good.

DC could have pulled off a Swamp Thing

who? the prison shrink?

Depends on the price. I can make sure everyone in my country has plenty to eat by murdering half the country but that's not the best way of going about it. Human nature also means wanting to smash some guy's head because he looked at you funny. It's not all good.

so smol

Attached: watchmen.jpg (652x274, 42K)


The soundtrack is also spot on.

>I can make sure everyone in my country has plenty to eat by murdering half the country but that's not the best way of going about it.
That does seem to be the commie's way.

With how beaten down everyone is, the fact that anyone is shocked or angered that, "We will be number one again!" resonated with people is hilarious. The left only offers brow beating currently and wants to let men in the women's restroom.

Snyder made capekino but it never really got recognized as decent.

People voted for him because he was the reform candidate. It didn't actually matter who he was. The cult of personality probably developed because of how divisive the election was. Hillary was easy to hate and "us vs. them" made him the better option for "us."


>Roy Chess. How’s your game?

What did he mean by this?

thats because snyder is a hack and all of the decent parts of his works are stolen. The parts which aren't stolen are shit.

The whole bipartisan thing is a shitshow. The right should understand that you can't kick everyone out and keep the country just for wasps and the let should also understand that you can't take care of everyone that shows up begging for food. The US has been declining in some categories for some time now and Trump isn't the first one to notice it. While you guys kicked back and enjoyed a nice rest in the first world, the Chinese and others haven't been sleeping on the job. China for example makes so much cement in a year that you'd need around 5 years to be able to produce what they do in a year. They will be able to build all sorts of shit just because of that.

When I checked out the Hillary campaign store and she LITERALLY was selling a woman's card product... ffs. It was a set of paper cards with the words "woman card" printed on it. Y'know, like, "Hey, don't just pull the woman card about this issue Leslie."
It wasn't funny, it was just cringe. The election was insane.

stolen from who?

Placing the interests of the general population's standards of living over purely pursuing GDP growth is unironically a core fascist concept. It's not uniquely fascist, though, so it's obvious they're just shilling.

Bernie is more of a reform candidate than both Trump and Hillary combined. But he's Stalin 2.0 in the public eye so no votes for him.

He killed a pedophile, so he can’t ever be left wing.

>wanting to deport illegal people is the same as kicking out anyone who isn't a WASP
>while you guys kicked back and enjoyed
What are you talking about? I'm not worried about China's cement when all their buildings fall apart and their sidewalks cave in on the regular. They can go right ahead and keep making their ghost cities. Texas is exploding rn, I see shit getting built like crazy.

Because you need to pay attention to details and shit. Watching the theatrical just isn't enough. The ultimate cut has deleted scenes and the pirate comic.

No, he got ratfucked by the DNC. Doing so made the left lose the election.

I don't mind Keynseianism but his social policies are so retarded and embarrassing I would never support him. When he let the fucking BLM people take the stage, I wanted to cringe.

Is there an edition that has more scenes included but NOT the pirate comic?

That was so fucking embarrassing. As soon as I saw that I knew this guy wouldn't be able to sit down with Putin or whomever and get shit done.

doesn't matter what he is, he's not successful. he's also never faced the wrath of serious public scrutiny due to basically everyone trying to pretend he doesn't exist. they know not to feed trolls in politics.

actually right wing art def does make money, it's just gate keep'd out of hollywood.

Hey guise remember when the libertarians were gaining some attention then the fat half naked man danced at the libertarian convention and Gary said, "What's Aleppo?"

>they know not to feed the trolls

>what is the 2016 election



> all their buildings fall apart and their sidewalks cave in on the regular.
And everyone in the US drinks contaminated water like Flint, right? There's also cows everywhere in New York because I once saw a picture of a farm in Texas that had cows. It's exactly this kind of attitude that got you in your current situation. China is ahead in 5G research and now sanctions on Huawei. Just a coincidence, right?
Instead of deporting all of them, why not do a thorough background check and naturalize those who don't cause trouble. You need people to mow your lawn since white Americans feel it's beneath them. Same in the UK with Poles and toilets. Deport just the criminals. It would be cheaper than building a continental wall and would give your intelligence agencies something to do other that propping up dictators in the third world.

he says he's a nazi in the pic

>he thinks the 2016 election was bad
only surprising part about this one was how stupid people got over it. the politics were stock standard, if a bit petty.

Failed strawman, many such instances even today.

Director's cut.

He's a deconstruction of Ditko's Question, who was an objectivist. He's a stupid asshole who can't see nuance, which is why he goes contrary to Ozymandias utilitarianism.
Moore, coincidentally, is an anarchist who scoffs at so-called libertarians.

That's why we continue to dab on his work.

you mean art like this?

Attached: '''''ART'''''.jpg (1200x857, 770K)

>white Americans don't mow their lawns
lmao, k
A lot of people don't want them here and don't want to spend any more time/resources on them. As long as the left says it's all due to racism that's fine by me. It's a winning strategy - just not for them. Same as saying an intact border wall is evil.

We'll see how everything shakes out with wrt China and the US. China's intense social censorship and muslim detention centers vs our ever expansive military/cultural force and our central american detention centers.

thank you. is the one with the pirate comic called the ultimate cut then?

who's that by? don't right wingers hate abstract shit like that?

Modern art is a money laundering scheme.

Yup. There's the theatrical version, the director's cut version which has just extra/cut scenes and the ultimate cut which has the cut scenes and the comic.

it's a art.

>A lot of people don't want them here
It's about 50-50. Half wants them to gtfo while the other half wants them to stay. The people who feel intimidated by immigrants should try harder. If some chucklefuck that can't speak the language and has 0 connections manages to steal your job and do better than you, you might want to ask yourself just how shitty are you?

>the left likes to keep an endless glut of cheap workers to undercut the American working class so they have an endless amount of near slaves at their disposal
Not surprised. This why the American working class votes right.

>muh left vs right

Go commit die

>not in front of the civillians
ding dong didly based

He is right. Basically, the entire purpose of Watchmen is to show that the idea of superheroes is awful.

Batman is a rich guy who beats up people in the streets and thinks he is the alf and omega of justice.

>fucking commie atheist.

That's the most american thing ever said.

Like being an atheist is a bad thing.

Yes, Batman is an ultrawealthy, white, non-trans, straight, able bodied man who beats up mentally ill poor people instead of using his vast wealth to fix the city he resides in.

Le /pol/ thread

That's the thing. White guys shouldn't be in the working class. That's where the Mexicans go. You should be the company owner and the immigrant comes and works for you for pennies. If you're white and an immigrant is threatening to steal your job, you've been sleeping on the job.

it is when it's paired with communism.

There's a cut scene that is even better than the comic. youtube.com/watch?v=ntRcUx6TKlU

>White guys shouldn't be in the working class.
Why? What's wrong with being in a blue collar job?

lmao you scamp you're having fun with this aren't you

And he was fucking right about the "geek culture". It's shit, it's adults obsessing over low brow stuff made to entertain children. Comic books and Star Wars are the worst offenders.
At least stuff like GoT, Witcher and so on are not primarilly made for kids

Just watch the video of the guy having a meltdown while watching the new SW trailer. That culture ain't healthy.

yer goddamn right

>oh bohoo an anarchist did a meanie to the people he politically despises

I wish the internet, pop culture and masturbation destroyed MY brain.

>White guys shouldn't be in the working class

The most entitled sentence ever.



We will keep dabbing on Alan Moore regardless of how he gnashes his anglo teeth

No such thing as a third position everyone falls within the left-right spectrum.


This is actually really soothing to look at.

The market, yes. Not art itself. The art market is just snobs with too much money who want to seem like they are better so they pay insane amounts of money for something they see as art, but don't actually understand anything aside from it's monetary value

How are you supposed to figure out what you'd actually be considered when most you would call you centrist? A centrist is only ever defined by the extremes of the right and left so it feels inaccurate.

>The art market is just snobs with too much money
No, it's Jews helping their friends.

Even the Indians invented castes. After all those master race speeches we've heard I would have thought whites were smart and left the menial labor to the browns. If some uneducated vato can do a better blue collar job than the noble homegrown American, where's the superiority at? And before you call me a leftist or a Mexican, I live in a country that had dealings with the extreme left until 89 so I'm not very keen on seeing that shitshow come back anytime soon.

These days it's probably Arab/Russian/Chinese with too much money.

Isn't that the whole deal with the right wing in the US?

He was a muslim?

Tbh, it's far right in every majority white country.

Imagine you are a white loser with no real education, skills or any real prospects. You kinda want something so you could feel like you are superior to anyone.

Though, of course. Immigrant labourers driving down wages is an issue.

>Donald Trump flirts with it

Attached: GARFHOUSE_ Lasagna (Garfield Animated Parody).mp4_snapshot_00.12_[2019.02.09_01.23.46].png (1280x720, 316K)

>Bernie is more of a reform candidate than both Trump and Hillary combined.

Bernie is a "reform candidate" in the same way electing a self-admitted Fascist or Communist would be.

Neah. You have enough laws and regulations to prevent any real commie of fascist from taking power. Never mind the guys armed to the teeth just itching for a communist takeover of America so they can save the day.

Americans are funny.

He is a social democrat. One of the mainstream ideologies in the world. Only Americans cling desperately to their neoliberalism

>Implying they'd have the balls to actually use the weapons

ITT: No one knows what fascism is

They shoot each other over trashcans. I don't think you need to do any convincing for them to shoot a gun.

Attached: shoot1[1].jpg (346x597, 23K)

Do they all look like that guy?

Bunch of fat middle-aged guys will be dead in minutes when facing a real army
